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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-06 09:09:06
看板 HatePolitics
作者 antiyahoo (民族自強 港台獨立)
標題 [Live] President Donald Trump Rally in GA
時間 Sun Dec  6 06:15:48 2020




President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Valdosta, GA


featuring Senator David Perdue, Senator Kelly Loeffler, and Other Republicans.


President Donald Trump

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Saturday, December 5, 2020: Join the RSBN crew for live coverage from
Valdosta, GA as President Donald Trump holds a Victory rally featuring
Senator David Perdue, Senator Kelly Loeffler, and Other Republicans.

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. announced that the Republican National
Committee will host a Victory Rally in Valdosta, Georgia on Saturday,
December 5th, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST. This rally will feature remarks from
President Donald J. Trump,  Senator David Perdue, Senator Kelly Loeffler,
candidate for Public Service Commissioner Lauren “Bubba” McDonald, and
other Republicans.

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geordie: 浮木1F 12/06 06:27
nightwing: 何時成方舟2F 12/06 06:28
stantheman: 總為浮木能成舟 白等不登使人愁3F 12/06 06:30
MrBing: 真的死不戴口罩這些人4F 12/06 06:31
geordie: 若為自由故,口罩都可拋5F 12/06 06:32
justice0616: 推6F 12/06 06:34
nightwing: 口罩不便宜,自由價更高。7F 12/06 06:35
Szss: 十萬觀看 作票登一千8F 12/06 06:45
sorabird: 萬能的上帝 賜我病毒遠離的能力9F 12/06 06:49
Brenda0918: 推 自由價更高  但歐美人實在不怕死...10F 12/06 06:50
nightwing: 重新投胎人生勝利組11F 12/06 06:58
Brenda0918: 補推12F 12/06 07:05
lwt501cx: 沒戴口罩的佔八成 真的死好13F 12/06 07:13
Brenda0918: 那間有點sisi的男子是誰  很常看到他14F 12/06 07:24
a75290208: Scott Presler15F 12/06 07:41
b08297: 都選完了辦什麼rally16F 12/06 07:56
jorden: 浮木17F 12/06 07:57
Szss: 十八萬了 反觀18F 12/06 08:01
nomad888: 1/5 參議員要重選 LOL19F 12/06 08:03
jeffkent: 要選舉了,不造勢難道睡覺嗎20F 12/06 08:04
Brenda0918: 24萬了21F 12/06 08:18
howard0730: NTD 15萬...22F 12/06 08:23
Brenda0918: 這個頻道27萬了。川普自己的頻道也有五萬23F 12/06 08:34
agong: 276117人正在觀看24F 12/06 08:34
gn02118620: 法庭冷冰冰 民心暖呼呼25F 12/06 08:40
gn02118620: 可能常看大紀元認為念九字真言可以驅趕病毒吧
mimikillua: 拜登根本沒得比嘛27F 12/06 08:44

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