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看板 Gossiping
作者 goest101 (goest101)
標題 Re: [問卦] 為什麼日本二戰後崛起的速度比台灣快?
時間 2015-08-23 Sun. 12:36:14

※ 引述《abc12812.》之銘言:
: 二戰後的日本本土和殖民地台灣同樣都飽受戰爭蹂躪
: 日本本土還被炸兩顆原子彈
: 但為什麼日本在戰後沒多久經濟就已經能快速成長 到現在人均仍是亞洲第一
: 而台灣一直要到蔣經國上台後才有"經濟奇蹟"呢?

王逸峰 2008/01/24


這張照片是1946的三月由美國的Washington Daily News的頭版標題。





………….The new Chinese Governor Chen Yi found the raid-battered Formosans docile. He promptly put his nephew in charge of the Taiwan Co., which bought coal at 200 yen a ton and sold it at 4,000. Black-market gold sold at 300,000 Chinese dollars an ounce, against $180,000 in Shanghai. Even in fertile Formosa, mass starvation threatened.
………..Last week "Down with the Governor!" posters appeared all over the island. In two towns, hungry natives burned sugar godowns. Formosans greeted the few visiting Americans with: "You were kind to the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us!"


這位新長官陳儀發現飽受空襲之苦的台灣人很容易被馴服。他很快便安排他的姪子接管Taiwan Development Company. 這家公司可將一噸200日元的煤礦從台灣運到上海去賣4000日元,(按;一次淨賺20倍)。一盎司的黃金在黑市是30萬元(中國貨幣)但在上海則是18萬的美元。土地肥沃的台灣居然被大饑荒給威脅。 …..上周,全島貼滿了『長官下台』的海報,在兩個城鎮,饑餓的本地人燒毀了糖廠的倉庫。台灣人笑著跟來訪的美國人(按:應該是Time記者)說:『你們對日本人真仁慈,你把原子彈丟給他們,卻把中國人丟給我們!』


Most foreign observers in Formosa agreed that if a referendum were taken today Formosans would vote for U.S. rule. Second choice—Japan.(翻譯:大部份在台灣的外國觀察者都同意一件事,假如讓台灣人公投,台灣人將選擇給美國統治,其次是日本。)

我想講的是,其實美國人對台灣的情蒐在戰後並沒有停止過。他們對中國占領軍的所作所為會完全不知情嗎?I don’t think so.

Time的這篇文章發在戰後的八個月,它的文章一開就寫eight months after V-J day(V-J Day就是 Victory over Japan Day),如果用這一天再往後八個多月,便發生了1947二二八。


"This is the Shame!"


Monday, Jun. 10, 1946

At last, eight months after V-J day, sugar-starved China was getting supplies from its new sugarbowl, Formosa. Ships were plying the 400 miles from Kiirun to Shanghai with the first of 150,000 tons of Japanese stores confiscated by the Chinese Army that took over the island, under U.S. tutelage, last fall. But the resumption of trade with tropically lush, industrially rich Formosa was a sweet-&-sour business.

Formosans complained that the Chinese occupation army was looting stocks, letting crops, refineries, railroads and power plants go to rack & ruin. Just as angry Shanghailanders, who could buy only from the government-backed Formosa Sugar Co., feared that a colossal sugar corner was being rigged in the already disastrous black market.

Of the Moon & Sun. The Japanese, who seized Formosa after their first war on China 50 years ago, ruthlessly exploited its land and people. Formosa made Japan the world's fourth sugar-producer; it yielded enough rice to feed all the Mikado's armies as well as coal and tin, gold, silver and copper; teak and camphor (70% of U.S. mothballs) and aromatic Oolong tea. At mountain-ringed Jitsu-Getsu-Tan—Lake of the Moon and Sun—the Japanese built the nucleus of a power system that put Formosa industrially ahead of the Philippines.

The Taiwan (after the island's Asiatic name) Development Co. rigidly controlled industry and trade, brought half a million Japanese to live among six million Formosans (chiefly Chinese who have pushed the Malayan headhunters into the mountains).

World War II brought B-29 raids to Formosa, and liberation brought the scarcely more welcome visitation of Chinese bureaucracy. (Formosans use the adjective "Chinese" as a synonym for inefficiency and confusion.)

The new Chinese Governor Chen Yi found the raid-battered Formosans docile. He promptly put his nephew in charge of the Taiwan Co., which bought coal at 200 yen a ton and sold it at 4,000. Black-market gold sold at 300,000 Chinese dollars an ounce, against $180,000 in Shanghai. Even in fertile Formosa, mass starvation threatened.

Japan Got the Atom. Chen Yi rounded up scores of "collaborators" while his pooh-bahs made themselves snug. Last week "Down with the Governor!" posters appeared all over the island. In two towns, hungry natives burned sugar godowns. Formosans greeted the few visiting Americans with: "You were kind to the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us!"

Thoughtful Chinese on the mainland began to agree with the Formosans. Said Ta Rung Pao, China's counterpart of the New York Times: "Fundamentally speaking, China was not qualified to take over . . . she lacks the men . . . technique . . . commodities . . . capital. She governs, but is inefficient. She takes, but she does not give. This is the government's shame."

Most foreign observers in Formosa agreed that if a referendum were taken today Formosans would vote for U.S. rule. Second choice—Japan.




Sent from my EM-7


※ 作者: goest101 時間: 2015-08-23 12:36:14
※ 編輯: goest101 時間: 2015-08-23 12:40:32
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 24 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 27986 
1樓 時間: 2015-08-23 12:49:09 (台灣)
  08-23 12:49 TW
2樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:03:14 (台灣)
+3    (編輯過) TW
3樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:05:35 (台灣)
  08-23 13:05 TW
民族性不同  如果頂新這種事情發生在日本  他們早已被抵制滅團  可惜在台灣只要推出個買一送一大家就會搶到忘記事情了
4樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:08:08 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
日本同心協力在東亞掠奪的時候  中國在全國大內戰   這個例子就可以看出來了
5樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:24:21 (台灣)
  08-23 13:24 TW
6樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:29:44 (台灣)
  08-23 13:29 TW
7樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:45:31 (台灣)
  08-23 13:45 TW
台灣毒瘤KMT, 明年靠你我的一票將牠們剷除掉!!
8樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:45:39 (台灣)
  08-23 13:45 TW
流亡政權只是來 掏空台灣的拉
9樓 時間: 2015-08-23 13:47:20 (台灣)
  08-23 13:47 TW
政客&說謊者  比較少
10樓 時間: 2015-08-23 14:24:52 (台灣)
  08-23 14:24 TW
11樓 時間: 2015-08-23 14:40:50 (台灣)
  08-23 14:40 TW
(kmt粉不會看(承認)這個的啦~ 他們會認為都是dpp和日本的錯)
12樓 時間: 2015-08-23 17:29:52 (日本)
  08-23 17:29 JP
13樓 時間: 2015-08-23 20:16:24 (台灣)
  08-23 20:16 TW
14樓 時間: 2015-08-23 20:45:17 (台灣)
  08-23 20:45 TW
15樓 時間: 2015-08-24 00:19:24 (台灣)
  08-24 00:19 TW
因為 日本沒有老K 就贏了阿
16樓 時間: 2015-08-24 07:21:22 (加拿大)
  08-24 07:21 CA
17樓 時間: 2015-08-24 08:46:45 (台灣)
  08-24 08:46 TW
煉獄記憶穿腦…原爆70周年 - 宅熊
8月6日是日本原爆70周年紀念,日本首相安倍晉三在「原子彈爆炸受害者悼念式暨和平祈願儀式」上發表談話,表示日本具有實現「無核武器世界」的重要使命,有責任跨越世代和國界傳播核武的非人道性。 安倍強調,雖然《不擴散核武器條約》(NPT)審議大會沒有達成最終協議,但決心向核武持有國和非持有國雙方尋求合作,為實現無核武器的世界進一步努力,將向今年秋季的聯合國大會提交新的核武器廢除決議案。8月底將在廣島舉行《全面禁止核子試驗條約》(CTBT)名人小組會議和聯合國裁軍會議,2016年還將在廣島舉行七國集團(G7)外長會議,將從爆炸受害地向國際社會強有力地傳達想法。 今年核爆受害者的平均年齡首次超過了80歲 ...
18樓 時間: 2015-08-24 12:11:49 (台灣)
+1 08-24 12:11 TW
因為日本的政黨不像我們的政黨阿 我們一堆阿貓阿狗都在當政治人物阿 什麼都不會 最會 官說 攬工程 炒地皮 要跟人家比什麼 都用這樣的人 臺灣會進步才有鬼
19樓 時間: 2015-09-09 22:58:21 (台灣)
  09-09 22:58 TW
推日本要是出現頂新這種垃圾奸商早就倒了 那還會有讓黑心商繼續賣的機會
20樓 時間: 2015-10-24 23:02:16 (台灣)
  10-24 23:02 TW
國民黨沒倒 台灣不會好!!!!!!
21樓 時間: 2015-10-25 09:23:28 (台灣)
  10-25 09:23 TW
日本沒有像國民黨這種可惡的政黨阿 當然重建速度快很多
22樓 時間: 2015-10-25 11:35:15 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
日本沒有KMT這種爛政黨 雖然日本政治也不見得透明 讓至少人家政策是做的好的 馬路會鋪平 真心替日本建設的 KMT只是把台灣當成反攻大陸的地方而已
23樓 時間: 2015-10-25 09:52:28 (台灣)
  10-25 09:52 TW
24樓 時間: 2015-10-25 13:04:43 (台灣)
  10-25 13:04 TW
fuk kmt. suck dpp .
25樓 時間: 2015-10-25 20:06:41 (台灣)
  10-25 20:06 TW
其實日本也沒多厲害  只要派一些kmt官員過去  馬上倒退50年
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