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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-08 19:34:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 prime2477 (12345678901234567890123)
標題 [新聞] 三狹縫實驗發現 奇異彎曲的光軌跡
時間 Sun Jan  8 04:03:22 2017

1.媒體來源: Phys.org


Physicists detect exotic looped trajectories of light in three-slit experiment
物理學家從三狹縫實驗中發現 奇異彎曲的光軌跡


January 6, 2017 by Lisa Zyga


The red path shows an exotic looped trajectory of light through a three-slit
structure, which was observed for the first time in the new study. Credit:
Magaña-Loaiza et al. Nature Communications

現象。來源: Magaña-Loaiza et al. Nature Communications

(Phys.org)—Physicists have performed a variation of the famous 200-year-old
double-slit experiment that, for the first time, involves "exotic looped
trajectories" of photons. These photons travel forward through one slit, then
loop around and travel back through another slit, and then sometimes loop
around again and travel forward through a third slit.


Interestingly, the contribution of these looped trajectories to the overall
interference pattern leads to an apparent deviation from the usual form of
the superposition principle. This apparent deviation can be understood as an
incorrect application of the superposition principle—once the additional
interference between looped and straight trajectories is accounted for, the
superposition can be correctly applied.

誤差。該明顯誤差可以理解為不正確地使用疊加原理 - 一旦考慮了彎曲和直線軌跡之間

The team of physicists, led by Omar S. Magaña-Loaiza and Israel De Leon, has
published a paper on the new experiment in a recent issue of Nature

由 Omar S.Magaña-Loaiza 與以色列 De Leon 領導的物理學家團隊,在最近一期的
Nature Communications 上,發表了一篇關於新實驗的論文。

Loops of light

"Our work is the first experimental observation of looped trajectories," De
Leon told Phys.org. "Looped trajectories are extremely difficult to detect
because of their low probability of occurrence. Previously, researchers had
suggested that these exotic trajectories could exist but failed to observe

De Leon 向 Phys.org 表示,"我們的成果是第一個從實驗中觀察到彎曲軌跡"。"彎曲軌

To increase the probability of the occurrence of looped trajectories, the
researchers designed a three-slit structure that supports surface plasmons,
which the scientists describe as "strongly confined electromagnetic fields
that can exist at the surface of metals." The presence of these
electromagnetic fields near the three slits increases the contribution of
looped trajectories to the overall interference pattern by almost two orders
of magnitude.


"We provided a physical explanation that links the probability of these
exotic trajectories to the near fields around the slits," De Leon said. "As
such, one can increase the strength of near fields around the slits to
increase the probability of photons following looped trajectories."

De Leon 表示"我們提供了一個物理解釋,將這些奇異軌跡的機率連繫到狹縫周圍的近場

Superposition principle accounting for looped trajectories

The new three-slit experiment with looped trajectories is just one of many
variations of the original double-slit experiment, first performed by Thomas
Young in 1801. Since then, researchers have been performing versions that use
electrons, atoms, or molecules instead of photons.

 Thomas Young 在1801年進行。從那時起,研究人員一直在使用電子, 原子或分子代替光

One of the reasons why the double-slit experiment has attracted so much
attention is that it represents a physical manifestation of the principle of
quantum superposition. The observation that individual particles can create
an interference pattern implies that the particles must travel through both
slits at the same time. This ability to occupy two places, or states, at
once, is the defining feature of quantum superposition.



Straight trajectories (green) and exotic looped trajectories (red, dashed,
dotted) of light, where the red cloud near the surface depicts the near
fields, which increase the probability of photons to follow looped
trajectories. The graphs at left show simulations (top) and experimental
results (bottom) of the large difference in interference patterns created by
illuminating only one slit being treated independently (gray line) and the
actual coupled system (blue line). The remarkable difference between the gray
and blue lines is caused by the looped trajectories. Credit: Magaña-Loaiza
et al. Nature Communications

光的直線軌跡(綠色)和奇異彎曲軌跡(紅色, 虛線, 虛線)。其中表面附近的紅雲描繪了近
著差異是由彎曲軌跡造成的。來源: Magaña-Loaiza et al. Nature Communications

So far, all previous versions of the experiment have produced results that
appear to be accurately described by the principle of superposition. This is
because looped trajectories are so rare under normal conditions that their
contribution to the overall interference pattern is typically negligible, and
so applying the superposition principle to those cases results in a very good


It is when the contribution of the looped trajectories becomes non-negligible
that it becomes apparent that the total interference is not simply the
superposition of individual wavefunctions of photons with straight
trajectories, and so the interference pattern is not correctly described by
the usual form of the superposition principle.


Magaña-Loaiza explained this apparent deviation in more detail:

Magaña-Loaiza 更詳細地解釋了這種明顯的誤差:

"The superposition principle is always valid—what is not valid is the
inaccurate application of the superposition principle to a system with two or
three slits," he said.

他表示: "疊加原理一直是正確的,不正確的是,錯誤的使用疊加原理在兩個或三個狹縫

"For the past two centuries, scientists have assumed that one cannot observe
interference if only one slit is illuminated in a two- or three-slit
interferometer, and this is because this scenario represents the usual or
typical case.


"However, in our paper we demonstrate that this is true only if the
probability of photons to follow looped trajectories is negligible.
Surprisingly, interference fringes are formed when photons following looped
trajectories interfere with photons following straight (direct) trajectories,
even when only one of the three slits is illuminated.


"The superposition principle can be applied to this surprising scenario by
using the sum or 'superposition' of two wavefunctions; one describing a
straight trajectory and the other describing looped trajectories. Not taking
into account looped trajectories would represent an incorrect application of
the superposition principle.

"疊加原理可以解釋這種令人驚奇的情況,透過使用兩個波函數的和或'疊加'; 一個波函

"To some extent, this effect is strange because scientists know that Thomas
Young observed interference when he illuminated both slits and not only one.
This is true only if the probability of photons following looped trajectories
is negligible."

"在某種程度上,這種結果是很奇怪的,因為科學家知道 Thomas Young 是照射兩個狹縫

In addition to impacting physicists' understanding of the superposition
principle as it is applied to these experiments, the results also reveal new
properties of light that could have applications for quantum simulators and
other technologies that rely on interference effects.


"We believe that exotic looped paths can have important implications in the
study of decoherence mechanisms in interferometry or to increase the
complexity of certain protocols for quantum random walks, quantum simulators,
and other algorithms used in quantum computation," De Leon said.

De Leon 表示,"我們認為奇異彎曲路徑可能在干涉測量的去相干機制研究中具有重要的
意義,或是增加一些已知方法的複雜度,像是量子隨機漫步, 量子模擬器, 和用於量子計

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Physicists detect exotic looped trajectories of light in three-slit experiment
(Phys.org)—Physicists have performed a variation of the famous 200-year-old double-slit experiment that, for the first time, involves "exotic looped t ...



Exotic looped trajectories of photons in three-slit interference

疊加原理 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
疊加原理 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在物理學與系統理論中,疊加原理(superposition principle),也叫疊加性質(superposition property),說對任何線性系統「在給定地點與時間,由兩個或多個刺激產生的合成反應是由每個刺激單獨產生的反應之代數和。」 ...

態疊加原理 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
态叠加原理 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在量子力学裏,态叠加原理(superposition principle)表明,假若一個量子系統的量子態可以是幾種不同量子態中的任意一種,則它們的歸一化線性組合也可以是其量子態。稱這線性組合為「疊加態」。假設組成疊加態的幾種量子態相互正交,則這量子系統處於其中任意量子態的機率是對應權值的絕對值平方。[1]:316ff ...

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medama: 嗯嗯 原來是這樣啊 跟我想的差不多1F 01/08 04:04
xxxd851130: 跟我想的一樣2F 01/08 04:04
onlysanji: 原來如此 以前寫論文的時候剛好卡在這3F 01/08 04:04
ROCKSAGA: 嗯嗯嗯 跟我之前想的一樣4F 01/08 04:04
aggressorX: 你是不是覺得翻譯新聞就不是廢文5F 01/08 04:05
yuer6734: 我以前做實驗就發現過了,以為大家都知道,結果原來大6F 01/08 04:06
yuer6734: 家現在才知道啊
minejel: 不就是有東西以目前科技還觀測不到而已8F 01/08 04:06
gn00029914: 光好波動喔9F 01/08 04:06
qwertyuiop93: 推   不推別人以為我看不懂10F 01/08 04:06
narcissusli: 視網膜剝離 ←這不是見到了嗎11F 01/08 04:09
clse1512: 三峽不意外12F 01/08 04:11
Ken99523: 繞過13F 01/08 04:12
honlan: 現在才知道喔14F 01/08 04:12
ai2311: 我還以為大家都知道就沒說了15F 01/08 04:13
arrenwu: 不懂這結果代表什麼意義就是16F 01/08 04:14
linotwo: 電磁波的路徑如果可以彎來彎去的話17F 01/08 04:17
linotwo: 表示古代射向外太空的光也可能會跑回來
linotwo: 也許是背景輻射的來源之一
m42040: 真是的 抄我的實驗結果20F 01/08 04:19
homerunball: yoyodiy早就發現了21F 01/08 04:23
alog: 嗯嗯 跟我之前想的8成類似22F 01/08 04:23
huk40199: 又是新北23F 01/08 04:28
l8lcm: 這是我大學期末報告 怎麼被人拿來發表了?24F 01/08 04:30
tuna0214: 光 : 要被玩壞了25F 01/08 04:30
jjvh: 強表面電漿共振,那這狹縫是超級細?26F 01/08 04:31
hyuchi0202: 強迫轉彎 QQ27F 01/08 04:31
Lans1002: 代表波粒二向性原理可能要被推翻了?28F 01/08 04:33
darren8221:29F 01/08 04:39
liaon98: 嗯嗯 跟我想得很像30F 01/08 04:39
gallanttoy: 還好我畢業了31F 01/08 04:40
hosen: 光波粒子可能像海浪一樣,前進,後退,前進的方式在行進32F 01/08 04:41
hosen: 通過第一狹縫後,後退穿過第二狹縫,再前進
q1w2e352: 三峽不意外XDD34F 01/08 04:47
Lans1002: 但光波呈現不確定的彎曲軌跡是否也會影響光速的恆定性?35F 01/08 04:48
Lans1002: 如果確實有影響那麼長久以來的一些定理將要改寫,這是個
Lans1002: 重大發現
jjvh: 光速改變那還干射什麼...38F 01/08 04:54
one60314: 我以為這是常識所以暫且不提說~39F 01/08 04:59
Justinqqqq: 這不是我小學就知道的嗎?40F 01/08 04:59
MoneyDay5566: 這很簡單吧  文組才不懂41F 01/08 05:39
death0921: 這誰不知道42F 01/08 05:44
rutw: 翻譯推43F 01/08 05:44
summerleaves: 嗯嗯  跟我想得一樣44F 01/08 05:45
oBatman: 小學就知道了 現在已經在算霧霾分子密度的影響了45F 01/08 05:52
macefindu: 這不是常識?46F 01/08 05:56
s9209122222: 為什麼他知道光的軌跡?47F 01/08 05:57
ECZEMA: 感謝翻譯 貢獻新知48F 01/08 06:02
gn00324893: 海豚都會轉彎了 光也會轉彎有很訝異?49F 01/08 06:14
reppoc: yo叔領先科學數千年50F 01/08 06:17
jjrdk: 新北市不意外51F 01/08 06:24
keypad: 新北水準不意外y52F 01/08 06:29
abcgo: 比較想知道,他怎麼只照一個狹縫的?光跟狹縫距離要夠小才53F 01/08 06:44
abcgo: 會干涉,所以光的干涉都是用晶體來做的,難道它已經研發出
abcgo: 比晶體還要小的狹縫?
prime2477:轉錄至看板 Physics                                    01/08 06:51
iWatch5566: 嗯嗯 跟我想的差不多56F 01/08 06:51
BeautyY: 咦 這論文寫過啦 大驚小怪的57F 01/08 07:18
summersky20: 嗯嗯58F 01/08 07:18
helloallen29: yo叔是你?59F 01/08 07:24
st2913sbck: 快推 不然...60F 01/08 07:26
pttresident: push61F 01/08 07:32
ltjfw2012: 我只想知道pilot wave可否解釋這些現象62F 01/08 07:37
stut99312028: 郭董:這三年內會賺錢嗎?63F 01/08 07:43
Daface: 原來如此 跟我想法一樣64F 01/08 07:44
alamabarry: 簡單東西  我早就八狹縫了  落伍的研究65F 01/08 07:55
lkrichard: ist good to drink?66F 01/08 07:59
caffpetiy: 快推不然人家以為我看不懂67F 01/08 08:09
killerken: 把其他狹縫關起來不就能只照一個68F 01/08 08:09
kids1991: 推69F 01/08 08:13
h311013: 所以可以開發光學迷彩了70F 01/08 08:18
roger51306: 三峽日常71F 01/08 08:19
AnnaAJ: 薛丁格的貓:除了死貓活貓外,還有死了又復活貓?72F 01/08 08:38
wiiam1005: 文組 看不懂喇73F 01/08 08:41
kayashiba: 三峽日常74F 01/08 08:42
cloudsub: 這種全世界可能不到10個人能理解的結果全在ptt75F 01/08 08:43
qwer338859: 新北不意外76F 01/08 08:52
kiy75: 喔喔喔77F 01/08 08:56
hellwize: 其實這個不算什麼新發現...78F 01/08 08:56
kennyf506: 快推免得別人以為我看不懂79F 01/08 08:58
opray: 我竟然看得懂 哈哈80F 01/08 09:00
ccjj8: 大轉彎時代81F 01/08 09:04
IAMGRICE: 好酷!82F 01/08 09:07
yasai: 嗯嗯跟我昨天的實驗結果類似83F 01/08 09:13
notissue: 完蛋了 選修物理又要添綱了84F 01/08 09:16
roliproject: 白海豚光85F 01/08 09:16
bbbgggttt999: 嗯嗯跟昨天散步時偶然發現的現象不謀而合86F 01/08 09:19
organ63521: 研究新發現  白海豚之光87F 01/08 09:23
yj4ymhnr: @@88F 01/08 09:25
clare: 新北不意外89F 01/08 09:33
mow1982: 講這麼多,文組的不懂啦。90F 01/08 09:36
SkyIllusionn: 百推內91F 01/08 09:37
a2001555: 對啊~不是都這樣嗎92F 01/08 09:44
stock0907: 就大七三寶鑽車蛇行逼車剪車軌跡93F 01/08 09:47
m850537: 新北不意外94F 01/08 09:52
mickl8101: 趕快笑 免得被說看不懂95F 01/08 09:58
ji394su33000: 才做到三峽喔 我們台科大都坐到三重了96F 01/08 10:02
j900414: 快點推才不會被笑97F 01/08 10:02
holybless: 星際大戰即將出現會轉彎的光劍98F 01/08 10:07
sppmg: 新物理的開始?99F 01/08 10:07
csshs: 我早就知道~一群文組100F 01/08 11:00
discoveryray: 嗯嗯 朕知道了101F 01/08 11:01
louisp: 推102F 01/08 11:07
bcismylove: 略懂103F 01/08 11:28
wayne40230: 嗯嗯真的是這樣沒錯104F 01/08 11:36
eightnight99: u文!推!105F 01/08 11:38
JACK19920102: 三峽耶 是北大的學生做的實驗嗎106F 01/08 11:45
JameC: 幹一堆鍵盤愛因斯坦是怎樣107F 01/08 11:45
sate1128: 我國中的時候就去過三峽了108F 01/08 11:45
SLN91412: 推文一堆文組。在狹縫實驗中109F 01/08 11:48
SLN91412: 本來就沒有路徑可言。在那邊光速
SLN91412: 恆定~
YZVINO50: 三峽不意外啊112F 01/08 12:18
Cybershit: 居然會這樣繞來繞去 真猛113F 01/08 12:38
kenlin0105: 哦哦哦三峽哦 小學去過了啊114F 01/08 12:48
perlone: 真的轉彎了 白賊是先知115F 01/08 13:09
kqalea: 看不懂,跪了116F 01/08 13:11
hirofumisyo: 幹,真是太神了117F 01/08 13:21
parkblack: 我國中第一次做雙狹縫實驗時就有過這種猜想118F 01/08 13:31
juiclykiller: 考試會考119F 01/08 13:57
mynewid: 跟我做的結果差不多120F 01/08 14:00
gs8613789: 嗯嗯這跟我的假設滿接近的121F 01/08 14:22
gaga200408: 光不只是直線122F 01/08 14:27
e11gary30200: 可以說中文嗎123F 01/08 14:27
ElliotMa: 所以可以做出曲速引擎了嗎124F 01/08 14:30
waiter337: 所以可不可以時間暫停偷幹女大學生了125F 01/08 15:12
newwer: 為啥可以看到軌跡?不是會塌縮成無干涉條紋的單一結果嗎126F 01/08 15:24
p2p8ppp: 幹你阿吧  又一個夾縫實驗127F 01/08 15:24
TellthEtRee: 說不定可以解釋EM-driver128F 01/08 15:35
Nenuser: 繞過去這種事我看多了 詳情請洽yoyodiy129F 01/08 15:50
RIFF: 覺得這跟"時間這概念"有關130F 01/08 15:50
RIFF: 光子不但同時存在於三個狹縫間  也同時存在於起點與終點
RIFF: 這又與全像概念有關
danny80060: 滿有趣的 希望能藉由這個 改變舊觀點133F 01/08 15:56
XDDDpupu5566: 費曼:134F 01/08 15:57
oilcaptain: 我進去了 我又出來了135F 01/08 16:08
Ycosmos: 好酷136F 01/08 17:08
HerbyEli: 跟我碩論其中一章好像-三變形狹縫137F 01/08 17:45
TauriCrab: 光就的形態除了粒子、波動、能量外還有其它而已啊138F 01/08 17:55
TauriCrab: 只要把光的部份能量能穿過空間物質,一切都合理了
JoJoSonic: 推來新北做實驗!!140F 01/08 19:21

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夾縫橫躺的 雙俠 與 三俠 也會有干涉與粒子態嗎?
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