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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-23 01:11:15
看板 Gossiping
作者 Myeonghee (有甚麼永恆不變嗎?)
標題 [新聞] 川普的推特密碼遭破解
時間 Fri Oct 23 00:30:48 2020

備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除

※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報(請參考版規下方的核准媒體名單)
De Volkskrant

※ 若新聞沒有記者名字或編輯名字,請勿張貼,否則會被水桶14天
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※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章

Dutch Ethical Hacker Logs into Trump’s Twitter Account

※ 社論特稿都不能貼!違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!可詳看版

Last week a Dutch security researcher succeeded in logging into the Twitter ac
count of the American President Donald Trump. Trump, an active Twitterer with
87 million followers, had an extremely weak and easy to guess password and had
 according to the researcher, not applied two-step verification.

The researcher, Victor Gevers, had access to Trump’s personal messages, could
 post tweets in his name and change his profile. Gevers took screenshots when
he had access to Trump’s account. These screenshots were shared with de Volks
krant by the monthly opinion magazine Vrij Nederland. Dutch security experts f
ind Gevers’ claim credible.

The Dutchman alerted Trump and American government services to the security le
ak. After a few days, he was contacted by the American Secret Service in the N
etherlands. This agency is also responsible for the security of the American P
resident and took the report seriously, as evidenced by correspondence seen by
 de Volkskrant. Meanwhile Trump’s account has been made more secure.

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊


※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
※ 備註請勿張貼三日內新聞(包含連結、標題等)

已經通知美方secret service 也已連絡上他

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VaREylF (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603384252.A.BCF.html
awdxabc295: 五樓密碼是ilikedick1F 10/23 00:31
NCTUEE800808: 很重要嗎?垃圾推特!2F 10/23 00:31
hyoerious: 笑死 MAGA20203F 10/23 00:32
ev331: 附譯文好嗎4F 10/23 00:32
sploo: 密碼笑死XDD 這是演的吧5F 10/23 00:33
akway: 不意外6F 10/23 00:33
ymx3xc: 屁啦== 總統帳號不用二次登入驗證嘛==7F 10/23 00:33
chungkai: 等一下我來幫他,@習近平@金正恩 明天要送他們核子彈8F 10/23 00:34
to1322: 推特打打字發嘴砲轉發外 能藏什麼秘密嗎9F 10/23 00:34
sheng76314: 馬斯克 比爾蓋茲的也被破解阿 還說你給他1個比特幣他10F 10/23 00:34
sheng76314: 給你五個
wa88: MAGA12F 10/23 00:35
Woodoo9: 真的假的啦13F 10/23 00:35
tools: XDDDDDDDDDDD14F 10/23 00:35
zChika: 翻譯呢 當這裡是reddit嗎?15F 10/23 00:36
※ 編輯: Myeonghee ( 美國), 10/23/2020 00:41:19
R101: 欸欸這篇英文很簡單欸,各位多益1000分看這個需要翻譯?16F 10/23 00:40
yaya: 556617F 10/23 00:41
colset: 聽說在PTT上打上密碼都會自動變*******18F 10/23 00:43
job5786: maga2020??代表川普有按時更新密碼的好習慣XD19F 10/23 00:45
KJC1004: 老人不會用科技很正常啊 我比較意外的是身邊的情報人員都20F 10/23 00:46
KJC1004: 沒在管這些?
jimmy885: 推特密碼還好啦,不用太重要22F 10/23 00:47
qaz223gy: 推特只是讓他嘴砲用的又沒差23F 10/23 00:47
Ericz7000: 有更新啊 不然2020哪裡來的24F 10/23 00:47
ben7692: XD25F 10/23 00:49
KJC1004: 怎麼2020還有人不懂社群媒體的重要性?之前川普嘴一句漂26F 10/23 00:50
KJC1004: 白劑對付武漢肺炎就有白癡真的去試了 如果駭客也這樣玩真
KJC1004: 的會出人命 嘴砲也有殺傷力的好嗎?
jabari: maga2020 血液充滿USA 這很川普XD29F 10/23 00:51
yeay: 這個是川普故意埋梗的吧30F 10/23 00:51
abasqoo: 笑死31F 10/23 00:52
ev331: 是不需要翻 可是看中文有錯嗎 奇怪32F 10/23 00:52
aggressorX: 川普又在自導自演了XDDDDDDDDDDDD33F 10/23 00:52
divaxxxx: 川普的推特不是拿來讓股市震盪的嗎(X34F 10/23 00:53
Scion: 我的密碼123456也沒有被盜過啊35F 10/23 00:53
maxboy06: 跟123456789差不多36F 10/23 00:54
who5566: Trump果然實境秀出身 很懂37F 10/23 00:54
ewjfd: MAGA是什麼意思啊?38F 10/23 00:54
who5566: 笑死 美國股市震盪的秘密39F 10/23 00:54
leoloveivy: 假的好不好之前twitter出事不就改過了40F 10/23 00:55
who5566: Make America Great Again 202041F 10/23 00:55
kouta: 推特不是密碼要十個字元?42F 10/23 00:57
euruing: XDD43F 10/23 00:57
kerorobear: 假新聞啦 無聊44F 10/23 00:59
QVQ9487: 就41樓說的45F 10/23 01:02
wulaw5566: 推特故意用個假川普帳號都不意外46F 10/23 01:02
alkahest: 這密碼讚阿47F 10/23 01:09

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