看板 ott
作者 ott (寶貝)
標題 Table the firts 50 twin primes in Mathematica
時間 2013年07月01日 Mon. AM 05:21:35


Table the firts 50 twin primes in Mathematica
I want to know how I find, calculate (make a list in Mathematica) for the firts 50 twin primes. If p is a prime and p+2 is a prime they called twin primes. Anybody who can tell me to programing the program Wolfram Mathematica?

I have come this far, so long:

1) I make a new empty list, that I'm calling "twins"

twins = {}


2) I know that the first twins is 3, 5 and put the element to the list:

AppendTo[twins, {3, 5}]

{{3, 5}}


{{3, 5}}


3) I'm checking if the next prime 3+2=5 have a twin and use my conditions:

n = 5


If[PrimeQ[n] && PrimeQ[n + 2], AppendTo[twins, {n, n + 2}]]

{{3, 5}, {5, 7}}


4) Then I'm checking the lengt of my list:



I's ok!

4) It's ok, but the last thing I want to tell Mathematica is to use the comand "While" and do this:

As long as "twins" has less than 50 elements:
Test if both n and n+2 are primes.
If it is so: put {n,n+2} to the list "twins", then increse
n whith 2 and then return the list "twins".

If you can help you can also send me a Mathematica-file whith the solution (nb-file). to anders.skoog@vaxjofria.se or anders.k.m.skoog@home.se , or just write it down here at the forum. Thanks.
Last edited by Bigas; February 2nd 2008 at 01:53 AM.


※ 作者: ott 時間: 2013-07-01 05:21:35
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