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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th 1856, in the territory of modern day Croatia to his two Serbian parents.

Tesla grew up into bright inquisitive, yet eccentric child, who found himself fascinated by the world around him.

Tesla once tried to fly by jumping off the roof of a barn while holding on to an umbrella. He devised a bug powered motor using Junebugs, but had to abort his experiment after a friend decided to eat some of the bugs (Tesla thought this was gross). He once attempted to generate electricity by rubbing two cats together, which resulted in two very mad cats and a scratched up Tesla.

On June 6th, 1884, Tesla arrived in the United States. He was hired by Thomas Edison to do basic electrical engineering, but moved up to re-designing the direct current generators that ran Edison's business.

Edison offered Tesla $50,000, or about $1.1 million in today's currency to make these improvements. After completing this assignment, Tesla asked about the payment for his work. Edison didn't pay out the money. He claimed that he wasn't serious about the payment, that Tesla didn't "understand American humor".

Tesla eventually left Edison's company and partnered with George Westinghouse in 1888 to commercialize his system of alternating current (AC). The problem here is that alternating current competed with direct current, which Thomas Edison built his entire monopoly on. Thus begun the "War of the Currents".

Edison started a massive smear campaign against Tesla and alternating current, trying to scare people into avoiding it's use. He spread false information about deaths from alternating current, lobbied against it, and went so far as to electrocute a circus elephant in public.

Direct current had plenty of faults, it was the cause of death of countless children, and created numerous house fires. Also, the maximum reach of direct current was about two miles, which meant a substation had to be built to continue the current. They would still be building substations today if they were going to get electricity across the US.

Tesla's alternating current could go for hundreds of miles. Lights running on alternating current were brighter, unlike the dull yellow lights running on direct current.

Eventually, Edison had to give into the demands of the people, and go with alternating current.

Tesla's influence goes much further than electricity. He had over 700 patents, and came up with ideas such as

Spark Plugs
the Electric Arc Lamp
an Xray Device
Blade less turbines
Wireless communication
Electric motors
Laser technology
Neon Lights
Remote Controls
Cellular communication
The radio
An electrical bath to remove germs
Wireless communication
And much more

Tesla died from heart failure in a room of the New Yorker Hotel, on January 7th 1943. Despite his fame and influence on the world, he died with significant debts, and all alone.

While Edison is known as the inventor of the century, Tesla is only acknowledged as a paragraph in today's history books, forgotten, and unappreciated.
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看《頂尖對決(The Prestige)》時,一直看到工作人員字幕時,我才看到大衛.鮑伊(David Bowie)的名字,才赫然發覺他也參演了這部電影,為什麼沒有認出他來呢?他演的角色是誰呢?

答案是Nikola Tesla (尼古拉‧特斯拉),電影中那位發明「換形移位」技術,卻慘遭愛迪生迫害流亡的科學家。

沒有Nikola Tesla,《頂尖對決》的魔術傳奇就很難突破,知道Nikola Tesla是誰,欣賞《頂尖對決》就格外有意思,不知道Nikola Tesla是誰,欣賞《頂尖對決》就少了許多趣味。


Nikola Tesla出現在《頂尖對決》中,一方面符合電影的十九世紀未時代背景,一方面則是要創造虛實雜混,莫測高深的趣味。

zz02.jpg史書上,死守襄陽城的宋朝官兵裡,並沒有郭靖與黃蓉,但是金庸筆下,他們成了義薄雲天的守城大俠,甚至連神鵰大俠楊過都曾經伸手幫忙,蒙哥大汗死在釣魚城 下也被扯進了「神鵰俠侶」的小說中,虛構的小說中借用了歷史人物的名姓與肉身,就構成了強有力的擬真背景,添加了小說的趣味,甚至還可以為歷史的脈絡另外 提供一種解釋的空間與角度,例如「倚天屠龍記」裡的朱元璋和常遇春;「鹿鼎記」的鄭克塽兄弟都是。

我已經有三十多年沒有上物理課了,美國發明大王愛迪生究竟發明了多少東西?其實只剩模糊影像,不看《頂尖對決》,不會想起他曾經和Nikola Tesla有過一場激烈的直流電和交流電的大戰。

Nikola Tesla曾經是愛迪生公司的員工,曾經協助愛迪生研發直流電發電機,後來他在西屋電氣支持下,另外發明了交流電,觸發了直/交流電體系的競爭。這場戰 爭,不只是科學上的先知卓見之戰,同時也攸關著相關產品的專利與行銷利潤,從夥伴到死敵,Nikola Tesla與愛迪生曖昧關係,其實也就提供了《頂尖對決》極多的史實佐証與想像瞎掰空間。

科學發明要能進入人類生活,才會讓人永遠記憶,愛迪生最早發明了電影攝影機和單人觀看的放映機,可是人們卻不會說電影是愛迪生發明的,就算他早1893年 就已經帶著他發明的活動電影視鏡到芝加哥萬國博覽會上展出﹐並製造成為商品銷行到紐約和歐洲,可是他的放映設備,只供一人觀看,一直到1895年,法國盧 米葉兄弟才發表了可同時供多人觀看的電影,從單人欣賞到眾人欣賞,電影放映形式的改變,才讓電影有了大眾藝術的可能性,也因此才讓盧米葉兄弟成為電影之 父。


從 電影的發展史再回頭看看Nikola Tesla和愛迪生之間的爭論,也許還夾雜有「既生瑜、何生亮」的嫉妒情結,也許也有師門背叛的心理不平衡,史書上記載愛迪生曾經大力抨擊Nikola Tesla,並說他的發明是「科學異端」,《頂尖對決》中的這場不明人士燒毀研究工廠,逼迫Nikola Tesla浪跡天涯的故事,影射意味相當明顯,不知道這段歷史恩怨的人,如果光從電影學歷史,也許還會誤以為「發明大王」愛迪生真的是泯滅人性,看不得別人好的迫害惡魔了。

21世紀的人們每天靠著今「交流電」享受電力生活的便利,但是未必有人知道交流電和Nikola Tesla的關係,更未必知道收音機、雷射、無線通訊和擴音系統的發明也和Nikola Tesla有關,一生發明無數,卻也困頓一輩子,Nikola Tesla的故事也許適合拍成另一部電影,然而隱藏在《頂尖對決》的夾層中,做為一種背景,一種色彩,一種用科學家的鬥爭來對應魔術師鬥爭的劇情輔佐支 線,《頂尖對決》的劇本其實是暗藏機關的。




Friend me on Facebook! http://on.fb.me/gCSs8F
For freelance/business inquiries - business@jeremiahwarren.com
Read more about Thomas Edison http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.p... Made for the 165th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Edison. I figured I should do a video on him since I did one on Tesla. :D
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Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) commissions a machine from Nikola Tesla (David Bowie) during Tesla's time in Colorado Springs. This video clip is taken from the motion picture 'The Prestige' (Touchstone Pictures **Copyright 2006 - All rights reserved**). I own NO rights for this clip, which is intended to be used purely for your entertainment purposes. Do not copy, or in any way otherwise distribute this copyrighted material. Thank you! - JT



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