Orphaned Elephant Calf Refuses To Leave Mother's Side

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AN ORPHANED elephant calf holds a vigil by the body of his dead mother in Samburu, northern Kenya. Worried that the five-month-old might succumb to cold or be targeted by predators, keepers from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust worked through the night to capture the bull - who stubbornly refused to leave his mother's side. Vets were eventually able to tranquillise the youngster in the early hours of the morning, before driving him to the Samburu airstrip, and then flying him to his new home at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage in the Nairobi National Park. After the flight, the severely dehydrated calf was driven to the orphanage, where keepers quenched his thirst with some milk and water. Some of the other 30 orphans at the nursery were bought in to welcome and comfort the new arrival, who was named Sokotei. And despite the shock of his new surroundings, it wasn't long before the grieving calf was making new friends. For more information about the work done by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, please visit: http://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org

Videographer / Director: DS2
Producer: Tom Midlane
Editor: Joshua Douglas

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