Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Chinese satellite observed a suspected crash area at sea for the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Full coveraged at CNN


Three satellite images, published by China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry, appear to show wreckage fragments in the sea on Sunday - one day after the jet carrying 239 people disappeared.
Chinese satellite spots 'crash site'


This image, first released by CCTV America,
shows an object in the ocean spotted by Chinese satellites on Sunday.
Picture: Supplied Source: Supplied

The satellite spotted three blips of varying sizes, the largest of which is 24m by 22m.
According to CNN, the Chinese agency gave coordinates of 105.63 east longitude, 6.7 north latitude, which would put it in waters northeast of where it took off in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and south of Vietnam and close to where the plane lost contact.

The new search site is approximately 225km (140k miles) away from where MH370 vanished. P


The new search site is about 225km (140k miles) away from where MH370 vanished.
Picture: CNN Source: CNN
The satellite images are marked Sunday. Picture: Supplied



Another satellite image, first released to CCTV America.
Experts said the Chinese images are not high resolution.
 Picture: Supplied Source: Supplied

A former US aviation safety official has said the images represent the first solid lead consistent with the Malaysia Airlines plane's flight path.

Peter Goelz, former managing director of the US federal National Transportation Safety Board, told CNN: "These (images) are the first solid piece of evidence we have that are on the correct flight path."


A  third satellite image released by China’s State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry. Picture: Supplied Source: Supplied

看板 Gossiping
作者 alog (A肉哥)
標題 [新聞] CNN:大陸可能找到馬航墜機地點
時間 Thu Mar 13 07:31:45 2014


# 訊息來源:中央社

(中央社台北13日電)美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,中國大陸某機關說,大陸1顆衛星可能找到「疑似」馬來西亞航空370班機「墜入大海的地點」。1030313 | 兩岸透視 ...[/quote] [/center]

# 好讀原文


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 編輯: alog            來自:       (03/13 07:32)
quartzr:中央社1F 03/13 07:32
egain:CNN用大陸這個詞嗎? 中央社2F 03/13 07:32
bugmens:中央社可信嗎3F 03/13 07:33
Invec:請正名中國 什麼大陸4F 03/13 07:33
cloudin:又再那邊疑似5F 03/13 07:34
DORAQMON:還是大陸 厲害6F 03/13 07:35
shine32025:http://ppt.cc/TXlq7F 03/13 07:36
ianmon:說不訂沒墜機 在小島當蒼蠅王8F 03/13 07:36
larailing:看地點在越南正下方9F 03/13 07:36
floyyed:我覺得飛機上有喪屍亂咬墜毀 但是有一個人肚子插鐵條沒死10F 03/13 07:37






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Oil rig worker says he saw Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 burst into flames | News.com.au
IN what could be the last chilling sighting of missing Flight MH370, an oil rig worker believes he spotted the Malaysia Airlines jetliner burst into flames on Saturday morning. ...
假設出事高度為上圖的35000英呎,約10.85Km ,地球半徑平均為6371Km, 圖中B點表示某一高度為r的飛機,最遠(d)可以為地面上的A點所看到,O點則為地心,△OAB為一直角三角形。 帶入算式d=tan(acos(6371/(6371+10.85)))*6371=371.97906191 Km 數據看來我覺得工人的說法很可信.....
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