South Korean Ferry Sinking With 450 People On Board - 16 April 2014 - Subscribe For WorldBreakingNews

Coastguard vessels and helicopters despatched to rescue passengers mainly students bound for holiday island

South Korea despatched coastguard vessels and helicopters on Wednesday to rescue around 450 passengers -- mostly high school students -- on a ferry sinking off the southern coast, officials said.

"The ship is taking in water and sinking," a coastguard spokesman told AFP by phone.

"There are around 450 people on board and we have coastguard vessels, commercial ships in the area, as well as helicopters all engaged in the rescue operation," the spokesman said.

Earlier reports had put the number of people on board at 350.

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看板 Gossiping
作者 kid33 ()
標題 [新聞] 畢業旅行遇船難 340師生僅78人獲救
時間 Wed Apr 16 22:39:52 2014

畢業旅行遇船難 340師生僅78人獲救









  南韓這艘沉沒的客輪,船上有9成乘客來自同一所高中,包括325名學生和15名老師,他們是要到濟州島參加畢業旅行,沒想到遇到船難,300多名師生中,只有78人獲救,家屬接獲消息,相當著急,急忙趕搭巴士,前往事故現場,南韓媒體報導,3個星期前... ...[/quote]



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1397659197.A.5AB.html
DASHOCK:船到底有沒有沉阿1F 04/16 22:40
d9637568:夭壽2F 04/16 22:40
devilshadow:R.I.P3F 04/16 22:40
cbig:的確一開始還放假消息說學生全獲救,讓家長完全不能接受吧4F 04/16 22:40
IMISSA:R.I.P.5F 04/16 22:40
lolic:好慘....6F 04/16 22:41
a780411:R.I.P. 看了好難過7F 04/16 22:41
HJSEE:R.I.P.8F 04/16 22:41
ImBBCALL:R.I.P9F 04/16 22:41
sharb:R.I.P.10F 04/16 22:41
ivorysoap:誰設計沒電就開不了的門的?11F 04/16 22:41
bugmens:不是都獲教了嗎12F 04/16 22:41
liyuoh:RIP 這真的很慘 祝家人早日走出來13F 04/16 22:41
egain:10年後又有一部史實改編經典電影了14F 04/16 22:42
cookcake:希望奇蹟出現15F 04/16 22:42
dnek:我下午看也說救完了耶16F 04/16 22:42
Ho1liday:...17F 04/16 22:43
whiteseyes:我的天阿! R.I.P18F 04/16 22:43
dior1946:自馬航後.另一大災難.r.i.p~19F 04/16 22:44
ps20012001:這大概會變成一輩子的陰影....20F 04/16 22:44
power41:SAD :(21F 04/16 22:44
Norris5566:RIP22F 04/16 22:44
hugosapphire:.............................23F 04/16 22:45
jason050117:4/15是鐵尼102周年 沒想到隔天就有一艘船...24F 04/16 22:45
sakusakurai:R.I.P25F 04/16 22:45
kaoru1992:R.I.P.26F 04/16 22:45
sukeda:R. I. P.27F 04/16 22:46
Jasonpoppin:R.I.P28F 04/16 22:46
DarkChilles:太恐怖了..很難想像2014還會有這種事...29F 04/16 22:46
casifa:R.I.P.30F 04/16 22:46
cowba525:RIP31F 04/16 22:46
Roarwolf:R.I.P...32F 04/16 22:46
liben1018:R.I.P.33F 04/16 22:46
Cchild:R.I.P.34F 04/16 22:46
asd25:R.I.P 鐵達尼號35F 04/16 22:46
bboy0223:韓國新聞說現在推測是走了根本不該走的暗礁區,因為可以36F 04/16 22:46
littlesin:好奇是困在船裡一起沉的還是跳海完才溺斃的?37F 04/16 22:46
bboy0223:節省約30分鐘的航程,第一時間要求大家坐好,但船立刻38F 04/16 22:46
wowyoyoman:R.I.P39F 04/16 22:47
emmawanga:船在早上十點多就整艘沉到海裡了40F 04/16 22:47
bboy0223:90度傾斜,門變得打不開,才導致乖乖聽話不要動的學生都41F 04/16 22:47
kickmeout:早上同事說300死..中午新聞說2死..幹晚上又變200死42F 04/16 22:47
tokyo730714:唉....R.I.P43F 04/16 22:47
Exmax1999:畢業旅行後 同學少2/3  ....  R.I.P.44F 04/16 22:47
bboy0223:沒有逃出來.....45F 04/16 22:47
hank11235813:..46F 04/16 22:47
r557844689:R.I.P.47F 04/16 22:47
kickmeout:幹你媽的台灣新聞連抄都不會抄48F 04/16 22:47
xuptjo:沒電不能開門很正常啊... 但都會有外力緊急開門方式49F 04/16 22:47
MissWhite:政府真的很糟 一開始還發新聞說是船不明原因傾斜90度50F 04/16 22:47
Yolosnow:R.I.P.51F 04/16 22:47
doun:R.I.P...52F 04/16 22:47
phoebe147:R.I.P. :(53F 04/16 22:47
a766242001:在密閉空間被淹死 這種死法很恐懼54F 04/16 22:47
Waitaha:QQ55F 04/16 22:47
Tenging:兩死跟兩百失蹤 這樣報導都不知道該說什麼了56F 04/16 22:48
ykes60513:就算有救生衣 獲救的機率也不大 何況如果沒穿的話...57F 04/16 22:48
c230:都是年輕人... 天啊... R.I.P.58F 04/16 22:48
caserchen:冷靜坐好=>即將沉沒 = =59F 04/16 22:48
wowkg21:R.I.P.60F 04/16 22:49
MissWhite:船上的總人數也一直變來變去 一開始還說第一批救出120人61F 04/16 22:49
alvar:R.I.P  怎麼會這樣.62F 04/16 22:49
xavierak:錯愕了 被先前假新聞給騙到 R.I.P.63F 04/16 22:49
yingshadow:R.I.P.64F 04/16 22:49
euphoria01:這很難過耶.....65F 04/16 22:49
chaunen:R.I.P66F 04/16 22:50
MissWhite:後來說170 190 然後是三死100失蹤 直到後來鄰近醫院上了67F 04/16 22:50
happyyoung:R.I.P68F 04/16 22:50
OoJudyoO:好慘 希望有更多人獲救69F 04/16 22:50
shenmue1001:凶多吉少...70F 04/16 22:50
MissWhite:搜索榜 家屬都去那個醫院卻找不到人 最後才公開=.=71F 04/16 22:50
euphoria01:還造假人數說都救完了,那公司有沒有那麼北爛72F 04/16 22:50
SPAEK:= =怎看到說大部分都獲救.所以那是假新聞? R.I.P73F 04/16 22:50
moreway:R.I.P.74F 04/16 22:50
cage820518:.....R.I.P 有夠恐怖75F 04/16 22:51
[진도 여객선 침몰] 해양경찰, 구명벌로 인명구조 현장 - YouTube 16일 오전 8시 58분께 승객 477명을 태우고 전남 진도군 조도면 병풍도 북쪽 20km 해상에서 여객선 세월호가 침몰되자 해양경찰이 구명벌을 투하해 바다로 뛰어든 승객들을 구조하고 있다.

HermesKing:R.I.P.77F 04/16 22:51


At least 4 dead, 284 missing after ferry sinks off South Korean coast

South Korean officials said Wednesday that nearly 300 people were still missing several hours after a multi-story passenger ferry sank off that country's southern coast, leaving at least four dead and dozens injured.

The ferry was carrying 459 people, most of them high school students, and was bound for the island of Jeju when it sent a distress call at around 9 a.m. local time Wednesday as it began leaning to one side, according to South Korea's Ministry of Security and Public Administration.  

Lee Gyeong-og, a vice minister for South Korea's Public Administration and Security Ministry, said the 459 people included 30 crew members, 325 high school students, 15 teachers and 89 non-student passengers.

Kang Byung-kyu, a government minister, said two of the dead were a female crew member and a male high school student. He said a third body was also believed to be that of a student. A coast guard officer confirmed a fourth fatality, but had no immediate details about it.

He said 164 people were rescued; 55 of them were injured. He said 284 people were missing, likely either trapped inside the ship or floating in the ocean.

The high number of people unaccounted for -- likely trapped in the ship or floating in the ocean -- raised fears that the death toll could rise drastically.

"We cannot give up," said South Korean President Park Geun-hye, after a briefing in Seoul with officials. "We have to do our best to rescue even one passenger."

Media photos showed wet students, some without shoes, some wrapped in blankets, tended to by emergency workers. One student, Lim Hyung-min, told broadcaster YTN from a gym on a nearby island that he and other students jumped into the ocean wearing life jackets and then swam to a nearby rescue boat.

"As the ferry was shaking and tilting, we all tripped and bumped into each another," Lim said, adding that some people were bleeding. Once he jumped, the ocean "was so cold. ... I was hurrying, thinking that I wanted to live."

The water temperature in the area was about 12 degrees Celsius, cold enough to cause signs of hypothermia after about 90 minutes or 2 hours, according to an emergency official who spoke on condition of anonymity citing department rules. Officials said mud on the ocean floor made underwater search operations difficult.

At least 87 vessels and 18 aircraft swarmed around the stricken ship. Rescuers clambered over its sides, pulling out passengers wearing orange life jackets. But the ship overturned completely and continued to sink slowly. Within a few hours only its blue-and-white bow stuck out of the water. Very soon, that too disappeared.

Local media photographs showed the ship heavily tilted onto its side, partially submerged, as helicopters flew overhead and rescue vessels and a small boat covered with an orange tarp floated nearby.

Those rescued -- wet, stunned and many without shoes -- were brought to nearby Jindo Island, where medical teams wrapped them in pink blankets and checked them for injuries before settling them down on the floor of a cavernous gymnasium hall.

Some 160 coast guard and navy divers searched for survivors inside the ship's wreckage a few miles from Byeongpung Island, which is not far from the mainland and about 290 miles from Seoul. Cho Man-yong, a coast guard spokesman, said 16 divers approached the ferry Wednesday night but failed to get inside because the current was too strong.








Terrified Passengers Await Rescue




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