Anna Singing Voice - 劉軒蓁 (Ray Liu), Speaking voice -謝怡芬
Hans Singing Voice - 謝文德 (Also the music producer for the all Frozen Taiwanese Mandarin songs), Speaking voice - 王辰驊
Translated by me. On caption for Simplified Mandarin and pinyin.
I tried to make the translation a little bit more suitable for singing while translating so translation is not direct literal.
The Taiwanese Mandarin version put matching the shape of the onscreen lips as top priority so as to achieve better immersion experience. Therefore, the converted lyrics has been more liberal in order to do that. With that a slightly different but fresh meaning has been imbued to the song.







Soundtrack playlist available @ http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Frozen (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
4. Love Is an Open Door

Frozen © Disney. Content property of Disney, 2013. If you liked this, please buy the movie on DVD or BluRay and support future Disney animated features. Any request by the rightful owners of this content to remove this video (and subsequently related videos) will be followed immediately.

Anna: Okay, can I just, say something crazy?

Hans: I love crazy!

Anna: All my life has been a series of doors in my face
And then suddenly I bump into you

Hans: I was thinking the same thing! 'Cause like
I've been searching my whole life to find my own place
And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue

Anna: But with you
Hans: But with you

Hans: I found my place
Anna: I see your face

Both: And it's nothing like I've ever known before
Love is an open door
Love is an open door
Love is an open door

Anna: With you
Hans: With you
Anna: With you
Hans: With you

Both: Love is an open door
Hans: I mean it's crazy
Anna: What?
Hans: We finish each other's
Anna: Sandwiches

Hans: That's what I was gonna say!
Anna: I've never met someone

Who thinks so much like me
Jinx! Jinx again!
Our mental synchronization
Can have but one explanation

Hans: You
Anna: And I
Hans: Were
Anna: Just

Meant to be

Anna: Say goodbye
Hans: Say goodbye

To the pain of the past
We don't have to feel it any more
Love is an open door
Love is an open door
Life can be so much more

Anna: With you
Hans: With you
Anna: With you
Hans: With you

Love is an open door

Hans: Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?
Anna: Can I say something even crazier? Yes!



看板 movie
作者 winnietslock (老皮)
標題 [影片]冰雪奇緣  Love is an open door 對唱
時間 Wed Mar 12 01:20:41 2014

Good Looking Parents Sing Disney's Frozen (Love Is an Open Door) - YouTube So I think my wife and I enjoy Disney's Frozen soundtrack more than our daughter, but I'll let you all be the judge of that.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
tennant:剛剛才看過這影片 父母好high 女兒在後面好像很無聊XD1F 03/12 01:24
ionchips:小孩:???????2F 03/12 01:31
nysj:表情真的好到位!很有趣的一對夫妻3F 03/12 01:35
a40091010:小孩:閃屁喔4F 03/12 01:53
wagatokoro:他們還自己說自己是"Good Looking Parents" XDDDDDDDDD5F 03/12 02:07
puring0815:為了做動作還放開方向盤哈哈哈6F 03/12 02:08
Wolfen:媽媽表情真棒7F 03/12 02:09
Yera:麻麻沒繫安全帶8F 03/12 03:54

Good Looking Parents Sing Frozen Again (For the First Time in Forever) - YouTube Again, I think my wife and I enjoy the Frozen soundtrack more than our daughter does. Check out our fist video here and please subscribe ya'll!




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