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看板 NTU
作者 vincen (vincen)
標題 大腸癌第四期的創新療程 (無醫學佐證)
時間 2015年03月16日 Mon. PM 02:14:42

Treatment for colon cancer stage 4. (no medical evidence)
From vincen in NTUH TAIPEI

Step 1: Overlap Antibody (交叉抗體).
<a> Collect blood from people who recover from colon cancer stage 4.
*direct blood transfer to colon cancer stage 4 patients.
*inject antibody isolated from people who recover from colon cancer stage 4 to colon cancer stage 4 patients.
*inject antibody reproduced from synthesizer machine to colon cancer stage 4 patients.
<b> Collect blood from people who recover from colon cancer stage 2 and 3 and other cancers and blood from aboriginals, cold weather residents...
*isolate antibody to attack cancel cells in laboratories.

Step 2: Chemotherapy (high dose) and molecular targeted therapy.

Step 3: Chinese medicine.
Chinese herb medicine (dozen mixed herbs), ask doctors the formula of strengthening one's body.  Chinese herb medicine can strengthen human's immune system.
<a> herb soup (pot) :<1>ceramic<2>other utensils.
<b> herb soup (medium) : <1>charcoal<2>wood<3>gas.
<c> herb soup (consumption) : <1>hot<2>normal temperature<3>condensed soup (hot/cool)<4>pills (no other substances added)<5>synthesized drugs (through machine analyzers).
<d> group 1: all subjects are in a facility where they are closely monitored.
<e> group 2: all subjects are in a remote natural environment up to the mountain or deep in the forest where there is little impact on their life.
<f> since herbs vary in regions, breed and soil, researchers and lab technicians should proceed with care.

Step 4: Herb
Natural herb protection mechanism to attack cancer cells.

If you have friends and family members recovering from colon cancer stage 4, please sent me emails to discuss the entire process and other supplements.
My email: vincen761077@gmail.com

大腸癌第四期的創新療程 (無醫學佐證)
步驟 1: 交叉抗體.
<a> 採集從大腸癌第四期復原成功者的血液.
<b> 採集從大腸癌第二,三期復原成功的血液和其他從癌症復原成功者的血液,原住民和較冷國家的居民的血液…

步驟 2 :化療 (高劑量) + 標靶藥物.

步驟 3 : 中華醫藥
草藥湯(壺) : <1>陶器<2>其它容器.
草藥湯(燃料) : <1>木碳<2>木材<3>瓦斯.
草藥湯(飲用) : <1>熱<2>常溫<3>濃縮湯(熱/常溫)<4>藥丸(無其他添加物)<5>化學合成藥品.
試驗組群1 : 所有人員集中在一醫療機構.
試驗組群2 : 所有人員集中在一自然環境.

步驟 4 : 草/樹
由自然界的草/樹的自我保護機制 -- 汁液/樹皮等夜對抗癌細胞

我的email: vincen761077@gmail.com

※ 作者: vincen 時間: 2015-03-16 14:14:42
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