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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-17 17:09:28
看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (Ashley Grecia)
標題 Re: [情報] Durant 今天在推特語音聊天室跟網友舌戰
時間 Sat Jul 17 15:28:30 2021

※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)》之銘言
: 消息來源:
: https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1416171916717527048
: Kevin Durant says he never had an issue with Warriors fans, Steph Curry, or
: getting love from them and them kids just kept on trying to tell him how he
: felt
: Kevin Durant 今天稍早先是在推特上網友回應勇士隊時期的傳聞,一連回了好幾則留言
: 之後他也加入推特語音聊天室跟網友舌戰
: 澄清對於勇士隊球迷、Stephen Curry 之間從來沒有問題,也沒有什麼嫉妒隊友的情
: 並且強調自己根本不在意到底誰獲得球迷們最大的歡呼聲又或者是哪個人更強
So let's talk about that. One thing that happened when I got to the Warriors
, everybody played their role. everybody. Any given night. Anybody could hav
e stepped up, Draymond before I got there, it wasn't no triple doubles with
no points, he did that. When I was on the team Steph and Klay both broke the
 three point, right? When I didn't do it before, I got there, they did it wh
en I was on the team.


But the stats also show that you on the Warriors was a better player.This st
ats don't lie.


yo, average 32 points in it OKC, I averaged 25 points with the Warriors, Tha
t's not better. I shot 50% in OKC too


That I win the MVP in OKC?


Okay. Yes. But an MVP voting.

有 但MVP是投票選項

That I win the MVP in Golden State??


Reason why you couldn't win one in Golden State because steph standing besid
e you. They refuse to acknowledge that one player was MVP over the other. Th
at's why both of you guys were getting slighted claim.




KD:我只想說任何人都會被包夾, 我問你們,同樣是在半場就被包夾,Curry被包夾和


I'm talking about one scenario on the ball, on the ball,  i don't talk about
 off the ball right now, on the ball and two people run into a half-court. T
ell me the difference between the happening with Steph and James Harden?


on the ball. It's the same result. The same Advantage is created


same result that's all I'm saying is, off ball is different, off ball is dif
ferent,Steph creates way more opportunities. Off the ball because he can cat
ch and shoot quick. And he run around I'm not talking about that scenario, I
'm talking about dribbling up the half court with the ball in your hands, an
d two people come up. So that's the same


you're over simplifying it, right? Because basketball isn't just an on-the-b
all sport.


I'm just simplifying. The game of basketball is not that complicated.

還有很多 交給其他人了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WyeQWGM (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1626506912.A.416.html
※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 07/17/2021 15:30:44


you're over simplifying it, right? Because basketball isn't just an on-the-b
all sport.


I'm just simplifying. The game of basketball is not that complicated.

還有很多 交給其他人了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1626506912.A.416.html

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 07/17/2021 15:34:51
bingripplw  : 太有心了吧1F 07/17 15:34
Eloye       : KD :我一人就能嘴翻你們這些鍵盤仔2F 07/17 15:35
possible322 : 從kd黑轉職成kd粉了3F 07/17 15:35
avrild12    : KD:很簡單吧4F 07/17 15:36
mingonly    : 抱歉 是C&S 重新編輯後 文章跑掉了 我就不改了5F 07/17 15:36
Yeeeha      : 他有心用自己當案例辯護 力戰各種酸民 其實不容易XD6F 07/17 15:37
queen100000 : 還不如問KD什麼時候脫單,扯這些滿無聊的7F 07/17 15:38
queen100000 : 就是有人走不出去
biggest1983 : 奧運打完囉?美國時間真D多9F 07/17 15:41
kurenaiz    : 貨真價實的美國時間10F 07/17 15:43
emptie      : KD在跟你講籃球最高殿堂的觀念,你問他交過幾個女11F 07/17 15:48
emptie      : 朋友,人家在講大海,你問這漱口杯格局的問題 = =
KMTlikesshit: KD 真的好真的人XD 我要是他 每天數錢 就飽了 哪鳥13F 07/17 15:51
KMTlikesshit: 球迷說啥 哈哈
queen100000 : 為啥不能問?KD已經證明了他在球場上的一切,再跟15F 07/17 15:52
queen100000 : 他辯這個有什麼意思?還不如問球場外的事看他如何
queen100000 : 自爆
Dedeb       : Do you know my name==?18F 07/17 15:56
lizardc1    : 為啥有人問樓上那句阿==19F 07/17 15:57
lizardc1    : 到底是什麼梗
kaede0711   : 看他嘴蠻有趣 但是說真的他其實內心肯定很在意那21F 07/17 15:58
kaede0711   : 些說他沒有Curry無法成功的言論
e49523      : 打不贏加入就對了 一點都不複雜23F 07/17 16:00
sexyboy5566 : KD:籃球沒那麼複雜,球給KD就對了24F 07/17 16:20
ChildX      : 大家互相舒適 就是勇士25F 07/17 16:30
SEVEnMonth  : KD:籃球沒有這麼難,只要跳起來前面空擋跟海一樣26F 07/17 16:35
wj1009      : 鄉民挺鄉民啦,我kd粉!27F 07/17 16:40
phix        : KD:籃球沒有那麼難 不要質疑我 稱讚我28F 07/17 16:40
seemoon2000 : 唯一一個 沒人敢回 不服單挑的鄉民29F 07/17 16:47
turnpoint   : 鄉民:KD你不動籃球啦30F 07/17 16:47
turnpoint   : 不懂籃球啦
d88647511   : 我想LBJ Kobe 這些應該都蠻在意輿論的32F 07/17 16:52
d88647511   : 不在的就像西門一樣 去享福了
d88647511   : 還有一個Parsons
elfish123   : 有夠鄉民 這種吵法真的超級ptt35F 07/17 17:02
taikonkimo  : 看他的用語 就是一個高度社群成癮的36F 07/17 17:05
cpujerry    : 嘴之有物,不愧是鍵盤艾佛森37F 07/17 17:08

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