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看板 appetising
作者 clairecccc (幸福的小孩^^)
標題 [超人] Superman Returns
時間 2013年02月19日 Tue. PM 03:06:56



沒想到看了那麼多次還是看到會哭= =

突然想到上次看這部片的時候 是跟小C一起看的

那時候還在寫我無名的網誌-clairecccc 好像是要練習英文 所以連續十幾篇都寫了英文的網誌

現在再回去看 真是覺得好有趣 XD


自己在寫的時候 也很喜歡這篇文章

網誌裡面選的歌曲是有點哀傷基調 有關超人的主題曲

雖然smallville有主題曲 不過它裡面的插曲內 我覺得這首是最能傳達在形成超人的過程中 內心的掙扎感

當時還找了在電影中 lois寫了一篇得普立茲獎的文章-為什麼這個世界不需要超人

當然我這個超人迷 一定也要找出相對的文章-為什麼這個世界需要超人



一定也要再這邊放一下的!!! :)

Superman Returns-clairecccc

These days Home Box Office (HBO) has been broadcasting Superman Returns,
and yesterday when CCMickey came to my home,
we was so boring so i suggested her watch my favorite- superman series.
To my amaze, she didn't see the film before!
Therefore i picked the DVD and we had the substitute in English for training ourselves.

I saw this film about 5 times and even can predict what the character was going to say.
At first CCMickey thought it's fuuny to wear red cape and underwear flying over sky and rescuing people,
but i told her i would shed tears when it comes to the touching moment.
and to my surprise, she like it in the long run and was going to cry like i did.

it arouse my interest when i watch this film over and over again,
i saw this article-Why The World Doesn't Need Superman
but i perfer this article-WHY THE WORLD NEEDS SUPERMAN
to me, superman is more than a bird, and plane, man of steel, or the american way...
it actually represent HOPE, which is the most important of all.

when i watched smallville, there's a song
it sounds a bit sorrow...
Superman is invulnerable to anything on earth, but green kryptonite,
which dawned on me that fear comes from nowhere but ourselves...
it's not easy to be superman,
and it's also not easy to be every one of ourselves,
but that's because we're all different.
"Sometimes, you will feel like an outcast, but you will never be alone."
By looking upon superman, we will make his strength our own.
and that's why the world need superman,
it's just simply hope and faith,
miracle happens all the time when you believe:)

the Quote

Five For Fighting » Superman

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
And it's not easy to be me

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd
But don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed
But won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me

Up, up and away, away from me
Well it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me, inside of me
Inside of me, yeah inside of me, inside of me

I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
I'm only a man looking for a dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy…
It's not easy to be me
Why The World Doesn’t Need Superman

- By Lois Lane

Metropolis. For five long years the world has stared into the sky, waiting, hoping and praying for his return. We’ve spent our days asking where he went, debating why he left and wondered is he even alive. Perhaps he left us for another world, a world in peril, a world in greater need of a saviour. Is it selfish desire him for ourselves? Are we expected to share the man we’ve come to love or did we do something wrong?

Did we take him for granted? Perhaps we did. Maybe we all did, it's not our fault. We are far from super. Yet a mother will accept her children regardless of their misfortunes. Why have you rejected us for ours? Perhaps we’re a lost cause unworthy of help and doomed to continue on a path of self-destruction. He has moved on, helping others with a foreseeable future of peace and harmony.

From the first day he mysteriously appeared we were enamoured. He seemed too good to be true. A man who could fly, see through walls, bend steel with his bare hands. A man who never lied. A man who could do anything he wanted to yet he chose to be a hero. He chose to fight for truth, justice and the American way, And we chose to believe. we put our faith, not in the hands of God, but in the hands of another Lives were not saved by any kind of divine intervention, miracle or act of God. they were saved by one man, and one man only, our Superman. We didn’t question his intentions and other than a few basic facts we didn't question his unbelievable origins. When did he actually arrive? Where did he live? Where did he get that suit? It didn't matter. He was good, and good for us and that was enough.

A new generation of children have grown up idolising this hero, proud to wear a cape and run around the family home. We welcome Superman into our homes and family. He was a quintessential American. A role model for our children and the guardian of their lives. Does a hero walk out on his family? Walk away from his children? After letting us place our hopes on him, his disappearance must be seen nothing short of abandonment. A dereliction of duty. No better that a parent abandoning a child, a doctor walking out on their patient. We must ask our selves if Superman returned would we welcome him back? Could he heal the scars he left behind? The city is in pain, its citizens angry, hurt and unforgiving. We have learned from our bad judgement, and we are not prepared to make the same mistake again.

It would take more than one man to reunite the people. He is lost our trust, he betrayed us. He turned his us back on us and walked away. We would have to question his motives for his return. Why after all this time he would return? From the very beginning we labelled him as a man. We even used the word it his titled - Superman.

Yet he was not a man. He was not even human. We expected an alien to share the same feelings, emotions, beliefs and principles. Were the words truth and justice a second language to him? Perhaps, we were fools to believe he would understand the true meaning of words such as trust, loyalty or love.

What is a hero anyway? Does one has to have superpowers, special abilities or incredible talent to be a considerable one? Well that's what we’ve been led to believe. Superman led us to forget our real heroes. What happened to the firemen, policemen, teachers, social workers or local figure that used to be considered a hero in our communities?

Each and every day of the year, firemen come to the rescue of those in need. They are brave woman and men who serve communities with courage and uncompromising devotion to humanity. These people are not just doing their job, they are the heroes who take each task to heart and each life saved is a victory for their team. Because of their selfless bravery and heroism, many fire-fighters sacrifice their own lives to save others every day. Their actions will never been forgotten.

In cities, towns and villages around the world, legions of teachers spend every day protecting the minds, souls and spirits of children. They commit their lives to the development of the world’s most precious resource. A child's mind thirsts for knowledge. It is this knowledge, the knowledge imparted to the youth that has given rise to the great man and women of history. Knowledge gave birth civilisations and is the foundation of nations including America. Teachers strive daily with little recognition to help each child become the best they can. Teachers are heroes, our future lies in their hands. These are examples of every day men and women. Men and women who are heroes.

Superman was not just a hero. Superman was a superhero. Why isn’t he living up to his name? He was so much more that a mere mortal. Imagine a future with this superhero. A future that was stolen from us. The world welcomed Superman with open arms and why wouldn't we? Day after day we saw the effect he was having. Crime plummeted, natural disasters were prevented, the impossible became possible. What was more remarkable and often overlooked, was that he wasn't just saving peoples lives, he was changing them.

He gave us hope, he set an example and over the years we started following that example whether we realised it or not. Wars stopped, all political, religious feuds set aside, even volunteering and charitable donations increased. For the first time in history we saw the closest thing mankind could call peace. And to think it took an alien to show us what it meant to be human. Unfortunately the one thing that reduces a miracle to the mundane is a world full of them. Once everything is special, nothing is special. In a world where he would suddenly appear to save someone from a fire or divert a flood, there were no miracles. We stopped looking both ways to cross the street. We didn't have to because if a car was about to hit us odds were that he would zip at the last moment and save us. Soon we didn't even remember how to look both ways. We lost our survival instincts. We became careless, which wouldn't have really been a problem, but then he left.

Just as mysteriously he appeared he was gone, without warning, without explanation. We looked to the sky and for the first time in years no one was there. Some panicked thinking the worst had finally come to pass and someone has finally discover a weakness and exploited it. Others held steadfast believing that his sudden absence must have a logical explanation. Perhaps this was a test. Maybe he was watching from above and gauging our reaction. Hundreds, if not thousands of ideas and theories sprang from every expert and government official but no answer could satisfy us. Maybe there was no answer. Maybe he’s just…gone.

In fact maybe it’s better that he is gone. How can we be expected to appreciate the good without the bad? Through suffering do we not gain strength? Having relied on an almost omnipotent saviour for years, we’ve forgotten how to rely on ourselves. He gave us strength, but with it, weakness. In his absence, we must learn to unite and find strength in one another. We must look not to the skies, instead we must look inside ourselves to find trust, love and friendship for one another. Peace is our champion, not a Man of Steel. Alas crime has skyrocketed, stocks plummeted and old wars have been rekindled. The peace he inspired over the years, seemed to end overnight, replaced by fear,, confusion and betrayal. Even worse problems once held by our own, now seem insurmountable without his help.

It is one year today that we witnessed one of the worst train disaster in recent history. Among the 236 dead, were 28 school children and a pregnant mother. The nation's press release said that all that was left was a mangled mess of metal and bodies. Recovery workers and civilians united and worked around the clock, in the hope of finding just one survivor, if any. But hope was given up, when 12 hours later they could raise no sound. The train left a huge gorge in the suburban landscape where now stands a tribute to those who died in the wreckage. Among those attending today’s memorial service, is the husband and father of a deceased mother and their unborn child. To this day he is haunted by the memories of the past. Through his suffering he speaks the voice of many Americans: How could he let this happen? Curse you Superman...

These words echo amongst the people, reaching the far corners of the globe. In five years we have seen the oceans rise and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children throughout Asia. We have seen civil wars destroy cities throughout the world and religious feuds wipe our nations. Let the colour of Superman’s cape remind us of the innocent people who have died for it is their blood that is on his hands.

In the past we have turned to God, in times of need we prayed. For five years we have prayed for you Superman, “please bring back our Messiah.” The nation knelt before the alter and begged for your return. We were blinded by your arrival, our faith misguided. For many of us, Superman became our God. We only had to read the motto on our nations currency to be reminded of the truth – In God We Trust.

These words passed between our hands countless times a day, yet we still managed to forget. We put our trust, not in God, but in Superman – In Superman We Trust. We trusted you, we all trusted you…I trusted you. Does he feel remorse, guilt or shame? Does he simply not care? Perhaps the people of Earth are but a distant memory, a single snapshot lost in a mind that is timeless.

Does he cry for the children who have died on his watch? Perhaps he really is a Man of Steel – cold, emotionless and hardened by his own immortality. Would he say sorry?

Ultimately we are better off without him. It is true, we will come to endure hardship in his absence. We will see more famine, environmental disasters, crime, wars and bloodshed. But what is also true, is that the people of America will always, without falter, and without abandoning their posts, continue to strive for truth, justice and the American way.

Leaving the fate of humanity in the hands of one man would have been a terrible mistake. If we don’t learn to settle our grievances on our own we are doomed anyway. We became dependent on someone unreliable, in fact he did us a favour by leaving. Now we can learn to fend for ourselves, learn to work out our differences regardless of whether they are based on race, creed, gender or political view.

Ultimately we will unite and establish peace around the globe. If Superman had stayed we would never accomplish this. Under the surface there would have remained traces of a corrupt society, a seed that would grow if it wasn’t for Superman’s cape blocking the sunlight. Now that he is gone, the seed is left to grow, yet there is hope. For like a rose, we always see the thorns before the flower. We will blossom and when we do, we will have done it alone, we will have a world united.

People have always longed for God, messiahs and saviours to swoop down from the sky and deliver them from their troubles but in the end these saviours always leave and we are faced with the same troubles that were here from the beginning. We wait for our saviour’s return though it will never happen and we realise it was better had he never come at all.

- By jedsithor

It’s hard to remember a time before Superman. The world was a bleaker place. War and prejudice were a constant reminder of the failings of humanity. We fought over land, we fought over religion, we found numerous excuses to kill each other. Religious fanatics spread poison across the planet, committing acts that went against the teachings they claimed to uphold.

Then, out of nowhere, a being of vast power revealed himself to us. He didn’t use his abilities to conquer us, he used them to help us. Suddenly the world began to change. Crime rates went down, nations made peace. Our home seemed to become a better place to live.

We called him Superman, a saviour from beyond the stars. An alien, who seemed more in touch with what it means to be human than any of us. Lois Lane claimed that the world didn’t need him. A little ironic since without Superman, she wouldn’t have been alive to write her prize-winning article.

Then he left, and the world fell in to chaos. Ms. Lane believes that we had become too dependent on the Man of Steel and perhaps she was right. But the blame doesn’t lie with Superman, it lies with us. Superman never claimed to be a saviour, he never called himself a hero. We are the ones who put him on a pedestal, who called on him to save us time and time again…and he did so, without asking for any reward or recognition.

Many people resented him for leaving, they believed that Superman was their property to use whenever they wished. Yes, we learned to fend for ourselves once he was gone, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t need him anymore.

Ms. Lane pointed to Earthly heroes – teachers, fire-fighters, doctors, the police. And they are heroes. But teachers retire, as do doctors and fire-fighters. We don’t expect a policeman to walk the beat every day of his life without food or rest and nor should we expect the same of Superman.

Even with Superman around, people still died, disasters still happened. He couldn’t be everywhere at once. But with Superman watching over us, people that should have died were saved and many disasters were prevented. We never expected Superman to show up at every single disaster. We knew that, despite his amazing abilities, he was still just one man. We hoped that he would be there, but we still approached situations under the assumption that he wouldn’t. We didn’t lose our survival instincts as you suggest Ms. Lane, we carried on as normal and Superman lent us a helping hand when he could.

He never said he was a god or a divine being. In fact, in many of the articles you wrote Ms. Lane, you quoted Superman as saying that he was no different than the fire-fighters and police. He was just a guy trying to help us.

Of course it’s impossible to ignore the fact that Superman has some amazing gifts. He can fly, shoot fire from his eyes and lift entire mountains up over his head. A sprinter can run the 100 meters in under 10 seconds. Does that mean he should keep running when he’s in his 60’s or 70’s just because it’s a natural talent? Of course not.

Superman’s departure is no different than a doctor who chooses to retire. Did the world really expect him to fly around saving us forever? The very fact that the world became a worse place when he left proves that we still need him. Without doctors, people would get sick and die. Without teachers, our children would be uneducated and have little or no future. And without Superman, hope disappears.

Yes, we do depend on him in some ways and perhaps we shouldn’t. But we do need him, if only to show us the possibilities of our future. Wars stopped when he was around, but Superman didn’t stop them. We did. In fact, Superman has maintained neutrality when it comes to conflicts between nations. Sure, he encouraged us to try to create peace, but he didn’t do it for us.

When he returned, the world embraced him with open arms. Thousands of people stood in Metropolis, waiting outside the hospital to pray for him after he fell from the skies…it hardly seems like the actions of a world that hated him for leaving in the first place.

We need Superman, not to solve the world’s problems, but as an example of what we can become if we endeavour to solve them ourselves. If he continues to help us, stopping great tragedies from occurring, then we should be grateful, but we shouldn’t raise him to the level of a god just because he can put out a fire with his breath.

And if Superman should decide to call it a day and move on, then we should thank him for his efforts, but we shouldn’t resent him…not after the many lives he has saved. We cannot be selfish, we cannot afford to be wrapped up in our own misguided perceptions of reality.

Superman never made us forget how to survive on our own. He didn’t spoon-feed us with political statements. He saved us because he wanted to, not because we told him to. He is a symbol of what we can become and that’s why we need him.

Someday, he may leave again and if that happens, we must make sure that we don’t blame him for our own failings. If he leaves, we should use his legacy to inspire future generations, not use his departure as an excuse to drown ourselves in misery.

Why does the world need Superman? For the same reason people believe in God. To have the courage to do things ourselves, while knowing that there is someone there, watching over us. He may not always come when there’s danger, but just knowing he’s out there, somewhere gives us the strength to be greater than we think is possible and that is Superman’

※ 作者: clairecccc 時間: 2013-02-19 15:06:56
※ 看板: appetising 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 36 
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