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看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [國際] 美墨邊境孩童與家長隔離政策爭議 #美國 #墨西哥 #全球發展 #人權議題 #兒童權益 #移民
時間 2018-06-22 Fri. 18:08:33

> https://www.plurk.com/p/kkdjzd 支持率低仍要做 歐巴馬用總統權讓移民新制上路

Image of sobbing toddler at US border: ‘It was hard for me to photograph’ | Global development | The Guardian
The photographer behind the viral image that exposed the anguish of Trump’s controversial border policy speaks out.

> https://www.plurk.com/p/lcodhg
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m25c2r
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m2k62s
> https://www.plurk.com/p/kxsov1
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m2fpo5

Sanders uses Bible to defend Trump's separation of children from families at border | US news | The Guardian
Press secretary rejects criticism of Jeff Sessions citing Romans 13 to justify policy and says ‘it is very biblical to enforce the law’ ...

#聖經 #邊界政策

Child abuse is now part of America's official immigration policy | Michael Paarlberg | Opinion | The Guardian
The trauma caused by separations is not the byproduct of necessary legal process – it’s a punishment designed to be grotesque to scare other migrants.


Sinn Féin
USA is violating the rights of children detained on the US-Mexican border - @SeanCroweTD http://www.sinnfein.ie/contents/50025 

Separation at the border: children wait in cages at south Texas warehouse | US news | The Guardian
US border patrol allows reporters to visit but does not allow pictures or interviews at holding facility housing children as young as four.

Melania Trump blames 'both sides' for child separations at border | US news | The Guardian
First lady effectively endorses Trump’s false claim that Democrats are responsible for ‘zero-tolerance’ policy.

Trump says US will not be a 'migrant camp' | US news | The Guardian
President defends controversial practice of separating migrant children from their parents at the border.

Why are families being separated at the US border? | US news | The Guardian
The Trump administration’s ‘zero-tolerance’ policy has led to almost 2,000 children being separated from their families.

Child separations: Trump faces extreme backlash from public and his own party | US news | The Guardian
Public reaction to the border policy is disquieting many Republicans facing midterm elections.

Families divided at the border: 'The most horrific immigration policy I've ever seen' | US news | The Guardian
As immigration advocates struggle to help more than 1,600 children taken from their parents, Trump refuses to back down.

Image of sobbing toddler at US border: ‘It was hard for me to photograph’ | Global development | The Guardian
The photographer behind the viral image that exposed the anguish of Trump’s controversial border policy speaks out.

Donald Trump signs executive order to end family separations | US news | The Guardian
President says ‘we’re going to keep families together’ after facing huge backlash for his ‘zero tolerance’ stance.

Trump ends his policy of family separations with executive order – as it happened | US news | The Guardian
President signs order to ‘keep families together’ but derides US immigration laws at Minnesota rally.

'If we go back they will kill us all': impossible choices at US border | World news | The Guardian
For many women and children hoping to cross into the US, the options are death at home or brutal treatment in Texas.

Rachel Maddow breaks down during report on 'tender age' shelters – video | US news | The Guardian
The MSNBC host struggles to get through a segment on her nightly show, describing babies being forcibly removed from their parents and taken to shelte.

'Womp womp': Corey Lewandowski on border separation of girl with Down's syndrome | US news | The Guardian
Trump’s ex-campaign manager refused to apologize for dismissing the seriousness of removal of girl from her mother.

May's delay over Trump visit backfires as US-EU divide grows | Politics | The Guardian
PM is stranded while US president seems to revel in European leaders’ struggles.

Melania Trump visits child detention center as fate of families remains unclear | US news | The Guardian
As first lady visits US-Mexico border, there’s no indication that parents separated from their children will be reunited.

Melania Trump wears 'I don't care' jacket on plane to visit child detention center | US news | The Guardian
The first lady appeared to be wearing a Zara jacket with the astonishing caption: ‘I really don’t care. Do U?’

Is Melania Trump using fashion to troll her husband? | US news | The Guardian
The first lady’s ‘I really don’t care jacket’ isn’t the first time she’s appeared to have sent a sartorial signal ...

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-22 18:08:33

#美墨邊界 #美國 #墨西哥 #兒童權益 #兒童虐待 #移民政策

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-22 23:38:24, 23:53:34
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-26 19:20:05

Trump lashes out at restaurant that asked Sarah Sanders to leave

Trump, whose Mar-a-Lago resort was cited for many health violations, says Red Hen ‘should focus on cleaning its filthy windows’


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-27 01:06:40

【影片】川普放寬「零容忍」政策 3000移民孩童仍與父母分離

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-07-21 11:54:11

Over 1,800 migrant children reunited with parents, says US government | US news | The Guardian
New figures still leave hundreds apart as advocates for separated families say Trump administration should not congratulate itself.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-07-27 15:57:16

> https://www.plurk.com/p/m1ekgz#!

Trump renews threat to shut down government over border wall | US news | The Guardian
During a joint press conference with Giuseppe Conte, Trump praised Italian prime minister’s ‘firm stance’ on border security.


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-01 03:55:27

'It's heartbreaking': military family shattered as wife of decorated US marine deported to Mexico | US news | The Guardian
Alejandra Juarez forced to leave the United States for Mexico, despite her husband’s years of military service.

'It’s an absolute disgrace': tears and anger as wife of US marine deported to Mexico | World news | The Guardian
Alejandra Juarez forced to leave husband and daughters in Florida after exhausting all options to stop her deportation.

#海軍陸戰隊的妻女 #強迫離境

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-06 18:17:28


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-11 11:50:52


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-08-21 23:06:39


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-27 02:49:05


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-10-25 17:42:46

Trump accused of stoking immigration fears by sending 5,200 troops to border | US news | The Guardian
Critics allege abuse of military to push ‘anti-immigrant agenda’ after Trump tweets ‘our Military is waiting for you!’ before midterms.

稍早標題:US / Trump accused of stoking fears by sending troops to border


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-10-30 17:59:25

Trump ready to begin drawdown of troops at US-Mexico border | US news | The Guardian
Critics say troops’ deployment was nothing more than a political stunt,military official says end date is 15 December.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-20 17:01:19

Mexico to deport up to 500 migrants who tried to cross US border | US news | The Guardian

* US briefly shuts San Diego-Tijuana crossing
* Migrants chant: ‘We are not criminals!’ as US officers fire teargas

US officers fire teargas at migrant caravan - YouTube
American border officers have thrown gas canisters at dozens of people – including women and children – who tried to cross the Mexico-US frontier between Tij...



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-27 15:19:10

> https://www.plurk.com/p/mwvfp1#response-7026537594
Is Melania Trump sending us a message through her creepy Christmas trees? | Opinion | The Guardian
First there was the ‘I really don’t care’ jacket. Now there are her sinister decorations. What is she trying to convey?.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-29 15:59:42

Trump to make border wall speech on primetime TV | US news | The Guardian
President also planning to visit the border with Mexico as government shutdown continues.

Trump to hold public address on US-Mexico border wall and security – as it happened | US news | The Guardian
President confirmed he will discuss the ‘humanitarian and national security crisis’ on the southern border on Tuesday night.

> > https://www.plurk.com/p/n4chk3
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m1ekgz#!

Trump claims crisis at the border in Oval Office speech – as it happened | US news | The Guardian
Democrats decry president’s campaign of ‘misinformation and even malice’.

Donald Trump fuels immigration fears in TV address on 'border crisis' | US news | The Guardian
President offers no new solutions to government shutdown in first Oval Office address of his presidency.

Six key things to know about Trump's border wall speech | US news | The Guardian
Fact check: what the US president got wrong in his primetime address on the border wall.

#邊界危機 #火上加油

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-09 22:29:53, 22:57:58, 23:12:00

全國演說 川普 : 花57億邊界築牆值得 眾院不買單 | 國際 | 新頭殼 Newtalk


發布 2019.01.09 | 11:29

美國總統川普在今晚(台灣時間上午10點)發表全國演說,在演說的內容當中,川普談到美墨邊界問題,並表示要在美墨邊界築牆,隔離非法移民,確保美國人安全。   圖:Agenda-Free TV Youtube/翻攝




至於築牆費用,川普則表示雖然築牆需要57億美金,但一旦高牆築起,很快就會發現它的價值已遠遠超越;另一方面,川普也提到參議院民主黨領袖查克· 舒默(Chuck Schumer)在民主黨領導時期支持築牆預算,但他一上任之後就開始反對;因此,川普表示希望國會能重啟,並且邀請民主黨明天一起來討論美墨邊界問題。

在川普演說完後,眾議院議長南希· 裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和查克· 舒默則反駁川普演說,像是裴洛西提到川普認為民主黨反對築牆,但事實卻是,民主黨也很正視非法移民問題,但可以用其他方式而不是要築牆,對於非法毒品,美國可以加強審查;此外,對於川普提到小孩和女人是非法移民最大的受害者,但事實不然,川普只是想製造危機和恐懼來說服美國人同意築起高牆。


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-09 23:28:04

Trump attacks Democrats and Mueller in divisive State of the Union – as it happened | US news | The Guardian
President also urges construction of border wall and announces second summit with North Korean leader.

* Full report: Trump attacks Mueller and Democrats in divisive speech

* The five key takeaways from Trump’s State of the Union address

* Sign up for the US briefing and get a new perspective

State of the Union: Donald Trump attacks Mueller and Democrats in divisive speech | US news | The Guardian
The president called for bipartisan unity but decried ‘ridiculous partisan investigations’ and took hard line on immigration.
State of the Union: Trump attacks Mueller and Democrats in divisive speech

* The five key takeaways from Trump’s State of the Union address

* Trump confirms second summit with Kim Jong-un in Vietnam within weeks

#移民 #強硬

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-02-07 01:39:10
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-02-14 04:54:24, 21:54:35
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-07-02 16:05:40

Immigrants on the Mexico-United States Border Find Struggles and Support

via https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWIq0_sLSF/
[natgeo] Photo by Luján Agusti @lujanag /

Eagle Pass, Texas, United States. Portrait of Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber, who spoke out against Trump's anti-immigrant measures and declares, "I can see why people are running away from persecution. Maybe they are just looking for a better life."

#德州 #郡警長 #反川普移民政策 #國家地理
by Luján Agusti @lujanag
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-01-24 02:01:05 (台灣)
September 9, 2022 10:35 AM GMT+8
2022-9-09 10:35
Washington mayor declares public emergency over migrant arrivals from Texas, Arizona | Reuters

華盛頓DC的市長穆里爾‧鮑澤(Muriel Bowser)宣佈,該市因非法移民數量激增而進入緊急狀態。
via FTB
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-09-10 23:51:59 (台灣)

> https://disp.cc/b/261-d0xU

2022-9-15 21:17
[John Solomon] Bus-loads of migrants arrive at Vice President Harris' residence | Just The News


 The buses that arrived Thursday morning at the vice president's home, the U.S. Naval Observatory, were sent by Texas Gov. Abbott.
September 15, 2022 - 11:15am

via [K島] 德州州長送了兩個大巴士的非法移民&偷渡客到華盛頓,在副總統哈里斯的家門口放人下車。
messageImage_1663397565539 via FTB
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-09-17 14:53:59 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-10-01 11:08:23 (台灣)
#美國 #移民 #難民
2022-10-08 07:08
New York City Mayor Eric Adams declares state of emergency over asylum seeker crisis

via FTB
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-10-08 16:30:59 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-10-09 00:53:28, 00:54:23 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-03-16 01:16:20 (台灣) * 非法移民 Added by 202402261101
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-02-26 11:02:19 (台灣)
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