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看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [轉錄] 【衛報】 #儲蓄 #存錢 #英國 #天龍人 #退休
時間 2018-02-02 Fri. 22:09:24

Savings: where's the best place to put £30,000-plus? | Money | The Guardian
I want to use an accident payout for a deposit on a flat – where should I put it in the meantime? ...


#儲蓄 #存錢 #放哪最好 #公寓 #房貸

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-01-28 23:31:35

Teacher: I’m 42, paid off my mortgage and I only work two days a week

Rebecca Parkin, an ‘obsessive money saver’, bought her Audi TT car for cash last year

#省錢 #英國老師 #房貸付清 #一週只上兩天班

‘I’m 78 on an £18,000 income and live a very good life in London’

An ex-council worker on how she makes her pension stretch to holidays, a car and theatre trips

#天龍人 #倫敦 #英國 #退休 #爽退爽爽過

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-02-05 00:17:52

> http://disp.cc/b/261-aqJo

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-02-02 22:09:24
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-02-05 00:19:49, 00:26:51

Extreme frugality allowed me to retire at 32 – and regain control of my life

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-03-10 03:08:04

I'm 65 and my interest-only mortgage is ending – what can I do?

I still owe £112,000 and I want to stay in my house, not sell up to pay it off

#問問專家 #買房 #房貸 #退休 #屆退年齡

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-07-17 01:33:45

Killed By My Debt – a sad true story turned into a compelling family tragedy

If you haven’t yet seen this dramatisation lifting the lid on the reality of zero-hours contracts and payday loans, you should – but it’s not an easy watch

#為債務所殺 #家庭悲劇 #貸款 #零時契約 #勞工權益

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-07-19 12:58:01

Forget trying to save – here’s what you really need to do by the age of 30 | Arwa Mahdawi

Millennials such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needn’t worry about what’s in their bank accounts. These are the real milestones to aim for.


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-12-03 20:02:46
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