隱藏 ✕
看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [國際] 武漢肺炎 - 國際 - 英國 #新冠狀病毒 #COVID19 #武漢病毒 #中國肺炎 #中國病毒
時間 2020-03-30 Mon. 21:15:05

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nmr6g4
> https://www.plurk.com/p/npkp5k
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nqb8bg
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nqoboj
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nw456s

#武漢肺炎 #武漢病毒 #中國病毒 #Covid19 #NCP新冠肺炎


https://www.plurk.com/p/npn7e5 北愛爾蘭出現第一起案例

https://www.plurk.com/p/npy485 蘇格蘭首相史德臣:蘇格蘭面臨了嚴峻的狀況 - BBC

https://www.plurk.com/p/nq9izb 英國衛生大臣中標隔離 - 衛報實況串

https://www.plurk.com/p/nr62m9 英國首相強森中標隔離 - 衛報實況串 #集中串

https://www.plurk.com/p/nr1y57 查爾斯王子中標

https://www.plurk.com/p/ntc43k 「我的家長會肢體暴力虐待我,現在又因為學校停課而更常發生。」一個15歲的少女告訴兒童專線關於她在武漢肺炎期間的遭遇。」

https://www.plurk.com/p/nufa4m 北愛爾蘭可能可以同時與英國市場與歐盟單一市場連通

https://www.plurk.com/p/nufbxv Remdesivir將會被提供給被選中的NHS covid-19病患

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxfo7v 【朗報】刺胳針:英國的武漢肺炎疫苗是安全的,並能引出免疫反應。

https://www.plurk.com/p/nvaqcx 在英格蘭的學校,依舊是有錢人vs窮人 ──這正是強森首相喜歡的


https://www.plurk.com/p/nt94mw 感謝你們的付出!英國國家健保醫療人員能夠下載多達85000款的免費電動

https://www.plurk.com/p/ntczr3 「小孩們的新英雄」向醫療人員致意 Banksy的新圖出現在南漢普頓綜合醫院的走廊上

https://www.plurk.com/p/nv16ym 「見證人性(光明面)」武漢肺炎在北愛爾蘭:義工們有話想要說


https://www.plurk.com/p/nun5pp #性別 英國上議院貴族‧伯明罕瓊斯男爵日前發推特質疑蘇格蘭首相史德臣的髮型

https://www.plurk.com/p/nszujy 前天蘇格蘭政府建議在店內或是大眾運輸上應該要戴口罩,而英國政府則尚未有這樣的政策。

https://www.plurk.com/p/nu1j0w 「BBC這段10點鐘新聞有夠可恥丟臉!」

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxqauw 表現比英格蘭好?保守黨要求BBC不許再轉播蘇格蘭防疫會報「因為那根本是幫史德臣與SNP做政治宣傳」


https://www.plurk.com/p/nt2ijc BBC新聞夜政治主編:身在倫敦的英國首相說「我們已經過了尖峰」,但人在愛丁堡的蘇格蘭首相說「我們不能確定這點」…


https://www.plurk.com/p/ntl7sn 英格蘭舒緩封鎖 英國政府:請尊重蘇格蘭、威爾斯、北愛爾蘭的規矩,別去他們那

https://www.plurk.com/p/nulf40 「取消兩公尺安全社交距離」資深保守黨國會議員要求強森首相"拯救酒吧與餐飲業"

https://www.plurk.com/p/nv754e 【防疫新規定】英格蘭將規定搭乘交通工具必須強制戴口罩,否則將要罰款

https://www.plurk.com/p/nv979r 【自由心證】英國推入境者不分國籍一律自我隔離兩週並提供住址與手機否則就罰錢 廉航RyanAir老闆轟:政治特技

https://www.plurk.com/p/nwxvtj 永遠慢半拍的英格蘭終於強制民眾戴口罩了 ── 7/24執行,今天7/14,還有10天。

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxhm01 「我不戴口罩、不願被篩檢、不想被追蹤。」、「讓英國自由」海德公園出現一堆抗議的人,他們要求政府「別規定他們去店家還要戴口罩」,除了割開的口罩之外,還有抗議民眾帶著G弦褲(超細的丁字褲)...


https://www.plurk.com/p/ntgn7h 【衛報獨家】揭露:英國政府"史達林"似地企圖審查科學家給予的建議 此舉引爆眾怒與譴責 - 衛報國際版

https://www.plurk.com/p/nszudr 【衛報獨家】NHS醫療人員死於武漢肺炎 調查人要查卻被告知「不要去看個人防護裝備不足的問題」

https://www.plurk.com/p/ntsvtz 英國衛生大臣:我無法保證在Covid19危機後能夠給護理師加薪 - 都會報 #護士

https://www.plurk.com/p/nu5vyd 面對這波疫情,英國政府原本準備好了 ── 直到政府親手搗毀了自己的體制。 #Cummings

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxfqp0 英格蘭首席護理師因拒絕支持違反封鎖規則「跑去賣場配眼鏡」的Cummings 而被踢出武漢肺炎會報、不許參加 - 衛報政治版

https://www.plurk.com/p/nupced 【衛報獨家】對於英國政府的武漢肺炎危機反應 大眾信任暴跌




https://www.plurk.com/p/nxkk1f 英國首相強森在時間24日承認「政府在疫情危機初期幾個月,原本可以做些不一樣的事情」

這種時候出來講這種幹話有什麼意思?? 事情都發生了,然後你現在補救也是補救地亂七八糟。當初也是你說什麼要「集體免疫」的。戴口罩也是慢人好幾拍。


想起那天抗議政府要求戴口罩的群眾…英格蘭人真的腦袋堪憂。 #法律漏洞

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2020-03-30 21:15:05 (台灣)


Theresa May: Nationalism is no ally in this battle without borders | News | The Times


Coronavirus: Theresa May criticises world pandemic response

Former Prime Minister Theresa May has criticised world leaders for failing "to forge a coherent international response" to the coronavirus pandemic.

Covid-19: B&Q and Dunelm turn to click-and-collect to keep customers safe

B&Q reopens all of its 288 branches across UK in lockdown


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-08 20:01:43 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/n0i8dd 「一個國家的故事」高鐵考古遺跡挖掘作業 始於英國最大的開挖工程
> https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/...dianTodayUK&CMP=GTUK_email #考古 #圖堂卡門等級
> https://www.plurk.com/p/mwkwfr "橫跨6000年的人類活動" 英國熱浪讓失落的考古遺跡現身

#武漢肺炎 封鎖期間在家工作 考古學家發現許多史前時代遺址


#雷射科技 #航空測量 #航照 #遙測 #LiDAR #系統性分析 #雷射定位

2020-5-13 07:01

Archeologists discover prehistoric sites – while working from home Comment

Dozens of previously-unrecorded Roman, prehistoric and medieval sites have been discovered by archaeology volunteers based at home during the coronavirus lockdown.

Digging may be on hold due to the pandemic, but the team have found parts of two Roman roads, around 30 prehistoric or Roman large embanked settlement enclosures, and some 20 prehistoric burial mounds, as well as the remains of hundreds of medieval farms, field systems and quarries.

Those leading the project believe they will make many more discoveries in the coming weeks.

The team are analysing images derived from LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data.

 Hermes driver sacked after calling customer with hearing aid 'dozy b****' | Metro News

 France no longer exempt from 14-day quarantine when landing in UK | Metro News

This laser technology is used during aerial surveys to produce highly detailed topographical maps.

Modern vegetation and buildings can be removed, allowing archaeologists to look at the shape of the land surface to find the remains of archaeological earthworks.

The data is being systematically examined and cross-referenced with records of known archaeology and historic maps, meaning the total of new discoveries regularly changes.

A section of probably Roman road which has been revealed by volunteers using LiDAR (Credits: PA)

Project leader Dr Chris Smart, from the University of Exeter, said: ‘The South West arguably has the most comprehensive LiDAR data yet available in the UK and we are using this to map as much of the historic environment as possible.

‘The project’s current focus is the Tamar Valley, but this has been extended to include a broad swathe of land between Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor, Plymouth and Barnstaple – about 4,000 square kilometres in all.

‘This is the first major systematic analysis of LiDAR data from the Tamar Valley westwards and builds upon training workshops we ran earlier in the year.

‘Ordinarily we would now be out in the field surveying archaeological sites with groups of volunteers, or preparing for our community excavations, but this is all now on hold.

‘I knew there would be enthusiasm within our volunteer group to continue working during lockdown – one even suggested temporarily rebranding our project ‘Lockdown Landscapes’ – but I don’t think they realised how many new discoveries they would make.

‘I am very grateful to our team for their efforts and am glad that we could continue to do volunteer-led research in these unsettling times. At the current rate we expect them to recognise hundreds of new archaeological sites in the coming month or two.’

When the worst of the pandemic is over the team intend to undertake geophysical surveys at several of the new sites as part of the project.

Dr Smart added: ‘It’s hard for us not to be able to carry out the work we had planned this summer – including an excavation at Calstock Roman fort – but hopefully this is only a temporary blip and we will be back out in the countryside with volunteers as soon as it is safe to do so.’ Share this article via facebookShare this article via twitterShare this article via messenger

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-16 06:06:20 (台灣)

2020-5-08 15:51
Brian May taken to hospital after tearing buttock muscles while gardening

Queen guitarist says ‘I won’t be able to walk for a while’ after injury during lockdown and lambasts Boris Johnson over coronavirus

via 2020-5-25 19:39
Brian May was 'near death' after suffering heart attack while gardening

The Queen guitarist said doctors found three blocked arteries after he experienced a ‘small’ heart attack

#瀕死體驗 #囤積拉傷 #心血管堵塞 #中風 #碰轟政策 #皇后合唱團 #送醫

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-29 05:29:09 (台灣)

YORKSHIRE DALES NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY: National park set to make sweeping cutbacks

#約克郡 #約克夏 #國家公園

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-05-29 17:02:32 (台灣)

2020-5-31 21:00 我們以前很愛排隊,直到疫情爆發
We used to love a queue, but that was before the pandemic | Zoe Williams

Being British meant I could never complain about standing in line. Now I’d rather take my chances at the garage shop than wait with everyone else

#防疫新生活 #身為一個英國人

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-03 05:53:31 (台灣)

2020-6-11 01:30
'Support bubble' plan lets people living alone in England combine households

Boris Johnson announces easing of restrictions for single parents and people living alone

#獨居者 #單親家庭 #經濟

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-13 05:41:01, 05:42:46, 06:11:11 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-14 03:53:48 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-15 16:53:38 (台灣)

2020-6-21 15:00
Time to test-drive our Covid-aware pedestrian skills

Avoiding jaywalkers is an art form in a tourist hotspot like York, all the more so when attempting to socially distance

#路上測驗 #街訪 #路人 #警覺性 #社交距離 #旅遊景點 #社交距離 #約克

https://www.plurk.com/p/nw0nxv 英格蘭有數千人因天氣炎熱而無視政府呼籲,殺向南部海岸消暑 現在政府宣布為「重大事件」

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-26 06:34:28 (台灣)

2020-7-05 15:00 【防疫新生活】排隊新時代
The new age of the queue | Life and style | The Observer

The British are famous for queueing, but during the pandemic we’ve gone to new lengths. What does our ability to stand patiently say about us?

#英國人以排隊出名 #保持安全社交距離

2020-7-06 00:00
Kate Garraway reveals husband Derek Draper has opened his eyes but remains in intensive care | HELLO!

#Coma #昏迷 #醒來 #睜眼 #眼睛睜開 #主播 #政治顧問 #遊說

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-06 14:33:37 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-14 06:21:10 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-23 15:18:41, 15:22:49, 16:01:55, 16:03:33 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-24 15:05:46 (台灣)

#武漢肺炎 【防疫有成】選民支持史德臣政府防疫措施 蘇格蘭獨立聲量暴衝


蘇格蘭那邊的政策與英格蘭形成強烈對比,地圖更能看出兩邊疫情差異,凸顯了英國政府的無能。www 這新聞讓我爽到我在夢裡跟我媽還是誰講這新聞XDDD
Nicola Sturgeon
This map (from @FT) shows the progress we’ve made in Scotland against COVID. But we mustn’t drop our guard. Please keep following the advice on face coverings, avoiding crowded places, cleaning hands, physical distancing and testing/self isolating if you have symptoms.





#COVID19 #蘇獨

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-07 05:29:52 (台灣)


蘇格蘭首相史德臣在 #武漢肺炎 匯報上被問及2021蘇格蘭大選是否會提出第二次蘇格蘭獨立公投,她一律拒絕回答。




首相讚啦!! 這就是公私分明(←黨的意識型態與國家治理分開討論)。



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-08 06:39:46, 06:44:03 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxhnqy 史德臣:歡迎英相今天來到蘇格蘭。蘇獨的一個主論點就是蘇格蘭有能力角色,而不是由那些我們沒投的(英格蘭)政客幫我們決定我們的未來,將我們拖向一個我們沒有選擇的路。強森的存在凸顯了此一事實。

 蘇格蘭頂尖科學家支持蘇相妮可拉史德臣的防疫政策 同時越來越多的聲量支持再一次獨立公投

 另一場蘇格蘭獨立聲浪上路了 英格蘭政界還不願面對現實


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-24 15:40:58, 15:42:07, 15:56:03, 16:38:03 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-26 03:47:03 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxqak1 英相強森:反疫苗人士「是瘋子」 - 布魯塞爾時報

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-29 03:51:54, 04:11:13 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxscv2 英相強森:歐洲第二波已來襲 所以需要新的限制措施

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-30 04:37:26 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxue8i 英國國家統計署ONS:英格蘭在2020上半年達到全歐洲最高的超額死亡數



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-07-31 03:46:02 (台灣)

2020-8-02 09:18 Over 50s could face stay at home order in 'nuclear plans' drawn up by Boris Johnson

Millions of over 50s could be told to stay at home to avoid a blanket second lockdown under 'nuclear plans' drawn up by Boris Johnson after bubble bursts on easing lockdown

* Boris Johnson could tell over 50s to stay at home to prevent national lockdown
* Prime Minister working up strategies for scenarios with Covid-19 taskforce
* Reimposed rules could include household mixing ban and closing hairdressers
* If capital saw a spike then Londoners could face strict stay-at-home orders

#待在家 #老人 #中老年人 #倫敦

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-03 15:09:26 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nxscv2?r=7359319115

2020-8-02 16:04 首相以為最壞的已經過去了,但實際上離「正常」還有一段很長的路
The Guardian: The PM thought the worst would now be over. But normal looks a long way off.

Some Tory MPs think Boris Johnson is reimposing restrictions too soon; scientists believe he lifted them too early


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-06 22:57:18 (台灣)





※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-07 16:16:15 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-08 06:01:22 (台灣)

> https://disp.cc/b/261-bXYm

2020-7-22 02:31
A-level grades affected by Covid-19 to be adjusted downwards

Many students will have at least one adjusted grade to ensure this year’s results are in line with previous years

2020-8-07 23:30
Nearly 40% of A-level result predictions to be downgraded in England

Exclusive: Assessments likely to be adjusted down before students receive results – analysis

#英國教育議題 #調整 #學測 #考試成績 #降級 #英格蘭

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 03:21:10 (台灣)

What are the new lockdown rules in northern England?

Lockdown tightened in parts of northern England with ban on indoor meetings

UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson postpones relaxing of lockdown rules in England due on 1 August

Wales Online: Children under the age of 11 will no long have to follow 2m social distancing - Coronavirus morning headlines.


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-01 05:10:11 (台灣)

2020-8-07 19:43
Why are indoor settings higher risk for Covid – and are restaurants safe?

Experts say poor airflow, reduced distancing and prolonged exposure are key factors in the spread of coronavirus

#餐廳 #社交距離

2020-8-08 01:48
UK coronavirus live: Preston lockdown restrictions tightened amid rise in infections

#封鎖 #封城 #感染
UK coronavirus: Preston lockdown restrictions tightened amid rise in infections — as it happened
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-08 01:48:59 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nv979r
> https://www.plurk.com/p/ny81f2

2020-8-08 17:08
Coronavirus: just 10 enforcement orders issued for breach of UK quarantine rules

Fears measures may be extended to France, but little enforcement appears to be taking place

#違反規定 #強制執行 #法國

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 03:30:09, 05:33:53, 05:34:10, 05:37:57 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-11 04:05:24 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nyl48m 數據顯示:武漢肺炎案例恐怕會將英格蘭給"夷為平地"

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-14 16:22:33 (台灣)

2020-8-29 22:42
Arts workers on South Bank in London rally against Covid job cuts

Redundancies at Tate, National Theatre and Southbank Centre prompt protest

#遊行 #抗議 #國家劇院 #倫敦

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-02 16:04:36 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nzt8lu 蘇格蘭與威爾斯:首相無視武漢肺炎相關建言

2020-9-06 07:01 【後武漢肺炎時代】白色箱型車男發現他的時代終於來了 - 泰晤士報
White van man finds his time has come

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-07 18:11:36 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nzu5y2 英國24小時內出現近3000個案例

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-08 04:33:52, 22:55:57 (台灣)

> > https://www.plurk.com/p/nzt8lu?r=7377645330
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nzjal6

The countries exempt from England's travel quarantine - full list

Holidaymakers will be able to find summer sun - but some destinations are still off-limits

#旅行限制 #檢疫14天隔離 #清單 #還在想出國旅行?!

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-14 15:37:01 (台灣)


【悲報】英國酒吧、海灘、公園被尋歡作樂的人們給擠爆 因為他們想在「第六規定」前把握大好天氣 - 每日郵報

 最新旅遊危險點建議:西班牙、葡萄牙、土耳其、希臘 - 曼徹斯特晚間報

 英國連鎖餐廳Wetherspoon在全國50家門市有66名員工驗出陽性反應 但公司表示「我們餐廳與酒館並不危險」

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-15 17:12:29 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nr62m9 #NatGeo #國家地理IG #南英格蘭

'So much living to do': stories of the UK's coronavirus victims | World news | The Guardian








※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-16 11:14:35 (台灣)

> > https://www.plurk.com/p/ljp8ev
= 分隔線 =
> > https://www.plurk.com/p/m9gm8b
> > https://www.plurk.com/p/mb6ziu
= 分隔線 =
> > https://www.plurk.com/p/m7ycqz
> > https://www.plurk.com/p/mc9o11
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nulf40 「取消兩公尺安全社交距離」資深保守黨國會議員要求強森首相"拯救酒吧與餐飲業" - 每日郵報

2020-9-18 12:30 在疫情期間經營酒吧「簡直就像是在管理幼稚園」 莫斯里一間酒吧的客人甚至拿出20鎊大鈔只為了不想排隊進酒吧 - 伯明罕郵報
Moseley pub customers 'offering £20 notes' just to get in

Prince of Wales' licensee says some customers have been offering door staff cash just to beat the queue - as he explains how opening a pub in a pandemic is 'like running a kindergarten'

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-18 12:30:59 (台灣)

> https://imgur.com/hKUwskF #ShopLocal #在地消費
> https://disp.cc/b/261-cmeu #米蘭 #義大利 #瀕臨絕種的行業 #小店家 #雜貨店 #本地店鋪 #找到生機活路 #國家地理
> https://www.plurk.com/p/ny6w1a 我們一直聚焦在商業街的衰落 可是真正的問題在亞馬遜上

'Eat out to help out': a forlorn dream for those struggling to feed a family

'Sales went berserk!' Eat out scheme serves much-needed help to hard-hit restaurants #銷售爆衝

The restaurants that will still offer Eat Out to Help Out discounts in September

Eat out to help out sees diners claim 100m cut-price meals in August

Retailers call for 'Shop Out to Help Out' scheme

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-19 15:07:08 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-20 01:32:32 (台灣)

2020-9-11 20:30 【英格蘭】研究統計顯示:武漢肺炎疫情 每八天乘兩倍
Coronavirus cases in England doubling every eight days, study shows

Research finds evidence of accelerating spread at end of August and start of September

#疫情擴散加速 #翻倍

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-12 03:08:34, 03:08:48 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nxue8i

2020-9-18 01:46
UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson warns that second wave of Covid-19 is coming in

Covid: UK seeing second wave, says Boris Johnson


2020-9-21 18:30
UK could have 50,000 Covid cases a day by mid-October, says chief medical officer

2020-9-21 18:32
UK coronavirus live news: Vallance says 6,000 new cases a day in UK, doubling every seven days

#兩倍 #翻倍

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-21 18:54:18 (台灣)

2020-9-21 21:03https://www.theguardian.com/politics...ion?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
UK coronavirus live news: four more areas of Wales to go into lockdown; Whitty calls for reduced social contacts

#威爾斯 #社交距離 #封鎖

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-21 21:32:47 (台灣)

> https://disp.cc/b/261-ce9f


2020-9-22 01:37 北愛爾蘭警戒升級
UK coronavirus live news: alert level to be raised from 3 to 4; Northern Ireland banned from mixing indoors

2020-9-22 05:30 英格蘭全境酒吧與餐廳必須在晚間10點打烊
Coronavirus: pubs and restaurants across England to be forced to shut at 10pm

Boris Johnson to set out limited nationwide coronavirus restrictions on Tuesday

> https://disp.cc/b/261-ce9e
> https://www.plurk.com/p/nwxvtj 永遠慢半拍的英格蘭終於強制民眾戴口罩了 ── 7/24執行,今天7/14,還有10天。

2020-9-23 00:55 UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson announces new rules on face coverings and weddings for England
UK coronavirus live: 4,926 new cases recorded as Boris Johnson warns of six months of restrictions

Nicola Sturgeon announces tighter household measures as PM says England’s new restrictions ‘likely to remain in force for six months’

#蘇格蘭 #口罩新措施

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-23 01:09:39, 01:17:42 (台灣)

2020-9-24 19:39
Covid scheme: UK government to cover 22% of worker pay for six months

Rishi Sunak outlines plans that will take over from furlough programme

#補助 #半年

2020-9-25 01:27 UK coronavirus live: chancellor Rishi Sunak to announce new measures to support jobs and economy
UK coronavirus live: record 6,634 new cases reported; chancellor announces job support scheme

UK reports highest single-day figure since the outbreak began; chancellor announces ‘job support scheme’ to subsidise wages of people in work.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-25 02:55:24 (台灣)

2020-9-25 22:30 對抗武肺疫情 倫敦市長呼籲首相禁止外地家戶到訪倫敦
Sadiq Khan urges PM to ban household visits in London to tackle Covid

Exclusive: Mayor says he is angry that 43% fall in testing might mask capital’s problem

#檢測 #篩檢

> https://disp.cc/b/261-ce9e

2020-9-26 00:52 UK coronavirus live: new restrictions for Cardiff, Swansea and Llanelli; London placed on Covid-19 watchlist
UK coronavirus live: record new cases for second day; new restrictions in Blackpool, Stockport and Wales

Restrictions for Stockport, Blackpool and in Wales; R number rises to between 1.2 and 1.5; London placed on watchlist with Leeds facing new measures

#威爾斯 #蘇格蘭

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-26 01:06:16 (台灣)

2020-9-29 20:28 Boris Johnson apologises for getting north-east lockdown rules wrong
Boris Johnson apologises for getting north-east England lockdown rules wrong

Prime minister says he ‘misspoke’ when he wrongly suggested ‘rule of six’ does not apply outdoors

* Lockdown tightened in north-east England

2020-9-29 23:59
UK coronavirus news: country records highest daily rise in infections with 7,143 new cases - Live


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-30 03:58:08 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nxfqp0 #護士
> https://www.plurk.com/p/o0lpso

2020-10-02 01:35 UK coronavirus live: ban on indoor household mixing to be extended to Liverpool, Hancock tells MPs
UK coronavirus live: Poland and Turkey added to England's quarantine list; Starmer urges rethink of 10pm closing

Travellers arriving from Poland and Turkey must self-isolate from 4am on Saturday; Labour leader urges PM to listen to Andy Burnham

* Middlesbrough mayor vows to defy government over new restrictions

* Nurses barred from handling NHS 111 Covid calls after 60% unsafe

* ‘On a knife-edge’: NHS frontline prepares for a Covid second wave

* Vaccine alone won’t defeat spread of virus, report warns

#土耳其 #波蘭 #宵禁 #10點前打烊

2020-10-02 01:36
England: Covid cases have doubled under most local lockdowns

Exclusive: Leaders and experts blame confusing rules for rise in infections in 11 of 16 centres

#案例 #病例 #兩倍成長 #地方封鎖 #規範含糊不清處

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-02 02:02:48 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o139t9 英格蘭的封鎖名單加入土耳其與波蘭

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-02 15:51:31 (台灣)

2020-10-02 20:45
Councils given five minutes' notice of local lockdown confirmation

Exclusive: Hartlepool and Middlesbrough councils received draft press release just before Matt Hancock statement

#地方議會 #五分鐘 #效率低 #官僚 #草稿

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-03 02:28:00 (台灣)

2020-10-05 02:28
Leak reveals possible harsher three-tier Covid plan for England

Exclusive: government documents suggest potential pub closures and stricter social contact rules

* What are the three proposed lockdown tiers?

#更嚴峻的封鎖令 #三級封城

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-05 05:14:33 (台灣)

2020-10-08 16:47
Ed Conway
Deaths from flu/pneumonia vs deaths from #COVID19 in England & Wales. Pretty striking chart from this @ONS analysis: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulat...between1januaryand31august2020 …

via 2020-10-08 17:00 https://twitter.com/NicolaSturgeon/status/1314128559292772354?s=09
Nicola Sturgeon
One for the ‘it’s no more serious than flu’ point of view...https://twitter.com/EdConwaySky/status/1314125129392291842 …
Deaths from flu/pneumonia vs deaths from #COVID19 in England & Wales. Pretty striking chart from this @ONS analysis: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulat...between1januaryand31august2020 …

2020-10-09 01:23
UK coronavirus: 17,540 new cases as pubs and restaurants linked with 30% of infections in under-30s – as it happened

UK records 17,540 new cases, 77 deaths and 609 new hospital admissions; Chris Whitty presents data on pubs and restaurants. This live blog has now closed: please follow the global coronavirus live blog for updates

* Covid ICU cases in northern England could pass peak in 22 days



* NHS test and trace records worst week for reaching contacts


* North of England leaders to oppose lockdown without aid


* Lockdown could have increased Covid death toll, study finds


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-09 04:20:07 (台灣)

2020-10-10 01:46
Coronavirus: UK workers to get two-thirds of wages if firms told to shut

Rishi Sunak announces new furlough scheme as tough curbs loom in parts of England

稍早標題:Rishi Sunak expands wage subsidies to head off winter surge in job losses

#失業 #薪資補貼 #工資 #薪水 #紓困 #冬季 #UK job furlough scheme #暫時解雇

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-10 04:38:58 (台灣)

> https://disp.cc/b/261-bXYm
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m8iwtl 前副相克雷格投書:廢除免費營養午餐 這是對與生活搏鬥之家庭的攻擊
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m8mkw7 梅伊首相砍營養午餐 將衝擊來自貧困家庭的90萬名孩童

2020-10-10 05:30
Marcus Rashford given MBE in birthday honours for school meals campaign

Footballer urges PM to extend scheme after being included on diverse list delayed by pandemic

 Marcus Rashford given MBE for school meals campaign - YouTube

#足球明星 #首相 #武漢肺炎

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-12 04:11:29 (台灣)

2020-10-12 23:23 三級封鎖系統對英格蘭來說代表了什麼?
What does three-tier Covid lockdown system mean for England?

‘Local Covid alert levels’ aim to simplify existing patchwork of regional restrictions

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nulf40 「取消兩公尺安全社交距離」資深保守黨國會議員要求強森首相"拯救酒吧與餐飲業"

2020-10-13 03:41
UK coronavirus: Chris Whitty warns tier 3 measures alone 'not enough to get on top' of spread — as it happened

Boris Johnson says national lockdown now ‘would do immediate harm’ as he sets out England’s new three-tier lockdown restrictions

* Full report: Johnson unveils three-tier Covid restrictions for England


* Explained: what does three-tier Covid lockdown system mean?


* List: which areas of England are in which alert level


*‘Another killer blow’: Liverpool’s hospitality industry despairs



- UK coronavirus news: Nightingale hospitals in Manchester, Sunderland and Harrogate on standby to take patients

- UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson sets out three-tier system for England Covid restrictions

#南丁格爾醫院 #曼徹斯特 #三級封鎖 #清單 #利物浦 #餐飲業又一重擊

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-13 04:05:49 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/ntgn7h 【衛報獨家】揭露:英國政府"史達林"似地企圖審查科學家給予的建議 此舉引爆眾怒與譴責

2020-10-14 02:46
Keir Starmer urges PM to impose 'circuit breaker' lockdown on England

Labour leader says Boris Johnson must ‘follow the science’ as Covid death toll rises sharply

#專家 #跟著科學走 #工黨黨魁

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-14 02:51:15 (台灣)

UK coronavirus live: People from high-Covid areas of England to be banned from going to Wales, first minister says
UK coronavirus: 19,724 new cases recorded, a daily rise of nearly 2,500 – as it happened
UK records 137 Covid deaths with more than 4,000 patients in hospital; people from high-Covid areas of England to be banned from going to Wales; Northern Ireland tightens restrictions. This live blog is now closed – please follow the global live blog for updates

* Ministers plan pre-Christmas Covid lockdown for English universities


#聖誕節前封鎖 #大學

* Wales to ban visitors from Covid hotspots in England https://www.plurk.com/p/o1rsbt


#威爾斯 #觀光景點 #禁止

* Starmer presses Johnson on why he rejected ‘circuit breaker’


* Northern Ireland to go into four-week partial lockdown



* England and Wales among highest per capita Covid death tolls


#死亡率 #威爾斯

2020-10-16 01:21
UK Covid: Andy Burnham says England's north must not be 'sacrificial lamb' for flawed lockdowns – as it happened

UK records 18,980 more cases, with English hospital admissions up 15% in a day; London, Essex, York and north-east Derbyshire among areas placed into tier 2. This live blog is now closed - please follow the global live blog for latest updates

* North-west being set up like ‘canaries in coalmine’, says Burnham


* Travellers from Italy must quarantine on arrival in UK


* Tier 1, 2 or 3? England’s three-stage Covid lockdown rules explained



- UK coronavirus live: London to move into tier 2 restrictions from midnight on Friday

- UK coronavirus live: London, Essex, York and north-east Derbyshire among areas put into tier 2 restrictions

#來自義大利旅客 #隔離 #三階段封鎖

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-16 04:23:06, 04:42:59 (台灣)

2020-10-16 20:06
Pubs to close in Lancashire as tier 3 Covid strategy reluctantly accepted

Measures, which will come into effect on Friday night, accepted in exchange for £42m support

#不情願接受 #不甘願 #等級三策略

2020-10-17 01:48
UK Covid: PM says Greater Manchester situation is 'grave' and he will intervene if necessary – as it happened

Patrick Vallance says Sage recommended circuit break in September and adds tier 3 measures not enough to get R below 1; weekly UK death toll up by more than 80%.

 Boris Johnson says he will intervene in Greater Manchester if Covid agreement not reached - YouTube

稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: PM says Greater Manchester situation is 'grave' and he will intervene if agreement not reached

#大曼徹斯徹地區 #曼城 #狀況危急 #脫歐 #尚未達成協議

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-17 04:51:43 (台灣)

2020-10-19 03:18 Covid: Greater Manchester set to run out of hospital beds, leak reveals ← 稍早標題
Covid: Greater Manchester running out of intensive care beds, leak reveals

NHS document shows no spare ICU beds for patients in Salford, Stockport and Bolton

#曼徹斯特 #醫院病床數 #醫療資源不足

2020-10-19 20:10 Wales to go into national 'firebreak' Covid lockdown ← 稍早標題
Wales to go into national two-week 'firebreak' Covid lockdown

First minister announces lockdown from 23 October to give NHS breathing space before winter

 Mark Drakeford announces 'firebreak' Covid lockdown for Wales - YouTube

#威爾斯 #全國防火牆 #隔離 #兩周

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-20 03:19:55 (台灣)

2020-10-20 07:03
Greater Manchester given midday deadline for tier 3 deal – as it happened

Johns Hopkins figures show new landmark tally; soaring infections have prompted curfews in French cities. This blog has now closed. Follow our new blog below

稍早標題:Coronavirus live news: Greater Manchester given midday deadline for tier 3 deal; global cases pass 40m

2020-10-21 03:31
UK coronavirus: Hancock says financial support 'remains on table' after Greater Manchester tier 3 imposed – as it happened

Boris Johnson confirms strictest tier 3 restrictions from Friday but confusion persists over funding available to support those affected

* PM confirms tier 3 restrictions for Greater Manchester


* Burnham condemns ministers as talks collapse


* UK death toll rises by 241 in highest daily increase for months


* 400,000 children in England off school for Covid reasons


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: Andy Burnham accuses government of 'walking away' from Greater Manchester tier 3 talks

#三級限制 #死亡人數 #全球案例 #學校停課一週

2020-10-21 21:59
South Yorkshire leaders condemn 'tawdry' tier 3 process

Council chief says government refused to allow funding to be used to top all workers up to minimum wage

稍早標題:South Yorkshire agrees to go under tier 3 Covid restrictions

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-22 04:00:46 (台灣)

2020-10-22 22:56
Stoke, Slough and Coventry moved into tier 2 Covid measures

Hundreds of thousands more people face tougher restrictions from this weekend

#二級措施 #更嚴格的限制規範

2020-10-23 01:24
UK coronavirus: Boris Johnson says £12bn test and trace 'helping a bit' in Covid fight but must improve – as it happened

Latest updates: Boris Johnson says he ‘share people’s frustrations’ as figures reveal new low in reaching contacts; further areas added to tier 2 restrictions.

* Sunak expands furlough replacement scheme for England


* Changes to the job support scheme explained


* Nottingham braced to head into tier 3 measures


* PHE figures show cases stabilising


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: Rishi Sunak announces new support package for tier 2 business and workers

#二級 #失業紓困

2020-10-23 04:01 威爾斯封鎖期間 超市只能賣生活必需品
Supermarkets in Wales to sell only essentials during lockdown

First minister Mark Drakeford says move will create ‘level playing field’ for traders forced to close

#共體時艱 #避免掃貨囤貨?

2020-10-24 00:10
UK coronavirus: 20,530 people test positive in 24 hours; Nottingham to enter tier 3 'next week' - as it happened

* Mass cancellations of NHS operations ‘inevitable’



* Sturgeon sets out five lockdown levels for Scotland


* Warrington to move to tier 3 next week


* Andy Burnham cast as ‘king of the north’


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: Nicola Sturgeon sets out Scotland's new lockdown levels; Warrington to enter tier 3


2020-10-27 02:37
Nottingham and Warrington to enter tier-3 Covid restrictions

Measures mean 8.2 million people in England will be living in highest level of lockdown

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-27 04:16:04, 04:20:50 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/o2frtx

2020-10-28 03:36 英國境內死亡人數破6.1萬(平均日死200,高於預估) 政府科學顧問呼籲全國封鎖
Calls for UK national lockdown grow as coronavirus death toll passes 60,000

Total of 61,469 comes as country hits 200-deaths-a-day average weeks earlier than forecast

稍早標題:UK coronavirus death toll passes 60,000, official figures show


2020-10-29 02:47
Nottinghamshire to ban some alcohol sales after 9pm under tier 3 Covid rules

Off-licence sales prohibition is first in England as beauty salons will also have to close in toughest rules yet

稍早標題:Nottinghamshire expected to enter tier-3 Covid restrictions on Friday

#禁止酒精飲料銷售 #酒吧營運時間 #宵禁 #髮廊 #理髮店 #諾丁漢郡 #三級規範

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-29 05:09:32, 05:24:24 (台灣)

> https://disp.cc/b/261-ce9c
> https://disp.cc/b/261-ce9m
> https://www.plurk.com/p/o2frtx

2020-10-30 04:18
Coronavirus live news: West Yorkshire to move to toughest Covid restrictions; Greece brings in regional lockdowns

Coronavirus live news: West Yorkshire to move to toughest Covid restrictions; Greece brings in regional lockdowns
Greece to lock down Thessaloniki and two other regions; West Yorkshire moving into tier 3; French PM lays out details of new France lockdown

* White House taskforce warns of ‘unrelenting’ Covid spread


* Angela Merkel heckled by German MPs over lockdown


* France: children aged six and over to wear masks in school


* Taiwan marks 200 days without domestic infection


* Large China outbreak linked to Xinjiang forced labour


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-10-30 05:20:48 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o2ljot 【武漢肺炎】英國破100萬病例 英格蘭宣布將展開為期一個月的全國封鎖

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-01 02:52:31 (台灣)

2020-11-01 03:00 為了全國人民的健康著想,我們是不是應該檢查一下強森的健康狀況適合不適合留任?
For the health of the nation, shouldn't Johnson's medical fitness for office be scrutinised?

His leg-wrestling bluster is not enough to dispel suspicions that Covid-19 has critically diminished the PM

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-03 02:18:35 (台灣)

2020-11-01 18:12
Edinburgh Live: Coronavirus second lockdown Scotland: What Boris Johnson's announcement means for Scots.

The Prime Minister announced on Saturday that England would go into a second lockdown until early December

2020-11-03 06:52 利物浦想要全民普篩
Liverpool to pioneer UK's first attempt at mass Covid testing

Up to 500,000 people in city will be tested in bid to measure feasibility of mass population screening

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-04 02:31:36 (台灣)

2020-11-05 02:36
UK coronavirus: nearly 500 further deaths in 24 hours; MPs pass English lockdown rules by 516 votes to 38 – as it happened

稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: nearly 500 further deaths in 24 hours; MPs pass English lockdown rules by 516 votes to 38

* MPs approve England lockdown despite Tory rebellion


* Care home residents in England can get visits, says Hancock


* Tory-linked firm involved in testing failure gets new £347 Covid contract


* Only ‘small chance’ Oxford vaccine ready by Christmas


2020-11-06 07:45
UK records another 378 deaths – as it happened

稍早標題:Coronavirus live news: England begins lockdown as Russia, Poland, Austria, Switzerland see record case rises

2020-11-06 02:21
UK coronavirus: Sweden and Germany put on quarantine list; Johnson raises Christmas hopes - as it happened

* Sunak extends furlough until end of March 2021


* Immunity response stronger and faster post-infection, say scientists


* Sharma met Prince Charles after staffer’s Covid result


* Government urged to protect pregnant women #保護孕婦



- UK coronavirus live: Rishi Sunak extends furlough until end of March in Commons statement

- UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson to hold news briefing on first day of England's new lockdown

2020-11-07 03:32
UK coronavirus: further 355 deaths reported; an estimated 618,700 people in England had Covid last week - as it happened

* Liverpool mass testing trial ‘could do more harm than good’



* Nearly 620,000 people had Covid in England last week


* How government misrepresented Covid projections


* Family morning loss of three members to Covid trolled on social media


#社群媒體 #網路霸凌

稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: estimated 618,700 people in England had Covid last week; Liverpool begins mass-testing

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-07 05:35:33, 06:13:20 (台灣)

2020-11-09 22:34
Boris Johnson press conference today: Prime Minister to address the nation as he gives lockdown update

He will give speak to the nation at 5pm tonight

稍早標題:Herts Live: Boris Johnson press conference today: When the Prime Minister will address the nation as he gives lockdown update.

2020-11-10 07:39
Brexit: Lords inflict huge defeats on government in votes on internal market bill — as it happened

Peers voted on series of amendments before bill’s return to the Commons in coming weeks

* UK has ordered enough Pfizer vaccine for third of population


* Covid-19 vaccine candidate is 90% effective, says Pfizer


* What has Pfizer’s vaccine trial found and is this a breakthrough


* Boris Johnson’s press conference with Prof Van-Tam - Summary


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson says despite vaccine breakthrough these are still 'very early days'

#Brexit英國脫歐 #上議院 #疫苗

2020-11-11 07:55
Coronavirus live news: UK reports 532 further deaths for first time since mid-May; Italy reports 580 deaths

> https://www.plurk.com/p/n1o4zz 聯合國:英國樽節措施為國民大來「極大的不幸與痛苦」

2020-11-12 02:17
UK coronavirus: nearly 600 new deaths in Britain; Manchester appears to have passed second peak - as it happened

* Speed trumps efficacy in UK vaccine rollout, says adviser


* Concerns raised over plan for mass testing students


* Austerity left north of England more vulnerable to Covid, report says


#北英格蘭 #樽節

* Totnes concerns reflect UK-wide rise in conspiracy theories


#陰謀論 #5G #口罩

* No 10 Covid data briefing - Summary


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: nearly 600 new deaths in Britain; Manchester appears to have passed second peak

2020-11-13 02:34 英國單日確診人數破紀錄;北愛爾蘭延長封鎖 → https://www.plurk.com/p/o3d3v3
UK coronavirus: 33,470 people test positive in a day; NI lockdown extended by a week - as it happened

* Scientist behind BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine says it can end pandemic


* England’s test and trace system hit by ‘huge’ IT problems last month


* Seasonal rhythms within immune system may explain infection rates


* Covid infections in Sweden surge, dashing hopes of herd immunity


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: 33,470 people test positive in a day, highest since start of pandemic

#疫苗 #IT問題 #感染率 #免疫 #破紀錄

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-13 05:12:44 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-16 03:39:09 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o3d3v3 #武漢肺炎 英國首相強森又要被隔離了

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-16 05:58:39 (台灣)

> https://disp.cc/b/261-ce9m

2020-11-17 03:18 【朗報】2021年底前有10億以上的人能夠受惠於疫苗
Hopes of Covid vaccine for more than 1bn people by end of 2021

Moderna becomes second firm to reveal positive results with nearly 95% protection in trials

稍早標題:Moderna Covid vaccine candidate almost 95% effective, trials show

2020-11-17 04:46 https://www.plurk.com/p/o3gufw
UK scrambles to buy 5m doses of Covid breakthrough vaccine

Britain strikes rapid deal for Moderna jab showing 95% effectiveness in early resultsCovid vaccine

稍早標題:UK buys 5m doses of Moderna


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-18 04:18:36 (台灣)

2020-11-18 乘客需求"蒸發了" 倫敦計程車有兩成休業中 - BBC
London taxis stored in fields as passenger demand 'evaporates'

One in five black cabs has been taken off London's roads since June due to a lack of passengers during the coronavirus pandemic, research reveals.

> https://disp.cc/b/261-cjj3

2020-11-20 02:21
UK coronavirus: cases slightly down on previous week; Brexit talks paused after EU official tests positive – as it happened

EU chief negotiator says teams will continue to work in line with rules; UK reports 22,915 new cases. This live blog is now closed - please follow the global coronavirus live blog for updates

* Brexit trade talks suspended after negotiator’s Covid infection


* Oxford Covid scientists cast doubt on Christmas vaccine availability


* One death from Covid every 17 seconds in Europe


* Letting Covid circulate for ‘herd immunity’ could make it more lethal


稍早標題:UK coronavirus live: Brexit talks suspended after one of Michel Barnier's negotiators tests positive for Covid

#英國脫歐交涉員 #群體免疫 #致命

> https://disp.cc/b/261-bXYm

2020-11-21 03:07
Priti Patel says sorry after bullying report; Hancock asks regulator to assess Covid vaccine approval - as it happened

* Hancock hoping to allow ‘UK-wide’ Christmas gatherings


* UK sourced PPE from factories secretly using N Korean slave labour


【衛報獨家】英國被爆將個人防護裝備外包給暗地裡使用北韓奴工的中國廠商工廠 https://www.plurk.com/p/o3wsmq

UK sourced PPE from factories secretly using North Korean slave labour

Exclusive: Guardian investigation finds evidence that Chinese PPE factories supplying UK government are breaking UN sanctions

稍早標題:UK politics live: PM's adviser on ministerial code resigns after Priti Patel backed over bullying report

#霸凌 #辭職

> https://www.plurk.com/p/nulf40

2020-11-20 23:34 衛生大臣希望能准許"全國性"的聖誕聚會 專家警告:恐造成一月更多死亡案例
Matt Hancock hoping to allow Christmas gatherings 'UK-wide' despite Covid warnings

Scientists say letting households mix will cause more deaths in January

2020-11-22 06:30
Boris Johnson under pressure as scientists back tight rules for Christmas - The Observer

PM set to announce end to lockdown before trying to broker national agreement on family gatherings


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-24 04:06:28, 04:43:21 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-25 23:05:00, 23:14:33, 23:16:25 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-26 17:29:59 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-28 05:20:35 (台灣)

2020-11-23 22:57 https://www.plurk.com/p/o4b47l
Oxford AstraZeneca Covid vaccine has up to 90% efficacy, data reveals

Vaccine developed in UK by AstraZeneca and Oxford University ‘will save many lives’, says scientist

 'We have a vaccine for the whole world': says Oxford professor - YouTube

稍早標題:AstraZeneca says its coronavirus vaccine has 70% efficacy


2020-11-28 01:51
Hospitals in England told to prepare for Covid vaccine rollout in 10 days' time

Exclusive: NHS could receive first deliveries of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as soon as 7 December

稍早標題:Hospitals in England told to prepare for early December Covid vaccine rollout

2020-12-02 15:16
How does the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine work and who will get it?

Covid vaccine with an efficacy of almost 95% has been authorised by the UK medicines regulator

 Is the new Covid vaccine our way back to normality? - YouTube
稍早標題:Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine wins licence for use in the UK

#回歸正常 #新常態

via 2020-12-02 16:16
UK approves Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine for rollout next week

‘Historic moment’ allows mass immunisation, with 800,000 doses expected to be available next week

 Covid vaccine rollout a 'day to remember in a year to forget', says Hancock - YouTube

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-12-04 02:42:35 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-12-05 05:06:26 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o596iz 上禮拜南英格蘭發現新病株,週日的時候比利時、義大利、尼德蘭便禁止英國的飛機入境


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-12-22 05:33:59 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o5th3k 【英國】低調脫歐:危機之中,英國終於終結了歐盟時代

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-01-01 10:56:13 (台灣)

COVID-19: Eight-year-old dies with coronavirus as cases exceed 50,000 for fourth day running | UK News | Sky News

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-01-02 05:44:58 (台灣)


【悲報】 蘇格蘭首相史德臣宣布即將於午夜展開全國封鎖



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-01-05 08:28:58 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o726gi 英變種病毒 致死率高3成 英政府︰疫苗仍有效

https://www.plurk.com/p/o7bl2g #Brexit 月中的時候,一名前往尼德蘭(荷蘭)的英國卡車司機因為脫歐協議的新規定,個人不得進口乳製品肉製品等農產品,於是他的火腿三明治都被沒收,海關還說他不能只把火腿交出去留麵包。





※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-01-30 09:46:03 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-02-05 16:40:14 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o89691 【訃報】為疫情封鎖期間募款的人瑞二戰老兵因確診武漢肺炎後過世 享嵩壽100歲

他在去年為英國NHS募到了3890萬英鎊。女王帶頭向這Tom Moore爵士致意。

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-02-17 08:53:05 (台灣)

2021-04-27 16:12

- 被維基百科視為不可靠來源的每日郵報 vs 一天到晚老是施鹽的強森


- 這時候我信強森

- 相信強森的失言能力對吧www

via https://www.plurk.com/p/oc7ia5
via FTB
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-04-29 10:47:20, 13:12:32, 18:36:59 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/odzjq8 【英格蘭】武漢肺炎疫情仍在燒 銀行假日街上出現大量狂歡者

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-05-30 00:01:49 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/oe8t91 【英國】武漢肺炎爆發以來首日零死亡!──但單日確診人數3000名

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-06-03 05:53:24 (台灣)

2021-6-15 12:01:24
難擋變種病毒!近3成死者已接種兩劑疫苗 英國宣布延後1個月解封

Published 4 days ago by 03:38 13/07/2021
Covid-19: Girl, 17, struggling with lockdown took own life


via https://www.plurk.com/p/ogksae

#隔離 #自殺 #青少女 #地獄哏

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-07-13 03:39:36 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/og9dwe ​「學習與病毒共存」英格蘭預計於7/19解封並讓學校復課,確診者但打過兩劑疫苗的人可以不用自我隔離

英國首相強生(Boris Johnson)將於倫敦時間5日宣布,自本月19日起取消防疫限制,呼籲民眾「學習與病毒共存」。Delta變種病毒(原稱印度變種病毒)來勢洶洶,英國每天仍有近3萬人確診。


強生將召開記者會,衛生大臣賈維德(Sajid Javid)也預定向國會說明。









位於蘇格蘭的聖安德魯大學(University of Saint Andrews)社會心理學教授萊克(Stephen Reicher)認為,一國的衛生大臣盼將所有衛生防護交由個人選擇,著實令人「惶恐不安」,這波疫情傳遞的關鍵訊息是,防疫並非「個人」的事,而是「大家」的事。


英國醫學會(British Medical Association)呼籲政府維持部分限制,因為每日新增感染人數仍「驚人的」不斷增加,目前每天都有近3萬人確診。
via Kaede TG
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-07-07 10:49:41 (台灣)

2021-7-21 00:04
Border officials told not to make Covid checks on green and amber list arrivals

Exclusive: officers in England no longer have to verify whether new arrivals have received a negative Covid test


 1200名科學家警告:英格蘭解封對世界是一個威脅 - 衛報國際版


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-07-18 00:34:15, 00:36:15 (台灣)

2021-7-31 01:30
MPs enjoy free tickets worth £100k during Covid large event pilots

#國會議員 #立委享受特權 #球票
https://www.plurk.com/p/oibp35 【英格蘭】打完兩劑疫苗但接觸確診者的話,自下8/16起不用隔離,只要PCR檢測就好 - 衛報國際版

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-08-13 02:01:53 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-08-14 02:04:11 (台灣)

Spotify – How the pandemic exposed the crisis in children’s social care - Today in Focus | Podcast on Spotify

Children’s services have reached breaking point in some areas as family breakdown and a lack of funding have resulted in a perfect storm.

#兒童權益 #社會服離

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-08-26 15:58:08 (台灣)

2021-9-03 14:42
疫情下寵物竊案暴增 英國擬視為新式刑事案處理



路透社報導,寵物飼料製造商協會(Pet Food Manufacturers' Association)今年3月委製的調查顯示,COVID-19疫情期間全英有210萬人添購寵物,120萬人打算養寵物。




環境大臣尤斯提斯(George Eustice)透過聲明表示:「飼主不應活在恐懼中,我很高興這份報告承認了這種罪行所造成的痛苦。」





※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-09-10 15:46:22 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-09-25 16:37:43 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-09-27 17:34:33 (台灣)



‧新變種AY.4.2在英國快速擴散 恐成「最強病毒株」





※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-10-24 17:06:47, 17:06:56 (台灣)

2021-10-27 19:46
Keir Starmer misses PMQs and budget after positive Covid test

Ed Miliband stands in for Labour leader at PMQs and Rachel Reeves will respond to Rishi Sunak’s statement

稍早標題:Keir Starmer tests positive for Covid

via https://www.plurk.com/p/om01fc?r=7604016855

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-10-28 17:05:01 (台灣)

2021-11-04 00:22
Covid jabs to be compulsory for NHS staff in England from April

Mandatory vaccination to be introduced for NHS England’s 1.2 million full-time staff from next year

via https://www.plurk.com/p/om01fc?r=7608039905

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-05 16:02:38 (台灣)

2021-11-26 05:22
South Africa to be put on England’s travel red list over new Covid variant

Flights from six countries will be banned as officials review travel measures after scientists voice concern over variant

More: https://www.plurk.com/p/onhe6b

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-27 13:29:56 (台灣)

2021-11-27 23:14
Two cases of Omicron Covid variant identified in UK

The B.1.1.529 variant, described in Britain as ‘the most worrying we’ve seen’, was first found in southern Africa

 Two cases of Omicron Covid variant detected in Britain, says health secretary - YouTube

via https://www.plurk.com/p/onhe6b?r=7618957442

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-27 23:57:10, 23:57:44 (台灣)

2021-11-27 02:13
Boris Johnson tightens rules on travel and mask-wearing over Omicron concerns

Travellers to UK must take PCR tests and masks to be made mandatory in shops and on public transport
via https://www.plurk.com/p/onhe6b?r=7619462981
欸不是啊 口罩這本來就該要戴的啊你北七喔
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-29 13:07:28 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-11-30 20:53:09 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-01-30 00:13:26 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/oqoq1h 查爾斯王子又中獎了

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-02-11 13:19:00 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/or3uun 英國女王伊莉莎白確診武漢肺炎

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-02-20 23:44:34 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/or6pc6 英格蘭即將大解封... 從「免費篩檢將於4/01結束」到宣布「結束在英格蘭的防疫限制」


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-02-22 18:28:27 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-02-22 18:28:27 (台灣)

2022-10-15 07:00
‘Hunker down’: UK travel firms brace as fresh storm clouds gather

At Abta conference, talk of buoyant market peppered with uncertainty – and anger at government

Liberated from pandemic restrictions, travel firms finally looked through the worst. Yet as industry leaders jetted in for a “survivor’s celebration” in Marrakech this week, fresh storm clouds were gathering.

#旅遊公司 #年會

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2022-10-15 23:52:59 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-02-06 16:35:55 (台灣)


「就讓民眾死一死」武漢肺炎調查聽證會:報告指出現任首相Sunak曾在疫情期間說了這句話 - 路透社

* 英格蘭醫療主任官員Whitty受到壓力來寫是為何他沒有給首相更多警告,他並說如果是恐攻,政府才會加快腳步。

* 前首相強森則被指為「根本搞不清楚科學性建議」。
真不愧是權貴政黨保守黨耶。 #托利黨人失言集
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-23 18:48:05 (台灣)
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