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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-11 02:26:54
看板 movie
作者 ZC0907 (ZC)
標題 [討論] 與一級玩家相關80年代洗腦神曲「Take on
時間 Tue Apr 10 11:57:58 2018


只記得「Jump 」、「Stayin' Alive」

不記得片中有收入這首歌 但國外的介紹卻有


懷舊查了一下原曲PV 真是純真年代
a-ha - Take On Me (Official Video) - YouTube
Time and Again: The Ultimate a-ha, including the biggest hits + rare and unreleased remixes, is out now! Get your copy here:


Pentatonix - Take On Me (Lyrics) - YouTube
PTX, Vol. IV - Classics is officially out!!! Happy April 7th everyone! Take On Me is such a jam and it makes me want to dance every time I listen to it so I ...


Reel Big Fish - Take On Me - YouTube
Music video by Reel Big Fish performing Take On Me. (C) 1996 Mojo Records LLC


實在是太洗腦了 聽一次就讓人一直replay

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obidarker   : 有提到Halliday最喜歡的MV是Take On Me1F 04/10 12:01
StarLeauge  : 可惜沒有神氣活現那首,也是經典2F 04/10 12:05
Arsenalhenry: Take On Me必推3F 04/10 12:07
vvvv0o0vvvv : https://youtu.be/5jlI4uzZGjU Pitbull有拿去取樣4F 04/10 12:07
Pitbull - Feel This Moment ft. Christina Aguilera - YouTube
Pitbull's official music video for 'Feel This Moment' ft. Christina Aguilera. Click to listen to Pitbull on Spotify:  As f...

Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now - YouTube
Starship's official music video for 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now'. Click to listen to Starship on Spotify:  As featur...

evan666     : 這首La la land就出現過了6F 04/10 12:11
sleepyrat   : 80年代的流行樂,大多都很洗腦~~7F 04/10 12:17
sleepyrat   : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1b8AhIsSYQ
Starship - We Built This City - YouTube
Starship's official music video for 'We Built This City'. Click to listen to Starship on Spotify:  As featured on Hit...

sdf88523    : 男主角開一個洞那一幕讓我想到 雅蒂幫帕西開通道9F 04/10 12:23
GrowUp      : take on me的MV在當時這樣超強,8,90年代音樂電音10F 04/10 12:25
GrowUp      : 都很棒
birdy590    : 應該還是Everybody Wants To Rule The World最切題12F 04/10 12:25
c74325437   : https://youtu.be/KqH4xdEZ4aA     應該是這個預告13F 04/10 12:29
READY PLAYER ONE Final Trailer (2018) - YouTube
Official Ready Player One Movie Trailer 4 2018 | Subscribe ➤  | Tye Sheridan Movie Trailer | Release: 29 Mar 2018 | More

dakkk       : duran duran呢14F 04/10 12:32
bakasensei  : Take on me雖然完全不知道在唱什麼 但搭配MV滿好看15F 04/10 12:32
sleepyrat   : take on me算是1985年國歌,全球都在take on me16F 04/10 12:33
c74325437   : https://youtu.be/AIGOlEm015w 應該是這首17F 04/10 12:34
Take On Me - aha / Inspired by the Ready Player One Trailer / VGH Synthetic Orchestra - YouTube A little something I created since the actual version of this can't be found (as of me posting this). It's short, but sweet. Hope you like it! Thank you for ...

sleepyrat   : 80's連重搖滾都很洗腦https://youtu.be/VcjzHMhBtf018F 04/10 12:51
Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Live in Houston) - YouTube
Journey's official live video for 'Don't Stop Believin'' performed in Houston. Click to listen to Journey on Spotify:

opse1020    : Everybody Wants To Rule The World亞當山德勒那部19F 04/10 12:58
opse1020    : 電玩的也有出現
qwer32323   : take on me最厲害的還是那隻前衛跨時代的mv21F 04/10 13:05
alvis000    : i hate myself for loving you也很洗22F 04/10 13:09
gm79227922  : take on me一堆翻唱23F 04/10 13:14
jason862i   : A-Ha Take on me = 神曲24F 04/10 13:17
jason862i   : MV在那個年代潮爆
efzfzn      : 超好聽讚讚26F 04/10 13:24
hades1206   : https://youtu.be/AlupRATWkm027F 04/10 13:31
Northern Kings - Take On Me (2008) - YouTube
Coversong from Northern Kings's NEW album "Rethroned" (2008). There's four singers: Marco Hietala (Nightwish), Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica), J. Ahola (Teräsbe...

hades1206   : 金屬版28F 04/10 13:31
ANSREC      : https://youtu.be/FYH8DsU2WCk 居然沒人提到New Ord29F 04/10 13:40
New Order - Blue Monday - YouTube
Original song from 1983

ANSREC      : er的Blue Monday30F 04/10 13:41
gtcb        : 這首MV在1986MTV頒獎典禮上大出風頭。31F 04/10 13:41
ANSREC      : 看到你們約的酒吧下這節奏超激動der32F 04/10 13:41
Tako5566    : Take on me 很適合 愛歌之一33F 04/10 13:42
sjes        : 從la la land認識的 超級愛!!!34F 04/10 14:16
sjes        : 應該是放在預告吧 最近有在電視上聽到
yuugen2     : 我喜歡 jump36F 04/10 14:27
alvis000    : we're not gonna take it 也好聽37F 04/10 14:35
alvis000    : https://i.imgur.com/9rgGNOV.jpg 循環中
qk8121718   : https://youtu.be/nF7lv1gfP1Q39F 04/10 14:58
this is a good song i like this song this was requested by wihmib follow the shit in other places if you want : Twitter -  Fac...

qk8121718   : 只推這板本40F 04/10 14:59
sixx        : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8r-tXRLazs41F 04/10 15:04
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star - YouTube
Discover how The Buggles Become Video And Radio Stars:  Listen to more from The Buggle...

sixx        : 這首有提到 但是OST沒有 滿可惜的~42F 04/10 15:04
sixx        : 當年GTA Vice City裡最愛這首說
tt12g36     : 從lalaland聽到的  很好聽44F 04/10 15:06
Lanx        : Pentatonix最愛Avi的低音  可惜退團了QQ45F 04/10 15:12
minwoo29    : https://youtu.be/HPkTGm4RtVM 電影最一開始的 蠻好46F 04/10 15:15
Joan Jett - I Hate Myself For Loving You [ Original HQ ] - YouTube Edited the original video with some mild color fx and sound enhancement... Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad...

minwoo29    : 聽47F 04/10 15:15
aiiiohy71   : Van Helen 的Jump也很好聽48F 04/10 15:29
tpenig      : 要是有rock you like a hurricane 就更好了49F 04/10 15:36
meimei2016  : 這首真的太經典了,可惜預告有正片沒出現啊!50F 04/10 16:08
ksk0516     : Sing Street51F 04/10 16:44
b03902123   : 推twisted sister的we're not gonna take it52F 04/10 17:10
Victory2    : Take on me出來那時是我的學生時代,當年正好搭上MT53F 04/10 17:21
Victory2    : V的興起,真是風靡一時啊!
celya6223   : 搖滾青春戀習曲也有~55F 04/10 18:16
jo611       : 這幾天狂loop 80s老歌~56F 04/10 18:38
grafan      : 同樓上這幾天我也是狂聽80年代老歌57F 04/10 18:54
grafan      : 80跟90年代的歌真的是歷久不衰
grafan      : take on me真的是神曲 三十多年後還是好聽
angelstephen: Take on me 請務必搭配MV服用60F 04/10 19:06
ghostl40809 : 以前大型機台有個賽車遊戲 (有個腳色是滑板車阿北)61F 04/10 19:07
ghostl40809 : 遊戲開頭的歌有人神的到嗎
Joey452     : 吹笛子那個瞬間笑噴XD63F 04/10 19:24
justice79   : https://youtu.be/6LdyZvfHjZk 預告配原曲的史詩版64F 04/10 19:57
Ready Player One - Take On Me Full Epic Version | Dreamer Trailer Music - YouTube Subscribe to our channel:  Check out our Ready Player One Spotify Playlist:  Stream on Spotify:

galaxyku    : 幹 推五樓 超好聽65F 04/10 20:22
lovecszoo   : We're Not Gonna Take It一出來我整個開懷大笑66F 04/10 21:12
lovecszoo   : https://youtu.be/4xmckWVPRaI MV本身也超白爛
Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It (Official Video) - YouTube Watch the official video for Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It", from their 1984 album 'Stay Hungry.' The single reached number 21 on the Billboard H...

sleepyrat   : 80年代神曲還有這首 https://youtu.be/d1DwTcSlgqs68F 04/10 21:26
Together In Electric Dreams (12" Extended Version) 720p HD - YouTube All rights reserved to the owner and publisher of the music contained herein, I do not own the copyright to the song, and I have uploaded the content as part...

Tears For Fears - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - YouTube FIND ME AT  Popularised by the "Live Aid" spin-off, "Sport Aid" - this is the original version. For more, hit

Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan - Especially For You - YouTube
Music video by Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan performing Especially For You. (C) 1988 PWL Lyrics: [1a:] Especially for you I wanna let you know what I was goi...

Olivia Newton-John and Cliff Richard - Suddenly (HQ) - YouTube "Suddenly" is a song from the soundtrack album Xanadu, and is the love theme from the 1980 film of the same name. The song is performed as a duet between Oli...

In the Morning - Bee Gees - YouTube
In the Morning - Bee Gees イン・ザ・モーニング - ビー・ジーズ

Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken - YouTube
Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken @lidia.fernandes1

seafood56   : https://youtu.be/6Q4gQ-LamcU77F 04/10 23:35
用四個和弦唱完一拖拉庫的經典歌曲 (中文字幕) - New Best - YouTube 可至下面連結觀看片中所有歌曲的資訊喔!  觀看更多精彩影片請至:  馬上加入粉絲專頁取得第一手的更新資訊:

Kiznaiver Opening キズナイーバー OP 1 - YouTube


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