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暴雪感覺一周更新一次還不夠  所以今天又更新了

音樂 - 潘達利亞之心
Mists of Pandaria Soundtrack - Heart of Pandaria - YouTube
Mists of Pandaria Soundtrack - Heart of Pandaria


Spell Changes


Incarnation: Chosen of Elune, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Incarnation:
Son of Ursoc tooltips were cleaned up and no longer list the benefits of each
base shapeshift form.

Stampeding Roar no longer requires Cat Form or Bear Form.
Incarnation no longer affects Wrath.
Glyph of the Moonbeast now affects Rebirth.


Glyph of Aspect of the Beast is now a Minor Glyph.

Pet - Sporebat
Smack - Damage amounts added: Smack the enemy, causing (208 + 40% of RAP *
0.20) damage. Deals 100% more damage and costs 120% more Focus when your pet
has 50 or more Focus.

Pet - Bear
Claw - Claw the enemy, causing (208 + 40% of RAP * 0.20) damage. Deals 100%
more damage and costs 120% more Focus when your pet has 50 or more Focus.

Pet - Bat
Bite - Bite the enemy, causing (208 + 40% of RAP * 0.20) damage. Deals 100%
more damage and costs 120% more Focus when your pet has 50 or more Focus.

Designer Notes - Flying Serpent Kick AOE effect seems to be fixed.

Ascension is now a LVL 45 talent, up from LVL 30.
Chi Brew is now a LVL 45 talent, up from LVL 30.
Chi Burst is now a LVL 30 talent, down from LVL 45.
Chi Wave is now a LVL 30 talent.
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger no longer costs 2 Chi.
Power Strikes is now a LVL 45 talent, up from LVL 30.
Zen Sphere is now a LVL 30 talent, down from LVL 45.

Gift of the Ox - New - You have a (1 + 120.0% of SP)% chance when you deal
melee damage to summon a Healing Sphere nearby an injured ally.
Keg Smash now is limited to 4 targets, up from 3.

Life Cocoon now increases all periodic healing taken by 50%, down from 100%.


Desperate Prayer can now be cast in Shadowform.
Divine Insight Shadow effect has been changed - Periodic damage from your
Mind Flay refreshes the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target.
>From Darkness, Comes Light Surge of Light now has a 15% chance to proc. Surge
of Darkness changed - When your Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, there is a
15% chance your next Shadow Word: Death will treat the target as if it were
below 20% health.

Mind Surge (NNF) now has a 10% chance to proc.
Shadow Orbs - New - Generated by Mind Blast and Shadowy Apparitions. Used to
cast Devouring Plague and empower Psychic Horror.
Shadowy Apparitions now has a 20% chance to summon a shadow. Now deals (615 +
60.0% of SP) shadow damage and grant you a Shadow Orb. You can now have up to
3 Shadowy Apparitions active, down from 15.
Vampiric Touch now grants 2% of maximum mana, down from 3%.

Major Glyphs
Glyph of Dark Binding now affects Prayer of Mending, Renew, and Leap of Faith
instead of Binding Heal, Flash Heal, and Renew.
Glyph of Psychic Scream now also affects your Psyfiend's Psychic Terror.
Glyph of Vampiric Touch is now Glyph of Devouring Plague and affects
Devouring Plague.


Hemorrhage now deals an additional 100% direct strike's damage over 24 sec,
up from 40%.
Mastery: Executioner now scales from 300% of, down from 250%.

Major Glyphs
Glyph of Cheap Shot now increases the duration of Cheap Shot by 1 sec, down
from 5 sec.


Corruption now scales from 30% of Spell Power, up from 20%.
Dark Soul - New - Grants a powerful effect based upon your specialization for
20 sec. Instant. 5% of Base Mana. 2 min cooldown.
Voidwalker: Disarm - Grants your Voidwalker the ability to cast Disarm.

Blood Fear now has a 5 sec cooldown.
Soul Leech (Affliction) now causes your Malefic Grasp spell to heal you for
20% of the damage dealt.
Soul Leech (Demonology) now causes your Shadow Bolt, Soul Fire and Demonic
Slash spells to heal you for 10% of the damage dealt.
Soul Leech (Destruction) now causes your Incinerate and Soul Fire spells to
heal you for 10% of the damage dealt.

Chaos Bolt damage has been increased by 25%.
Chaos Bolt, Ember Tap, Fire and Brimstone, Shadowburn all had their benefits
from Mastery: Emberstorm decreased by 75%. (This is stuff that databases do
not fully support yet, be careful with this change)

Dark Soul: Knowledge now increases your Mastery by 21,000, up from 30.

Agony now costs 2% of Base Mana, down from 4% of Base Mana.
Soulburn no longer costs a Soul Shard but no longer affects Soul Fire.
Unstable Affliction now costs 3% of Base Mana, down from 5% of Base Mana.

Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Howl of Terror replaced with Glyph of Subtlety - Your Soul Shards no
longer display while out of combat.

Major Glyphs
Glyph of Doom base damage has been increased by 15%
Glyph of Falling Meteor now causes you to not die from falling damage instead
of taking no falling damage.

T14 Set Bonus Changes
Item - Warlock T14 2P Bonus - now increases damage done by Shadow Bolt by 6%,
down from 10%. Now also increases damage of Demonic Slash by 6%.

Pet - Infernal
Immolation - Burns nearby enemies for (214 + 20.0% of SP) fire damage every 2

Pet - Succubus
Lash of Pain - An instant attack that lashes the target, causing (855 + 80.0%
of SP) Shadow damage.
Whiplash - Deals (492 + 46.0% of SP) Shadow damage and instantly knocks back
all enemies within 5 yards.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
saintmagic:沒有法師1F 05/03 17:28
elizas1201:這首感覺弱弱的. 不過可以聽到一些新的片段.2F 05/03 17:29
marvyuh:我覺得滿好聽的啊!!!!! 二胡讚3F 05/03 17:30
stanwhale:結果偷襲雕紋馬上改回來XD4F 05/03 17:30
psalmian:哈哈偷襲果然不負眾望的被改...QQ5F 05/03 17:37
Mmxmmx:Warrior:No changes  所以是說已經很好很強大的意思?7F 05/03 17:48
marvyuh:應該是臉已經夠腫 這次先放你一馬的意思8F 05/03 17:53
MilkTea0509:賊buff完馬上nerf9F 05/03 17:53
Burdened:溫金龍表示:10F 05/03 17:53
henry1234562:術士星落雕文從摔不扣血改成摔不死..11F 05/03 17:54
stanwhale:賊與其說是nerf不如說是修bug吧 怎麼可能真的是暈9秒..13F 05/03 18:01
Mmxmmx:暈9秒那就都給賊玩就好了  (攤手14F 05/03 18:05
wtf12022:好弱的登入音樂@_@15F 05/03 18:16
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