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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 6月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2013年06月01日 Sat. PM 03:56:13

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller

Taurus Horoscope for June 2013

By Susan Miller

June may be the month that works out to fulfill the promise of 2013, namely that you are finally in line to raise your earned income to a new, important lucrative level. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, has been in your second house of salary for months, but without a new moon to unlock its gifts, Jupiter can't help you. Now, that changes - the new moon of June 8 will change everything. With Mars, Jupiter, the mighty Sun, and moon in your second house of finances, you have all the planetary power you need to get more money.

Ask for a raise or negotiate a new salary deal in a new job in the ten days following the new moon, June 8, knowing that the days that quickly follow June 8 will be your strongest best. (Keep in mind you cannot act before a new moon, only AFTER it occurs.) Mars' presence in your second house suggests your costs may escalate in June, all the more reason to speak up for yourself. It's possible that you will be making a major purchase, say, for a house, co-op, or condo this month, and that might explain the outgo from your account. Something involving family or real estate appears to be on your agenda this month.

The reason I feel that property and family will be important to you this month (and lucky for you) is that on June 19, you will have what I call "the luckiest day of the year." This happens when the Sun makes his annual visit to Jupiter, and when these two luminaries always meet in a different sign and house of your horoscope. This year, they are meeting in your second house of earned income. I feel you may be buying real estate because the Sun rules your living situation, and Jupiter rules your mortgages and bank loans - hence, you may be buying a house or apartment or taking out a home improvement loan to work on improving your present space, a good time to do so. Anything you buy now would be large! Make sure you need as large a house!

In actuality, the two days leading to June 19, specifically, June 17 and 18, will be even stronger than June 19, as you need to catch an aspect on the way up, not after it has peaked and has started its decent and will soon go their separate ways. For that reason, circle in red June 17 and 18 too, all days the alignment is coming closer, closer and closer, dear Taurus. This won't happen again in the same way for twelve years! It seems like the moves you make this month can leave you richer than when you entered the month.

If you are signing a contract with someone, you need the other party to sign when you do, or prior to the day you do, so that the contract is not delayed past noon EDT in New York City on June 19. (Search "world clock" on your browser for that time and date, and find out how it relates to your city at noon EDT. It may push your deadline an extra day, into June 20 in your time zone. Your actions must not be any later than what the world clock tells you.)

Mercury will be in hard angle to Uranus at the new moon June 8, so you may find that unexpected problems come up that you will need to solve before you more forward. It would not be wise to actually sign on June 8, due to this conflict of Mercury and Uranus, for Mercury rules contracts and even verbal agreements. Additionally Mercury will oppose Pluto, indicating someone will be quite intransigent and they dig in their heels. You always want a sweet, happy Mercury when you sign papers, not a Mercury under siege like it will be near June 8.

Travel is likely just prior to the full moon, June 23, which will fall in Capricorn 2 degrees. Because full moons conclude things, you will likely be returning home from a trip on this date. If that does not fit, you may be finishing up a publishing or broadcasting project. If you are in court with someone, you may offer an idea that the other side finds fair to them and settle the case. (Alternatively, you may be anticipating the jury's verdict.)

Keep in mind that Mercury is about to go retrograde on June 26, to stay retrograde until July 20. After Mercury's retrograde begins, it would not be the time to sign papers or announce big decisions. The only way Mercury retrograde would work for you is that if you are going back to the past to finish something, or to work with someone you used to work with to continue that relationship. Going back to past situations and relationships are often favored with Mercury retrograde. You may additionally find that machines with moving parts go on the fritz during Mercury retrograde, so you may be calling the repair shop this month. The weakest link in a machine will suddenly show itself.

Venus, your ruler, will be in Cancer nearly all month, starting on June 2, and continuing until June 27. With your ruling planet spending time in your third house, one of three things may be going on - you may be getting ready to travel a short distance, you may have your eye on a contract you are negotiating or a website you are posting, or you may have made plans with your sister or cousin.

Cancer is a sign that blends beautifully with your earth sign element, and this month Venus, Neptune, and Saturn will join hands to create a golden triangle of harmony in the sky. Saturn is in your partnership sector, and Neptune is in your house of community, friendship, and social causes. In some way, these areas will work together in a very smooth way now to help you. All are in early degrees of a water sign, so if you were born in April, within five days of April 25, you will benefit in a big way from this rare and quite beautiful harmony going on in the heavens. (I am used to seeing more belligerence in the sky than harmonious cooperation among planets, so this is indeed good news!)

In regard to the golden triangle of planets cooperating to help you, it will be up to you to figure out how to make it all work. You need to join: 1) your ability to communicate clearly and in a compelling way, (or to sell or put forth creative ideas in a written or verbal way) and how your skill relates to 2) a partner or agent, and 3) a friend or club, or group of people / community. You have a rare chance to tap this energy - can you unlock this puzzle?

To get you started thinking, let me give you an example. It may be that a friend gives you a tip that you relay to your agent who acts on that tip, and afterward, her efforts results in a contract that benefits you (third house of writing rules contracts, manuscripts, and other important papers). Or, in another example, it may be that you finish your manuscript, and a friend or fellow club member offers to get your finished work to the hands of just the right influential person, and ask your agent to send it to the name your club member suggests. You need all three areas to work together to find success.

Agents do lots of things, beyond sharing her contacts with you. I have been an agent in my past, and now have agents and publicists to represent me. Be glad you have such a hardworking person representing you. Let anyone help your agent who wants to do so. Who cares HOW you get your manuscript or other work into the right, influential hands? Good energy attracts more good energy. Yes, you have to pay your agent, but that money will help her fund the continued work she wants to do for you on other things, areas that have not yet paid off yet. If you are the agent, publicist, manager, lawyer, or middleman in the situation, then you will do well too from this golden triangle from the golden talent you represent. This works both ways.

Some of the biggest news of the month has to do with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, due to enter Cancer, on June 25, to stay for a full year, until July 16, 2014. Jupiter has not been in Cancer since mid-2001 to mid-2002, so this influence will likely seem new. Jupiter will see to it that you learn to communicate in a new way. If you have always, say, done marketing reports, you may try your hand on creative writing this year and be told by your instructor that you have real talent you can develop. If you've always written books, you may get an offer to host a TV show you've had in mind, and may make a pilot show to see how your concept translates. You may get media training to be a spokesperson for your company, even if you've never been asked to do anything like that before.

The idea is that you will branch out to new areas and grow as a result. Be open to new challenges - Jupiter will be there to catch you if you misstep. There are times in life I will tell you to take absolutely no chances, and other times you can afford to experiment a little. When it comes to communication, you can take a judicious risk. You will have a year of having Jupiter at your side. You will see me talk of this next month when the new moon will appear in the very same house. There's no time to spare - plan to get started in early July.

When it comes to romance, travel seems to help enormously to fan the fires of love. You need not go far - you merely have to travel out of your normal perimeter of everyday life. If you are in a warm climate, you might rent a house on the seashore (Jupiter in Cancer loves the sea. If you are in a cold climate, you might consider a weekend ski trip or, if that seems too active, to spend a romantic weekend in the resort's cottage, by the roaring fire in the fireplace.) If you are attached, you will grow closer being unshackled by everyday cares - you can give a most precious gift of full attention. Attention is so easy to give, but yet, by what I hear, so hard to get from a partner. Unplug the smart phone and lavish attention on your partner. Some things are more important than the newest text on your phone.


As a Taurus, you love the feeling of security that having a nest egg can provide. We all go through various periods in life when life presents more or less plentiful crops in our garden (so to speak), but happily, June should be one of your most lucrative months in years. Start to assertively look for areas of potential to develop now, for your timing will be excellent, particularly after the new moon in Gemini, June 8 plus ten days. Start to sow your seeds and watch for which of your efforts will take root. Few goals are reached in short order, but what counts in astrology is when you start - do so on the following Monday, June 10.

Be careful about investing or loaning money at the new moon, as Mercury will be in hard angle to Uranus, planet of surprise, and things could go wrong without warning. Do your homework on any venture you want to place your money - you may have missed something. Because a new moon sets up a trend, you will have to be careful for weeks, not days. Do your due diligence, and consult a financial advisor you trust before taking action on making an investment.

Your most fortunate day to ask for a raise - or to have a talk with a client about a new project where your fees will be high - will be June 17 or 18 or early day June 19. Check the world clock on the Internet to find out when noon in New York time takes place in your location - it may be on June 20, so find out. You can act no later than the time you see on the world clock screen. Those on the West Coast have until 3 PM PDT). This is when Jupiter will make its exact conjunction to the Sun, so the two will be in perfect alignment, forming the luckiest days of the year.

This all means that June 17, 18, and 19 will provide you with some of your best moneymaking days of the year. The money you will see would not money you win or are given as a gift, but money you would earn. This is good news, for it means if you seize the opportunity to find ways to increase your income now, you will be able to continue to build your fees or salary to a still higher level in the future. This month you will get the chance to make a quantum leap, but it will be up to you to make it happen. A window is opening - the question is, will you redouble your efforts and make the most of this month's extraordinary new moon and alignment of Jupiter, or let the moment pass?

Jupiter will move to Cancer late this month on June 25 for the first time since July 2001- July 2002. Jupiter will remain with you nearly thirteen months, until July 16, 2014. From then on, Jupiter will tutor you to develop your communication skills, and if you are an eager student, those developing skills will make you even more money in the future. Get set to travel a lot more too from now on under this trend, but you will go to places close to home- so if your car is showing signs of wear and tear, you might want to think about getting a new car soon to make those trips comfortable and enjoyable.

Mercury will go retrograde June 26 to July 20, so by all means, do not buy anything expensive during that phase (especially not anything electronic like a computer or a car), and try not to make any big decisions or moves during those weeks.

Romantically, while Venus moves through Cancer from June 2 to 27, if attached, romance will be enhanced, or if single, blossom while on a trip. Alas, nothing will happen until you leave your house!

Dates to Note: Taurus

Most Romantic Dates: June 1, 9, 14, 15, 18-19 (gold star), 22-23, and 28.

You can try for a raise or to increase your fees at the new moon June 8, plus two weeks. You've so much working for you in terms of bringing in more money, that you must not miss this minute to act!

Financially mark down June 17, 18, and 19 as stupendously great days for being given a nice sum of money in terms of a raise or fee for your services. These are likely to be your luckiest days of the year!

These same days, June 17-19, will be remarkably helpful for any kind of real estate action.

Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will move to Cancer and light your house of communication from June 25, 2013. to July 16, 2014. You will learn to communicate in a more sophisticated, masterful way - and your new skills will be in demand and your efforts rewarded with handsome fees.

The full moon over the weekend of June 22-23 could send you a far distance on a trip, but you will likely be coming home at this time, having left earlier.

If you work in the media, from broadcasting or publishing to Internet, you will likely complete the project within four days of June 23.

Mercury will be retrograde from June 26 to July 20.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-06-01 15:56:13
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 110 
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