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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 6月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2013年06月01日 Sat. PM 04:00:03

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller

Leo Horoscope for June 2013

By Susan Miller

Leos are known to be very warmhearted, and your sign is known to instantly put others at ease. You like to be with friends, and in the last twelve months, Jupiter in Gemini has worked hard to help you to expand your circle of both good friends and casual contacts. Jupiter is about to leave your eleventh house, so if you feel you are the one Leo who has not added new friends to your life in the past months (since June 11, 2012), you will still have time to circulate this month. It's time to think about you and to enjoy life more!

Jupiter will leave Gemini and your house of friendship, groups, and contacts later this month on June 25, not to be back until May 2024. You likely made more contacts than you think you have, because you had a lot of time to circulate. If, however, you say you are a shy Lion, say, because you have a lot of Cancer planets in your natal chart, don't despair. The new moon in Gemini, 18 degrees, will appear June 8 and will usher in a fabulously social time, lasting almost two weeks. It seems you will have more than your usual share of invitations to kick up your heels.

It appears that traveling will help you make even MORE important new friends and contacts, as Uranus in your ninth house of travel will be very active and friendly to this new moon. If you plan to go away for fun, circle June 15-16, when Mars and Uranus will cook up all kinds of surprising happenings while you are away.

If you were weighing whether or not to go to a trade show or conference, the new moon June 8 will help you make the decision, and it looks like you will decide to go. Good idea. If you were thinking of signing up to a new professional club or a social club, and wondering if you should send your application, send it - your timing is good. Send in your application for the club it in the middle of the month, say, June 16-18. It seems as though that club will be extremely good for you in a way you can't quite imagine now but will understand later. In astrology, the day you make your initiations is very important as it is when you give birth to that idea - the time is now!

I would like to describe to you how special a new moon could be for you - this will help you understand how astrology works. Having Jupiter in your friendship house is, in itself, quite wonderful, but if you have NO new moon in the same sign and house to push Jupiter into action, it is useless. It is a little like a prize wrapped up in a beautiful turquoise box with big white bow, locked behind a pretty glass with all kinds of alarms protecting it - you can't get at it. The new moon helps you access all of Jupiter's gifts, for that what new moons do! They do their job exceedingly well, too!

If you feel you've concentrated more on your career than about your social life, and have not been building new friends and contacts, ironically, this month the universe will make it easy for you to do so, in the eleventh hour, just before Jupiter packs his bags to go. The right new moon is appearing June 8, just when you need it most. Uranus is standing by in Aries to help you too, because Uranus will be in the perfect position, indicating that not only will travel, retreats, seminars, and conferences be a good way to meet new friends and business contacts, there will be other areas that will glitter for you, too. College campuses are fortunate for you now, especially if you take an advanced university class. If you work in publishing or broadcasting, you may meet new friends in the course of your work, by doing research, investigation, or interviews.

The Leos who will find the new moon June 8 to be the most powerful will be those with birthdays that fall within four days of August 10.

If you don't have a birthday near that date, take a look at your natal horoscope (which you had drawn up according to your precise time, date, and city of birth). See if you have any planet at 18 degrees (plus or minus five degree) of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. If you find one, that planet will be energized by the new moon, so watch to see what happens. Always take quick notes on your calendar - later I will always ask you to think back to what happened at the time, when certain degrees of aspects will light up again in the future. You seem to be in line to get some sort of sparkling luck from a friend.

You have something else to look forward to - June 19, the luckiest day of the year, an annual event. Every year we have the meeting of Jupiter and the Sun, and I call it the luckiest day of the year. This year this is happening on June 19 at noon EDT in New York City. Check the world clock to translate noon New York City to your city - it may move to June 20 if you live in Asia or Australia, for example. On the West Coast of the US, this meeting of the Sun and Jupiter will happen at 9 AM, so unless you have an 8 AM breakfast meeting set to sign papers, it would be safer to schedule the signing of an important contract for Monday, June 17 or Tuesday, June 18.

You never want to initiate something AFTER a special aspect like this has already peaked and has started to head down the bell curve. You need to catch it as these two luminaries, the Sun and Jupiter, are approaching each other, near the peak - just before the aspect hits. That gives you two good days to plan your contract signing or initiation, June 17 and 18.

Jupiter is the planet of great good fortune, and the Sun is at the center of our universe, and is your ruling planet. This means everyone, of every sign, will have something happy to celebrate, but because the Sun is your ruler, it means you will feel this aspect in a strong, extra-beneficial way! You may be happier than most! Every year the Sun and Jupiter choose a different part of the chart to meet, and this year, they will meet in Gemini, 28 degrees 32 minutes.

Gemini rules your solar friendship sector, the eleventh house - as you see, Jupiter is planning quite a blowout party for his departure, and the confetti will be heavy this month for fun with friends and new people in your life. You may be giving a charity benefit, hosting a reunion, or cooking up a surprise party for a friend, as a few examples. You may feel a touch of luxury as a result of what goes on over the weekend of June 15-16 or June 17-19. This would also be a great time to launch (or re-launch) your social media page.

All Leos will see help from at least one friend. If your birthday falls within four days of August 21, you will find yourself at the right place at the right time, dear Leo. It's like winning the cosmic lotto. No, I don't mean winning money at the gambling table (that's not indicated), but rather, seeing benefit from the kindness of a friend.

A very important work project will need your full attention at the full moon, June 23, plus or minus four days. It will fall in Capricorn, 2 degrees. The project seems to be reaching an end point, and you'll need to get it done no later than June 27. Neptune will also be friendly, so if a project is winding down, it will make you a nice commission or bonus. Neptune's presence shows you likely had a lot of room to add your special touch of creativity.

You will be putting out a strenuous effort within four days of this full moon, June 23, so be sure to take good care of yourself as you may wear yourself down. Speaking of health, you may have a procedure or surgery within four days before or after June 23 (most likely on a bone or one of your teeth), or see a long-term health protocol end, such as long weeks of physical therapy finish up, as one example. This is a very friendly full moon, in perfect angle to Saturn, indicating upbeat, long-term gains from the project or health measures you will take at this time.

The big news is that Jupiter will enter Cancer on June 25 and remain there for a full year, until July 16, 2014, when Jupiter will enter Leo. You have a full year to get ready, for July 16, 2014 will be the moment the velvet curtain goes up for you, dear Leo. You will be center stage. We get very few years with Jupiter in our sign - you've not had one since mid-2002 to mid-2003. If you live to 96, you will get eight of these years, but the first and last visit of Jupiter to your Sun may be more gentle, because it's harder to use Jupiter's gifts when you are very little and very old. I also have no idea where in the Jupiter cycle you entered when you were born, but suffice to say, you get about six of these brilliant years and next year you are coming up on one of them.

You need to clear the debris from your life in the coming twelve months. Ask yourself, as you head to your glorious year, what elements to your life should stay and be supported, and which elements should be fixed or abandoned altogether? You need to see your life with clear eyes, and if one area of your life is not making you happy, you need to find ways to change that. Now that Jupiter is in your twelfth house, this is the time to do it.

You will have quite a bit of help behind the scenes, where influential people will want to help you get ahead, but each will ask you to keep their participation with you quiet. You must honor that request, as the VIPs who will be helping you will be very powerful. With Jupiter in the wings (in your twelfth house, symbolizing the primordial waters of creation), you will have superb inspiration when you work alone. If you are writing a novel or screenplay, a score of music, a body of work in your fine art, or any other creative expression, this coming year you have an opportunity to create your very best original work.

Jupiter in the twelfth house also will help you heal, mentally, physically and emotionally - on any level. The twelfth house is often associated with psychology, but I have found that the twelfth house also rules hospitals, rehab centers, and other areas of confinement. You will have the chance to find the right medical practitioners to help you, and you are likely to be pleased with the treatment. Do your due diligence to find the right medical person who understands your condition, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Mercury will retrograde in Cancer this month, starting June 26 and extending through June 20. This shows you will have to get your biggest deals wrapped up by June 19, if possible. You never want to get too close to Mercury retrograde dates. During this time, you may run into one or two people you used to know but haven't seen in a long time. This is always my favorite event that Mercury retrograde is known to bring, seeing old friends and colleagues again.

Your home seems to have been quite a focus lately and you may wonder when you'll find the right space for you. Actually, a golden triangle is appearing in the sky in June, peaking in mid-July, and continuing to a degree in early August, linking your house of home, other people's money (mortgage, home improvement loans, and the like), and your twelfth house of secrets. This suggests you may get a tip from a friend or someone else who tells you about this living option "on the QT" (quiet, and confidentially). If you have not yet found your answer to your housing question, it does appear to be a long-term quest, and an important decision, but I feel you will have exceptional help this month, next month, and in early August. Although Mercury will be retrograde, you can look at houses, condos, and rentals (as some examples). I just don't want you to sign papers June 26 to July 25, and leave space around those days - a lot of space!

Venus will enter Leo on August 27, to stay until July 24. If you browse the stores or browse shopping sites on the Internet, you can make your list and shop later - July 22, 23, or 24 when Venus will still be in Leo, and when Mercury will be direct again. If you need a computer or other electronic, a new car, or large kitchen appliance, you are already running out of time - you should try to buy it fast, in early June, but not on June 8, when Mercury and Uranus will be at odds. (Mercury rules commerce, so that would not be the day to shop.) I would say you should make your big ticket purchase any day from June 13 to 19, or if you are ready earlier, from June 1 to 3.


Your career is doing well, and the momentum is high, so now it's time to step back and have a little fun. With four planets in Gemini touring your social sector, your friends are about to play a big role in the way you enjoy June. You seem to have many events to attend - some quite luxurious - and people to see and meet. If you feel it's time to expand your circle of acquaintances, your timing is right to socialize up a storm. If you were thinking of getting more active in social media or joining any sort of club, you will be right on trend. Checking out trade shows and seminars will also be the right things to do now.

This strong focus on friends will become quite noticeable after the new moon, June 8. This new moon will get a bright beam from Uranus, so spontaneity will be your byword. This new moon is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, but Mercury will be in hard angle to Uranus, suggesting a close friend or spouse may be unexpectedly difficult in early June. Keep your antenna up, for if a friend does act up, you probably won't see the episode coming. Keep things calm, and listen carefully to what is being said. You do have Jupiter, the great benefic and protector, in your friendship house too, so you may have misread things - this can be fixed. It is also clear you will have other friends who will be heaven-sent.

Your very best days for an amazing interaction with one or more friends will be in the days approaching the luckiest day of the year, June 19 - that makes June 17 and 18 very special, too.

When Jupiter leaves your friendship sector and moves into Cancer on June 25, 2013, you will begin your yearlong preparation for the day Jupiter will enter Leo, July 16, 2014. That moment next year will herald one of the very best years of your life and even better than the one that spanned July 2001-July 2002 when this planet of good fortune last came to Leo. Because Jupiter can only visit Leo every twelve years, this coming visit will be worth all the preparation you can muster. For now, you will begin a process of elimination, clearing out outworn parts of your life. Let go of obligations you no longer feel are worthy of your time, and relationships that have run their course, whether in business or friendship, or regarding a person you've been dating. Add new goals that reflect your evolving maturity, too. You are starting a wonderful new chapter of life, dear Leo!

A work project appears to be finishing up within four days of Sunday's full moon, June 23. You seem to impress everyone in your path, so take in this moment and enjoy it.

All month, a golden triangle will appear in the sky, linking your house of home, credit / mortgage / loans, and strategic planning. If you have plans to move, the planets will act like fairy godmothers, leading you smoothly though the process of locating and finding a domestic or housing plan.

Dates to Note: Leo

Most Romantic Dates: June 2, 3, 7. 8, 13, 18-19, 21-22, and 29.

Friends will work hard to help you get ahead and to improve your social life during the first three weeks of June, thanks to an important new moon, June 8 plus two weeks. Welcome new faces into your life.

Mars will enliven your sector of friendship too, so your pals will play a leading role now, straight through this month to July 13.

Venus will tour Leo June 26 to July 22, a time when Mercury will be retrograde. At this time you may reconcile with a past love.

Mark down the luckiest days of the year, Sun conjunct Jupiter, June 17 to June 19. The Sun is your ruler, making this day sparkly brightly for you. You will likely get exceptional help from a friend. One of these days may be special for a social event. If invited, accept!

Mercury will be retrograde from June 27 to July 20.

The full moon June 23 will bring a workaday project to an end. Keep your health up to par at this time and rest, as you may see your resistance has been lowered.

When Jupiter tours your twelfth house, June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014, you will have people working for you behind the scenes to make sure you get ahead. You will also be highly productive when you work behind closed doors, say when you work on a proposal, book manuscript, screenplay, or other work that requires concentration.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-06-01 16:00:03
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 105 
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