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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 6月 魔羯座(原文)
時間 2013年06月01日 Sat. PM 04:03:35

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your June Horoscope by Susan Miller

Capricorn Horoscope for June 2013

By Susan Miller

You have a busy, active month, with plenty of surprises sprinkled in, so you should be enthusiastic about June. It has no eclipses, for one thing, so the surprises that come up are not likely to rock you but rather delight you, and with Jupiter moving into a brand new sign, June could easily become a turning point that allows you to steer your life in a new, exciting direction. It won't be a matter of abandoning your old life, but rather of allowing yourself to expand your vision of the possibilities and to grow by taking on new commitments. It's also a time to build on your experience, and for having the confidence to take a risk because you know that by now you can handle a little ambiguity about the future. Not every detail has to be spelled out - that is so yesterday - but to start out on a path of adventure so that you can add the necessary elements as you go along.

The first big moment of the month will be the new moon, June 8, in Gemini 18 degrees, filling your house of work assignments. This house also describes your day-to-day experience at your place of work - your co-workers and subordinates (but not your bosses or clients, as those come under the tenth house). The tools you use to get your job done are also contained in this sixth house, such as the computers you use, the gadgets and software you rely on, and most importantly, the assignments you work on.

With this new moon June 8, some of these elements may switch around, and some elements may improve in the ten days that spin out from that day. You may get a plum assignment, be able to hire new recruits to help you (at home or at the office), and/or you may have new computer or software to do your job. With the new moon, Sun, Mars, and Jupiter all working together, your outlook is terrific. Uranus will send a beam from your house of family and home, so you may even set up a well-equipped home office. If you are self-employed, business should be brisk - you won't complain that it's slow, that is for sure. You will find co-workers helpful too in a way you may wonder what they are sprinkling in their morning coffee. Don't question their cooperation, enjoy it! In general, the tasks you to at work, and the ones you do at home, should lead you smoothly forward. At work, the projects you are doing now will be revisited and examined by management in October, when hefty new promotions will be awarded. You want to be on the short list of contenders for a prime promotion, so give present day projects all you have to give.

The same house of your solar horoscope that will be so brilliantly lit, the sixth house, also rules the steps you take to stay healthy. If you've struggled to get fit and work out more, this new moon will be your best friend. You can lose weight (if you need to) and get fit, but you need to begin at the right time, shortly after the new moon, June 8.

Of course, don't overdo - it's always wise to see your doctor first to see if there are any latent conditions that would change the way you approach your fitness routine. I have found that having Jupiter in the sixth house, where this glorious new moon will arrive on June 8, is the very best place to have Jupiter to see weight loss and a host of other health improvements. At first, this discovery made no sense to me - wasn't Jupiter famous for expanding all it touched? Yet the closer I looked, the more I saw the opposite effect. In fact, I kept seeing over and over that readers like you, when hosting Jupiter in the sixth house, learned to eat more sensibly, were more likely to find a fitness routine they enjoyed, and even found it had a positive effect on their sleep and lowered stress levels.

Everyone is different in terms of what they find motivating. I love a beautiful fitness club, one that has fresh flowers at the desk, a well- organized gym and locker room, lots of group fitness classes to choose from, and enough machines so that no members are standing around waiting for you to get off your equipment.

I have talked to guy friends who say they could not care less about what the gym looks like - it's go in, jump on the machine, and then later hit the shower. I doubt some of the guys that I spoke to even noticed what their workout facility really looked like, for they seemed to have trouble recalling the decor. I am positive their practical approach can save my guy friends a lot of money by going to a bare bones gym. There's nothing wrong with that. I need a little luxury, and I don't mind saving up and paying for my membership all at once each year. My point is, knowing what makes you happy can translate into a routine that you can stick to and that you will look forward to doing. Lots of people prefer the outdoors and never see the inside of a gym - if that is you, more power to you. This is what makes life interesting - individual preferences!

This new moon June 8 (operative in the ten days to follow) will be a far better moment for you to begin to begin your routine, or to add a new element to it, such as to buy a package of trainer sessions, or join a class that will improve your flexibility, strength, or your performance doing sprints. You get the idea. It seems everyone in the world begins his or her fitness schedule January 1, but that makes no sense to me - you need a powerful new moon! Actually, for you, a new moon in your sixth house this month, with Jupiter on hand, will be a FAR better time to start. While you are at it, you might as well treat yourself to new workout gear, or if you like being outside, a new mountain bike or skateboard or whatever you enjoy doing.

Also, make appointments to have all the regular annual, routine exams with your doctor and dentist, as well as your eyes checked by your eye doctor. (You are on the computer and your cell phone a lot, dear reader, like now!) If you'd like to confer with a nutritionist, this would be the right moment. If you have a chronic health condition, investigate if any new medical techniques or breakthroughs have occurred that could offer you the hope of relief. If you don't like seeing the doctor, bring a friend, or schedule a fun dinner with a pal afterward so you have something to look forward to doing later.

Jupiter is about to leave this preventative health house of your chart later this month on June 25, having spent a whole year here since June 11, 2012 last year. It takes Jupiter approximately twelve years to circle the Sun, so you won't have Jupiter, the great healer, back in this house again until May 2024. You may say to me, "Well, I've not had time to perfect my workout and health program, and now Jupiter is leaving!" Don't despair! The best vibrations of Jupiter are not often easily accessed without a new moon, and now you have it! This is the one and only new moon in your fitness sector in 2013, so as you see, you should use it. While you will have other good aspects to your health and fitness over the coming decade, right now you have ideal planetary support that might make seeing results seem almost easy, so why not give your health some attention? I feel you will see results.

One caveat: Do not begin on June 8 because Mercury will be mad at Uranus that day and the two of them will be throwing punches. Wait until this aspect passes (which is fortunately fast). Uranus may have trouble getting along with Mercury that day, but he sure does love the new moon, so that's significant, too. Proceed, but not on June 8. (This also applies to business decisions and agreements - no signing on June 8!)

Big news! Just before Jupiter leaves, he will depart in a grand celebration, when the Sun meets with Jupiter to wish him well. This is an annual event, always on a different time and "place" of the chart (sign of the zodiac and house). This year this glorious day is happening on June 19 in Gemini, at 28 degrees, 32 minutes, at the very tail end of the sign. (All planets go to 29 degrees, 59 minutes in any given sign and then immediately move to 0 degrees, 00 minutes of the next sign, in this case Cancer.)

This alignment on June 19 is what I call "the luckiest day of the year." This will happen at noon EDT in New York City, so you can go to the world clock online and find out what that time in New York translates to for your city. The time of the alignment in your city is important to know because I have found that it's best to catch these two dignities (Sun and Jupiter) just BEFORE they make their conjunction - as they are smiling and walking briskly toward one another ("applying"), rather than getting ready to leave each other ("separating"). The difference in the outcome of your initiation is day and night - so much more effective if you can catch this energy BEFORE it peaks.

If you live in San Francisco on the West Coast of the US, you will have this conjunction happen three hours earlier, at 9:00 AM. If you need to sign a big contract, or propose a big deal, you'd have to schedule a breakfast meeting, say at 7:30 AM to have enough time to talk and sign all the documents before you get to 9:00 AM. If you live in Asia or Australia, lucky you, you will have an extra day to get ready - June 20 - which is often the case with the dates I give you, due to the time zone differences in the International Date Line. This is where the world clock can help you.

To solve all this, I would like you to consider also using June 17 or 18, when the energy of the Sun and Jupiter will be strong, and they will be moving in a dedicated way toward their alignment. Of the two days, June 18 is stronger. If you use one of these two days, you won't have to fuss with the time of day, as you will have all day. Because the Sun and Jupiter will meet in your sixth house of work projects, new business and assignments, schedule all your new business pitches for June 17, 18, or 19. If you need to hire someone, have your interviews done and be ready to announce the winning candidate on one of those days.

As I discussed earlier, this part of your chart rules health too, so do something special for your body on one of those days too (June 17, 18, or 19) - such as to join a gym, take up lessons in a new sport, or schedule medical tests and procedures with your doctor for one of those days. In astrology, what counts most is the day you choose to take your first decisive step toward a goal - that's the day you give birth to your idea. Why not choose one of the luckiest days of the year?

Now let's turn to the full moon, which, this month will fall on June 23 (operative for a plus or minus four days) in Capricorn 2 degrees. This full moon is very friendly, receiving supportive vibrations from Saturn, your ruler, now in your friendship sector, and Neptune, in your third house. This is an important time for many Capricorns, when something dearly important to you crystallizes, so put stars on your calendar!

Whatever you do at this full moon time June 23 seems to delight you, so it appears you have something special on your agenda, perhaps a social event that requires you travel a short distance. Of you are purchasing something important, like property, your actions will bring on a long-term stable solution. With so many planets in the Western side of your chart, it appears your partner will be the focus of your meditation at this full moon too, with the choice whether to profess your love and make plans for the future, or leave forever, with no regrets. It's your moment to choose, but it appears you will be very glad to make the decision you do.

If your birthday falls on December 23, plus or minus four days, this full moon will have an especially strong and beneficial influence on you. Keep your health strong so you don't get the flu or a cold - you will put out a lot of energy at the full moon June 23.

If you have your natal chart, take a look to see if you have any natal planets within five degrees of 2 degrees Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. If so, chances are, you will have something to celebrate, too.

Things are all moving in the right direction, dear Capricorn. Saturn, your ruler, has been retrograde since February 18, and will go direct next month, in early July, so step by step, your life is about to move to a better place.

Now for MORE big news! When Jupiter leaves Gemini on June 25, he will enter Cancer, a place Jupiter especially "likes" to be, for Jupiter is considered exalted in Cancer, sending out his energies in a way that will allow you to easily absorb them. Once in Cancer, Jupiter will fill your seventh solar house of marriage / collaborations and partnerships for a year, until July 16, 2014, bringing you your best year for coupling up in the romantic or business sense.

If you have anything seriously important to do this month, keep in mind that Mercury will go retrograde from June 26 to July 16. You need to get things done in the first three weeks of June for best results, as Mercury retrograde phases are times that throw off judgment and make us all forgetful, vague, and indecisive, and our thinking fuzzy. Whenever Mercury is in retrograde, it is an immediate sign that you must stop, look, and listen, for the wind is changing direction. The priorities you had drawn up to solve all sorts of matters won't be the ones you necessarily stick to in the coming weeks - things are in flux.

Romantically, Capricorns who are attached have an advantage. Venus will glide through your relationship sector (seventh house) all month, from June 2 to 26. That should make your interaction as smooth as silk. Remember too, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is heading to this part of your chart on June 25 for the coming year!

Something ELSE that is special is happening involving a golden triangle in the sky in June, linking Neptune (inspiration), Saturn (long term affects) first with Venus (happiness) and Mercury (travel, communication) and then later with the Sun (authority). This adds up to sensational fun if you travel, and it appears you may include several of your friends, too. Planets in Cancer are whispering to go to a place near water, so a cottage by the sea sounds perfect. All this sounds wonderful, dear Capricorn! When is your best time to go? Consider going the weekend of the full moon in Capricorn, June 22-23.


Work will be busy this month, but it seems you'll enjoy the assignments you do, and if you have to hire recruits to help you get the job done, they'll be energetic and cooperative. Even your usual team will seem friendly and eager to prove their worth, which may make you wonder if you've fallen in a parallel universe - enjoy it! All that you do now will add up to a big increase in status by October when promotions will be given out. Make sure everything you hand in is letter perfect. This month there's a good chance you'll have two major projects on your desk, as planets will be in Gemini, the sign of the twins, giving you two opportunities show your talents.

Matters of health may be on your mind, too, this month, and all that you to do to get fitter, stronger, and healthier will be rewarded. Take special care of your hands, fingers, wrists, lungs, and shoulders. If you know you need to see a doctor, this is the month to do it, with the expectation that you can find a practitioner who understands your condition. If you feel you're out of shape, this would be a great month to start to work out again, assuming you've checked with your doctor and she agrees. A great time to go for a checkup would be June 17, 18, or 19.

By month's end, you will turn your attention to your relationship. A full moon in Capricorn is forming near Pluto on June 23, suggesting that you will feel quite sure about your feelings. A decision will be at hand: whether to continue the relationship and draw closer in commitment, or to leave and not turn back. Things seem to be getting more serious, and more exciting, because only two days later, Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will move into your marriage and commitment sector, making it the best time in over a decade to become engaged and wed. Jupiter will remain in your marriage house from June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014.

If you have no one in your life you'd like to marry, you may use this exceptional opportunity to link up with a business colleague. You may be forming a partnership or hiring a collaborator, like an agent, lawyer, accountant, or other expert that only can be described as a one-on-one partnership with you. From month's end onward, appropriate and well-respected experts will start to enter your life - one will likely be perfect for your needs.

Travel with your romantic partner (if you have one) will be possible in June, too, thanks to collaboration of planets that will be clearly divine - Saturn, Neptune, and Venus / Mercury and later the Sun. As a Capricorn, you may prefer mountains, but perhaps this time you can pick a poetic, picturesque place near the sea - you'll be so glad you did.

Dates to Note: Capricorn

Most Romantic Dates: June 1, 10, 11, 15, 17-19, 22-23, 27-30 (those attached)

Assignments will start to come up as a result of the new moon, June 8 plus two weeks.

If you are in your own business, you can bring in lots of new business. Watch June 17 when the phone may ring with an excellent project, straight out of nowhere, thanks to something Mars and Uranus will kindly cook up.

With strong emphasis on your sixth house, you will also have opportunities in improving your health and fitness as of the new moon, June 8. If you've not had your annual medical and dental checkups, then you would be wise to do so now.

Do not act immediately on the new moon June 8, because off stage, Mercury and Uranus will be fighting. Luckily this won't last long, but you won't want to start a new business venture, hire a new candidate, or begin your fitness routine on a day that is so volatile.

Something important to you is about to reach critical mass at or within four days of the full moon in Capricorn, June 23, the only one of 2013 in your sign. If your birthday falls within five days of December 23, you will feel double the effects of this full moon with double strength.

When Jupiter moves into Cancer to stay between June 25, 2013 and July 16, 2014, you will enter your finest marriage year in the decade. If you are dating seriously, you may marry soon. If you are already married, you can grow closer.

Mercury will be retrograde June 26 to July 20.

Another important moment of the month will be when the Sun and Saturn (your ruler) collaborate, June 26. You can make a promise, plan, or make a pact on that day, and know Saturn, your ruler, will help to make your venture stable.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-06-01 16:03:35
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 100 
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