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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 4月 處女座(原文)
時間 2013年04月01日 Mon. PM 12:05:40

4月 Horoscope for Virgo

At the start of the month, you are intent on getting your finances in order. You have an unusual emphasis on money, and you seem more determined than ever to get a good grip on any matter at all, and you may have several on your list. You have a strong buildup of planets in Aries, in your eighth house of other people's money now, including the Sun, new moon of April 10, Venus, Mars, and Uranus - five heavenly bodies in all.

You may now address your taxes, reassess stocks and retirement accounts, think about your evolving insurance needs, and study all your recurring payments, such as for Internet or cell phone usage. If you are in college, you may be submitting an application for student loans. If you are just about to start a new position, you may be discussing commissions, bonuses, or perks like health insurance and vacation days.

Other matters can be addressed now too, say, if you are putting money into a business or are dividing property in a divorce, or if you've money owed to you that you've not collected, this is the month to take action. If you owe money, you may pay now, or set up a payment plan if you don't have enough to cover the sum. If you are to be given money in an inheritance, you may be dealing with matters related to the estate. It's alternatively possible that you may buy property now, or sell it. Planets in Aries is very entrepreneurial, so you may be meeting with venture capitalists or putting money together to open the doors of your new business.

All these types of financial matters will bring lots of progress. With Mars in your eighth house, you may be spending quite a bit of money, but you may have planned for that expenditure, like buying a house or paying tuition. Mars orbiting so close to the Sun is an indication that you mean business. Venus in that same house suggests that you can see more money come in soon. Jupiter, the great benefic planet, will be in perfect angle to the planets in your eighth money house. Jupiter's position is interesting, because it suggests you are about to take on a very big career role and may be negotiating the compensation package now. If so, you'll like what is on tap.

Your big day to watch will be April 10, the new moon, because that's when the cards will be cut and dealt. However, before you get to that day, you have two days to circle in red.

If you are having an interview for a new position or role, then go earlier - April 1 - a gorgeous day for you, with the Sun in perfect angle to Jupiter. Talks will go exceedingly well. This is quite a wonderful day.

Then, after that, on Friday, April 5, you will have Venus and Mars set to meet in a rare rendezvous in your same money house, considered excellent for talks. You may be meeting each other in early April and then you move closer for the truly serious talks after April 10. You will have ten days after April 10 to make your decisions and announce the deal.

A surprising development will happen on Friday, April 19, when Mercury and Uranus combine forces. With Uranus I can never quite say what is about to come up. News may be exciting and very positive, or just the opposite, very jarring - be careful as you move forward all month. Aries energy is fiery and fast, so you don't want to jump into anything so quickly that you don't look at all the details.

One spectacular day for hearing exciting news about money will be April 23, when Mercury, your ruling planet, will be in perfect angle to Jupiter, planet of happiness and good fortune. This news is apt to come straight out of left field, but you will be thrilled to your toes.

There's one other way these planets in Aries might affect you, and that's by giving you an unusual emphasis on medical staff. The eighth house is considered the house of transformation, and as such, the surgeon removes the part of you that you don't need anymore, or fixes something you do need - either way, an operation would fall in this house because you would hopefully emerge transformed. All types of surgery would be indicated now, except for dental surgery or anything on the head or brain, as May would be more favorable for that.

The last part of the month may prove to be even more interesting to you.

On April 25, the full moon lunar eclipse will come by in Scorpio 6 degrees, a sign that blends beautifully with yours, and will light your third house of short-distance travel. With four other heavenly bodies in your opposite ninth house of big horizons, foreign travel, and learning, you seem keen to get on the road to enjoy the weather and to see something new and inspiring.

If you have applied to a college, you may get the final answer about admissions, or if you are in college, you may be taking end term exams. Saturn's position suggests you'll have to study hard - a lot of detail will be asked of you. The presence of an eclipse suggests something important is going on in regard to academia, so all that happens at this time seriously.

You may also conclude the signing of an agreement near the April 25 eclipse. At the time of this full moon eclipse, the moon will conjoin Saturn, suggesting that you may not see as much money from this deal as you had hoped. Be sure you like all the terms, right down to the tiniest fine print, for you won't be able to get out of it too easily later.

Do you have a sister or a cousin? A lunar eclipse always points to a female, so you may hear from your sister now, and she may need your help. If it turns out to be a female relative, that person will be heavily burdened, and perhaps in some need of cheering up - you'd be perfect in that role.

If your birthday falls on August 29, plus or minus five days, you will feel the eclipse the most, and perhaps benefit more than your Virgo friends born at other times of the sign. If you have your chart, and know you have a natal planet in Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn at 6 degrees, or within five degrees of that degree, you will benefit, too.

One thought: although the eclipse of April 25 will coax you to travel, don't go over April 27-28, the weekend when Saturn will oppose the Sun. It is likely to be fraught with delays, and you may feel tired and worn to the bone by the time you get to your destination. If going for business on April 26, or over that weekend, talks will not lead easily to a deal - you may wonder why you ever left the house. See how you feel, but days in May will be infinitely better. Even if YOU are fine, the people you will go to see may be feeling Saturn opposed to the Sun, and hence, you'll have your hands full, and few things will go right.

Romantically, with Venus in Taurus (as of April 15 to May 9) and Mars in Taurus (from April 19-May 31), you will find your social life is getting more vibrant by the minute. This is a perfect situation to engender new love. For you, dear Virgo, with both these romantic planets in your ninth house of travel, travel will be the best way to fan the fires of love. It matters not if your love is ongoing and true, or brand new - travel to find love or enhance it. Your best weekend will be April 20-21, when the moon will be in Virgo, Mars will be in Taurus, and you will be closing in on Mercury's lovely signal to Jupiter.

When Venus is in Taurus, April 15 to May 9, it also will be a good time to buy new things to wear for the coming season, or for women Virgo, to buy new makeup. At month's end, when you have such a refreshing influence, take full advantage.

Tax season is upon you, and you seem determined to get a jump on organizing your records. No less than five heavenly bodies are currently filing your sector of other people's money, so you will be consumed with financial talks during the first three weeks of April. You can get a lot done, especially after April 10.

You may be thinking too about making changes to your retirement portfolio, working with the courts over a settlement or inheritance, or making application for university financial aid.

If you are due back child support, this is the month you will do something about the situation. Credit cards fall in this area too, so if you found a discrepancy in your credit report, you would be wise to attend to correcting the error now. Some have problems with identity theft when Mars is in the eighth house as you have now - check your credit report to be sure you are not among those who suffer from this situation.

You are in a powerful career cycle, so if you are starting a business, it may be time to see investors and venture capitalists. If you are dating someone seriously, with Pluto in hard angle to the planets in Aries, it would be the right time to do a credit check on your partner through your lawyer - your planets at the moment show that you may uncover a dismaying piece of information that you need to know to protect yourself.

Two special days will bring lots of action to Mercury - your ruler - so you may want to note those dates. On April 20, Mercury will link to Uranus, planet of genius, making it a perfect day for brainstorming on financial matters, or for making a big, profitable sale. On April 23, Mercury will contact Jupiter, a wow of a day for your career. Schedule meetings, and use it any way you please, say, for a presentation, interview or any other purpose. On April 23, you will be luckier than a Leprechaun.

Get all done by April 25, which is the lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This eclipse may bring a variety of news, so I will summarize them all. You may conclude contractual talks and be ready to sign an important document. If this proves true for you, go over all the details more than once. Be absolutely sure you like the terms of the contract because Saturn will precisely conjoin the moon, bringing an unusual amount of long-term longevity to the deal. You might find it hard to get out of your agreement if you later change your mind. On the other hand, this may be good news - see how you feel.

It is alternatively possible that you may hear news about a female sibling, or if you don't have a sibling, a female cousin, and the news may concern you - you may want to help her in a matter she's facing.

In another manifestation of this eclipse, you may travel BEFORE the eclipse actually arrives, over the preceding weekend of April 20-21, to a nearby city. The purpose appears to be to have a romantic getaway or to see one of your children who may be in boarding school. In any case, a lot of information will come to you at the end of April, some of it surprising. You will be very busy. Eclipses mark main points of any given year, so the truths that come out must be taken seriously.

Dates to note Virgo:

April 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20-21, and 23.

Venus will glide through Taurus through April 15 to May 9, a wonderful time to attract love and also to refresh your appearance.

In your career a great day to talk about a new position and compensation will be April 1.

Money may find its way to your (real) mailbox on April 6, thanks to the meeting of Venus and Mars.

The theme of money management, taxes, credit cards, and "other people's money" will be further energized at the new moon April 10.

Pluto will retrograde April 12 to September 20 and during that time may cause you to change your mind about someone you are dating or your plans for a child.

You may travel over the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio, April 25.

If you have to sign a contract, it might be presented to you on the eclipse April 25 - it might be best for you to look it over carefully.

This contract may be difficult to escape from later if you felt the need to do so.

You may be hearing from certain relatives or in-laws as the result of the April 25 eclipse too, so keep your antennae up; Sunday, April 28, could be a tough day.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-04-01 12:05:40
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2013-04-01 12:08:17
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 188 
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