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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 7月 天秤座(完)
時間 2013年07月02日 Tue. PM 08:56:44

【天秤座】Susan Miller 2013年7月運勢
來自: Hugebee(風一樣的麥子) 2013-06-29 12:23:17

Susan Miller 2013年7月天秤座運勢



Libra Horoscope for July 2013

By Susan Miller

July brings exceptionally good news for your career, dear Libra. You've had such a long string of challenges over the past years and I bet you are longing for a break. If you've been out of work, you will find opportunity. If you are employed, you will be thrilled at the new positions that are opening up, for they will use your talents well, and propel you into a position of greater status and even power. This is no ordinary month. I will show you all that is being presented here in your forecast, and how each fine aspect is interlocked with another in the most remarkable way.


A rare and special golden triangle of three planets, working in supreme harmony all month, will peak in a breathtaking calibration on July 17. It will seem that this golden triangle was sent to you directly from heaven. You may find yourself at precisely the right place at the right time, and be stunned how the opportunities that you will hear about fit in so well with your background and experience. This is no ordinary configuration. As I told my daughter, Chrissie, who has 0 degrees Libra rising, this is an once-in-a-lifetime event. You will have to be out and about "beating the bushes" looking for that ideal position, but if you do, you may be surprised and gratified about how things play out. Don't be always on vacation this month! I will explain everything in detail, so stay with me, as I will have lots of ground to cover. We need to start at the beginning.


Late last month, on June 25, Jupiter, the great benefic planet, made a historic move into Cancer to light your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. Jupiter, which brings good fortune to all that he touches, is now shimmering at the very pinnacle point of your chart, in a part of the chart the ancient astrologers used to call "the house of dignity." This is essentially a house of leadership and status, where, if career is important you, you eventually ascend to over time. Clearly, you will now have a chance to make a name for yourself. This area of the chart is special, for it indicates the type of ultimate contributions you can make to the world in your lifetime and the rewards that will be accorded to you. When the tenth house is brilliantly activated, as it will be now, even competitors will have to grudgingly admit that you are doing well as they tip their hat to you.

上個月末,6月25日,木星,強大的友善星體,歷史性地移動到了你的第十宮,關於榮耀,獎勵(awards的意思更加偏重於付出努力的回報的獎勵,比如諾貝爾獎,奧斯卡獎這樣的,而不是靠運氣的抽獎 譯者注),成就和名聲。木星,將為所有他所觸及的事物帶來好運,而現在木星正在你星盤的至高天上璀璨閃耀,熠熠生輝,而個位置,從古至今都被占星師門讚譽為「榮耀之所」。這就是那個真正掌控領導力和身份地位的宮位,如果事業對你而言重於群山,你將一步步會臨絕頂。顯而易見的是,你現在將有機會為自己贏得威名。星盤的這個部分是十分特殊的,因為這暗示了你終己一生,給這個世界所能帶來的終極價值,以及這些終極價值所為你贏取的獎勵(awards)。當十宮被璀璨地點亮,就像現在這樣,即使競爭者也不得不承認你的成功,並對你稱道。

Don't let your past define your future - if you've had disappointing career results so far in your life, you can start fresh now. If you have had a setback in your career, in coming months, starting now, you can right things again. If you want to make a complete career switch, take steps now, while influential people are apt to look kindly on you. If you like your career, but feel you have not progressed as quickly as you had expected, the coming year will be one of reward, and all you did in the past will lead you to where you are headed next. If you are retired, and wish you weren't by reading this, you can volunteer to help others, say, in a charity or organization that helps people hoping to start their own business but who need to learn the ropes. There is a place for everyone in this stunning trend!

As said, Jupiter will move through your career hours almost thirteen months from now, and exit on July 16, 2014. You have time to make your mark, but you must be focused. I like this month because you have a number of friendly planets in your career sector to help you. Not all the months of the year will bring equal career opportunity - this one is more special than most. The offers that will come to you will likely be some of the best you've ever seen. If you are self-employed, you can bring in impressive new business, so keep pitching, especially from clients you already have who may give you more work - the kind of work that will lead you places!

Planets have their favorite signs to express their messages, something I was surprised to learn as a young astrologer. Jupiter's favorite sign to travel through is Cancer - the sign Jupiter is traveling in now - and astrologers say Jupiter is always exalted in Cancer.

That means this planet of good fortune, Jupiter, will be able to impart his best qualities to you in a way that you will find easy to absorb. Any position you discuss this month won't be "just a job", but will lead you up the ladder to fulfill a passionate avocation - something you can do each day with gusto, possibly to a position you feel you were born to do. Nothing will happen without your involvement - you have to steer this powerful energy in the direction you want it to go, and that means being out and about doing your best to uncover this position that has your name on it!


Think back to the last time Jupiter was in Cancer, July 2001 to August 2002. You may be able to detect something special that happened in your career back then, or a professional decision that you made at the time that turned out to be very wise. Of course, all the other planets in the sky will have changed position since those years, as planets are always moving, but you might be able to get a clue of how special Jupiter in Cancer can be of help to you now.


In order to poke the pinata and allow all of Jupiter's goodness to rain down on you, you will first need a new moon to push this important trend into motion. You've got that necessary new moon this month - the new moon in Cancer (16 degrees) will appear on Monday, July 8. In the days that follow that date, you will be able to aim for a far better position than you had before, one that comes with more power and responsibility. If you are an actor, realize that the role you are auditioning for may be life-changing in its power to help you prove your talent and possible get you an award. Give every meeting all you have to give. No matter what position you hold in life, it will be up to you to carry the ball, dear Libra.

Mars is always a powerfully important planet to have on hand. He was hoping to get to your career house by July 8, the new moon, but he will be on assignment in Gemini in early July. No matter, he is rushing over to arrive July 13, to stay until August 27. Mars is the timekeeper of the zodiac, triggering the key events that you will notice because Mars brings energy. (Mars always works with the new moon too). Mars comes to this part of your chart, your tenth house of achievement, fame, and reward, every two years for a period of about six weeks, so the fact that he will be on hand now is another extraordinary piece of news. You have plenty of cosmic support for that new, lofty position, dear Libra!

If you have worked hard and smart, and were careful to cultivate an excellent reputation, you will have your chance to grab the brass ring. This is your critical month because it will be twelve months until we get another new moon in Cancer - in other words, the moon you need to light your solar tenth house of fame and honors.

Remember that you need to take your first steps in the ten days that come after the new moon July 8. You don't have to actually win the job just after that new moon, for all great jobs take months to be awarded, with weeks of interviews and callbacks. The way to work with a new moon is to set up that first appointment. In astrology, it matters a great deal the day you choose to start the process, or in other words, the time of the month that you give birth to it, so to speak. New moons begin things, and full moons bring conclusions.

Mercury will still be retrograde this month until July 21, so allow the process to take as long as need be - don't rush it. If you are seeing a colleague from your past, so much the better. You began that relationship some time ago, so Mercury retrograde won't hurt you - you can even accept the job without fear that something will mess up the opportunity later. (If you have the choice of waiting until July 22, then do, just to be safe, and out of Mercury's clutches.) I will return to the topic of Mercury retrograde later, so hold that thought.

This new moon of July 8 has a rogue planet near, and that would be Uranus, found in hard angle to the new moon. Uranus' position suggests some tension from your partner (or that you feel about your partner's well being). For example, your romantic partner may balk at your need to spend longer hours at work, or feel left out of all the excitement you may be feeling in your career. If in life you are succeeding more than your partner, it adds another layer of difficulty to the relationship. It doesn't matter what gender your partner happens to be, when one person in the relationship is applauded and fussed over by people in his or her industry, and the other partner is suffering professionally or is stagnant, it causes tension between the couple in the relationship. Keep your antenna up for any feelings of hidden resentment, and try to head off problems before they grow. Alternatively, you may be upset with your agent, publicist, or other business partner / collaborator who seems to be a bit unpredictable now.

Still, do not let anything deter you from your quest this month! There is another HUGE reason I feel that when it comes to your career, July could represent a turning point, and it involves that golden triangle that I spoke of earlier. In July we will have slow moving planets - Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces - forming a perfect golden triangle in the sky. (Astrologers call this configuration a "Grand Trine.") Each of the planets will be at 5 degrees, locking in a configuration of pure harmony.
但是,別讓任何事情阻止你的本月任務! 有個舉足輕重的因素是,這個月將對你的事業有極大幫助,7月將會表現為一個轉折點,他會影響到之前我們提到的大三角。7月我們的時代星-木星進入巨蟹座,而土星在天蠍,海王星在雙魚-在天空中形成一個無與倫比的黃金三角。(占星學家管這個叫「Grand Trine」。)每一顆星體都將處在這個星座的5度位置,處在完全和諧的相位上。

This is extraordinary, because Neptune takes 168 years to circle the Sun, Saturn takes 29 years, and Jupiter takes 12 years. To get these three heavy-hitters of the planetary lineup to all be at 5 degrees of each of the three water signs (or any element or degree) is nearly impossible - much harder than trying to get three high-powered people to agree to a three-way lunch!

It is imperative that you take this golden triangle seriously for the three points will link your 1) fame and honors sector (tenth house) by Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, 2) to your sector of work assignments (sixth house) by Neptune, planet of creativity and vision, and the final leg of the triangle, 3) to Saturn, planet of stability, in your sector of earned income (second house). In other words, here you have a rare opportunity to see a work assignment lead you up the ladder of success, with a new title and responsibilities and a rise in income, enough to give you a feeling of comforting security. Wow.

This golden triangle will be at play after the new moon July 8 and extend into early August, but it will reach a point of pure harmony on July 17, my favorite day for you, and be quite special to July 19. I am splitting hairs here, but those are the days this triangle reaches a zenith, with the best, July 17.
這侖金色大三角將在7月8日的新月之後上演並且延續到8月初,而,7月17號,將達到最純淨的和諧角度,我最喜歡的一天,並且一直持續到19號。 我將理清頭緒。但是這些日子裡,這個大三角將在7月17號抵達頂點。

As I mentioned earlier, Mercury will be retrograde until July 20, a backward slide it started last month, on June 26. This means if you are given papers to sign or a new job to accept, do so on Monday, July 22, the new moon, not any earlier if possible. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, it should be an instant signal to you that conditions around you are about to change. Try as you may, you will not be able to detect how or in which direction that change will go. If you make decisions now, you may later say to yourself, "Had I only known..." If you have been out of work for a long time, you cannot wait, so take the job, but be alert to changes in job description or duties that you did not agree to. If this should occur, keep an eye open for your next position.

Mercury rules communication, agreements, transportation, commerce (buying and selling of goods, services, real estate, and so forth), and electronics. It is a particularly bad time to buy electronic items such as a computer, smart phone, flat screen TV, or other electronic item. Can you buy a car now? No! Buy nothing with moving parts, and that includes a new stove, refrigerator, washing machine, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, or dishwasher. If you need furniture, delay the purchase, and if you already purchased something that is due to be delivered, be present to inspect the piece while the deliveryman is still standing in your apartment / house, so he can document any possible damage that occurred in transit. (Let's hope you find none, but look carefully.) If you need an airplane ticket to go somewhere, never buy it with Mercury retrograde, as the probability will rise that you'll need to change your ticket later and be hit with a large change fee from the airline.

You have a lot on your plate, and you could use a little fun. The universe agrees. On July 21, the full moon in Aquarius, 0 degrees, will give you a chance to enjoy a wonderful, tender evening, filled with love and fun. Because all full moons have a tolerance of a plus or minus four days, your big weekend event may occur on Friday evening, July 19, or Saturday, July 20. You may be attending a party, a wedding, a charity function, or a sporting event, like a baseball game, polo match, soccer game, or other fun activity. In fact you might alternatively be at an industry function, such as a cool trade show that you will be looking forward to attending.
七月是一場饕餮盛宴,而你也可以笑臉相迎。老天爺會准許的。七月21日,在水瓶座0度的滿月將給你一個機會去享受一個溫柔而浪漫的夜晚,充滿愛和歡樂。由於所有的滿月都有前後一到兩天的持續時間,你的這個週末情愫也許在週五晚上就奏響序曲 了,七月19日那天,或者週六的七月20日。你也許會參加一個聚會,一個結婚典禮,一次慈善集會,或者看一場比賽,比如壘球賽,馬球或者足球比賽,或者其他的興趣活動。事實上也有可能是一次行業集會,比如一次很有意思的你一直希望參加的貿易展會。

Saturn will be standing in the doorframe of that full moon (in 90-degree angle), so Saturn may present an obstacle. You may be concerned about the outlay of cash that this full moon will require from you, or the amount of work you need to get done before you can even think of going. If so, see if you can find a way to participate anyway - this will be the only full moon in your fifth house of true love and fun this year, and falling in Aquarius, there will be many happy people surrounding you.

If your birthday falls September 22-23, or within five days of this date (through September 28), you will notice the effects of the full moon more directly than other Libras. Similarly, if you have your natal chart, and see you have Libra rising, at 0 to 5 degrees, you will also feel this full moon, and it should be memorable. Also, look to see if you have a natal planet at 0 to 5 degrees of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius - again, that planet will be lit up and you may benefit. As a second tier runner-up, if you have a planet at the same degrees of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you may also benefit.

Interestingly, when it comes to your career, I see still another dazzling aspect that could have you jumping for joy on the same day, July 21, plus or minus two days before or after this date. Jupiter will align with Mars in your house of career and status, so you may get exciting news on Friday, July 19, or Monday, July 22. To have Jupiter meeting with action-oriented Mars in your house of fame is splendid and very rare - these two planets only meet every two years, and always in a different sign. I feel you will notice these planets working hard for you!
有趣的是,當討論到你的職業情況,我發現另一簇閃耀之光也將在同一天把愉悅推送給你,七月21日,或者前後1-2天。木星將和火星攜手進入你 的事業地位宮。所以你也許會在週五得到振奮人心的消息,7月19號那天,或者週一7月22日。因為木星和精力旺盛的火星同時入住你的榮耀之所是甚為罕見的-這兩顆星體每兩年才際會一次,並且總是在不同的星座裡。 我希望你能明白,行星們都在為你揮汗如雨。

Venus will move through your friends / new people / events sector (eleventh house) from July 1 to July 23, so you should enjoy lovely distractions from friends all through that period and have a number of events to attend to help you relax, laugh, and enjoy yourself. Love may be in the air, and several of the events may be even luxurious.

Pay special attention to the weekend of July 6-July 7 when cosmic clouds will have cleared from those tough days July 1 and 3-4, and Venus will trine Uranus on Sunday July 7. It seems to be special in every way, whether to meet someone new and intriguing, or to fuel the passions of love with your committed partner.

The last days of the month seem fraught with tension again. It starts with July 27, when Saturn will be in hard angle to the Sun, and again concerns about money seem to have you feeling low. Mars will oppose Pluto on that day, too, suggesting the demands of work versus those at home will reach a breaking point. A talk with the person pressuring you seems to be in order.

I hope you are able to defuse things, because another hard day is coming July 31, when Mars in Cancer will be in hard aspect to Uranus in Aries. Again you will either have concern over a partner's well being, or will have a dispute with your partner. This partner may play a romantic or business role in your life, but this day, you may be ready to fly off the handle. See how you feel.
我希望你將有能力化解這些問題,因為另一個充滿挑戰的日子將在7月31日那天來臨,當火星在巨蟹座,並和在在白羊座的天王星形成不良相位。你不得不再一次地顧慮到伴侶的情況,或者和你的伴侶有意見不合。這位同伴也許是你生活中的愛情伴侶也可能是生意夥伴,但是那天,你也許可以選擇逃脫ta的掌控,這取決於你的想法和感受。(三媽這是在暗示麼。。。。。。好可怕 譯者)

Some astrologers are buzzing about July 29 as a great day, filled with harmonious aspects. I am not buying it. I feel in order to feel the effects of sweet aspects you always need a new moon to fuel it, or a full moon to enlarge the energies swirling about it. This is why I feel July 17-19 will be a FAR better set of days for you, especially in regard to career and money, than July 29 could ever be. Admittedly, Venus will be in friendly conversation to Jupiter on July 29, and Venus will be friendly to Pluto on July 30, but I simply don't feel gentle Venus, your ruler, can stand up to the planetary artillery that will be going off, starting July 27 and finishing on July 31. Those two days have plus or minus tolerance of several days, and they will overlap the good days.

I could be wrong about July 29, so I am asking you to please report your experiences concerning July 17-19 versus July 29 after the month is over. Which day was better for you? Come to my Twitter account @AstrologyZone on August 1 to share your experiences. When you post, please use the hashtag #July29 so other readers can search and find all the comments about July 29 versus what I feel will be one of your best days, July 17, and in second place, July 19.
也許關於7月29日的推測我可能是錯的,所以我請求你們,如果可以的話,請告訴我你的經歷,關於7月17-19日和7月29日的情況對比。哪天對你來說更好?請在8月1日,到我的推特賬戶@AstrologyZone分享你的經歷。 當你發帖的時候,請加入 #July29 這樣別人就能檢索並且找到這些評論了。

To unlock the goodness of any planet or configuration in any month, dear Libra, realize that you always need to DO something to make it happen. Make a presentation or have an interview, or schedule a first date in a coffee shop. The planets are standing by to help you!
為了打開任何一個月的幸運之門,親愛的天秤,請記住你總是要去 做一些事情來讓它發生。做演講或者參加面試,或者計劃一下在咖啡店的第一次約會。所有的行星都在列隊待命。


This has the makings of an extraordinary career month, one of your very best of 2013. Jupiter, planet of good fortune, has just entered Cancer and your tenth house of career success for the first time this decade. This is a big development for you. Jupiter will be accompanied by a welcoming committee, including Mercury (news), the Sun (authority figures), and the new moon, July 8 (fresh starts). Mars (energy and action) will be on hand to help your career progress too, from July 13 to August 27. Starting on July 8, and in the two weeks that follow, it's imperative that you hit the ground running. Check job listings and call friends for tips of new openings.

Certain industries will be best for you. The hospitality, hotel, and restaurant industries will be strongly favored, as will anything having to do with home (furniture, linens, bedding, accessories) and home entertaining. Work connected with the stock exchange, banking, and insurance also will be favored. Salary offers seem in keeping with the impressive title you are hoping to gain. If salary should come in a little lower than you had hoped, I still feel you will be so attracted to the work and the prestige the job will bring you that you will take it.

A rare and beautiful golden triangle in water signs will appear all month but reach special perfection on July 17, with runner-up days July 18 and 19. This triangle will have to do with your excellent career progress. This triangle will a link your houses of: 1) work assignments (allowing for you to add lots of creative input now), 2) fame and honors (considerable gains to be made here), and 3) salary and compensation (additional money will add to your sense of security). This all adds up to a possible exceptional career gain for you.

Mercury will be retrograde in your career house during July's first three weeks, so although it appears you will get an offer, take your time musing about giving your final answer. Wait until Mercury goes direct July 20. The meeting of Mars and Jupiter on July 21 will bring you career help from a partner, collaborator, or expert, such as headhunter, agent, lawyer, business partner, or publicist. Watch this day, July 21!

Up in the main body of your forecast, I could not find the right moment to tell you about two troublesome days. The first will arrive on July 1, when Pluto will be directly opposed to the Sun. On this day, requirements of family, or for a real estate / property or home situation, will clash directly with demands of work. If you have a big meeting, the client or other party will be forceful and difficult, on a surprising scale. You may have to stand your ground, which is stressful in its own right, too.

The aspects of July 3 and July 4 will also be red hot - unpredictable, volatile, and hard to handle. Uranus will be in sharp, 90-degree angle to the Sun in Cancer. These days represent the Independence Day holiday in the US, and many families will be scrambling to take a short jaunt out of town. Rushing around while trying to pack and keep your children organized may cause tension and an angry confrontation with your partner. Be alert here, too. When driving, people will have a very short fuse and may display road rage.

I feel the whole first week of July will be fraught with heightened emotions, the reason I was urging my Libra readers in earlier forecasts to vacation in May and early June. The more peaceful you can make your first week of July, the better - I feel you may want to avoid crowds. If you are a Libra living outside the US, you will still feel emotions swirling around you, too. Nothing will go as planned when Uranus is active - it is always a surprise and involves what you would never think is possible, but not in a good way.

Now, for my exciting summary concerning love! A romantic experience will likely thrill you and have your heart beating double time at the full moon coming earlier, in Aquarius (0 degrees) on Sunday, July 21. Within four days of this date, look for a memorable episode, one of the very best of the year. If you are in love, this night can spin a memory, and if you have not been dating (or dating the wrong person for you), this full moon may bring an introduction. Things won't happen without your direct involvement, so be out circulating and let nature takes its course, quite deliciously. Saturn will be in hard angle, so find things to do that won't break the bank, and you'll be all set.


Dates to Note: Libra

Most romantic dates: July 5, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 22, and 28.

最浪漫的日子:7月5 9 10 11 18 19 22 和 28

Saturn goes direct July 8 having been retrograde since February 18. If you have been trying to find an apartment to rent, or buy or sell a house, Saturn's move direct should help you see success.

Mars in Gemini from July 1 to July 12 is an excellent time to travel, but it would be best if you could be back by July 8 when career developments will become quite exciting.

July will be your big career month! Take seriously any career opportunities that come up after July 8.


Your career progress will be further enhanced by a golden triangle of stars linking your houses of honors and promotions, special assignments, and salary. This triangle will be in place all month, but in tight mathematical significance from July 17 to 19, your best days.

Mars will tour your house of fame and honors July 13 August 27, so it would be best not to go on vacation this month - too many good things will be coming up! If you did not go away in June, plan your vacation for September.

The golden triangle, which will help you get the assignment of your dreams, boost your career status, and bring you an increase in salary, will peak to perfection July 17, with July 18 and 19 runner-up dates. I am splitting hairs - all are amazing days!

Mercury will be retrograde until July 21. Take your time in regard to crafting any career plan. Announce your final decisions after July 21.

The full moon July 22 plus or minus 4 days may bring on a bewitching romantic episode, one of your best of 2013.

In terms of your career, if you have a headhunter, job broker, agent, lawyer, or other middleman, you may get special help from this person, especially over the days of July 18-22.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-07-02 20:56:44
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2013-07-03 12:55:29
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 836 
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