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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 5月 天蠍座(原文)
時間 2014年05月08日 Thu. AM 12:22:21

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2014

By Susan Miller

Scorpios have been showing grace under pressure, for you have been dealing with a lot of difficult planetary action lately. Last month may not have been easy. The first eclipse, a lunar full moon eclipse, April 14, was likely to have affected your work projects, or if self-employed, you may have seen radical shifts in your business or clients. That eclipse may also have been hard on your health, so you may have had more than a few concerns. Eclipses have the strength of three full or new moons rolled into one. This year is typical in that we will have four eclipses, and they come in in pairs, two weeks apart.

The next two eclipses will arrive as a full moon lunar eclipse in Aries October 8 and a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio October 23. We must always pay special attention to these lunar and solar events, for they tend to bring massive changes if your birthday or other planet in your chart is named. In April, it was the Scorpios who were born in October who felt the most shifts, although Scorpios born November 12 or within five days of that date did not have it easy either, as Saturn is moving over your Sun right now.

After that April 15 eclipse in Libra 25 degrees arrived last month, the month's second eclipse was in your opposite sign of Taurus 9 degrees, April 28, and was to cause changes too, especially if you are an October-born Scorpio. Never a dull moment, but these eclipse pressures were difficult and stronger than the ones you have been used to seeing.

That new moon solar eclipse April 28, which will be about your closest relationship, will continue to affect you for an extended period of ten days at the beginning of May. That eclipse was in good angle to your ruler, Mars, so it will allow you to take decisive action. Pluto, your other ruler - a very powerful planet - and good fortune planet Jupiter were both supportive, indicating you can make a strong decision about a new partnership, or a brave and decisive decision to end a relationship that you feel has no future. An eclipse will always demand progress and will never ask you to remain with the status quo.

Twenty percent of Scorpios will feel an eclipse a month to the day later. This means you should keep your antenna up near May 14 and May 28, both plus or minus five days. I say this ONLY if you did not see any changes or hear any messages in April. Eclipses announce final news that you can't negotiate, but after it has spoken, that's it. You are done. It will not come back twice. It will bring a second act, where more information is revealed, but eclipses concentrate on one topic and thoroughly present a floodlight of information on the area it is studying (which in this case is a close relationship).

As you begin May, if you already heard any news involving a close relationship, you will be still thinking about what you feel you would like to see come next. Some Scorpios are forming a joyous commitment with the one they love, or are setting the date to sign papers to make a business relationship official. Others are breaking arrangements and walking away from a long relationship forever. What happens to you depends largely on how things had been going for a long stretch of time, for eclipses create tipping points where things tend to crystalize one way or the other at eclipse time.

Usually an eclipse shuffles elements of the situation, causing everything to change dynamically in the blink of an eye. A big spotlight of truth rises like a geyser. If that truth is wonderful, say, if you learn that the person you are dating truly loves you - in that case, you may be ecstatic.

If news is not what you hoped to hear, know that you can never change a dictate given at eclipse time - it remains final. If news is not what you hoped, it is best to keep your dignity and move on rather than beg or go to court to get the decision reversed - the outcome will not change. This April 28 solar eclipse is a new moon, saying to you that a new path is rapidly opening up for you in terms of a relationship. An eclipse does not tolerate the status quo - something has to change - so it was asking you to make a formal commitment or to leave. Of course there is always the option of couple's therapy if there have been problems, but in that case, you both would have to be committed to going and to a happy outcome, as one person cannot make a relationship work all alone.

A very difficult day is likely to be May 10 when Saturn in Scorpio opposes the Sun in Taurus. Do not bring up any controversial subjects on this day. Saturn will tend to separate the two of you, not bring you together. It's also a low day for health and vitality, so do not try to take on too much on your shoulders. Some may feel this is a depressing or deflating day, for you may encounter an authority figure that criticizes you. Know that as you move away from this day you will feel better. Do not sign any contracts on this day. If the aim is to make money, you may instead experience a loss. If your birthday falls on or very close to November 12, you will feel the strain of this day the most.

Next comes the full moon of May 14. This is not an eclipse, just a full moon, and it will fall your sign, Scorpio, 24 degrees, the only full moon of the year to be in your sign. Something of enormous importance to you will now come to fullness. You may finish the details of a plan very dear to your heart or make a major decision within four days of this date. Neptune will be beautifully oriented, so you may be finishing an important creative project that will be well received. This day may work out to be very romantic, so see how this works out for you - Neptune will add a touch of lyricism and beauty.

Your health may also be on your mind at the full moon, May 14 (plus or minus four days). You may be well and recovered by this point, or you may finish a protocol of physical therapy, or, it may be that your doctor has finally is able to make a diagnosis that will help you. With Saturn moving over your Sun, a draining and rare (once-in-29-year visit) aspect, many Scorpios have been dealing with a health matter. Bones, teeth, elimination organs of the body, prostate, ovaries, and other reproductive organs need extra care, so get regular screenings.

Fortunately, you have the planet of good fortune, health, and happiness, and even miracles, Jupiter, in ideal angle to the full moon in Scorpio, which is incredibly merciful and healing. Jupiter, one of the most powerful, positive planets in our solar system, will have moved into the ideal angle to help you, so you should be heartened with news. Follow your doctor's orders to the letter, and be optimistic. If you have done your homework to find the right specialist, and you trust your doctor, you are in good hands. If your birthday falls on November 8 to 12, you get a double dip of luck from Jupiter in May.

More good news! On May 19, Mars, your secondary ruler, will go direct orbit. Ever since Mars went retrograde on March 1, you likely found it difficult to make progress, for you encountered one delay after another. Now Mars will switch on his power and the coming weeks will improve. Mars will take time to regain his former speed, and that won't happen until July, but compared to all that you've dealt with during the past months you should notice a change for the better immediately.

Mars has been stuck in Libra since December 7, and Mars will not move out of Libra until July 25. This is not easy sign for you to host Mars, for it puts special emphasis in your twelfth house, putting you in a kind of holding pattern. Mars usually spends six weeks in a sign, but in this tour of Libra, Mars, your ruler, will have spent eight months in Libra. That's not bad in and of itself, but in Libra, Mars forced you into a behind the scenes, strategic role, but not one that would have allowed you to take a leadership position.

You seem to need to tweak a project before you show it at the end of July or August. Your career will catch fire in a huge way at the end of July and August, so be patient. All the detail you are doing now on a long-term project or effort will eventually pay off. You can successfully conduct confidential talks, and if you were preparing to launch a new project, it would be much better to do it at the end of July. Watch the days that circle May 19 for clues of a breakthrough to come.

The new moon on May 28 in Gemini 7 degrees will be the moment to refine your finances. You can have a close look at your retirement portfolio to decide if it is yielding the results you and your financial adviser had hoped. If it is not, you can now make changes. It's also a good time to see if you can cut waste by reviewing your recurring expenses and see if you can get a better deal from your phone or Internet provider and others.

If you sell for a living, you may begin now a new plan that will, over time, net you a good commission. If you were named in a will or inheritance to handle an estate, you can now begin in earnest to tackle this considerable task. You may also open talks to find a fair way to divide property at the end of a marriage or business. If you are about to take on a new position, you may be at the point where money is introduced into talks, including benefits, like health insurance, vacation, and sick days, and so forth. It's the right time to have those discussions (after May 28).

The new moon will occur in your eighth house of other people's money, but will not be friendly to Neptune. Neptune produces fog and confusion, so you will have to be determined to demand others hand over all the information you need to make a solid decision. Make sure no data is being hidden or slanted to give you the wrong impression. Mars will be well angled, and that will help you do any necessary digging to get to the bottom of facts you need to see.

Mars will also help you swing into action with energy. Keep in mind that by May 28, Mars will have already turned direct (May 19), so it will be stronger and more helpful to you at this new moon than you've seen in weeks and months.

A particularly strong financial day will be May 30, when the Sun, ruling your solar tenth house of career prestige, and Mars, in your solar twelfth house, will collaborate. Secret talks or strategic moves will pay off.

Finish all your key meeting and plans by month's end, because by June 7, Mercury will go retrograde from June 7 to July 1. Your most productive month is May, not June, but July will be simply spectacular. You now have your road map!

In love, you may have had a hard time with your relationship last month due to the eclipses, or because you've been unhappy for some time. You may find the move of Venus in Taurus (May 28 to June 23) to be a big help to you to ensure a smoother communication between you and your romantic partner, or with business partner, than you had in April. If you want to be able to talk over divorce plans with your soon-to-be ex in a civil way, Venus will help with that too. If you are in love, you can grow closer. As you see, Venus spreads her softness in every direction, so all benefit.

Jupiter in your long-distance travel house suggests a trip taken this month near May 23-24 would be a great idea. By July and August, I won't let you go! Too much will be happening with your career, dear Scorpio! Go now while you can. Besides, Jupiter, the great benefic, will leave your travel sector in mid-July, not to return until 2025. When you travel with Jupiter's support, you get magnificent accommodations at great prices. Jupiter not only wants you to travel, but will make his gifts possible. Look into travel packages - you may be surprised! Travel will be one way to fan the fires of love.

Indeed, May 23-24 will be an ideal day to sign papers with the aim to create long-term stability and profit. For example, you may sign a business deal or close on a house. This aspect is a spectacular day that will not be repeated until 2026. It is as special as it is rare. Use this day to make a promise, make a firm commitment to a goal, or get engaged or married. This is a feature of 2014, and a gift from the universe.

This month, looking at it in its entirety, you will have to collaborate more than usual because so many planets are moving 180 degrees from your Sun on the other edge of the universe in Taurus. While you might not always like having to be so conciliatory with almost every person you meet up with this month, it's only temporary. Scorpio is, after all, a savvy, street-smart sign that often likes to sit in the driver's seat. After May, the planets will start to support your interests more with each passing day. Your time is coming, dear Scorpio. Don't lose faith!


The recent eclipse of April 28 must still be on your mind as you enter May. The job of that eclipse was to reveal truth to you about a partner, whether in business, romance, or marriage, and also about your true feelings about that relationship's future. If you heard no news late last month, it may come at the end of May. Don't automatically assume all news would be bad news - you may have more support from your partner than you ever assumed. An eclipse goes after exposing truth, and truth comes in all shapes and sizes. If your birthday falls on or within four days of October 31, May will be quite active; for others, news will be less dramatic.

Mars has been in weak retrograde orbit since March 1, but will turn direct on May 19. Mars' stronger orbit will be a big help to you, for Mars is your ruling planet. While it will take until July for Mars to get up to more typical, strong speed, you will see the start to a welcome change now. You can finally can stop looking back and face the future with enthusiasm and passion. Mars will enter Scorpio at the end of July - keep your eye on July for an even greater pickup to your schedule.

The May 14 full moon in Scorpio, conjunct Saturn, may have you looking at the world through a shaded lens. You may assume you are seeing things realistically, but your tendency at this time of the month may be unnecessarily pessimistic. Any challenge you might face now will be temporary, so keep up your positive spirits.

Alternatively, it is just as possible that at the full moon, May 14, you will make a serious, long-term decision. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will shine brilliant beams to Saturn in Scorpio at this full moon, suggesting a long-distance trip, possibly to a foreign country, would be a great idea and allow you to outline the steps you need to take to complete a goal. You've been focused on a partner and the needs of others all month, but this full moon will shine the spotlight on you. It's time to think about what you want for yourself - others will be listening, so choose one step toward change that you can successfully make now, in any area that would improve your life substantially.

Finances will begin to occupy your thinking after the new moon in Gemini on April 28. The kind of funds you will be focused on won't necessarily be money you earn as salary, but money you hold with another person or entity. Neptune's position suggests you may encounter confused, missing facts in the financial documents you will be studying. Dig deeper into the data. Mars, however, will be in an ideal angle from your twelfth house, indicating a person behind the scenes will help you get to the bottom of the mystery.

Finally, in love, if you are single and want to find love, distant, exotic travel or taking college-level classes will be the quickest route to that special person.

Dates to Note: SCORPIO

Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: Scorpio 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24, 30, and 31.

On May 3 the Sun will be in sync with Pluto, a good day to enter into a negation, for you are likely to find accord.

May 5 brings the Sun and Jupiter into supreme agreement, making it a fine day to think about publishing or broadcasting projects, or have an interview concerning immigration or a college you would like to enter in next year.

May 9 and 10 will be very tough day for a close relationship, due to Saturn in Scorpio in opposition to the Sun in Taurus.

The full moon this month will be in Scorpio on May 14, so something of great importance to you should come to culmination within 4 or 5 days.

On May 19, one of your ruling planets, Mars, will go direct. Mars has been retrograde since March 1 and has brought delays to many of your plans. Now, life will improve. It will take Mars until July to be fully up to speed, but improvements will start to become obvious immediately.

May 23 and May 24 will be excellent days to make a new plan for the long-term future due to Jupiter in a very encouraging angle to Saturn.

You will be able to get a good grip on your finances on or after the new moon May 28 in Gemini and in the two weeks that follow.

With Venus in Aries until May 28, if single, you may find love at the office. In this regard, put a gold circle around May 18 to be a special sparkler of a day when your charisma will be strong.

Finish up things in May, as Mercury will go retrograde June 7 to July 1, not a time to start anything new.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-05-08 00:22:21
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 91 
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