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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 10月 魔羯座(原文)
時間 2014年10月05日 Sun. PM 11:56:05

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller

Capricorn Forecast for October 2014

By Susan Miller

Your home, other property, or a family member is about to make news, due to the coming a full moon solar eclipse in Aries 15 degrees on October 8. Eclipses have the strength of three full moons rolled into one, so you will likely see the effects either immediately or within five days. Some readers - about 20 percent - will hear news one month to the day later, November 8 plus or minus five days. You seem to have been concerned about a home or property situation for months, possibly as far back as October 2012, or if shorter for the past six months, but at the full moon you seem ready to do something about it.

Be careful not to act impulsively - I worry that in your haste, you might not being circumspect enough. I say that because this full moon eclipse will be conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprise, which rules your second house of earned income and possessions. I am wondering if certain hidden costs will be involved in the purchase of any house, apartment, or rental you hope to sign and that you will find out at the last minute, just as you are about to seal the deal. Thank back to April 15, the last eclipse in this series, which raised a theme that this eclipse will continue and perhaps help you find closure. That April 15 was very difficult, but this one will be far easier to experience.

Uranus (unanticipated news or events) be active at eclipse point, October 8, and not only conjunct the moon, a very nervous-making aspect, but Uranus will also oppose the Sun and Venus too, indicating that something difficult may be going on where you work at the same time all the emphasis on home comes up. Money will again be brought into the discussion, as the Sun is the natural ruler of your eighth house. This suggests you may need a bank loan or mortgage to proceed, but at the last minute you may run into snags you never saw coming. Be sure your application has no errors - verify all data before you send it in.

For some Capricorns, the focus will not be on your home but instead a parent. Keep your schedule light in case you need to swing into action and help out. In this case, you may be shocked about different news emanating from a family member, but keep your nerves intact, as I will have good news for you later, perhaps due to your quick reflexes. I will tell you why you should stay very upbeat and optimistic. First, I need to continue my focus on the full moon eclipse of October 8 that will cause an ending (as all full moons do) but also pave the way for a new beginning.

If you are buying or renting property, go slowly. Get an appraiser and engineer to view the land, apartment, house, or trailer that you hope to buy to avoid surprises. Mercury will be retrograde, October 4 to October 26, so for all practical purposes, you will feel Mercury all month, and no doubt you began feeling its slowdown last month. It would be best to sign a lease or close on a house or condo next month rather than now, after you have done a full assessment.

I will give you a little story about a lease and Mercury retrograde. My youngest daughter, Diana, an Aries, re-signed her lease on her apartment during Mercury retrograde. Aries loves to do their own research rather than take the words of her mother as gospel, something I have to chuckle about, but admire in her. She had been living there two years, so she didn't see any risk in signing under a retrograde. About four months after she re-signed, her landlord came to see her and tell her how much he loved how she had fixed up her cute apartment. As a matter of fact, he wanted it back within a month, and handed her a check for a thousand dollars to move. She was shocked. When she called to tell me what happened, I wondered out loud if that was even legal to do. That's when Diana whispered, "I signed with Mercury retrograde."

I was in shock. "Sweetheart! I tell millions of people not to sign when Mercury is retrograde, and you signed?" Diana laughed and said she had to test the theory. I found her spunk engaging. This is what I love about Aries. Diana chose to move out of her darling apartment because she was unwilling to cause any unhappiness between her and her landlord. She asked me when she had a new window of opportunity to find a new apartment to rent, and I said, "Don't freak out - it is coming up immediately. You will have ten days from Monday or you need to wait six months." Diana found an equally sweet apartment in that time and moved in, but says she won't be signing papers when Mercury is retrograde ever again.

I don't want you to sign any papers this month either. You may feel the untoward events immediately after agreeing to a lease, taking a new job, or for any other action, either immediately or, like Diana, months later. The regret may come from a wide variety of sources, so it's hard to list them for you here. Mercury retrograde is also not a time to buy electronics, a car, kitchen appliances, or any type of machine. Mercury has dominion over the moving parts in a machine, and they often don't work properly when Mercury lags, and you wind up with a defective product. Or, you may have a lapse in judgment, be forgetful, or make your decision using the wrong priorities during these periods, so be careful.

The reason I say that you should remain very cheerful and sure you will prevail is that just two days later, October 9 and 10, a golden triangle will peak in the sky, linking three planets in fire signs: Jupiter in Leo in your house of other people's money and loans; Uranus in your fourth life of home, property, and family; and Mars in Sagittarius in your twelfth house of help from behind closed doors. Jupiter will see to it that you get the money you need, despite possible last minute snags that will have you jittery. Uranus in your house of home will be in excellent angle to Jupiter, a holdover from late September, so just as you may have had a difficult shock, you may get another shock - but this time a fabulously positive shock. On October 10, the Sun will meet with Jupiter, a four-star aspect, giving you help at the office from a VIP. I have never seen such contrasting aspects, where things go from dark and gloomy to gleaming bright white.

If your birthday falls on or near January 5, plus or minus five days, you will feel the eclipse the most.

The second eclipse will be easier because it is a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio 0 degrees. Scorpio is a sign friendly to yours, and this one will open a new opportunity or send you in a happy new direction. Think back to April 28, the last time we had an eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio series. That eclipse may have been difficult (and you may have felt more fallout in mid-May too), but this eclipse may reverse things, or help you find closure so you can move on.

This eclipse will fall in your friendship sector, so you may make an important new friend who has a very positive affect on you and who will go the distance to help you when you need help most. If you need to find sources of funding, such as to start a business or buy land or a condo, your new friend seems to be able to point you in the right direction. If your new friend turns out to be significantly older than you (possible) he/she may act as a mentor to you. Mars will be elegantly angled to this eclipse too, suggesting you will take action on something dearly important to you - Mars is pointing to your home or family situation.

If you have a birthday that falls on December 21 plus five days, then you will feel the effects of this eclipse quite directly and benefit from it more than other Capricorns born at other times of the sign. The same is true if you have Capricorn rising 0 degrees (or within five degrees of that degree), or a natal planet in Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus, or Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer at 0 degrees with the same plus or minus tolerance.

You have several stellar days due this month, aside from October 9 and 10, which are two four-star days because of Mars in conversation with Uranus, bringing a stroke of luck with home matters, and the following day October 10, as said, the Sun and Jupiter will be at ideal angles, aiding you with a major VIP.

Monday, October 13, brings Venus will be in conversation with Jupiter, so good news about money may result.

If you need to travel, choose October 20, the finest day for that. Mercury will still be retrograde, but as long as you label your luggage, check to see where the baggage handler is sending your suitcase by the bar code if you check your luggage. Check to see you have your ID in your wallet or your passport with you if needed the night before your trip. Also, confirm that your appointment is still on, and double check your directions, hotel reservation, and flight status. These simple moves will make your trip a success, for Mercury (travel, communication) will be in sync with Jupiter (luck, profits, happiness).

All month, Mars will have you in a strategic mode, behind the scenes. If you have something big to announce, you would most likely do it at your best time, when Mars will begin to tour Capricorn on October 25 until December 4, and put you center stage. With Mars in your sign, your energy and optimism will zoom skyward, and you'll be passionate about getting the support you need for one goal very dear to you. High energy attracts high energy, and people will be likely to want to approve your ideas and give you the boost you need. This is the first time since November 16 through December 26, 2012, that you have had the help from Mars.

Mars can, and will, make you more attractive too, a delicious fact, so you have from October 26 to December 4 to take full advantage. Mars will make you more likely to be proactive about going out more to meet an interesting someone new, or if you are attached, to stir up some surprises for your one-and-only partner to keep your relationship fresh.

If you want to take a weekend away with your romantic partner (or a friend), Saturday, October 25 through Tuesday, October 28 would be ideal. Neptune will meet with Venus on October 27, and with the Sun on October 28, so you can't get more glamorous than that. Because these planets will be in your most social house, the eleventh house of friendship and fun, I feel you might be going to a wedding or other celebration over that weekend. If you have the vacation time to extend your trip until Tuesday night, by all means, take it. If you are attached, you deserve time with your sweetheart, and this time you will weave a lyrical and enchanting weekend for love.


This year has had two sides to it, neatly cut in half. The first half of the year moved too slowly for anyone's taste and may have frustrated you by a continual series of delays, due to a parade of planets in retrograde. After July 1, things changed completely, but now life may seem to you to be moving much too fast. October is a month that will send you mixed messages, which is why you must go very slowly and resist making any solid, binding commitments just yet. Things that appear so very solid may not be, but you will have no evidence to this until several weeks or even months go by.

The puzzle pieces of your plan will click into place once Mercury is done being retrograde, October 4 to 26, and Mars moves into Capricorn for the first time in two years, October 25 to December 4. Those bracket dates while Mars will favor you above all others will constitute your most important weeks in 2014. You've not had Mars in Capricorn since late 2012, so now that you do, exercise your power. People will be listening to what you have to say, and if you have thought through your ideas and plans thoroughly, and feel your plans are sound, you will be exhilarated by how fast you get approvals from the end of October through early December.

This month brings two eclipses too, and one will be vital to you, for it will light your house of home and family on October 8. This is not the easiest eclipse, as it may bring to a head important, swift changes in regard to your home situation that have been lingering for at least six months, if not much longer. Some Capricorns have recently moved more than once over the past two years, which sounds very strenuous (and it is). To hear that more shifts are on the way in regard to your home may be deflating, but rather, view things instead as an adventure.

This eclipse seems to be tied closely to the news you received April 15, so think back to discussions and news that came up then. That eclipse was monstrous, but this one will not be like that one, so do not become overly anxious when you think back - if your birthday falls near January 15, you felt the April 15 eclipse quite directly. This one will bring unanticipated, sudden, and jarring news, but fortunately, you are a Capricorn, always cool, calm, and collected, and in this month's case, your cool thinking can help you find a quick solution. A golden triangle will appear in the sky during the same week - a configuration of supreme harmony - and help you settle the home or family condition to your complete satisfaction, despite the jolts that come up in the eleventh hour.

Money and your partner's attitude will factor into the equation in some way as well. For couples splitting up, housing automatically becomes the hot issue - who goes to which living quarter, and which possessions are to be divided. Yet there can be an almost unlimited number of possibilities that could surface, not necessarily a divorce. (Stay calm, I do not want to raise your anxiety level.) For example, a tenant may be troublesome, and you might have to petition the courts to help you sort out the problem, and perhaps be allowed to evict the tenant.

The October 23 eclipse will be gentle, and may bring you in contact with many people, some old friends, but also new faces too. One person may emerge as an important new contact that deserves to be part of your circle, and who can advance your growth and personal development. Be open to joining a new club, whether professional or social, and although you are one of the zodiac's hardest workers, you must let go and allow yourself to go out to show your face to the world. It may also be that a good friend is having a big change in lifestyle, such as to get married, have a baby, or move abroad, and you sense these changes will reduce the intensity of your relationship. These things happen, but it does not mean you won't see one another again. Interests change, and people grow in different directions, but it is always possible that paths will converge again. It is all part of the natural plan.

Dates to note: CAPRICORN

Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: October 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18-19, 20, 25 to 28, 30 and 31.

Mercury will be retrograde from October 4 to 26. Expect delays and to have to backtrack a great deal this month.

The total eclipse of the moon, a full moon, October 8, will occur in Aries and light your house of home and family. You may find out you need to move or buy property, or you may decide to give a facelift to your home. A roommate may leave, or you may need to help one of your parents. This eclipse will be initially stressful, so keep your schedule light.

Keep your cool, as a wonderful golden triangle will appear in the heavens on October 9 and 10, bringing you outstanding breakthroughs in regard to money and home / property / family.

On October 10, you may get good news about a commission or fee that is tied to work you did for your career. Money and career go together on this day like salt and pepper.

A runner-up set of days that would be perfect for a career interview or presentation will be October 13 and 14 when Venus, the natural ruler of your tenth house of professional achievement, will be in sync with Jupiter in a financial sector.

You seem to have the Midas touch this month when it comes to finding career opportunities that are prestigious and pay well. A tip you get from a friend or casual contact on October 20 may help you find a lucrative career opportunity where you would make a generous fee. This day would also be superb for travel.

The solar eclipse, a new moon in Scorpio on October 23 will boost your social life. You will likely make one new friend and connect with present pals, and generally get out more. This socializing won't just be for fun - there's purpose in all that you will do. Push away from your desk and venture out, and you may be surprised by the enlightenment and opportunity you find. An older new friend may act as your wise mentor.

Mars will enter Capricorn on October 25 to December 5, putting you front and center for the first time since November to December 2012. Having Mars in your sign is a huge advantage - you will have courage and drive. It's a great time to launch something new.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-10-05 23:56:05
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 150 
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