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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2015年02月01日 Sun. PM 06:59:45

Leo Horoscope for February 2015

By Susan Miller

If you are in love, February will be made for you. The month starts out with a gorgeous full moon in Leo, February 3, emphasizing all that is dearly important to you. Usually a full moon like this would point to a relationship - especially because the Sun, your ruling star, is now transiting your committed relationship / marriage sector. It may be time to promise your love and set the date. Many Leos will be getting engaged for Valentine's Day, February 14, this year, but if you are not ready for a commitment, you may declare that you will be exclusive or decide to move in together. If you are already married, you will have a golden opportunity to celebrate your love over the weekend of February 14-15, or an even BETTER opportunity February 21-22 where travel would be involved. (Stay tuned - more about that stellar weekend later.)

If you say there is no special someone in your life these days, you may be deciding about a new business partner, or are busy in the process of hiring a manager, representative, agent, publicist, advertising agency, writing partner, stylist, or other expert who will help you get ahead.

Mercury will be retrograde in your partnership sector until February 11, so do not make any fateful announcements, if possible, until after that date. The exception is if you had had a date to get engaged and it had to be moved - in that case you "used up" the delay quality of Mercury retrograde. I still would like you to be careful about making big decisions prior to February 11, for when Mercury is out of phase, everyone's thinking process seems to go haywire. We become hasty or forgetful, or we use the wrong list of priorities to make a choice. Later we often say, "What was I thinking?" Mercury goes retrograde every twelve weeks, and during those times, the wind will begin to change direction in an imperceptive manner, something you will see later, but that will not be obvious during Mercury retrograde. Agreeing to marry is a big step, as would be the building serious business collaborations. Take your time, dear Leo, as a lot of dust has been kicked up recently, and until things settle, you won't be able to see the road ahead.

By the new moon, February 18, in your opposite sign of Aquarius, you will know your own mind and be on more solid ground. Still, there are more reasons to go slowly, as this new moon will orbit close to Neptune, the planet that sweeps you off your feet in love and clouds your eyes. As I always say, never sign papers in the light of neon. You would have to know your sweetheart very, very well under these aspects. Saturn will be in hard angle to the moon from your true love / creativity house too, so financial considerations may temporarily hold things up and require that you sort through those matters first. New moons open up two weeks of very special energy where you can make progress.

That new moon February 18 is an unusual one in that it falls precisely on the demarcation line between Aquarius and Pisces, on the cusp so to speak, bringing in both plans for a partnership and also the need to discuss and sort joint financial matters. This emphasis on jointly held money will grow in importance next month, but for now a partner seems to be very much on your mind too, not just money.

You have such glowing aspects for growing closer to another person, but I suppose I should allow the possibility that you may be working on finding a fair way to divide property in a divorce or with a business partner at the close of a business. This seems unlikely, but I cannot see your natal chart from where I sit, so I suppose with your heavy emphasis on joint resources, you might be finding a way to come apart rather than together. If you are hoping to marry or form a business partnership, you would still have to discuss money and decide how you will keep checkbooks and handle taxes, investments, and credit cards, and so forth. Let's think good thoughts - your chart is glowing for these matters, so keep smiling.

I want to go back to the full moon in Leo, 15 degrees, for a moment, February 3, for it is such a stellar full moon and sure to bring important closure to something dearly important to you. Jupiter in Leo, in a rare transit that occurs once every twelve years for a full year (leaving August 11 this year), is standing by to protect all your interests at this glorious full moon. Jupiter conjunct the moon! It does not get any better than this!

If your birthday falls on August 8, plus or minus four days, you will feel this full moon and all the cornucopia of benefits, quite directly, more than your Leo friends born at other points of the month. If you have your natal chart and know you have a planet within four degrees of 15 degrees of Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you will have good news, depending on where that planet resides in your chart.

At work, after February 19 through March, you may be working hard on a project that is based in a foreign country, especially in late month. You will find you do very well, and the applause for work well done will be thunderous near February 21-22 and the days leading to those dates. It may be a publishing or broadcasting assignment, or you may work on an academic goal. It would be hard to fail, dear Leo - gather up your confidence and be strong. You are getting the respect and admiration that you long deserved. It's all coming now, and on an international stage. If you want to get a grant to do research in a foreign country, put in your application in the second part of the month. One day that you will stun everyone with your brilliant ideas and thinking "outside the box" will be February 2, when the Sun and Uranus are in sync and lighting your brain with 100,000 watts of light.

Let's talk about your health for a moment. If you need a procedure or operation, planets gathering in your eighth house, the natural house of transformation and surgery, will make it possible. Next month is a more likely month for this to happen, but you may be conducting meetings with expert doctors to choose the one specialist that would be best for you. Having Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, and also called the great healer, is a big plus for you, dear Leo.

The mood of the month will change dramatically once Mars moves into Aries, a fire sign like yours, on February 19. Venus will move into Aries the following day - this is all such good news! Chances are, you'll get to travel far and wide and be able to take your mind off the more serious decisions you've been focused on earlier in the month.

Do you remember I mentioned February 21-22 as extra special at the start of this report? It should be an extraordinary weekend for you, especially if you choose to travel over this weekend with your one-and-only. Venus will always long to be with her lover Mars, but both planets have such a busy schedule dictated by the universe that they are only rarely together. When they are in each other's embrace, sparks of love are always set off. If you are single, you might very well meet someone over this weekend, so look your best and go to a resort where substantial singles go to meet people.

If your birthday falls on July 25, Venus and Mars will be speaking directly to you and the mathematics of your Sun lines up perfectly with Venus and Mars at 2 degrees Aries.

If you have a touchy question or topic to bring up with your sweetheart, do not do so over February 23. The Sun and Saturn will be at odds, so you would likely only reach a stalemate - wait for better days.

Finally, many Leos work in creative fields, so if you do, a day when you will be a virtual idea factory will be February 25 when the Sun, your guiding star, will met with Neptune. You may even get ideas while you sleep, so have a pen and pad on your bed stand.


You will be feeling ecstatic as you begin February, for you will have so much to celebrate. The full moon, February 3 will bring a dream dear to you to fruition, and it seems to involve a close relationship that you care very much about. Most lionesses will experience this lovely full moon as the moment to decide to soon become engaged or wed, although if you are not ready to get engaged, you may promise to be exclusive to each other or to move in together. If you are not dating seriously, you may decide to use it to form a wildly profitable business relationship later this month.

This truly can be one of the happiest moments of 2015 for you. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will closely connect to the full moon, the only time in 2015 this will happen. Moreover, Uranus will create the sudden opportunity for a trip, most likely to a city at a great distance from you, possibly overseas. Can life get any better than this? It's hard to imagine!

The new moon, February 18, will spotlight your partner, so all your attention will be drawn to carefully shape and adjust to the new and growing status of your relationship. You may have monetary decisions to make together too, and so dive in, as you will easily reach accord. Saturn will be friendly to the Sun and moon, indicating that you are setting up a firm foundation for your future.

Money and the careful molding of joint finances together (or in a far less likely case, separating and dividing funds) will take up a lot of your thinking. This theme of money management will grow in March, especially near the friendly eclipse of March 20. Expenses may be high now for you (blame Mars), but if so, see it as a temporary situation and those costly outlays should simmer down after February 20.

At work, you seem to also be working on a project that involves talent or executives in distant cities, so you will be involved in communicating quite a bit by phone or emails to make this happen on time and on budget. By next month's solar eclipse, March 20, things will come together in sophisticated form. If you have to fly overseas to have face time with your partners, go on or near the meeting of Mars and Venus in fellow fire sign Aries, a rare event, over the weekend of February 21-22. If you work in the arts or entertainment, you'll get a double dip of luck - things will go exceedingly well. As an aside, of course, this same weekend can be used for romantic fun, a perfect idea.

There is an alternative emphasis this month, one that will center you on academia. You may be excited about working on your degree this month, and may be surprised to get special one-on-one attention from a professor who sees that you have talent and will offer guidance on how to best develop your abilities.

In all, it's a great month, so look into every opportunity, dear Leo - this is your time to shine.

Dates to Note for Leo

February 2 would be an ideal day to show off your originality and contribute ideas. You will be hailed as a rock star.

Your best day ever, possibly of the entire year, will be the full moon in Leo, February 3. News will give you tingles down your spine - all new will be so celebratory. You will get closure on an important topic in your life, and chances are, it involves a relationship.

If you are ready to wed, your partner seems ready too. Circle Valentine's Day as a likely day for the exciting news to emanate. If you are not ready to become engaged or wed, you may confess your love for your partner and promise to be exclusive - you would have many options to build closeness.

The new moon February 18 will bring discussions to make a serious commitment in love or business to a higher level. This same new moon will be on the cusp of your financial sector, so you may be thinking about how you will handle joint financial matters together. The relationship you are thinking about is most likely a romantic one, but it could relate to business collaborations too, with equally fine results.

Mercury will end its retrograde motion on February 11. Mercury has been retrograde since January 20.

If you need surgery, it appears you will schedule the procedure either at the end of February or in March, the right time to do so.

Mars is forcing up expenses, but only until February 19.

After February 19, you will have a great ability to travel far and wide, and you should take full advantage of the opportunity, which will extend through March.

The weekend of February 21-22 will sparkle brightly for romance.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-02-01 18:59:45
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 604 
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