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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-02 08:21:45
看板 LoL
作者 iidxiir3 (笑問)
標題 [情報] 新英雄 - Phreak
時間 Tue Apr  2 02:12:05 2013

來源連接: http://


Phreak, the Minion Master
弗瑞克 -- 小兵大師

Phreak, the league's first megalomaniacal mastermind is about to hit the
Fields of Injustice. Playing this champion means knowing how to balance
between massive control and tons of damage. Here's your first look at what
this cowardly mastermind can do.

操作此英雄要了解Massive control與Tons of damage之間的平衡。

Throne of Torment (Passive): Phreak is unable to leave the summoning well
once the game has started. However, every lane generates two additional
caster minions per wave (one in Twisted Treeline or the Crystal Scar).

被動技能:痛苦王座 (阿薩斯表示...)

Knight of Darkness: Phreak can cast this ability near an allied tower or ward
to create a highly armored, permanent minion who will join the next creep
wave. Activating Knight of Darkness a second time with a target will cause
the Knight to charge through an enemy creep wave into an enemy hero.



Squad of Flame: Phreak conjures a group of skeletal archers with flaming
arrows. These minions will automatically join the next wave of creeps to pass
by. Activating the ability again will cause the entire group of skeletal
archers to focus fire that target.



Portal of Shadow: Phreak opens a portal at the target location, which must be
within 500 units of an allied tower or one of Phreak's minions. When two
portals are open, the next allied champion will travel to the other portal.



Cameo Appearance: Phreak, tired of leaving the dirty work to his minions can
appear anywhere on the map for 20 seconds. While on the battlefield, Phreak's
ranged attacks have a chance to slow the target movement speed and using a
minion ability grants his next attack bonus damage based on his base attack






Phreak is a unique, macro-centric lane pushing champion. What the loses in
mobility, he gains in omnipresence. Phreak can have an effect on every lane
or can provide a safe, efficient way to clear the jungle.

In lane: Phreak's ability to bolster whichever lane needs the most help
grants him a massive tactical advantage over the battlefield. Putting points
into Knight of Darkness early on will give you access to low cooldown
crowd-control and lane disruption. Upgrading Squad of Flame will give you
heavy wave-pushing and on-demand burst damage.

In the jungle: Phreak's minions naturally gain the effect of any jungle buffs
that Phreak possesses. The bonus damage and slow from red buff allows him to
provide extra control in lane, while blue buff lets him push lanes even
harder. However, proper use of Portal of Shadow will allow him to save a lane
in dire need by bringing an ally from another lane instantly.

Team Fights: Phreak's minions are often overlooked in a team fight, granting
your team significant additional damage and movement disruption. Smart
summoners will prepare a Portal of Shadow ahead of time to provide a quick
escape for an allied champion in trouble. However, wise use of Cameo
Appearance can swing the tides of battle, by bringing tons of damage to into
a team fight.


Phreak started out as a pauper in the streets of Noxus. Weak and frail,
Phreak was often kicked aside and disregarded as stronger Warrior stole his
food and few possessions. However, what he lacked in strength he made up in
tactical awareness and raw malice. He often set stronger soldiers at odds
with each other, then scavenged their possessions for food and weapons.

After years of practice, Phreak's hunger for power grew, but tactical prowess
alone means nothing without soldiers to command. During the Noxus invasion of
Ionia, Phreak had the fortune of setting two acolytes of the Institute of War
against each other. In the resulting Chaos, Phreak snatched up the parcel
they were carrying and snuck away into the sewers.

In the murky darkness, he opened the package to reveal a dull, runed stone,
etched with charcoal darkened symbols. He frowned with disgust, as a stone is
a worthless tool on the street. He took the stone in hand and prepared to
throw it out into the ocean when a dark voice filled his mind.

"Bring... it... to... me..."

Phreak spun around and attempted to flee when the voice entered his mind

"You will be well rewarded, young mortal...

The markings of the stone had turned red and glowed like magma. Phreak
attempted to hurl it away, but he simply couldn't look away from the stone.
An image opened in his mind... of a gateway, a door, deep beneath the
Institute of War.

Months passed as Phreak begged, fought and clawed his way across Valoran.
Finally, after weeks of carefully watching the guard movements, Phreak was
able to break into the caverns deep beneath the Institute. His hands trembled
as he crawled blindly through the darkness, lead by the glowing light of the

Finally, he arrived in front of the ancient stone doorway. It was rather
mundance except for the 13 empty sockets that surrounded the door.
Overwhelming darkness gushed forth from the doorway like billowing smoke from
a blacksmith's forge. As he crept close, he heard the voice again, this time
directly before him.

"Well, done... now... hand it to me..."

"No!" shouted Phreak. "I refuse to help you until you tell me what you can do
for me."

"Wise. What is it that you desire...?"

"An army. I never wish to be another creature's pawn again. I wish to command
and show those who spat upon me what I am capable of doing."

"Very well. I shall grant you a portion of the power that the grand summoners
have stolen from me. Even now, they summon my children into eternal battle
above. But you... you shall command them in ways those summoners could never

A black claw formed at the edge of the door long enough to hurl a black,
clouded crystal before Phreak. He recognized the shape... it looked much like
the nexus crystals used by the summoners of Valoran. He quickly grasped the
crystal in hand and screamed out as the burning surge of power ran up his arm
and into his mind. His eyes went dark, losing the quiet blue luster they once

"... I understand, now."

"Very good. Now place the Demonstone you have acquired into the door frame. I
will grant you whatever portion of my power you need to seek out the other 12
holders of the stones. When we find them all... you shall help me rule over
all of Valoran."

Phreak returned to the surface and presented himself before the Institute of
War. Shocked by a peasant able to command the power of minions, he was
suspiciously accepted into the League.

"I am no man's puppet." -- Phreak

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◆ From:
chou        :1F 04/02 02:13
yhchen2     :今年好慢說2F 04/02 02:13
howar31     :愚人節過惹 :(3F 04/02 02:14
yeats2704   :原po只是4/2才轉文嘛  幹麻這樣4F 04/02 02:14
TWemperor   :現在北美還是4/1號啊5F 04/02 02:15
peter0726   :掛溫泉 放隊友4v5 資助敵對(小兵) 這應該檢舉到爆炸6F 04/02 02:15
novastar    :Phreak 沒有ton of damage的技能...失敗!7F 04/02 02:15
SonAkali    :待在裡面要怎麼生等...8F 04/02 02:15
k9k2k7k0    :XDDDDDD9F 04/02 02:16
hypersonic  :我要選這隻打jg10F 04/02 02:16
thedeathhero:根本就戰略型角色  不過升不到六級  好慘11F 04/02 02:16
ching7896   :看到被動就很瞎了..=.=12F 04/02 02:17
xxivz102    :美國愚人節才剛開始這樣= =13F 04/02 02:18
howar31     :他們早上十點 不過Google已經先玩過了 :(14F 04/02 02:19
binjunch    :你的招喚生物幫你吸經驗 應該吧15F 04/02 02:20
lpb         :4/1...16F 04/02 02:21
DesignXD    :I play Phreak as jungle17F 04/02 02:22
peter0726   :and deal tons of damage18F 04/02 02:23
kaseno      :被動應該要叫做tons of damage才對19F 04/02 02:23
usoko       :我想聽Phreak本人來介紹自己的死八賴 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD20F 04/02 02:23
dingdong103 :這隻假的有的明顯  不如Urf那樣21F 04/02 02:23
hoe1101     :I play myself as a jungler, wow!22F 04/02 02:23
binjunch    :話說真的要惡搞的話應該要有華爾奇跟食屍鬼吧XD23F 04/02 02:24
bruce511239 :北美時間啦XD24F 04/02 02:25
gatsby621   :I play Phreak as jungler ww25F 04/02 02:25
MoonSkyFish :這樣不就不會死26F 04/02 02:26
wulouise    :na 4/1˙ˊ..27F 04/02 02:27
jennifer8284:好想看spotlight!28F 04/02 02:29
seysem      :美國愚人節= ="29F 04/02 02:29
phenom1     :連圖都沒有 沒誠意30F 04/02 02:30
※ 編輯: iidxiir3        來自:          (04/02 02:31)
wulouise    :有圖好嗎31F 04/02 02:33
wulouise    :http://goo.gl/ZwHUp
wulouise    :不唬爛 原文http://goo.gl/k9fev33F 04/02 02:33
Phreak, the Minion Master, Revealed - League of Legends Community Phreak, the Minion Master, Revealed General Discussion ...
phenom1     :...34F 04/02 02:35
wulouise    :該rioter還在徵圖 http://goo.gl/573jl 有興趣可投稿35F 04/02 02:35
Phreak, the Minion Master, Revealed - Page 10 - League of Legends Community Phreak, the Minion Master, Revealed General Discussion ...
phenom1     :有膽就真的做成英雄啦 (‵皿′*)36F 04/02 02:38
wulouise    :可以做成一個custom game 6v637F 04/02 02:39
novastar    :我本來還期待riot讓urf在今天復活的 真可惜沒有38F 04/02 02:41
timke       :I CAN'T play myself as a jungler :(39F 04/02 02:45
eist        :我覺得可以做成英雄 蠻有趣的40F 04/02 02:50
b474        :今年惡搞能力好低41F 04/02 02:50
omegamonzx  :也想要阿福回來:(42F 04/02 03:04
Qong        :在溫泉裡永遠都只有一等要好好考慮點哪招了43F 04/02 03:23
winklly     :根本只能QWE選一招啊44F 04/02 03:23
lien6410    :正如小丑盒子殺掉怪的金錢經驗BUFF都會回到小丑身上45F 04/02 04:32
lien6410    :所以這隻應該能靠QW的小兵吸取(?
aa124816    :既然是小兵大師  應該所有小兵都歸他管才對47F 04/02 04:35
aa124816    :所有我方小兵尾刀到的錢都歸他  這樣才對
qazxcvb     :噓EZ超爛49F 04/02 05:24
PrinceAries :好無聊的英雄50F 04/02 07:11

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