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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-02 04:08:30
看板 WoT
作者 tai33ru (磁磚大)
標題 [情報] 10/28 Q&A
時間 Tue Oct 29 00:50:27 2013


- according to SerB less than 30 percent of all players are in any clans


- there is some development of the visibility system being conducted. A
player suggested the visibility system to encompass the view vectors of
various crewmen (for example: the driver can see only forward), but Storm
wrote such a thing (limited fields of view by crewmen) won't be implemented.
SerB adds that he'd actually like to have that, but he's afraid that if
they do that, there will be much confusion amongst the players regarding the
visibility system

  角(像是駕駛只能看見前方的視野),Storm 表示不會做,SerB補充說他

- BT-5 will most likely appear as an alternative hull


- rocket-carrying BT ("land torpedo") will not appear most likely as a gun


- WG is not aware of any project of a TD/SPG, built on AMX-40 chassis


- new high tier 8 premium with high alpha (490+) planned? “If there ever is
such a plan, I will tell”

  計畫加入單發傷害在490 以上的新八階金幣車?「如果真有這計畫,我們

- apparently, visibility checks consume about 2/3 of server resources


- it's possible to see someone who is online on another server as offline in
your friend list – during peak times (when the server switches to "
performance mode"), a share of data that is normally shared between servers
stops being shared and this is one of its effects


- an undisclosed Russian historical source states that at least one Tiger
took place in the Hoth's assault to break the Stalingrad encirclement – it
was allegedly destroyed by a 76mm Zis-3 gun. SerB states that it's most
likely not true – it was probably a Panzer IV with armor screens or
something like that, he also adds that such a confusion (calling all the
enemy tanks Tigers) was not uncommon. (SS: that is true, for example several
accounts of Slovak National Uprising from people who fought in it call pretty
much every SPG a "Ferdinand" – if these accounts were true, there were
more Ferdinands destroyed in the SNU than there were ever produced)



- there were Soviet turretted tank destroyer projects (for example a T-34
hull with an open turret and 53-K gun (45mm M1937)), but they won't be
implemented for now


- Q: "Why do developers on one hand claim to fight sealclubbing and on the
other hand they hand out tier 2/3 tanks en-masse?" A:"It's the lesser evil
" (SS: take that as you will)

  Q: 為什麼你們的開發組邊說要「抵制虐菜」,然後送一堆低階坦克?

  A: 「兩害相權取其輕。」(SS:隨你解讀)

- according to the developers it's good and normal that there are various
gameplay styles throughout the tiers, as it allows the players to pick the
gameplay that suits them: "Simply play the game that suits you. I for
example prefer tier 8-10"


- gun damage is basically arbitrary, it's a balance parameter (no point in
asking “why does gun A have more alpha than gun B”)


- other balance parameters include tank hitpoints, module hitpoints and other
characteristics, that don't exist in real life


- equipment, increasing the amount of ammo carried will not be implemented,
other ways of carrying more ammo won't be implemented for now either


- SerB states that WG would give out the T7 Combat Car even if WoT didn't
win, "as a reward for voting"

  SerB說就算WOT沒有贏得金搖桿獎,T7 Combat Car還是會作為「感謝大家


oXnXo:按著開機鍵數秒即可達到關燈的效果05/04 19:29
cypher4444:樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!05/04 19:30
yuan860721:還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿05/04 19:32
cypher4444:就怎樣@@05/04 19:33
yuan860721:就關機了阿..............05/04 19:34

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
JLintopPG   :請問T7 Combat Car是啥??1F 10/29 01:04
colin1120   :新的車庫2F 10/29 01:04
damnedfish  :看來又要有人被"T7"騙到了XD3F 10/29 01:05
JLintopPG   :剛剛查了才知道XD 還以為要送tier7的金車哩= =4F 10/29 01:05
tai33ru     :因為不知道直譯是不是妥當 只好引原文了ˊˇˋ5F 10/29 01:16
kingsmill   :兩害相權取其輕那句SerB的回答譯的沒錯,不過問題翻6F 10/29 02:18
kingsmill   :錯了。SealClubbing原意是加拿大獵人拿著大棒打殺海
kingsmill   :豹(尤其是可愛的小海豹),曾經引起廣泛抗議。WOT里
kingsmill   :這個詞一般指的是高階車虐低階車(尤其是T4以下),開發
kingsmill   :組不喜歡這種情況
kingsmill   :游戲裡sealclubbing也指高手開T4以下車進低階場虐菜
kingsmill   :問題就是問開發組為啥一邊不希望高手開低階車破壞新
kingsmill   :人遊戲體驗,另一方面又總是送T2T3的車
doomhammer  :遊戲裡可沒有禁止老玩家拿4技組員開低階車啊...14F 10/29 02:32
cklppt      :SealClubbing直接翻虐菜就行了15F 10/29 02:38

感謝指正orz 真是長知識了...

julyjungle  :K大專業,原PO辛苦了,感謝翻譯16F 10/29 09:34
colin1120   :反正我相信送2~3階車的影響比送6~7階車好上一萬倍...17F 10/29 14:17
wix3000     :每個公會都要求+RC 然後要幾階幾階的18F 10/29 16:01
wix3000     :想找個工會加練練技術都沒辦法XD
condition0  :阿....不加RC你加工會幹嘛...20F 10/29 16:11
condition0  :還是你會心電感應
zoidsx      :技術你可以先瞭解,到了六階再身體力行22F 10/29 16:23
zoidsx      :RC現在新版廣播聽不到真的是太爛了
lsslss      :RC越改越爛24F 10/29 16:24
hitlerx     :          震怒改用YY                (誤25F 10/29 17:05
grayoasis   :沒RC很難跟人家溝通 難道邊打炮邊用隊頻洗頻?26F 10/29 17:26
grayoasis   :其實RC申請也快 弄一個 入了公會之後 也不一定要開
grayoasis   :除非組隊或是公會有活動 其實沒那麼多負擔
jimmy8343   :遊戲內有排用頻道 RC只有打工會戰那種才比較用的道29F 10/29 17:32
jimmy8343   :最近RC連不上 怪怪的
Basilisk0083:感謝翻譯,不過有個地方我想要指正31F 10/29 20:02
Basilisk0083:no point in asking那段有關砲的ALPHA 意思應該是
Basilisk0083:no point in Ving 的句型指的是做某件事情沒意義

※ 編輯: tai33ru         來自:         (10/29 21:40)

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 97 
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