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看板 terievv
作者 terievv (terievv)
標題  標題  [爆卦] 韓國研討會公告得到MERS機率是近乎0
時間 2015-06-05 Fri. 21:38:03

看板 Gossiping
作者 cjoe (TeA)
標題 [爆卦] 韓國研討會公告得到MERS機率是近乎0
時間 Fri Jun  5 19:32:32 2015


Some people shared their concern and enquired about MERS in Korea.

The probability that you will be infected by MERS in a public place in Korea
is virtually zero. There has not been a case of public infection of MERS
reported in Korea. We also believe this has been true in other countries as

Confirmed infection cases in Korea happened only between the persons within
particular hospitals and those people have been separated and taken care of.
Korean government has taken every precaution to stop the spread of the MERS.
According to the data, MERS is not that infectious. For example, even when
you live with a family member who has MERS and are continuously in contact
with him/her, the probability of infection is below 4%. In the public
community, this probability becomes virtually zero.

Furthermore, MERS is only spread through direct contact of body fluid, blood
etc. You will never be infected through the air (Source: Korea Center for
Disease Control). Also, those people who got infected are completely

A healthy person has no reason to be afraid of MERS in Korea. Of course, if
one already has health problems such as a very low immune level, fever, or a
respiratory disease, one should not be traveling anywhere.

According to Korea Center for Disease Control, washing your hands is a very
strong and effective method for preventing MERS. The conference will set up a
number of hand sanitizers for participants at the conference and will take
every precaution.


【更新】韓MERS傳染途徑 醫院空調疑是元兇
* http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150605/623147/


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LSOZMDc (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1433503958.A.366.html
jerrys0580: 樓下你信嗎?1F 06/05 19:33
Change1224: 我不信2F 06/05 19:33
sakaizawa: 呼 那我放心了3F 06/05 19:33
ryan5566: 虎爛4F 06/05 19:33
ERIKATokyo: 不管多少一堆一樣照去啦5F 06/05 19:33
ckscks178: 可信度頗高6F 06/05 19:33
RNADNA: 太好了 怒參加濟州島天體營7F 06/05 19:33
mhfo3035: 台媒說的我沒信過  我信韓國這次8F 06/05 19:34
sawadiga: 有事我先走9F 06/05 19:34
Tars: 樓下迷妹明天馬上飛首爾10F 06/05 19:34
garry5566: 傳染力這麼低就沒啥好怕啦11F 06/05 19:34
hihi29: 這一定是台媒誇大造謠 我們才不信呢12F 06/05 19:35
MoneyDay5566: 幫低調13F 06/05 19:36
scarbywind: 40幾個人全部喇過14F 06/05 19:36
Francix: 說體液,又說空調是元兇,有合理嗎?連小學生都騙不倒15F 06/05 19:36
deathsong: 哈狗妹表示振奮16F 06/05 19:36
qwop8765: 世界七大不可信要多一個韓國政府了韓國政府17F 06/05 19:37
qwop8765: 多打
bear123: 韓國團士氣+10019F 06/05 19:37
seraphic298: 然後說冷氣是日本製,開始牽拖日本是兇手20F 06/05 19:37
wsdykssj: 哇~只會體液傳染耶(棒讀21F 06/05 19:38
jaby1: 快笑死我了22F 06/05 19:38
j8630222: 韓國醫院的空調會吸收體液噴射到其他房間23F 06/05 19:38
fallen01:  感覺這病會影響智商24F 06/05 19:39
davideason: 呵呵 北韓金胖機會來辣 南朝鮮有夠225F 06/05 19:39
Butcherdon: 北韓行行好 打幾顆核彈過去防疫26F 06/05 19:39
z24862258: 都已經這樣了還要唬爛 韓國完蛋了27F 06/05 19:39
iceman198410: 媽的笑死我的毛XDDDDDD28F 06/05 19:39
Szss: 好了 好了  沒事了  大家洗洗睡吧 記得明天不要騎駱駝出來玩29F 06/05 19:39
vovo747: KMT上身?30F 06/05 19:41
eeveelugia2: 這 好吧 他們高興就好(口罩購買中)31F 06/05 19:42
taurus512: 那可以騎駱駝了嗎32F 06/05 19:42
JamesHsuan: 所以醫院空調是噴體液給探病家屬嗎  XDDDDD33F 06/05 19:42
JamesHsuan: 這跟國防部的瞎度有得比
Bokolo: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈35F 06/05 19:43
Tenging: 國防醫的水平XDDDDDDDDDDDD36F 06/05 19:44
s9523752: 唬爛... 飛沫也是種體液 公共場所一樣有很高的傳染機會37F 06/05 19:44
adm123: 這期刊點數多少啊?38F 06/05 19:44
u3ker7f6: 根本中國2.0 當初sars中國也說了一些騙馬英九那種智商人39F 06/05 19:45
u3ker7f6: 的話 結果後來傳過來害死台灣 幹
s9523752: 不然這40個人都是修幹過才得到的喔...41F 06/05 19:45
adm123: 原來是CONF.42F 06/05 19:45
SSbb5566: 媽的現在南韓總統是金正恩膩43F 06/05 19:45
s9523752: 朴槿惠VS金正恩哪個好? 哪個強?44F 06/05 19:47
adm123: 這作者英文其實滿爛,文章寫一寫還會跳針45F 06/05 19:47
adm123: 原PO標的傳染途徑那段,最後一句跳針說病人都康復了,白爛
SHIU0315: …………47F 06/05 19:49
chocopie: 哇研討會欸~官方說法欸,MERS官方認證超安全的啦48F 06/05 19:50
LULU5566: 南韓人真的北爛XDDDDDDDDDDDD49F 06/05 19:52
Ensidia: 北韓式報導 要笑死誰50F 06/05 19:52
bloodrain: Completely bullshit.51F 06/05 19:54
Puribaw: XDDDDDDD有夠北七52F 06/05 19:54
good900700: 42689.253F 06/05 19:55
vvus: 喔(挖鼻54F 06/05 19:58
akay08: 是在工三小..55F 06/05 19:58
child1991: 韓媒:這是亂玩大鍋炒的結果56F 06/05 20:00
silentence: 集體轟趴傳染57F 06/05 20:01
wds824: 所以一開始的人是跟駱駝做了三小!!???58F 06/05 20:01
seemoon2000: ....................我傻眼了59F 06/05 20:01
aa1477888: 海水退潮就知道誰沒穿褲子60F 06/05 20:05
yun0215: 體液...所以一開始是強姦了駱駝嘛?61F 06/05 20:08
chuchuen: i dont believe。。。。62F 06/05 20:09
cheetahspeed: 台媒報的我不信,韓國我倒是相信63F 06/05 20:15
gzzzneww: 跟台灣好像64F 06/05 20:17
kruzin: 鬼信喔,不然是大家在醫院開轟趴逆…65F 06/05 20:18
jansan: 這太北七了吧66F 06/05 20:21
papercutt: 迷妹高潮了67F 06/05 20:21
avrilrock: 事實大概是韓媒+台媒一半 韓媒隱瞞 台媒愛誇大68F 06/05 20:25
Kenqr: 無言 死光算了69F 06/05 20:30
lovelebron24: 幹韓狗政腐跟霉體在狀況外啊70F 06/05 20:35
yaya: 馬照跑 舞照跳71F 06/05 20:36
apple90101: 體液傳染那同層樓怎麼感染的?72F 06/05 20:36
excercang: 韓國果然是個徹底的人渣種族73F 06/05 20:38
pikakami: 南韓北韓本一家74F 06/05 20:50
s9209122222: 那現在是???75F 06/05 20:53
Siu: 或然率仲低過零呀76F 06/05 20:54
gowaa: 韓媒你敢信 厲害厲害77F 06/05 21:00
wrisp: 這是怎樣78F 06/05 21:16
roktzzt: 珍惜生命 遠離冷氣79F 06/05 21:17
itachi0609: 繼續樂觀吧 不要傳出來就好80F 06/05 21:22
看板 Gossiping
作者 egjan (BigBug)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 韓國研討會公告得到MERS機率是近乎0
時間 Fri Jun  5 19:58:40 2015

※ 引述《cjoe (TeA)》之銘言:
: http://www.ieaaie2015.org/forum/forum.asp
: Some people shared their concern and enquired about MERS in Korea.
: The probability that you will be infected by MERS in a public place in Korea
: is virtually zero. There has not been a case of public infection of MERS
: reported in Korea. We also believe this has been true in other countries as
: well.
: Confirmed infection cases in Korea happened only between the persons within
: particular hospitals and those people have been separated and taken care of.
: Korean government has taken every precaution to stop the spread of the MERS.
: According to the data, MERS is not that infectious. For example, even when
: you live with a family member who has MERS and are continuously in contact
: with him/her, the probability of infection is below 4%. In the public
: community, this probability becomes virtually zero.
: Furthermore, MERS is only spread through direct contact of body fluid, blood
: etc. You will never be infected through the air (Source: Korea Center for
: Disease Control). Also, those people who got infected are completely
: recovering.
: A healthy person has no reason to be afraid of MERS in Korea. Of course, if
: one already has health problems such as a very low immune level, fever, or a
: respiratory disease, one should not be traveling anywhere.
: According to Korea Center for Disease Control, washing your hands is a very
: strong and effective method for preventing MERS. The conference will set up
: number of hand sanitizers for participants at the conference and will take
: every precaution.
: 以下個人補充
: 【更新】韓MERS傳染途徑 醫院空調疑是元兇
: * http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150605/623147/
: 研討會這樣直接說得到的機率是0,並且篤定式的說只有體液才會傳染對嗎?

傳染病的傳染力趨近於零  你敢信嗎?

60多人感染 人口5000多萬

機率是10^-6 這個小於10的-3次方就會被忽略了



真的沒有傳染Mers? 那60多人是被鬼弄到?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1433505523.A.89D.html
tasogare: 傳染mars1F 06/05 19:59
xcvfrd: Mars2F 06/05 19:59

tagso: 台北市的防洪是用400年一次的規格  還不是水淹捷運?3F 06/05 20:00
※ 編輯: egjan (, 06/05/2015 20:00:46
pathfinder: MERS啦  因為韓國跟KMT政府的體制很像阿4F 06/05 20:00
chu122408: 傳染到mars的機率恐怕真的是0了5F 06/05 20:01
Ensidia: 他的算法可能是一個患者傳染的人/間接直接遇過的人6F 06/05 20:01
Ensidia: 這樣你去外面走一圈 一天最少也碰到5000人以上
Ensidia: 然後感染率小於1%吧 北韓式算法

忽略啦 那麼小不重要
※ 編輯: egjan (, 06/05/2015 20:04:21
kruzin: 醫院會幫忙噴射體液和飛沫~9F 06/05 20:25
davidrockcom: 當學公衛的都死人逆?10F 06/05 20:30
看板 Gossiping
作者 Lu331 (oo)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 韓國研討會公告得到MERS機率是近乎0
時間 Fri Jun  5 20:04:32 2015

※ 引述《cjoe (TeA)》之銘言:
: http://www.ieaaie2015.org/forum/forum.asp
: 以下個人補充
: 【更新】韓MERS傳染途徑 醫院空調疑是元兇
: * http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150605/623147/
: 研討會這樣直接說得到的機率是0,並且篤定式的說只有體液才會傳染對嗎?

蘋果雖然抓了很多貪官  但凸搥次數也不少


1.中國新聞報導  中國檢驗單位說韓國的病毒  跟中東版本比起來  只有非常輕微的變異

2.MRES的傳染性  一直都不高  中東一堆人都不戴口罩


3.90%的確定感染病例  都是去過醫院的




  是因為和感染源同車  同機  同一間會議室  因而染上MERS

  中國和香港的報告也是如此  沒有任何一個人  被韓國出差者傳染MERS

  由此可以得出  在公共場所被傳染MERS  幾乎是不可能發生的事

  所以去韓國旅遊或出差  沒有多大的風險


個人估計最終MERS確診人數應該低於200  疫情幾週內就會結束

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1433505874.A.3D0.html
ILOVEWAVE: 中東一堆人都不戴口罩??    頭紗表示1F 06/05 20:06
Francix: MERS死亡率27%,200人就死54人了2F 06/05 20:08

繼續唱衰吧  韓國的醫療水準略高於台灣

韓國人的身體素質  也遠遠高過台灣和中東人士  所以死亡率絕對不可能有27%

MasterHsieh: 越來越像反串3F 06/05 20:08
susicat: 韓國人比較怕狂犬病吧4F 06/05 20:08
Francix: 香港報告我相信,中國我不相信,有或沒有中國報告都一樣5F 06/05 20:09

好  那請你去查香港新聞報導  看看有沒有任何人被韓國出差者感染
※ 編輯: Lu331 (, 06/05/2015 20:12:47
Francix: 腸病毒、流感也都是飛沫、體液傳染6F 06/05 20:10
ggeneration: 你忘了人口密度有差7F 06/05 20:14
hachime: 韓國好棒棒8F 06/05 20:20
Robben: 中東的人口密度能比?9F 06/05 20:42
Francix: 就香港沒有,中國可能有,很難懂嗎?10F 06/05 20:52
看板 Gossiping
作者 Refauth (山丘上的長號手)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 韓國研討會公告得到MERS機率是近乎0
時間 Fri Jun  5 21:10:29 2015

※ 引述《cjoe (TeA)》之銘言:
: http://www.ieaaie2015.org/forum/forum.asp


Some people shared their concern and enquired about MERS in Korea.

The probability that you will be infected by MERS in a public place in Korea
is virtually zero. There has not been a case of public infection of MERS
reported in Korea. We also believe this has been true in other countries as

Confirmed infection cases in Korea happened only between the persons within
particular hospitals and those people have been separated and taken care of.
Korean government has taken every precaution to stop the spread of the MERS.
According to the data, MERS is not that infectious. For example, even when
you live with a family member who has MERS and are continuously in contact
with him/her, the probability of infection is below 4%. In the public
community, this probability becomes virtually zero.

Furthermore, MERS is only spread through direct contact of body fluid, blood
etc. You will never be infected through the air (Source: Korea Center for
Disease Control). Also, those people who got infected are completely

A healthy person has no reason to be afraid of MERS in Korea. Of course, if
one already has health problems such as a very low immune level, fever, or a
respiratory disease, one should not be traveling anywhere.

According to Korea Center for Disease Control, washing your hands is a very
strong and effective method for preventing MERS. The conference will set up a
number of hand sanitizers for participants at the conference and will take
every precaution.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1433509832.A.7A9.html
frank123ya: 感染到MERS的那些人也已經完全地康復了。 ???????????1F 06/05 21:11
logLCY: 搞的我都快覺得mers真的很廢了2F 06/05 21:11
Ddylan: 感染到MERS沒死的人已經康復囉!!.........3F 06/05 21:12
pplilian: 已經有人在韓旅版分享經歷了看看吧!事情真的有點失控4F 06/05 21:12
Change1224: 所以一開始的病源是在中東做了怎麼樣的體液交流呢?5F 06/05 21:12
pplilian: 而南韓政府還在亂搞6F 06/05 21:12
gofigure: 如果不是飛沫傳染 的確沒必要太恐慌吧 只是不曉得實情7F 06/05 21:13
lwt501cx: 誰康復了?沒把死去的人算進來喔8F 06/05 21:13
lesnaree2: 好像aids9F 06/05 21:13
airflow: 喝駱駝奶吧?10F 06/05 21:14
logLCY: 沒看到消息說康復啊,可以貼連結 ?11F 06/05 21:15
greg7575: recovering 是康復中?12F 06/05 21:16
ILOVEWAVE: https://goo.gl/Cg6re8  美國有個康復中13F 06/05 21:17
yudofu: 沒死的都快康復了,邏輯正確啊。14F 06/05 21:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 FrankLP (潮騒のメモリー )
標題 Re: [爆卦] 韓國研討會公告得到MERS機率是近乎0
時間 Fri Jun  5 21:31:41 2015

MERS 一開始是從駱駝傳給中東人




韓國男回國後發病住院  同病院的人也感染




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1433511104.A.1E6.html
mimeory: XD1F 06/05 21:32
triop: 100分!2F 06/05 21:32
Change1224: 讚!這就是我想問的3F 06/05 21:33
tasogare: 韓國SOD4F 06/05 21:33
amovie: 駱駝也是韓國人5F 06/05 21:34
tony121010: 韓國動物園保護駱駝的原因是因為6F 06/05 21:34
obrt15yi: 先搞清楚體液的定義好嗎?7F 06/05 21:35
dderfken: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD8F 06/05 21:36
wotupset: XDD9F 06/05 21:37

※ 作者: terievv 時間: 2015-06-05 21:38:03
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 238 
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