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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-25 15:45:46
看板 iPod
作者 bochin (austin)
標題 [情報] Dr.愛瘋 2012.12.24 限時免費軟體報報
時間 Mon Dec 24 12:11:19 2012


APP名稱:WhatsApp Messenger 超強跨平台即時訊息軟體
內容說明:WhatsApp messenger是一款智慧手機上的跨平台即時通訊軟體,,可即時接收來自親朋好友的訊息。它之所以強大的地方在於,它可傳送一般文字訊息、圖片、錄音便條,甚至一段錄製影片都沒問題。最重要的是這些傳送費用都是免費的,唯一收費的就是一般的網路連線費用。若您是一般吃到飽的費率的話,那麼根本就是沒差。

APP名稱:AceMusic 王牌音樂播放器
內容說明:喜歡聽音樂的人是否常會遇到這樣的問題:想聽的音樂檔案無法在iPhone上播放,然後又會覺得將音樂轉為相容格式又很麻煩?那麼這款AceMusic播放器可解決你這樣的問題,只要透過media server多媒體伺服器就可讓你播放大部分格式的音樂。

APP名稱:Fotomecha - multi lens simulated camera 讓你連拍來捕捉日常生活瞬間
Fotomecha - multi lens simulated camera for iPhone, iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, iPad (4th generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4th generation), iPad mini and iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular on the iTunes App Store
✩✩✩ SALE ✩✩✩ available for free! 20-28 Dec. 2012
Fotomecha is a continuous-shooting camera application that simulates multiple lenses.
When you capture a moving subject and press the shutter button, the shutter closes repeatedly with a "snap snap snap!". Just like that, a single photograph that inco ...

APP名稱:Ultra Utilities! + Flashlight 超級工具箱+手電筒
Ultra Utilities! + Flashlight for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) on the iTunes App Store
☆ FREE for a limited time only! Happy holidays! ☆
★ Ranked #1 Utilities App In Over 10 Countries! ☆ Ranked #1 Top Selling App Overall in several countries! ★ Ranked In The Top #100 Utility Apps Worldwide!
☆ Over 250,000 Downloads So Far!
★ Featured In The 'What's Hot' Section By Apple!
☆ 5 Star Revi ...
內容說明:內建手電筒、計算機、水平儀、量尺等多種實用小工具功能,還可以讓你的 iPhone 上的 LED 閃光燈打出摩斯密碼也,常常到野外處玩的朋友超適用,不過限 iPhone 4 以後有內建 LED 閃光燈功能的機種才能使用。。

APP名稱:Blux Camera for iPad 會告訴你拍照現場天氣如何的 iPad 拍照軟體
Blux Camera for iPad for iPad on the iTunes App Store
★★★Get Blux Camera for iPad for FREE to celebrate Xmas. BUY NOW BEFORE THE PRICE GOES UP!★★★
The world’s 1st camera app custom-designed for iPadographers, ‘Blux Camera for iPad’ allows you to fully utilize your iPad’s unique features, unlocking its powerful photographic capability.
With an intuitive ...

APP名稱:ARC Squadron 華麗刺激的外太空 3D 空戰世界
ARC Squadron for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, iPad (4th generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4th generation), iPad mini and iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular on the iTunes App Store
FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME - Courtesy of Touch Arcade's new Free Play!
Find out about more great free games at TouchArcade - ★★★★★
"...ARC Squadron embodies what makes an iOS game great and is a must-play."
G4TV - Game of the Week
"Without question, Arc Squadron is one of the best space shooters we’ve  ...
內容說明:作為一個在ARC中隊的精英飛行員,你是該星系的唯一希望,透過熟練的操控技術,來拯救大家逃離帝國的迫害吧。遊戲中總共有九大關卡,透過不斷的過關升級武器,讓自已成為星空中的 TOP Gun 。

APP名稱:Avengers Initiative 復仇者行動
Avengers Initiative for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, iPad (4th generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4th generation), iPad mini and iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular on the iTunes App Store
A big congratulations to Avengers Initiative for winning IGN People's Choice Award!! To celebrate this proud achievement, the app is now FREE!!! Limited time only!
• A WiFi connection is highly recommended for faster download.
• Due to the size of the game, please ensure you have approximately 1.6GB ...
內容說明:集合復仇者聯盟中的鋼鐵人、浩克、美國隊長及雷神索爾為骨幹人物,來進行拯救世界的行動。本遊戲獲得 iGN 大獎,而且又是知名漫畫、卡通及電影的超級英雄,可玩性高,不可錯過。

APP名稱:Great Little War Game HD 小小即時戰爭遊戲 高畫質版
Great Little War Game HD for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
!! XMAS FREEBIE !! $0.00 "SALE"
To celebrate the holidays, and the fact that the sequel - Great BIG War Game - just scooped a Game of the Year award from IGN, we're literally giving this version away until the new year.
Happy Holidays! :)
GLWG is the hit 3D turn-base ...

APP名稱:NFL Flick Quarterback HD 王牌助功四分衛 高畫質版
NFL Flick Quarterback HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store
It's right here for the new season!
Featuring all 32 official NFL teams, play the most addictive football game on mobile!
PRESS QUOTES "...Boom! it's BIG!"
“...the Best football game in the App Store, and a definite touchdown.” “...NFL Flick’s graphics are almost ...

APP名稱:Walking Dead: The Game 陰屍路
Walking Dead: The Game for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store
☆☆☆☆2012 GAME OF THE YEAR - Walking Dead: The Game (Episode 1) FREE on the App Store - For a Limited Time Only☆☆☆☆
The critically acclaimed and award-winning game series comes to iOS!
**NOTE: Compatible with iPad 2 and up, and iPhone 4 and up - WILL NOT RUN ON EARLIER DEVICES**
***How to play ‘Episo ...

APP名稱:4 Elements II HD (Premium) 四大元素 II 高畫質版
4 Elements II HD (Premium) for iPad on the iTunes App Store
☆ 4 Elements II is smartly designed to deliver constant variety. - IGN.com ☆ 4 Elements II does everything right. Match-3 lovers and even those who aren’t fans of the genre will find this game to be a very enjoyable experience. - Gamezebo.com Misfortune has befallen the magic kingdom again! A carele ...

另外,更請大家多多支持本站編輯力作:嗯!用App超簡單就學會Mac OS X 10.8!、iPhone x iPad Photography 究極行動攝影術、iPad/iPhone多人遊戲玩樂祭:2012年度精選必玩攻略集iPhone/iPad百萬業務必殺技,裏面有還有許多實用的攝影教學和多款精選軟體操作說明喔。

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