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※ 本文為轉錄連結,轉錄者為 warrenchen
看板 Gossiping
作者 qaz250301 (羽哥)
標題 Re: [範例] 不自殺聲明簡潔英文版
時間 2014年01月23日 Thu. PM 03:47:32

不自殺聲明的英文,小弟不才把它翻成「The Declaration of "NOT suicide"」。

本文所有內容感謝 warrenchen 進行翻譯,



Re: [範例] 不自殺聲明 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
 感謝分享。 小弟怕過不了年 (看1/28 13:55 之後.. 末學參與某會議後能否平安回家) 正缺這樣的文件呢.. ^^"  略表心意,粗略翻譯為英文, 以供國際媒體參考.. ...        If you think what you speak might reveal inco ...


If you think what you speak might reveal inconvenient facts to specific group or person,
or might cause "potential" life risk via fully expose the truth of event,
and it would harm your physical or mental status,
please copy & paste the following statement in your article.


I, Yamazaki Sawahane, declares to whom may concern:

※Please modify the green words to your name.

I am optimistic with healthy fitness,
without any illness or disease confuse me,
so I will NOT do any thing connected to suicide by any means.

I do NOT have medical issues with sleeping,
so I do NOT need to take any medicals about it.

I am NOT an alcoholic nor having drug addiction,
neither visit the following places alone and / or with relatives or friends:

1. Open water area

2. Pool without watcher

3. Closed place like not ventilated tank, pool, cellar with hazardous gas
(i.e. high pressure gas, explosive gas, toxic gas, etc.)

4. Any place without safe barriers from falling

5. Any building site (well, except the deconstruction place for governmental buildings),
including spots to making concretes.

6. Any place does not mentioned above, where no common people might visit.

I strictly follow the under rules:

1. I check my brakes and parts before driving,
   and turn off my mobile and the power of my vehicle.

2. I do not rush in traffic lights.

3. I keep the distance for more than one step from the security line
   while taking any vehicle or transportation if they have, until they are
   fully parked and ready to aboard.

4. I wear helmet with scooters or motorbike properly.
   I wield safety belt while driving or being a passenger.

5. I will NOT close any harmful radiative place (like nuclear plant) or equipments.

6. I will NOT go hiking, wave seeing, or visit any dangerous places.

I try my best to watch over the usage of appliance, gasoline and fire.
My place uses legally certificated safe electricity equipments,
thus the possibility of having accidents in fire IS insignificant.
In addition to this, I never have illegal amount of flammable gas or liquid.

I do not have any appliance despite of necessary lighting,
and turn off all switches despite of lights, refrigerators or fans.

I do not having conflicts with strangers,
and put my personal security as highest priority.

Hereby I authorize any of you who viewed this statement to have rights to announcing charges
or calling police, once this account does not login for days (legal definition of missing a long time)

Maha namaste. In Lak'ech.



1.The statement CANNOT guarantee your safety.
2.The statement CANNOT avoid incoming life threats.
3.You are your best bodyguard, no one could 100% protect you at any time.
  Keep your senses opened.



※ 作者: qaz250301 時間: 2014-01-23 15:47:32
※ 編輯: qaz250301 時間: 2014-04-19 13:58:21
※ 看板: warrenchen 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 5494 
※ 本文也出現在看板: Gossiping
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b warrenchen 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2014-01-24 01:47:41
  01-24 01:47
那個.. 騎車停紅燈的時候想到..
建地應該用 building site 比較通俗..
 (好像是想到 "God Father" 還是 GTA3 的某個橋段 XD)
什麼!! GTA2的官方下載點(那個壓縮檔)你還有嗎QQ
3樓 時間: 2014-01-24 10:19:22
  01-24 10:19
這個就要暗黑低調來私信了 XD
關鍵字: astalavista talk
4樓 時間: 2014-01-24 10:56:28
  01-24 10:56
喔剛注意到紅字 0rz
"Maha Namaste" -> 印度話。不確定是哪種方言。可能是梵文。
美國現任總統的連任演講,只有講 Namaste.
"Maha" 的意思,是拙者從先進的著作中,
"In Lak'ech" ->賣個關子。Mayaman@ptt.cc 可能很耳熟 ;] 意思是:『我是您眼中的另一個我(你)』。 有點像電影『阿凡達 Avatar』的那美人的招呼語..
這句話的歷史可追溯至西元前 3113年。
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