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看板 China
作者 fengkuang (新使用者)
標題 国外宅男网评;中国玉兔月球车登月(转自龙腾)
時間 2013年12月16日 Mon. PM 03:25:08


China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.


On Saturday afternoon (GMT), a landing module used thrusters to touch down, marking the latest step in China's ambitious space exploration programme.


Several hours later, the lander will deploy a robotic rover called Yutu, which translates as "Jade Rabbit".


State television showed pictures of the moon's surface as the lander touched down and an eye-level view of the landing site was released later on Saturday. Staff at mission control in Beijing clapped and celebrated after confirmation came through.


The probe's soft-landing was the most difficult task during the mission, Wu Weiren, the lunar programme's chief designer, told Xinhua.

该项目总设计师Wu Weiren告诉新华社说,探测的软着陆是这次计划中最困难的部分

According to Chinese space scientists, the mission is designed to test new technologies, gather scientific data and build intellectual expertise, as well as scouting for mineral resources that could eventually be mined.


"China's lunar program is an important component of mankind's activities to explore [the] peaceful use of space," said Sun Huixian, a space engineer with the Chinese lunar programme.

中国月球空间设计师Sun Huixian说,“中国的月球计划是人类和平探测使用月球的一部分”

Its name - chosen in an online poll of 3.4 million voters - derives from an ancient Chinese myth about a rabbit living on the moon as the pet of the lunar goddess Chang'e.


Dean Cheng, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank in Washington DC, said China's space programme was a good fit with China's concept of "comprehensive national power". This might be described as a measure of a state's all-round capabilities.

美国遗产基金会资深研究员Dean Cheng称,中国的月球计划正说明了中国“全面的国家实力”,这可能被认为是展现国家全面实力的一部分

Space exploration was, he told BBC News, "a reflection of your economic power, because you need spare resources to have a space programme. It clearly has military implications because so much space technology is dual use".

Dean Cheng对BBC说道,这次月球计划是“经济实力的体现,因为你需要闲置的资源来进行月球工程,这种空间技术显示是用双重意义的,体现的是一个国家的军事实力。

He added: "It reflects your scientific and technological capabilities, it supports your diplomacy by making you appear strong.

Dean Cheng补充道,“这能显示你的科技能力,让你的外交实力变得更强”

"China is saying: 'We are doing some thing that only two other countries have done before - the U S and the Soviet Union."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:ATC 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-255833-1-1.htmlSchlech tes_ Vor bild
Can't wait to see humans on the moon in H D.


I Have All The Cookies
BBC: China lands Jade Rabbit robot rover on Moon
Crossing my fingers to see a U S v. China space race to put a man on Mars within my life time.

B B C:中国玉兔月球车登月

B c a
Crossing my fingers to see a U S v. China space race to put a man on Mars within my life time.
I bet they'd do it together actually.


Atomic Dan
I bet they'd do it together actually.
That would involve two countries agreeing on some thing.


Mr_ Mag pie
Crossing my fingers to see a U S v. China space race to put a man on Mars within my life time.
China already won, it's already a red planet. :D


Swamp swing a lot
Congrats to China. It is always great to see countries push the bar on space exploration.


P e t i
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
Why does it say 'China says' they've landed a craft on the moon rather than 'China has'?


Lo cust l
How the hell had I not heard that the Chinese were going to the moon? W T F western media?


Joe wilk m
How the hell had I not heard that the Chinese were going to the moon? W T F western media?
It was on c n n a lot about a month ago.


S a chel
Several hours later, the lander will deploy a robotic rover called Yutu, which translates as "Jade Rabbit".
How close is their landing to the one of Apollo 11?


Eleven Reds I I I
The U S would be up there by Christmas if we told them that China were planning on expanding to the moon


Edite m u p
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
As an Indian, Great job China ! Kudos, all the best for the manned moon mission ! Make us all proud.


Las ciel Coin
Great news! It's about time some body started taking steps in the right direction, no thing happened on the moon since the 70's. My mom told me that when they were young and saw the first man land on the moon, they were sure there'd be a colony up there in a few decades.


Reg gie perrin
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
W o w man that s super cool. Way to go chinese people.
Your food is awe some too.


Index Plus Plus l
Congratulations China!


It s Not Where It Was
BBC: China lands Jade Rabbit robot rover on Moon
Fox News headline: "CHINA I N V A D E S MOON"

B B C:中国玉兔月球车登月

Throw awy now
I am impressed, great job China!


T dot Guy
State television showed pictures of the moon's surface as the lander touched down and an eye-level view of the landing site was released later on Saturday. Staff at mission control in Beijing clapped and celebrated after confirmation came through.
Celebrate with some moon cake?


Panda stock l
you know I'm really happy, because now they have begun the only race that actually mattered, the space race.


Z e_ ben
"China's lunar program is an important component of mankind's activities to explore [the] peaceful use of space," said Sun Huixian, a space engineer with the Chinese lunar programme.
Great. Only a matter of time before it becomes unbreathable up there...

中国月球空间设计师Sun Huixian说,“中国的月球计划是人类和平探测使用月球的一部分”

Sketch Board l
In no particular order, India, Korea and Japan may soon follow and it'll be rather interesting to watch an Asian space race unfold. If it ever happens.


Comp Mol Neu ro
"China is saying: 'We are doing some thing that only two other countries have done before - the U S and the Soviet Union."
Please, please, please! Can we have a space race again?


M o t o x
Several hours later, the lander will deploy a robotic rover called Yutu, which translates as "Jade Rabbit".
I wonder if the robot will search out the American Flag....


Tidal Sky
How can this kind of story have 16,000 down votes?
I understand that not every one is interested in space exploration but getting a spacecraft on Moon is pretty damn impressive, at least in my opinion.


chri_ stopher l
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
congratulations to china, a magnificent feat of engineering. any progress in space by any country is good for all humanity.


Open the anus
congratulations to china, a magnificent feat of engineering. any progress in space by any country is good for all humanity.
I'm about to learn Chinese and take my engineering skills else where.


Awakened_ Engineer l l
Can't wait to see China put a man on the moon during 2025-2030, Then I will get to witness history like the Apollo missions.


Unreliable Wind mill
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
Amazing!! Well done, China! Keep it up, you will be at the forefront of space exploration, and if any one can establish a permanent base on the moon it will be you.


Bouquet of Dicks
Congratulations on a successful mission, China!


The Bad Boy Man Boy
B B C: China lands Jade Rabbit robot rover on Moon
We landed on the moon!!!

B B C:中国玉兔月球车登月

L y r k e n
So fucking cool.


Rem I I x
"China is saying: 'We are doing some thing that only two other countries have done before - the U S and the Soviet Union."
The Moon is so oo oo last century. The popular thing to do now is be on Mars.


Scratch l video
This is great! Nice one, China. It's about time that we started exploring again. 37 years since we were last on our moon.


O is in car
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
What amazes me is how I've heard no thing about this up until now. I didn't even know the Chinese were trying to land on the moon.


Gregory Goose
Thank fucking god for them.


Mr Crickets lans
According to Chinese space scientists, the mission is designed to test new technologies, gather scientific data and build intellectual expertise, as well as scouting for mineral resources that could eventually be mined.
would be cool if they could visit the apollo moon landing site.


Wi mi yuk
Wonder if a country needs permission to go to space/moon.. does a country own space property?


Blue sky off
Several hours later, the lander will deploy a robotic rover called Yutu, which translates as "Jade Rabbit".
May be they can take pictures of the Apollo landing sites, and we can end the debate of humans on the moon or not.


Bag g zi
State television showed pictures of the moon's surface as the lander touched down and an eye-level view of the landing site was released later on Saturday. Staff at mission control in Beijing clapped and celebrated after confirmation came through.
They're so professional with their celebrations. I'd be all like hugging and shouting n' shit.


B B Q sauce
I don't care who is doing it, this is amazing! We need to stop focusing on war, and turn our heads skyward.


There should be more moon landings than there are


Cissy hayes l
"China is saying: 'We are doing some thing that only two other countries have done before - the U S and the Soviet Union."
W o w just think two communist countries countries made it to the moon. Come on Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. Your next.


Am bit lights
Obama 2008 : Change.
China 2013 : Actual Change.


Paul c car boni
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
Congrats China. Welcome to the 1970s!


Buck- Nasty l
Awe some, well done China!


Down vote_ Bin
This is amazing. I don't care if China takes over the world in a hundred years time. I want to be part of the Earth Federation and when we are finally able to travel the stars!


Neutral Greek l
China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years.
Another Great Achievement for the #1 World Super-Power


Ziss o u o
Awe some. This should make America panic and go to Mars.


Alexander The Grrreat
"China's lunar program is an important component of mankind's activities to explore [the] peaceful use of space," said Sun Huixian, a space engineer with the Chinese lunar programme.
How long till the moon has a nice layer of smog?

中国月球空间设计师Sun Huixian说,“中国的月球计划是人类和平探测使用月球的一部分”

Blaze I Tnin ja
Even more evidence that the United States no longer cares about science or engineering.


Jack rex x
Several hours later, the lander will deploy a robotic rover called Yutu, which translates as "Jade Rabbit".
I am sure that China will declare some parts of the lunar surface as their own territory now.


Headache stopper l
Congratulations to the people of China from the people of the U S A.


Balls deep in your mouth
B B C: China lands Jade Rabbit robot rover on Moon
China shouldn't be allowed on the moon... They'll wreak it just like they are doing to this planet

B B C:中国玉兔月球车登月

Huh shit a lot
if this is true, they are the first to land on the moon


V I r ez
if this is true, they are the first to land on the moon
Now the Chinese will finally prove that the U S moon landing was H O A X..


Mo fockin Tet suya
I can't wait to read into the findings on this mission.


Juan lee
Several hours later, the lander will deploy a robotic rover called Yutu, which translates as "Jade Rabbit".
what if they can't find the american flag on the moon? what if...


P sin ha
I want China to show us the U S flag on the moon to end all conspiracy!


Ric m z
the Chinese are coming


※ 作者: fengkuang 時間: 2013-12-16 15:25:08
※ 看板: China 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70 
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