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作者 cliff465 (cliff465)
標題 [新聞]紐約時報:中國最令人憎恨的官員—城管
時間 2014年05月30日 Fri. AM 06:50:34


China’s Most-Hated Official Is No Surprise
May 29, 2014 3:29 am

Chengguan officers, charged with enforcing urban order, explaining to a citizen why a motorcycle parked in the street violated city regulations.

China’s urban management officers, or chengguan, regularly make the news, at home and abroad, usually for unpleasant encounters with members of the public. It is not especially surprising, then, that a new report ranks them as the country’s least popular officials.

The report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to be released next week but excerpted this week in state news media, ranks Chinese government officials by popularity, and chengguan place last with “worst public image.” Ahead of chengguan are school and hospital officials, village cadres, the police and bosses of state-owned enterprises.

Chengguan, which literally means “city managers,” enforce rules that keep streets orderly and traffic flowing smoothly. But according to incidents reported in news media, many are bullies, resorting to violence and stirring public resentment.

In one recent case in Beijing, four chengguan beat a small dog in front of his owner when he could not produce registration papers for his pet. In April, in Zhejiang Province, chengguan beat a man who was filming them as they investigated a vendor whose stove was blocking a passageway, causing him to collapse and spit blood. The assault triggered retaliation from bystanders who overturned vehicles and injured five chengguan. Last December, a watermelon vendor in Hunan Province died after a fight with four chengguan. The officers were convicted of intentional injury and sentenced to prison.

Some commentators, however, said the officers deserved some sympathy.

An analysis in the Legal Daily newspaper said that the unpopularity of chengguan stemmed from the nature of their job, which requires bringing people into line with regulations, rather than accommodating them.

Qiao Zhifeng, a blogger, wrote that the dismal ranking was a little unfair to the officers. “Unlike those just sitting in their offices, they are on the front lines,” he wrote. The report “exposes problems with the system and the chengguan shouldn’t shoulder all the blame themselves.”

Despite the general loathing for chengguan, Chinese college graduates compete to join their ranks, at least in Shanghai. According to a report in the Shanghai newspaper Oriental Morning, 180 university graduates, including 119 with master’s degrees and two with Ph.D.s, applied for 60 chengguan positions in the city last May. A person in charge of hiring was quoted as saying that, even though chengguan are often “demonized” and the work is exhausting, the positions still attract young people with advanced degrees because they are “formally part of the civil service and have corresponding benefits.”











※ 作者: cliff465 時間: 2014-05-30 06:50:34
※ 看板: China 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 204 
1樓 時間: 2014-05-30 07:10:41 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
美媒創造英語新詞 專門針對中共輸出價值觀
Dama、Shuanggui(雙規)、Chengguan(城管)、 Don train(動車)等是近期美媒專門為中共特色創造的新英文詞組。其中dama是繼前期中國大媽瘋狂搶購黃金後設立的。
1、Chengguan(城管):2009年4月,有民眾通過網絡曝光所謂《城管執法操作實務》 ,這一「城管秘籍」在引發大陸媒體關注的同時,也成為《泰晤士報》等國外媒體 熱報的國際新聞之一。
2、Ernai(二奶):美國權威時尚傳媒《Women』s Wear Daily》向讀者解釋說:The Chinese name for Lolita is Er Nai,The Second Mrs 。
4、Shuanggui(雙規):《華爾街日報》在報導深圳市長許宗衡被「雙規」時,就直接 用了shuanggui。Shuanggui還是個只可意會不可言傳的詞兒。
2樓 時間: 2014-05-30 07:13:11 (台灣)
  05-30 07:13 TW
中國駐納米比亞大使任小萍在中國外交部網站上發表文章,將其譯為「avoid self-inflicted setbacks」。任小萍認為自己翻譯最佳,對「折騰」的描述最精準。
據說,中國語言學家、文學翻譯家季羨林也提出了自己的譯法:「no trouble making」,直譯為「不找麻煩」。
3樓 時間: 2014-05-30 08:13:24 (中國)
  05-30 08:13 CN
cliff465  你知道中国城管是干什么的 吗?如果想知道我会详细告诉你第一手资料~
4樓 時間: 2014-05-30 09:55:32 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
社科院藍皮書:城管成為去年官員形象最差群體---26日發布的社科院藍皮書《形象危機應對研究報告2013-2014》稱,官員形象危機呈“多元高發”態勢,群眾認為2013年形象最差的官員群體依次為:城管、學校領導、醫院領導、村幹部、警察、國企領導和民政幹部。 ...
5樓 時間: 2014-05-30 10:57:59 (中國)
  05-30 10:57 CN
cliff465 你贴的蓝皮书上没有说错啊~城管在大陆人心目中印象确实很糟糕~这个没什么好隐瞒的,但是有一些确实是害群之马,有一些是误解,有一些是误导.....情况很复杂的........由于城管本身就是直接和民众起冲突的行业..被骂,真的很难避免的,这个行业比警察还要遭人烦,但是没有办法,不知道台湾怎么搞的,有没有这样的冲突~很想学习下
6樓 時間: 2014-05-30 12:16:00 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
7樓 時間: 2014-05-30 12:45:28 (台灣)
  05-30 12:45 TW
中共本來就是流氓 牽拖城管幹嘛 還不是老共特許的暴力集團
8樓 時間: 2014-05-30 16:25:07 (中國)
  05-30 16:25 CN
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