※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-10-21 22:00:25
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作者 標題 [問題] 求推薦耐聽的遊戲bgm
時間 Tue Oct 20 13:56:20 2015
純音樂不要歌聲 無意義的聲可以(coffee~soda~toffee~pasta~)
不是遊戲的也可 標題寫遊戲是因為正好遊戲bgm的特性就是因為主旋律明確且開門見山
正巧符合我的喜好 希望即使沒玩過的回憶加成也很耐聽
目前手邊收集了dnf ro 瑪奇 空碧軌跡 天堂 鋼彈 ff fez 東方 超時空之鑰
仙劍 軒轅劍 薩爾達 fate 遊戲王 2step s from hell 以及以前版友推薦的零星散曲
Cry for me, cry for you - Sora no Kiseki Zanmai #4 (High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube From: Sora no Kiseki Zanmai By: Falcom Sound Team jdk Image: DISCLAIMER: 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad...

Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth - YouTube
TSFH Official: Buy this album on iTunes: Buy TSFH Music on iTunes:
TSFH Official: Buy this album on iTunes: Buy TSFH Music on iTunes:

Gyakuten Saiban 3 Soundtrack - Investigation ~ Cross-examining - YouTube No copyright infringement intended. All music belongs to the makers of the game and in no way do i take responsibility for it. Purely for entertainment purpo...

DJ Okawari - Flower Dance - 2010 - YouTube
New DJ Okawari! I know allot of you guys like his music so i thought you would appreciate this upload, i just bought this track just to share it with you all...
New DJ Okawari! I know allot of you guys like his music so i thought you would appreciate this upload, i just bought this track just to share it with you all...

ps 希望是1~6分內長度 如果有n十百首的能推好聽的其中幾首就太棒了
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→ : 魔塔大陸1F 10/20 13:57
找不到 跑出一堆怪怪的塔推 : Ori and the Blind Forest 聖靈之光2F 10/20 13:57
曲調偏慢 有一兩首收了推 : 空之音、It's a wonderful world3F 10/20 13:57
推 : 惡魔城 月下BGM4F 10/20 13:58
這個不錯推 : Xenoblade、Persona5F 10/20 13:59
有點多推 : 只好推戰神了6F 10/20 13:59
推 : Bravely Default Flying Fairy 10/20
14:01哇喔 這個超讚
推 : YS的我覺得不錯@@8F 10/20 14:01
→ : Homeland原聲帶9F 10/20 14:01
推 : TOP 戰鬥神曲10F 10/20 14:01
推 : gw2,Austin Wintory作曲 10/20
推 : ff6歌劇院..12F 10/20 14:01
→ : 沙漠風很異色也耐聽13F 10/20 14:01
→ : ff5主題曲14F 10/20 14:02
→ : 上面這兩個無相關啊別搞混15F 10/20 14:02
→ : payday 2 the gauntlet16F 10/20 14:02
推 : xenoblade,gravity daze17F 10/20 14:02
→ : Halo主題曲也不錯吧 很容易記18F 10/20 14:02
推 : 逆轉系列 雷頓系列 雷頓X逆轉19F 10/20 14:02
逆轉全破了但bgm全沒印象囧推 : Tokyo Hot20F 10/20 14:02
左手唸經右手摸(ry→ : Alesso幫payday2弄的也不錯21F 10/20 14:03
→ : 頭文字D也都不錯 如果你不排斥有歌詞的話
已收→ : 頭文字D也都不錯 如果你不排斥有歌詞的話
推 : 推 Ori~the blind forest 原生曲超棒24F 10/20 14:05
推 : 大神25F 10/20 14:08
推 : 海貓26F 10/20 14:09
推 : ro 20裴洞 古老的掘溝者27F 10/20 14:09
ro有囉:)推 : Armored Core28F 10/20 14:10
推 : Emil Chronicle Online29F 10/20 14:11
eco曲頗多 有推哪幾首嗎Armored Core OSTs - YouTube
The latest Armored Core musics from the #1 source for original Armored Core sound tracks. As the leading source for AC soundtracks on the net, ACOSTs brings ... ...
推 : 都沒人推楓谷嗎32F 10/20 14:13
推 : Undertale啦33F 10/20 14:13
丟這關鍵字似乎沒找著推 : AC的OST很棒 都很有速度感34F 10/20 14:14
推 : 早期的天堂2吧 很多好聽的音樂35F 10/20 14:14
推 : 洗衣機之歌(Ever17-Karma36F 10/20 14:15
ever17還沒玩 拜託別雷到我XD推 : 秒速五釐米OST37F 10/20 14:15
HQ Star Ocean 3 OST - Cutting Edge Of Notion - YouTube
HQ Sound Cutting Edge Of Notion - Battle Theme Motoi Sakuraba - Star Ocean 3 Till The End Of Time
HQ Sound Cutting Edge Of Notion - Battle Theme Motoi Sakuraba - Star Ocean 3 Till The End Of Time

推 : 龍族登入音樂39F 10/20 14:16
→ : aion的也不錯
→ : aion的也不錯
Armored Core 4 Original Soundtrack #01: Overture - YouTube
- Catalog Number: SVWC-7425 - Release Date: Dec 20, 2006 - Publish Format: Commercial - Release Price: 2200 JPY - Media Format: CD - Classification: Original...
- Catalog Number: SVWC-7425 - Release Date: Dec 20, 2006 - Publish Format: Commercial - Release Price: 2200 JPY - Media Format: CD - Classification: Original...

→ : 4代跟FA的都很棒42F 10/20 14:17
推 : Persona系列43F 10/20 14:19
常看persona跟xenoblade被推神作 等有時間來補遊戲Clannad: Tomoyo After OST - Rivulet - YouTube
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 5 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 5 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!

→ : 3代也很讚 推Silent Line45F 10/20 14:22
推 : 傳頌之物 戦鼓 イクサマヌイ 忘記確切名字了46F 10/20 14:24
Clannad: Tomoyo After OST - Favorite Loop - YouTube
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 7 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 7 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!

Clannad: Tomoyo After OST - Worth Living - YouTube
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 10 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 10 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!

推 : 當然是PAD的BGM囉 三年多都還是只有這首 你說耐不耐聽?48F 10/20 14:25
→ : 另推AIR OST全部,夏影是經典中的經典49F 10/20 14:25
推 : 初版紫莞鎮50F 10/20 14:29
推 : 魔法使之夜51F 10/20 14:30
推 : 還有Tactics Ogre啦!52F 10/20 14:30
推 : 天翼之鍊53F 10/20 14:31
推 : ff13 born anew54F 10/20 14:34
推 : 海貓55F 10/20 14:36
→ : Tactics Ogre Opening: Theme of Black Knight56F 10/20 14:36
→ : https://youtu.be/isw_tM_P6MM 10/20
14:36→ : https://youtu.be/isw_tM_P6MM 10/20
推 : Ib58F 10/20 14:37
推 : 魔力寶貝59F 10/20 14:41
推 : 艦娘60F 10/20 14:42
推 : 怒火燎原61F 10/20 14:42
To The Moon Soundtrack - Full Album - YouTube
Twitition to make a movie, click here and sign! Buy the soundtrack here! ...
Twitition to make a movie, click here and sign! Buy the soundtrack here! ...

※ 編輯: zonger00 (, 10/20/2015 14:58:05
推 : HACK G.U.!!!!!!!!!!64F 10/20 14:46
推 : Hitman 2 Silent Assassin,除了Main Title皆無人聲65F 10/20 14:50
「Starry Crusaders」 ティンクル☆くるせいだーす - YouTube
ティンクル☆くるせいだーす (C) Lillian 経験不足ですが、音質重視で作成しました。 聞き苦しい箇所があったため、再作成しました。
ティンクル☆くるせいだーす (C) Lillian 経験不足ですが、音質重視で作成しました。 聞き苦しい箇所があったため、再作成しました。

推 : 喜歡和風的話大神是好選擇67F 10/20 15:01
推 : 去月球68F 10/20 15:01
Jesper Kyd - Heroes And Generals: German Theme - YouTube
Heroes and Generals is an upcoming WWII themed free-to-play FPS by Reto-Moto, a studio created by former IO Interactive developers. Check out Heroes and Gene...
Heroes and Generals is an upcoming WWII themed free-to-play FPS by Reto-Moto, a studio created by former IO Interactive developers. Check out Heroes and Gene...

Jesper Kyd - Heroes And Generals: US Theme - YouTube
Heroes and Generals is an upcoming WWII themed free-to-play FPS by Reto-Moto, a studio created by former IO Interactive developers. Check out Heroes and Gene...
Heroes and Generals is an upcoming WWII themed free-to-play FPS by Reto-Moto, a studio created by former IO Interactive developers. Check out Heroes and Gene...

※ 編輯: zonger00 (, 10/20/2015 15:17:56
推 : 楓之谷 魔法森林72F 10/20 15:12
沒玩過沒共鳴QQ※ 編輯: zonger00 (, 10/20/2015 15:30:59
StarCraft - Terran Theme 1 - YouTube
StarCraft Music - Terran Theme 1 (Playing at 1080P is recommended) ...
→ : 魔獸世界 Night Elves75F 10/20 15:28
→ : dod 376F 10/20 15:29
推 : 大推bravely default,很多都是Revo作曲的喔~77F 10/20 15:32
推 : 朧村正的劇伴,阿吽部分無痕交互切換根本神...另外崎元78F 10/20 15:34
→ : 仁的其他遊戲音樂像FFT和奧丁領域之類的也很棒(腦粉)
→ : 仁的其他遊戲音樂像FFT和奧丁領域之類的也很棒(腦粉)
The Legend of Heroes : Trails in the Sky THE ANIMATION Original Soundtrack [1080p] (Lossless audio) - YouTube 01.空の軌跡 〜プロローグ〜 (Trails in the Sky ~Prologue~) 29.惨劇の真相(Tragic Truth) 32.希望の行方 〜空の軌跡〜(Where Hope Hides ~Trails in the Sky~) The Legend of Heroes: Trails in t...

Hitman 2 - 47 Makes a Decision - YouTube
From the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack. My personal favorite. Enjoy!
From the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack. My personal favorite. Enjoy!

【熱血系純音樂】To be continued! - YouTube
英雄傳說 零之軌跡通關時的音樂,給人一種熱血沸騰的感覺! All Credit to Falcom Sound Team jdk. The Legend of Heroes Zero no Kiseki SUPER ARRANGE VERSION.
英雄傳說 零之軌跡通關時的音樂,給人一種熱血沸騰的感覺! All Credit to Falcom Sound Team jdk. The Legend of Heroes Zero no Kiseki SUPER ARRANGE VERSION.

Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin Original Soundtrack - The Penthouse - YouTube ● Game: Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin ● Track name: The Penthouse ● Composed by: Jesper Kyd

Hitman 2 - Japanese Mansion - YouTube
From the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack. Composed by Jesper Kyd.
From the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack. Composed by Jesper Kyd.

Sen no Kiseki II | 閃の軌跡II BGM - ed8441 (Final Boss Theme) - YouTube Composed by Falcom Sound Team jdk (Hayato Sonoda or Takahiro Unisuga). Arranged by Yukihiro Jindo. Copyright© Nihon Falcom Corporation

Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin Original Soundtrack - The Setup - YouTube ● Game: Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin ● Track name: The Setup ● Composed by: Jesper Kyd

Tales of Xillia 2 (DISC 3) OST 02 - 互いの証の為に - YouTube
My favorite track from the OST, hope you guys like it too! Track: 2.互いの証の為に Album: TALES OF XILLIA 2 Original Soundtrack CD (Disc 3) Game: Tales of Xillia 2 ...
My favorite track from the OST, hope you guys like it too! Track: 2.互いの証の為に Album: TALES OF XILLIA 2 Original Soundtrack CD (Disc 3) Game: Tales of Xillia 2 ...

Ace Combat Zero Soundtrack - Zero [HQ] [PS2] - YouTube
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2

World of Warcraft Soundtrack - Legends of Azeroth - YouTube
If you've EVER played the Game, you've heard this before. This is the Music playing during the Login, Character Selection and Character Creation Screen.
If you've EVER played the Game, you've heard this before. This is the Music playing during the Login, Character Selection and Character Creation Screen.

→ : WOW 永遠的經典 最早登入音樂94F 10/20 16:21
推 : emiya95F 10/20 16:28
→ : 棋靈王?96F 10/20 16:30
→ : sonic color 各關卡的音樂都很好聽97F 10/20 17:15
Technovision Steins;Gate VN Insert song - YouTube
Artist name: Kanako Ito Track Title: Technovision Album Title: Stargate It's related to the SteinsGate VN and its music what more do you want? Enjoy it
Artist name: Kanako Ito Track Title: Technovision Album Title: Stargate It's related to the SteinsGate VN and its music what more do you want? Enjoy it

Atelier Shallie - 雲烟飛動 ~ Sand Dragon Battle (EXTENDED) - YouTube Album: Atelier Shallie -Alchemist of the sea of dusk- ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Game: Shallie no Atelier ~Tasogare no Umi no Renkinjutsushi~ Original Soundtrack Co...

推 : 新海誠全作品 借物少女 魔法使之夜 アクア100F 10/20 19:07
推 : BDFF真的超讚,另外推光明之子101F 10/20 19:25
Venus & Braves OST - Waltz for Ariah (long ver.) - YouTube
Venus & Braves was a tactical rpg released in Japan in 2003 for the Playstation 2. Sadly enough it was never translated to any other languages. It had beauti...
Venus & Braves was a tactical rpg released in Japan in 2003 for the Playstation 2. Sadly enough it was never translated to any other languages. It had beauti...

推 : Nier OST103F 10/20 20:14
推 : FF14104F 10/20 20:17
推 : 節奏天國最後一首(應該吧!?105F 10/20 20:30
→ : 感謝各位的推薦 明天把關鍵字補完106F 10/20 20:36
推 : Grandia第一代的bgm超讚,之前在秋葉原kbook都還在107F 10/20 21:00
→ : 放
→ : 放
推 : 東方109F 10/20 23:07
推 : 其實楓之谷的也很讚 喜歡above the treetops110F 10/20 23:32
→ : 超時空之鑰111F 10/21 12:05
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1820