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看板 C_Chat
作者 zonger00 (導演)
標題 [問題] 求推薦耐聽的遊戲bgm
時間 Tue Oct 20 13:56:20 2015


純音樂不要歌聲  無意義的聲可以(coffee~soda~toffee~pasta~)

不是遊戲的也可  標題寫遊戲是因為正好遊戲bgm的特性就是因為主旋律明確且開門見山
正巧符合我的喜好  希望即使沒玩過的回憶加成也很耐聽

目前手邊收集了dnf  ro  瑪奇 空碧軌跡 天堂 鋼彈 ff fez 東方 超時空之鑰
仙劍 軒轅劍 薩爾達 fate 遊戲王 2step s from hell 以及以前版友推薦的零星散曲

Cry for me, cry for you - Sora no Kiseki Zanmai #4 (High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube From: Sora no Kiseki Zanmai By: Falcom Sound Team jdk Image:  DISCLAIMER: 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad...

Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth - YouTube
TSFH Official:  Buy this album on iTunes:  Buy TSFH Music on iTunes:

Gyakuten Saiban 3 Soundtrack - Investigation ~ Cross-examining - YouTube No copyright infringement intended. All music belongs to the makers of the game and in no way do i take responsibility for it. Purely for entertainment purpo...

碧之軌跡EVO OST 66 Mystic Core - YouTube

DJ Okawari - Flower Dance - 2010 - YouTube
New DJ Okawari! I know allot of you guys like his music so i thought you would appreciate this upload, i just bought this track just to share it with you all...



ps 希望是1~6分內長度  如果有n十百首的能推好聽的其中幾首就太棒了

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actr: 魔塔大陸1F 10/20 13:57
找不到 跑出一堆怪怪的塔
susaku: Ori and the Blind Forest 聖靈之光2F 10/20 13:57
曲調偏慢 有一兩首收了
Sougetu: 空之音、It's a wonderful world3F 10/20 13:57
siro0207: 惡魔城 月下BGM4F 10/20 13:58
s2751138: Xenoblade、Persona5F 10/20 13:59
kratos0993: 只好推戰神了6F 10/20 13:59
vincent0728: Bravely Default Flying Fairy                       10/20
哇喔  這個超讚
crocus: YS的我覺得不錯@@8F 10/20 14:01
arrakis: Homeland原聲帶9F 10/20 14:01
asd065: TOP 戰鬥神曲10F 10/20 14:01
helloallen29: gw2,Austin Wintory作曲                           10/20
libraayu: ff6歌劇院..12F 10/20 14:01
arrakis: 沙漠風很異色也耐聽13F 10/20 14:01
libraayu: ff5主題曲14F 10/20 14:02
helloallen29: 上面這兩個無相關啊別搞混15F 10/20 14:02
g3sg1: payday 2 the gauntlet16F 10/20 14:02
liberaloner: xenoblade,gravity daze17F 10/20 14:02
dreamnook: Halo主題曲也不錯吧 很容易記18F 10/20 14:02
finzaghi: 逆轉系列  雷頓系列 雷頓X逆轉19F 10/20 14:02
godpigchiu: Tokyo Hot20F 10/20 14:02
g3sg1: Alesso幫payday2弄的也不錯21F 10/20 14:03
g3sg1: 頭文字D也都不錯 如果你不排斥有歌詞的話
thonsha66: 推 Ori~the blind forest 原生曲超棒24F 10/20 14:05
migumigu: 大神25F 10/20 14:08
hayate4821: 海貓26F 10/20 14:09
sweetmiki: ro 20裴洞  古老的掘溝者27F 10/20 14:09
lpdpCossette: Armored Core28F 10/20 14:10
Centauro: Emil Chronicle Online29F 10/20 14:11
eco曲頗多 有推哪幾首嗎
lpdpCossette: Armored Core OST大神30F 10/20 14:12
lpdpCossette: https://www.youtube.com/user/ArmoredCoreOSTs/
Armored Core OSTs - YouTube
The latest Armored Core musics from the #1 source for original Armored Core sound tracks. As the leading source for AC soundtracks on the net, ACOSTs brings ... ...

xxxx5801: 都沒人推楓谷嗎32F 10/20 14:13
HornyDragon: Undertale啦33F 10/20 14:13
Yanrei: AC的OST很棒 都很有速度感34F 10/20 14:14
shlee: 早期的天堂2吧 很多好聽的音樂35F 10/20 14:14
P2: 洗衣機之歌(Ever17-Karma36F 10/20 14:15
ever17還沒玩  拜託別雷到我XD
s82901: 秒速五釐米OST37F 10/20 14:15
sillymon: https://youtu.be/kFj-zNYb9n4  STAR OCEAN 338F 10/20 14:16
HQ Star Ocean 3 OST - Cutting Edge Of Notion - YouTube
HQ Sound Cutting Edge Of Notion - Battle Theme Motoi Sakuraba - Star Ocean 3 Till The End Of Time

這個不錯  不知道有無短點的版本
sweetmiki: 龍族登入音樂39F 10/20 14:16
sweetmiki: aion的也不錯
Armored Core 4 Original Soundtrack #01: Overture - YouTube
- Catalog Number: SVWC-7425 - Release Date: Dec 20, 2006 - Publish Format: Commercial - Release Price: 2200 JPY - Media Format: CD - Classification: Original...

Yanrei: 4代跟FA的都很棒42F 10/20 14:17
Pegasus99: Persona系列43F 10/20 14:19
常看persona跟xenoblade被推神作 等有時間來補遊戲
bnn: 還沒出現Clannad啊,推個https://youtu.be/6RYjTmKRQZY44F 10/20 14:22
Clannad: Tomoyo After OST - Rivulet - YouTube
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 5 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!

lpdpCossette: 3代也很讚 推Silent Line45F 10/20 14:22
TohnoMinagi: 傳頌之物 戦鼓 イクサマヌイ 忘記確切名字了46F 10/20 14:24
Clannad: Tomoyo After OST - Favorite Loop - YouTube
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 7 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!

Clannad: Tomoyo After OST - Worth Living - YouTube
**I don't own the Clannad franchise in anyway** Album: Tomoyo After Original Soundtrack Track #: 10 of 19 OST Download: coming soon!

已收  clannad曲調也偏慢
henryfong: 當然是PAD的BGM囉 三年多都還是只有這首 你說耐不耐聽?48F 10/20 14:25
TohnoMinagi: 另推AIR OST全部,夏影是經典中的經典49F 10/20 14:25
firewalker: 初版紫莞鎮50F 10/20 14:29
LHaEY: 魔法使之夜51F 10/20 14:30
lpdpCossette: 還有Tactics Ogre啦!52F 10/20 14:30
harpsealjoy: 天翼之鍊53F 10/20 14:31
kuja: ff13 born anew54F 10/20 14:34
redjelly: 海貓55F 10/20 14:36
lpdpCossette: Tactics Ogre Opening: Theme of Black Knight56F 10/20 14:36
lpdpCossette: https://youtu.be/isw_tM_P6MM                      10/20
minnie1107: Ib58F 10/20 14:37
raepopo: 魔力寶貝59F 10/20 14:41
Z1teitoku: 艦娘60F 10/20 14:42
joe74509: 怒火燎原61F 10/20 14:42
To The Moon Soundtrack - Full Album - YouTube
Twitition to make a movie, click here and sign!  Buy the soundtrack here!  ...

lpdpCossette: 飲酒運転 https://youtu.be/7WGP7VF3-BA63F 10/20 14:43
※ 編輯: zonger00 (, 10/20/2015 14:58:05
ben82556: HACK G.U.!!!!!!!!!!64F 10/20 14:46
canon15167: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin,除了Main Title皆無人聲65F 10/20 14:50
w3dB: https://goo.gl/VC44Bl ティンクル☆くるせいだーす 戰鬥bgm66F 10/20 14:52
「Starry Crusaders」 ティンクル☆くるせいだーす - YouTube
ティンクル☆くるせいだーす (C) Lillian 経験不足ですが、音質重視で作成しました。 聞き苦しい箇所があったため、再作成しました。

hsiehfat: 喜歡和風的話大神是好選擇67F 10/20 15:01
greg90326: 去月球68F 10/20 15:01
canon15167: Heroes And Generals: US Theme跟German Theme也不錯69F 10/20 15:04
canon15167: https://youtu.be/dyXrgzOS-eg
Jesper Kyd - Heroes And Generals: German Theme - YouTube
Heroes and Generals is an upcoming WWII themed free-to-play FPS by Reto-Moto, a studio created by former IO Interactive developers. Check out Heroes and Gene...

Jesper Kyd - Heroes And Generals: US Theme - YouTube
Heroes and Generals is an upcoming WWII themed free-to-play FPS by Reto-Moto, a studio created by former IO Interactive developers. Check out Heroes and Gene...

※ 編輯: zonger00 (, 10/20/2015 15:17:56
TWeng: 楓之谷 魔法森林72F 10/20 15:12
※ 編輯: zonger00 (, 10/20/2015 15:30:59
Hankie66: SC人族bgm https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mD4GbGmvNRc73F 10/20 15:24
StarCraft - Terran Theme 1 - YouTube
StarCraft Music - Terran Theme 1 (Playing at 1080P is recommended) ...

iamOsaka: 魔獸世界 Night Elves75F 10/20 15:28
y41514: dod 376F 10/20 15:29
TonyYo: 大推bravely default,很多都是Revo作曲的喔~77F 10/20 15:32
zgmfx10a: 朧村正的劇伴,阿吽部分無痕交互切換根本神...另外崎元78F 10/20 15:34
zgmfx10a: 仁的其他遊戲音樂像FFT和奧丁領域之類的也很棒(腦粉)
Foot: 軌跡系列很多神一般的BGM   https://goo.gl/ELzpUO80F 10/20 15:34
The Legend of Heroes : Trails in the Sky THE ANIMATION Original Soundtrack [1080p] (Lossless audio) - YouTube 01.空の軌跡 〜プロローグ〜 (Trails in the Sky ~Prologue~) 29.惨劇の真相(Tragic Truth) 32.希望の行方 〜空の軌跡〜(Where Hope Hides ~Trails in the Sky~) The Legend of Heroes: Trails in t...

canon15167: H2SA裡推薦這幾首https://youtu.be/fZzK_mI3WvA81F 10/20 15:35
Hitman 2 - 47 Makes a Decision - YouTube
From the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack. My personal favorite. Enjoy!

Foot: https://goo.gl/QnlzeL82F 10/20 15:35
【熱血系純音樂】To be continued! - YouTube
英雄傳說 零之軌跡通關時的音樂,給人一種熱血沸騰的感覺! All Credit to Falcom Sound Team jdk. The Legend of Heroes Zero no Kiseki SUPER ARRANGE VERSION.

Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin Original Soundtrack - The Penthouse - YouTube ● Game: Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin ● Track name: The Penthouse ● Composed by: Jesper Kyd

Hitman 2 - Japanese Mansion - YouTube
From the Hitman 2: Silent Assassin soundtrack. Composed by Jesper Kyd.

Foot: https://goo.gl/6fWw7q86F 10/20 15:37
Sen no Kiseki II | 閃の軌跡II BGM - ed8441 (Final Boss Theme) - YouTube Composed by Falcom Sound Team jdk (Hayato Sonoda or Takahiro Unisuga). Arranged by Yukihiro Jindo. Copyright© Nihon Falcom Corporation

Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin Original Soundtrack - The Setup - YouTube ● Game: Hitman: 2 Silent Assassin ● Track name: The Setup ● Composed by: Jesper Kyd

a1216543: https://goo.gl/Re9xd1    Dwarf Tavern 魔獸的~88F 10/20 15:39
Dwarf Tavern Music - YouTube
All credit goes to Blizzard for the making of this music.

Tales of Xillia 2 (DISC 3) OST 02 - 互いの証の為に - YouTube
My favorite track from the OST, hope you guys like it too! Track: 2.互いの証の為に Album: TALES OF XILLIA 2 Original Soundtrack CD (Disc 3) Game: Tales of Xillia 2 ...

zgmfx10a: 另外既然有人推機戰傭兵了那只好推一下同縮寫的空戰奇兵91F 10/20 16:03
zgmfx10a: https://youtu.be/vGjwXI0n5-I    被這首騙進AC這個大坑
Ace Combat Zero Soundtrack - Zero [HQ] [PS2] - YouTube
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2

World of Warcraft Soundtrack - Legends of Azeroth - YouTube
If you've EVER played the Game, you've heard this before. This is the Music playing during the Login, Character Selection and Character Creation Screen.

iamOsaka: WOW 永遠的經典 最早登入音樂94F 10/20 16:21
an565an565: emiya95F 10/20 16:28
suhaw: 棋靈王?96F 10/20 16:30
n0029480300: sonic color 各關卡的音樂都很好聽97F 10/20 17:15
Technovision Steins;Gate VN Insert song - YouTube
Artist name: Kanako Ito Track Title: Technovision Album Title: Stargate It's related to the SteinsGate VN and its music what more do you want? Enjoy it

chavaze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YEI2UUIW-g 雲烟飛動99F 10/20 18:46
Atelier Shallie - 雲烟飛動 ~ Sand Dragon Battle (EXTENDED) - YouTube Album: Atelier Shallie -Alchemist of the sea of dusk- ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Game: Shallie no Atelier ~Tasogare no Umi no Renkinjutsushi~ Original Soundtrack Co...

miku21122: 新海誠全作品 借物少女 魔法使之夜 アクア100F 10/20 19:07
yes78529: BDFF真的超讚,另外推光明之子101F 10/20 19:25
Teeaa: https://youtu.be/_5Bxak_yjT8  好聽 但只推這首102F 10/20 19:47
Venus & Braves OST - Waltz for Ariah (long ver.) - YouTube
Venus & Braves was a tactical rpg released in Japan in 2003 for the Playstation 2. Sadly enough it was never translated to any other languages. It had beauti...

terry01333: Nier OST103F 10/20 20:14
KeAem: FF14104F 10/20 20:17
lovecj604: 節奏天國最後一首(應該吧!?105F 10/20 20:30
zonger00: 感謝各位的推薦 明天把關鍵字補完106F 10/20 20:36
PttDreaming: Grandia第一代的bgm超讚,之前在秋葉原kbook都還在107F 10/20 21:00
PttDreaming: 放
HMKRL: 東方109F 10/20 23:07
sky226778: 其實楓之谷的也很讚 喜歡above the treetops110F 10/20 23:32
fruitbasket: 超時空之鑰111F 10/21 12:05

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