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作者 canon15167 (番茄醬)
標題 [閒聊] 請推薦氣勢宏大或黑暗詭譎的合唱歌曲
時間 Wed Nov 18 22:02:14 2015




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izvpK05_mMA (合唱從1:57開始)
Hitman contracts besi - Jesper Kyd - White Room & Main Title - YouTube Hitman contracts besi - Jesper Kyd - White Room & Main Title

Hitman-Apocalypse - YouTube
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)



話說,Jesper Kyd在台灣的討論度似乎很低啊.......

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realion: 空之境界1F 11/18 22:04
realion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ4JoovKWCU
Marilyn Manson - Resident Evil Main Theme (Extended) - YouTube  Download link:  Extended version of the Resident E...

arrenwu: Sound Horizon3F 11/18 22:06
Inkthink: 梶浦由記的歌多數都很符合這一要求4F 11/18 22:06
realion: 澤野弘之5F 11/18 22:07
skychy: 空之境界的插入曲真的不錯 https://youtu.be/B80F86gROF46F 11/18 22:09
Kara No Kyokai OST - 3rd Chapter M19+M20 - YouTube
Ever cry, never life. Composed by:Yuki Kajiura

Berserk Golden Age Arc II OST - 10 My Brother 2 - YouTube
Title: My Brother 2 Artist: Shiro Sagisu

allensheng: 魔塔大陸8F 11/18 22:11
Kara no Kyoukai 5 (Mujun Rasen) OST - M23 (last part) - YouTube Soundtrack from Kara no Kyouko 5 by Yuki Kajiura

realion: M23建議整首10F 11/18 22:11
Berserk - Aria lyrics in Japanese and Romanji - YouTube
These are the lyrics to the song Aria from Berserk in Japanese and Romanji. Sorry no English this time.

Valter: TARI TARI的歌12F 11/18 22:12
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:12:47
ithil1: 順便推一下Two Steps From Hell 的歌13F 11/18 22:13
ithil1: https://youtu.be/N2RK6OGNMCY 聽到耳朵會出汁
Two Steps From Hell - Strength of a Thousand Men (Extended Version) - YouTube NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! Thanks! This is my extended version of "Strength of a Thousand Men," Two Steps from Hell. Please enjoy :D

Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth - YouTube
TSFH Official:  Buy this album on iTunes:  Buy TSFH Music on iTunes:

Thomas Bergersen - A God Of Epic Music - Public Album Archangel (Two Steps From Hell) - YouTube Please read the description. Bitte lest die Beschreibung. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:16:01
cinnabardust: 絕對運命默示錄17F 11/18 22:15
asdf70044: 海貓 ED18F 11/18 22:16
ithil1: 啊 說到詭譎的合唱的確不能不推少革XDDDDD19F 11/18 22:16
Sougetu: red moon、Lacrimosa、Magia、輝く空の静寂には、追憶,20F 11/18 22:17
ithil1: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7142487 從中間開始找吧21F 11/18 22:17
Sougetu: 以上這些是我覺得有氣勢/氣氛詭譎的Kalafina作品22F 11/18 22:17
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:19:29
cinnabardust: 還有 傀儡謠系列.....大媽們的威力23F 11/18 22:19
Stormwind - Music of World of Warcraft - YouTube
by Blizzard Entertaimend & Tracy W. Bush, Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford and Matt Uelmen for composing the music.

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:25:30
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:26:54
Ace Combat Zero Soundtrack - Zero [HQ] [PS2] - YouTube
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2

defendant: 大媽+126F 11/18 22:31
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - The Unsung War - YouTube
The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally dre...

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:35:12
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:39:57
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:42:34
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - UNICORN Live - YouTube
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...

這首總會讓我想起47 Makes a Decision,
鋼彈UC OST好像是澤野弘之最受推崇的作品之一?有空找來仔細聽聽
OK8066889: 有人推Two Steps From Hell了 那我推另外一間29F 11/18 22:50
OK8066889: Immediate Music
OK8066889: https://youtu.be/9S61q2Ooxpo 這首應該比較多人聽過
Immediate Music - Glory Seeker - YouTube
Track: Glory Seeker Album: Trailerhead: Saga Artist: Immediate Music

silver00: 靠! 居然是Freedom Fighters!! 我當年心目中的神作32F 11/18 22:54
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:02:08
wl00669773: 布蘭詩歌...別打我 我自己走33F 11/18 23:01
sillymon: https://youtu.be/ICSk8-pJkX8 血源詛咒34F 11/18 23:06
Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Cleric Beast - YouTube
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

跟White Room & Main Title那種世界的黑暗面不同,這首感覺像是整個世界都崩壞了
ithil1: 看到有人推遊戲 想到這個 Bayonetta的歌35F 11/18 23:09
ithil1: https://youtu.be/KmCt0YHaOqg
[Music] Bayonetta ► You May Call Me Father ║Extended║ - YouTube Game: Bayonetta Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U Music: You May Call Me Father Album: BAYONETTA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK (

NieR - Shadowlord - YouTube
NieR OST Composed by Keiichi Okabe Playlist:

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:10:19
moritsune: https://youtu.be/v9y-OMyXX84 エルシャダイのテーマ38F 11/18 23:11
El Shaddai [Soundtrack] - Disc One - 01 - Theme Of El Shaddai - YouTube FULL PLAYLIST HERE  The original 2-disc soundtrack for the hit new videogame El Shaddai: Ascension Of ...

moritsune: 還有樓上推的nier的魔王,本來也想推這首39F 11/18 23:12
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:18:03
p41413: 推魔塔大陸跟WAVE40F 11/18 23:20
p41413: 志方あきこ有些歌也蠻符合的
rhystic: https://youtu.be/SFIS-8DIYX0 Red Alert 3 Theme42F 11/18 23:24
Red Alert 3 Theme - Soviet March with lyrics 紅色警戒3主題曲(三國語言字幕) - YouTube 這首音樂的作者是 James Hannigan.  這個是終極動員令的最新大作:紅色警戒3的主題曲 非常蘇維埃風格的一首歌,在這裡把所有的字幕都加上去讓各位好好欣賞:) *蘇維埃之熊:就跟中國人的象徵是龍一樣,俄羅斯人的是熊

Soviet March比起March Of The Empire,
March Of The Empire較為含蓄內斂,且融入斯拉夫民間傳說風格,
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:32:01
ithil1: https://youtu.be/9aud1lXFjHw Slayers Try的OST 交響樂43F 11/18 23:27
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:34:09
hinofox: Justice to Believe LIVE GRACE -ORCHESTRA-版本44F 11/18 23:34
BLIND GUARDIAN - Sacred Worlds (Sacred 2 - In-Game Concert) (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube Blind Guardian performs "Sacred Worlds" in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Order at Nuclear Blast:  SUBSCRIBE to Blind Guardian:

Kill la Kill - Ragyo Kiryuin Theme [Blumenkranz] - YouTube
--- Check Discription! --- Picture found here:  Music: Blumenkranz

Loki1230: 我貼錯秒數 要從頭開始聽47F 11/18 23:46
tweence: 推48F 11/18 23:46
angela - Kishi Koushinkyoku from Knights of Sidonia (Official Video) - YouTube Official video to angela's single "Kishi Koushinkyoku" (Knight's March) the OP song for the second season of TBS’s anime Knights of Sidonia: Dai-kyu Wakusei ...

kevinping: Sound Horizon的Moira50F 11/18 23:58
lpb: Avalon "Log in" https://youtu.be/ega2xb0yju451F 11/19 00:00
Kenji Kawai Concert - 'Log In' from Avalon - YouTube
'Log in' from the movie "Avalon" by Mamoru Oshii. This is from the only Kenji Kawai's 2007 live concert 'Cinema Symphony'.

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 00:12:19
aliver1011: 死魂曲系列的奉神御詠歌(推NT版52F 11/19 00:16
SCLPAL: 好像跟我上次問得有點類似w53F 11/19 00:35
SCLPAL: 太七 片翼天使呢@@?
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 00:49:00
zgmfx10a: 居然沒人推傀儡謠? https://youtu.be/S05fS_V3Ros55F 11/19 00:48
傀儡謡 陽炎は黄泉に待たむと(中文字幕) - YouTube
傀儡謡 陽炎は黄泉に待たむと(中文字幕)

天神さんの子守歌-勝沼恭子 - YouTube
(作詞:井荻麟 / 作曲:菅野よう子) 「愛の輪郭」は、1998年5月21日にリリースされた「KOKIA」の企画シングル作品。カップリングには「天神さんの子守歌(勝沼恭子)」「Dear my mother」「愛の輪郭(オリジナル・カラオケ)」を収録。WOWOWアニメ『ブレンパワード』のエンディングテーマとして起用...

zgmfx10a: 然後空戰奇兵要氣勢當然要推四代最終戰57F 11/19 00:52
zgmfx10a: https://youtu.be/dfYywF-3PZw
Ace combat 4 OST - Megalith(Agnus Dei) - YouTube
I do not own this song :( YAY 1000 View!!!!!! :)

frozenstar: Elfen Lied的OP Lilium 有很多西方合唱團翻唱 算是黑59F 11/19 00:57
frozenstar: 暗但是悲傷的嘆息
frozenstar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07UwP3kHTTk
Lilium Лилиум-Boys choir Dzvinochok - YouTube
Лилиум-Boys choir Dzvinochok


※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 01:06:55
サクラ大戦 2011 武道館ライブ2 DVD 帝都 巴里 紐育 夢のつづき - YouTube サクラ大戦 2011 武道館ライブ2 DVD 帝都 巴里 紐育 夢のつづき Sakura Taisen Budoukan live 2 Teito Paris NewYork

kamisun: 櫻戰歷代的角色+歌謠秀角色全部登場63F 11/19 02:42
kuja: 但丁的地獄64F 11/19 11:44
LayerZ: M23 + M24, 雖然13:20,空境我最愛的一集..66F 11/19 12:17
LayerZ: 這集表現力道真的很強
Thomas Bergersen - Rada - YouTube
For the complete experience, you can find the album available for purchase on the following sites: iTunes:  Cdbaby: h...

k1k1832002: Thomas Bergersen - Rada  這首有一半是影片加分XD69F 11/19 12:31
k1k1832002: https://youtu.be/NRp8WeT0SZI  不知算不算黑暗(?
Medieval 2 Total War: Teutonic Background Menu Screen [With standard menu Music] - YouTube I put some music with this one to make it more interesting

k1k1832002: Medieval 2 Total War71F 11/19 12:44
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 13:01:59
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 13:57:06

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