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作者 Lucky0105 (洋)
標題 [閒聊] 有甚麼,好聽的遊戲or動畫 "打王"音樂
時間 Mon Oct 30 14:23:40 2017

打王音樂 通常聽起來曲調不會像一般戰鬥曲那樣平順


那 有沒有甚麼 好聽 的遊戲/動畫 打王音樂推薦?

1. FF8: Final Fantasy VIII Ultimecia Final Boss Theme
FINAL FANTASY VIII Final Boss Battle The Extreme - YouTube
FINAL FANTASY VIII Final Boss Battle The Extreme



2. 洛克人X6:西格瑪 theme2

Sigma's final form Theme Song - Megaman X6 - YouTube
Sigma's final form Soundtrack - Megaman X6


3. 閃之軌跡1: The Decisive Collision
Sen no Kiseki OST - The Decisive Collision - YouTube
Music: The Decisive Collision Composer: Falcom Sound Team jdk (Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga and/or Saki Momiyama) Album: The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kise...


說明: 打騎神時的音樂,其實也沒啥心得XD

4. 數碼寶貝1: butter-fly
デジモンアドベンチャー 最終回Ver Butter-fly - YouTube
「世界中の“選ばれし子どもたち”へ」篇 デジモンアドベンチャー 15th Anniversary Project デジモンアドベンチャー復活祭 和田光司さんのお悔やみ申し上げます。


說明: 貫徹全動畫的音樂,前頭鋼琴慢板帶感覺,中間回歸熱血

5. 洛克人: X vs Zero
X vs Zero - Megaman X5 Music Extended - YouTube
Megaman X5 music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from  This stream was...


說明: 洛克人的歌都不知怎麼說明....熱血好聽記憶感十足

6. Undertale - Megalovania
Undertale - Megalovania - YouTube
The song Megalovania, from the indie RPG Undertale. Composed by Toby Fox. You don't have to ask me for permission to use this song. This is a recurring theme...


說明: 前奏很特別的一首歌,也是同一種旋律貫穿整首

7. 追殺比爾: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Kill Bill edit) - YouTube
The Kill Bill version, without singing. I claim no ownership to this, I just edited it.


說明: 印尼(?)式的木製敲擊樂器開場,中間配上小喇叭的加入

8. 遊戲王: Duel Of Friendship By Yu-Gi-Oh
Duel Of Friendship By Yu-Gi-Oh - YouTube
"เพลงประกอบการ์ตูนเรื่อง Yu-Gi-Oh"


說明: 不知道算不算打王音樂... 動畫篇最後遊戲vs亞圖姆時

9. 武藏傳:  Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Sword Fight

Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Sword Fight - YouTube
Now that's one of the best tune on the whole OST. Music belongs to Square-Enix


說明: 對付小次郎時的bgm變奏版,更熱血

10. 武藏傳: Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Tower of Death

Brave Fencer Musashi OST : Tower of Death - YouTube
Best boss theme in the game. Music belongs to Square-Enix


說明: 打死亡之塔,雖然不是最終boss,但應該也是全boss最難的王

11. 楓之谷: Cygnus Garden

[MapleStory BGM] Cygnus Garden (KMST 1.2.359) - YouTube
New track from KMST 1.2.359, featuring the Cygnus boss battle. © Copyright StudioEIM, Wizet, Nexon 2010 For a complete list of BGMs, please visit my channel....


說明: 整首弦樂+藍調(?),

12. 金庸群俠傳: 戰鬥音樂2

【音乐集】金庸群侠传 - 战斗音乐II - YouTube


說明: 很短的一首曲子,跟其他音樂比起來

13. 神劍闖江湖: Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki

Rurouni Kenshin OST 3 - 12-Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu - Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki - YouTube Rurouni Kenshin OST 3 - Track 12 - Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu - Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki ***NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED I DO NOT OWN THE CLIPS OR THE SONG...


說明: 用有種復古的旋律,但使用小提琴與鋼琴等等外來樂器演奏

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A Hat in Time OST - 55 Your Contract Has Expired - YouTube
A Hat in Time & the OST is now available!:

FAYeeeeeeee: JoJo 柱之男 阿呀呀咦咦2F 10/30 14:25
chocobell: https://youtu.be/ALbVEmzY5S4 神轉調3F 10/30 14:26
Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Ludwig, The Accursed & Holy Blade (The Old Hunters) - YouTube Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

Vassago: https://youtu.be/JcnH2O3J8lw 前奏慢慢進入帶出魔王的感4F 10/30 14:26
emptie: nier5F 10/30 14:26
Vassago: 覺很有意思6F 10/30 14:26
zsefv333: https://youtu.be/tQWnaFKsgVg 神奇寶貝 red戰bgm7F 10/30 14:26
ポケモン HR・HMアレンジ/レッド戦 - Battle With Red - YouTube
 You can't beat Red. I mean come on, look at that Pikachu. It's about to mess with your face. Title:Battle With Red Ar...

ccpz: unicorn8F 10/30 14:26
henry1234562: 20xx的 10關王曲 很符合洛克人尾王曲9F 10/30 14:27
john91018: 魔物獵人,全10F 10/30 14:27
ambidex: Persona 5 Rivers in the Desert11F 10/30 14:29
loc0214: 第七封印王 https://youtu.be/ZKhJhtVr7_412F 10/30 14:29
神魔之塔Tower Of Saviors -七封王BGM(完整版) - YouTube
神魔之塔Tower Of Saviors -七封王BGM(完整版) 新浪微博:  Face book: Black Kn -

CornyDragon: 光明之子https://youtu.be/a0IvOkB_39k13F 10/30 14:32
Child of Light - Boss Battle - Music - YouTube
~ Playlist:  ~ Publisher: Ubisoft ~ Title: Child of Light ~ Composer: Coeur de pirate...

yiwangneko: pokemon vs RED BGM14F 10/30 14:33
npc776: 伊藤賢治15F 10/30 14:34
MrSherlock: JOJO S4的Great Days ver.Bite the Dust16F 10/30 14:36
timez422: 魔物獵人OST好幾片任你挑17F 10/30 14:38
msbdhdfceb: ゆゆゆいhttps://youtu.be/9AE8uOo7CW818F 10/30 14:39
max0407: 黑魂1王城雙人組19F 10/30 14:41
aulaulrul4: https://youtu.be/fWwCDrLOrac 信on的final boss20F 10/30 14:41
Nobunagas Ambition Online - Final Decisive Battle【Final BOSS】 - YouTube great song from 信長の野望 Online ~飛龍の章~ soundtrack - 最終決戦

zerosystem12: https://youtu.be/paISHrBj08s TOP精靈戰21F 10/30 14:42
zxcvbnm9764: 人龍幾個boss bgm 都很棒 推6染谷戰的 約束22F 10/30 14:43
chain520: https://youtu.be/x7YaW9o7c_g GBF超巴23F 10/30 14:43
【Granblue Fantasy】 Ultimate Bahamut BGM (Highest Quality) - YouTube (C) Cygames, Inc. Please subscribe if you enjoyed ;)

dulinove: https://youtu.be/uDJBgMvyEPA GBF UQUQ24F 10/30 14:45
johnny3: 遊戲王這首才算打王阿(?  https://youtu.be/ch0ACDFffNk25F 10/30 14:46
Passionate Duelist Extended - YouTube
This is from Yu-Gi-Oh! OST Duel 1. I extended it for your listening pleasure Download Link:

cloud7515: 黑暗靈魂26F 10/30 14:48
ricklay1225: coffee soda27F 10/30 14:48
marssss: 復活邪神123啊 每首都經典28F 10/30 14:48
anlam: nier29F 10/30 14:49
gash49062000: 黑魂1雙王30F 10/30 14:50
a223102: 黑魂1boss戰音樂都很棒31F 10/30 14:50
Salt and Sanctuary OST - The Nameless God Theme (No Gameplay Re-upload) - YouTube The Nameless God fight theme from Salt and Sanctuary (Re-upload) Are YOU salty? ska-studios.com/salt ska-studios.com/salt ska-studios.com/salt ska-studios.co...

Lucky0105: 這有些推文太讚了!!!  整篇收藏起來33F 10/30 14:51
Fate/Grand Order OST: 蘇る神話 (A Legend Reborn) - YouTube
I REALLY love the music here, I had to record it. This isn't a music rip, but a recording!

iwinlottery: boss battle bgm搜一下都不差吧35F 10/30 14:54
Atelier Sophie Vocal Tracks OST - 08. Liela Xea - YouTube
Vocal Tracks Playlist:  Regular OST Playlist:

tony20095: 動物朋友38F 10/30 14:55
Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Abyss Watchers - YouTube
Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight:  Composer: Yuka Kitamura

Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Soul of Cinder - YouTube
Dark Souls 3 Official OST Watch The Boss Fight:  Composer: Yuka Kitamura

YangeR: 咖啡 蘇打 咖啡 怕死他41F 10/30 14:59
yeleniga: 結城友奈42F 10/30 15:01
Fate1095: 當然是Persona543F 10/30 15:03
Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Mythos : 14 Cannon Ball (Bonus Track) - YouTube If you like the soundtrack, buy it to support Capcom! Here is the link to the image, for all those who requested it:

alen3822: 卡比的音樂都蠻棒的 https://youtu.be/ocVqHhVU3FU45F 10/30 15:04
Mind in a PROGRAM (vs. Star Dream) (First Phase) - Kirby: Planet Robobot Music Extended - YouTube Composer : Hirokazu Ando Playlist :  Game : Kirby Planet Robobot Platform : Nintendo ...

evan142536: Z3根本神46F 10/30 15:04
milu0666: 黑魂打葛溫的bgm47F 10/30 15:04
willytp97121: 東方自然癒.    doll48F 10/30 15:07
willytp97121: https://youtu.be/qyv6UMVIn1M
【東方自然癒】瀬笈葉テーマ「doll」 - YouTube

kun0616: https://youtu.be/zIsv5390CKg 這算不算?50F 10/30 15:08
家庭教師-覺醒 - YouTube

willytp97121: GBF.  塔羅牌 the world戰51F 10/30 15:09
willytp97121: https://youtu.be/TpVxreT7NPU
Granblue Fantasy OST Lyria - New World Order (The World BGM) - YouTube Composer: Tsutomu Narita Vocal: STEVIE (from 44MAGNUM), CHiCO (from ACE) Album: GRANBLUE FANTASY ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKS Lyria Lyrics: The World now has come, a...

kevin9603: 瑪英很多都很讚53F 10/30 15:10
JJJZZs: 碧藍幻想:水管搜尋ost magna54F 10/30 15:12
FreeMonad: 天元的詠嘆調和無皇刃轉戰鼓那段不知道算不算55F 10/30 15:12
FantasyNova: FF系列   水管都COVER到爛了56F 10/30 15:12
JJJZZs: 推水屬57F 10/30 15:13
freedom80017: 記錄/境界線上的地平線58F 10/30 15:13
Serpent Eating the Ground - Bravely Default OST [Final Boss Theme](High Quality 1080p HD) - YouTube Serpent Eating the Ground, the final boss battle theme from the Bravely Default Flying Fairy original soundtrack. Uploaded in high quality audio 1080p HD, en...

winteryoyo: 看封面霎時我以為X9……60F 10/30 15:14
GoLdAS: 怎麼都沒人提到BDFF61F 10/30 15:14
makikawai: DS3的每一首  尤其是深淵監視者 跟黑龍62F 10/30 15:15
Lucky0105: 目前感覺 遊戲的音樂,多數製作都很強!! 不知為何63F 10/30 15:16
As1649: https://youtu.be/0c3AHDMhy2M 好聽到喇叭出水64F 10/30 15:19
Persona 5 - Rivers In the Desert / 沙漠中的河流 (中文字幕) - YouTube Persona 5 Original Soundtrack Disc.3 22.Rivers In the Desert 歌手:Lyn 作詞:Benjamin Franklin 作曲:目黒将司 The copyright of this video is belong to ATLUS

PTTallener: 楓谷都不錯65F 10/30 15:21
LostSeason: 銀的意志67F 10/30 15:23
FFXIV OST - Ultima (HD reupload) - YouTube
Ultima weapon from my solo praetorium run, this time in HD and with better quality audio (I think). Hear the rest of the OST here:

FFXIV OST - Shiva's Theme - YouTube
I had troubles getting a kill that didnt last more than 5 min so i had to take several fights to get it right. Thanks to that i managed to capture both phase...

FFXIV OST - Knights of the Round's Theme - YouTube
Heavensward's final boss, tecnically it's King Thordans theme but knights of the round has a better ring to it. Here are some covers of this theme: FFXIV HER...

freedom80017: 很多遊戲因為就是要你去戰所以配樂都很熱血啊,像MH71F 10/30 15:25
freedom80017:  空戰奇兵那些都是,就是要以音樂挑起想戰的熱情
cau0424: FFXIV的每一隻BOSS曲都很棒73F 10/30 15:26
maplemoon528: Z3 Z vs Omega那一段  大推74F 10/30 15:29
n16482003: https://youtu.be/4J23VubATXo MHXX 銀翼凶星75F 10/30 15:30
n16482003: https://youtu.be/neVkz4UXR1Q MH3 深淵凝望76F 10/30 15:31
MH3G 月震 大海龍ナバルデウス 戦闘BGM Extended - YouTube
Monster Hunter 3triG - Ceadeus battle theme 2 extended

cau0424: https://youtu.be/3cKy5Qk0QMM  FFXIV機工城亞歷山大77F 10/30 15:31
FFXIV OST Alexander Boss Theme ( Locus ) - YouTube
Alexander Boss Theme from Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward. The video shows me as Dark Knight fighting against The Oppressor in the Fist of the Father floor of ...

migumigu: 大神 太陽は昇る78F 10/30 15:33
Lucky0105: FFXIV那根本網路遊戲了吧!!79F 10/30 15:36
xsmileman: 伊蘇80F 10/30 15:37
cau0424: https://youtu.be/6gLEzpWyq6U  FFXIV 巴哈姆特81F 10/30 15:39
FFXIV OST Bahamut Prime's Theme - YouTube
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

n16482003: https://youtu.be/TIRAqspe-3I MHST 主曲82F 10/30 15:40
MHST OST-Monster Hunter Stories (monster hunter stories ost) - YouTube MHST OST-Monster Hunter Stories (monster hunter stories ost)

daniel12447: 空之境界83F 10/30 15:44
cycwtu: 槍彈辯駁V3 辯論BGM超燃84F 10/30 15:45
sasakihiroto: FF14很多85F 10/30 15:45
Xanphenir: 打了整片的動作戰鬥結果音樂本身就是王(X)88F 10/30 15:50
jjimonkey: hollow knight 螳螂領主 超讚89F 10/30 15:51
tennyleaz: FF4 四天王戰, 瑪莉歐RPG 對武器Boss戰90F 10/30 15:52
twosheep0603: gbf打小巴的黑銀之翼滿有特色的 好不好聽就看個人91F 10/30 15:53
cau0424: https://youtu.be/9EH-3-bisRA  FFXIV女神ソフィア92F 10/30 15:54
【FF14】 女神ソフィア 究極履行後 BGM 高音質 - YouTube
女神ソフィア後半 前半はセフィロトと同じ死闘アレンジでした! ファイナルファンタジー14 蒼天のイシュガルド FFXIV 3.4 OST Theme FINAL FANTASY XIV Heavensward - Sophia Final - BGM only -

knight60615: FGO Grand Battle93F 10/30 15:57
368東方輝針城 6面ボス【原曲】輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess - YouTube 6面ボス 少名針妙丸(すくなしんみょうまる)テーマです 東方輝針城~Double Dealing Character. 東方project 第14弾 作曲:ZUN&上海アリス幻楽団 ループ数:2 私の「 」も大きくなあれ!! ----------------------------------------- ダイ...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt OST - Steel For Humans [HQ] [Extended] [Lyrics] - YouTube From: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Track: Steel For Humans (Geralt's Combat Theme III) Extended and in HQ + Lyrics. Not originally created by me, I do not claim ...

super7967: 這首呢?96F 10/30 16:00
forsakesheep: https://youtu.be/xdWkZOo-p0M hollow kinght 光輝97F 10/30 16:00
forsakesheep: https://youtu.be/5V5i8aEouAw baldr sky dive298F 10/30 16:01
BALDR SKY 挿入歌 『パラダイムシフト』- 片霧烈火 - YouTube
歌詞↓ 沈みゆく霞の夢 つなぎ合わせ傷を塞ぐ 孤独な影 うつろう闇の調べ 今 重なりを拾い集め 伝説さえ嘆くように 戦慄までこの身に宿り始める瞬間に その姿は 流れる光を飛び越えて 絡み合うまで 未来をつなぎ止めてる 迷いながら 抗いながら 舞い上がるよ 夜明けを切り裂く力を 今 手に入れたい やがて消えゆく運命...

forsakesheep: https://youtu.be/eMAGtTmmx0s FF3 永遠的經典99F 10/30 16:03
Final Fantasy III - Boss Battle - YouTube
Final Fantasy III (DS) Boss Battle music. Property of Square Enix.

forsakesheep: https://youtu.be/LOqyn5kdTCo FF3黑暗之雲100F 10/30 16:04
P2: http://youtu.be/i29Au3eXXKk  YS101F 10/30 16:05
イース バレスタイン城メドレー - YouTube

strongbilly: 聖靈之光 銀之樹逃亡的BGM102F 10/30 16:10
weboau: 信長的野望onlone 打王的音樂103F 10/30 16:12
maple3142: let's join swords 序列爭戰打王104F 10/30 16:12
otis0718: dejavu105F 10/30 16:19
gn50711: 黑魂3 尤其是古達的106F 10/30 16:23
bobby4755: Ketsui Darkened107F 10/30 16:26
bobby4755: https://youtu.be/Ro5i_h9_G8g
waterfully: kof97裏七伽社 96傑尼茲109F 10/30 16:28
abelyi100: Undertale打Asriel Dreemur110F 10/30 16:56
abelyi100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgiHl2kpMis
pals5568: BDFF戰鬥曲都很好聽,我最喜歡「邪悪なる飛翔」;「地112F 10/30 17:03
pals5568: 平を喰らう蛇」則是作為最終boss曲非常地棒!把最終戰
pals5568: 的情節都寫進曲子裡了,尤其整作玩過一遍肯定會為裡面
pals5568: 各種旋律的使用感到雞皮疙瘩
yangzhe: Path of Exile - Heart of corruption116F 10/30 17:07
jeeplong: undertale 全部117F 10/30 17:09
zeyoshi: 幫忙推個一定倒 https://youtu.be/kD9FiKx9Jck118F 10/30 17:18
Puzzle and Dragons - GROOVE COASTER Collaboration: Boss BGM - YouTube Groove Coaster boss theme for Puzzle and Dragons.

laechan: 遊戲的比較多,隨便舉例,PS4的超次元戰記-四女神online119F 10/30 17:24
laechan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyjevFITV0A&
【PSO2】 ダークファルス・ルーサー フルバージョン(la L'inno per il "IDOLA" ) 【BGM】 - YouTube 『PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2』公式サイト> (C)SEGA 著作物の権利はSEGA及び各アーティストさんにあります。 0:00-4:37(転送前)4:38-9:55(通常モード)9:56-14:06(低速モード) 14:07-18:18(高速モード)18:19-18...

Shinn826: PSO2 DF敗者 有分常速 加速 減速 處刑各段122F 10/30 17:30
gold97972000: 推7f  這邊提供不一樣的版本  也是打red bgm123F 10/30 17:30
gold97972000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buifCKc9RNU
Trainer Red Epic Remix - YouTube
06.03.14: *update* Not enough bass? Check my new high quality neurofunk edit of this remix  18.03.12: *update* Check my new album ...

iamnotgm: 蘇菲的戰鬥曲我比較推薊蓮花125F 10/30 17:34
Vincent4: nier:automata 歌姬戰126F 10/30 17:47
Vincent4: https://youtu.be/yW5AnWT1d5E
NieR: Automata | A Beautiful Song | Opera Boss Lyrics - YouTube If you didn't already know, I attempted this video before, with the audio from the opera boss trailer from last year or so, the audio on that trailer was vas...

Vincent4: nier:replicant shadowlord128F 10/30 17:50
Vincent4: 極神......
Vincent4: https://youtu.be/PqXPW0oBKgg
NIER OST - Shadowlord - YouTube
NIER OST Disk 2, Track 15: Shadowlord Produced by Keiichi Okabe (MONACA, Inc.). Composed by Keiichi Okabe, Kakeru Ishihama, Keigo Hoashi, Takafumi Nishimura....

andy1816: 血源聖職者野獸 https://youtu.be/ICSk8-pJkX8131F 10/30 18:00
Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Cleric Beast - YouTube
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

s410178001: 天翼之鏈勇者之墓打王曲 https://youtu.be/peFJpbTJr5132F 10/30 18:05
s410178001: k133F 10/30 18:05
hoo911ver25: Vindictus 很多很熱血134F 10/30 18:10
YodsLing: 排球少年135F 10/30 18:21
AkiMinoriko: 實況野球2012 甲子園決勝戰137F 10/30 18:33
Niggar5566: 大逆轉 追求 大追求 異議あり https://youtu.be/bAtJn138F 10/30 18:36
Niggar5566: MEUkQs139F 10/30 18:36
Ys Origin - Music: Termination - YouTube
Song: Termination Composers: Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Ryo Takeshita Album: Ys Origin Original Soundtrack

月風魔傳-電吉他.MPEG - YouTube

jbuilder1022: 骨灰級,月風魔傳142F 10/30 19:13
ji385k6: 仙劍1143F 10/30 19:26
Ao no Exorcist Second movement- X (Ao no Exorcist OST 1). - YouTube Ao no Exorcist OST 1: X All praise for this song goes to its original creators Subscribe :)

xxxg00w0: sfc和ps1時代很多啊 RS2.3 LIVE A LIVE 聖劍3145F 10/30 19:49
xxxg00w0: TOP(時空幻境1)
taruru: 推個四狂神戰記系列BGM147F 10/30 20:37
noname912301: 瑪奇 G12148F 10/30 20:56
noname912301: https://youtu.be/8YcIMT2hTeg
Mabinogi G11 Boss Battle OST - YouTube
All Respective rights goto the creator. I do not own This. Credits to Hanstone for the music.

Mabinogi G10 BGM: Boss - Soulstream - YouTube
Watch in HQ~ The BGM just before you fight the g10 Final Boss...

kirinstar: FF6電吉他版154F 11/03 16:50
iamarock: 越南大戰 METAL SLUG https://youtu.be/cVgWczIMjfo155F 11/03 18:04

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1樓 時間: 2017-11-05 05:02:02 (台灣)
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FF15打海蛇音樂神絕 ,可惜遊戲內容很爛https://youtu.be/XphDxFS2WWw
2樓 時間: 2017-11-10 08:28:46 (台灣)
  11-10 08:28 TW
超任FF6打王的音樂 20多年都忘不了...
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