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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-05-02 11:58:22
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 大都會老闆:球場加蓋屋頂要8億美金
時間 Mon May  1 22:07:59 2023



[分享] 大都會老闆:蓋屋頂要3億美金 - 看板 Baseball - 批踢踢實業坊
作者: zxc906383 (無無) 大都會老闆:蓋屋頂要3億美金 可能是因為最近大都會因雨被迫延賽 所以就有人在推特上發文說 能否在球場加開閉式屋頂  


而根據紐郵Jon Heyman最新的報導


Steve Cohen has considered retractable roof at Mets' Citi Field
Let’s check the scorecard. Friday: an uncomfortable, rain-shortened loss. Saturday: rainout. Sunday: rainout. ...


Mets owner Steve Cohen is one who’s looked into building a retractable roof for
 Citi Field, no surprise since he’ll consider anything to improve Mets fan expe

And word is Cohen was told it would cost $800 million to add a retractable roof,
 which seems to have given him pause to the point where he is currently consider
ing it a missed opportunity. (The cost would have been a mere fraction of that u
pon construction, more on that later.)




Sources suggest the Wilpons did investigate a roof back in 2007 when they were c
onceiving of Citi Field and found it would cost an additional $100 million to $1
25 million back then. I’m not here to bash the Wilpons. They did know their rea
l estate, and Citi Field is one of the best of the newer parks in baseball (say
what you want about the Wilpons, but they succeeded with their TV endeavor, SNY,
 and they did know their real estate, which was their main business).



A roof was added to Arthur Ashe Stadium on the other side of the 7 train for a m
ere $150 million, but a tennis court is much smaller than a baseball field. The
$800 million figure might even be light considering inflation.

作為比較,內文也提到美網主球場Arthur Ashe Stadium


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-05-01 22:07:59
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aJyV1VL (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1682950081.A.7D5.html
hansvonboltz: 通膨1F 05/01 22:09
saiulbb: Cohen: 甚麼 才八億美金 要蓋新的還是加蓋真是煩惱2F 05/01 22:09
Dawei1165: 八億美..羨慕3F 05/01 22:10
cobras638: 8億美金4F 05/01 22:11
zxc906383: 不用羨慕吧 Cohen看來也沒要做的意思5F 05/01 22:12
zxc906383: 主要是梅子這週末的比賽又全部因雨延賽了
Destery: 蓋新的有屋頂 end7F 05/01 22:15
gn01914120: Cohen的鈔能力,要也是蓋新的吧8F 05/01 22:15
TimmyJiang: 弦外之音是乾脆買地蓋一個有蓋子的新球場9F 05/01 22:16
zxc906383: 大都會這球場和新洋基球場同年開幕的10F 05/01 22:17
zxc906383: 不可能那麼快蓋新的啦
GenjiEd: 8個薛蛇12F 05/01 22:20
MrSatan: 0.5個仇笑癡13F 05/01 22:22
befly10015: 還是西岸舒適14F 05/01 22:23
lmanaka: 當初趁這洋基一起建,現在要單獨建成本太高不划算吧15F 05/01 22:23
kazuo:  應該是看客戶決定工程款16F 05/01 22:23
newsnew: 可是西岸缺水17F 05/01 22:25
hdotistyle: Cohen爸爸的零錢而已18F 05/01 22:25
h311013: 好便宜啊 大巨蛋花多少?19F 05/01 22:28
PeterHenson: 他的意思不就是8億不如蓋新球場20F 05/01 22:33
nishioka07: 800萬包給台灣團隊鐵皮加蓋即可21F 05/01 22:33
ish55667788: 紐約這週末雨多到四處淹水22F 05/01 22:37
snh: 這樣看起來12億台幣球場不能比賽也合理23F 05/01 22:44
TimmyJiang: 可以蓋新的,然後現有的拿來當副球場,富豪玩法24F 05/01 22:58
kenro: 富豪人家又不是白痴,白花錢幹嘛25F 05/01 23:03
VAIO911: 我們小智領先世界 選擇花比蓋新球場還貴的原地重建26F 05/01 23:13
coin330: 去年季後賽,是不是洋基球員在嫌太空人的屋頂來著27F 05/01 23:16
sfalco: 8億美金還好,以台灣建築法規,台灣蓋要10億以上了28F 05/01 23:29
Hohenzollern: 大都會主場當初蓋九億美元29F 05/01 23:36
freeboy0818: 給新竹加蓋屋頂12億美金蓋的出來嗎啊!30F 05/01 23:45
redsparron: 網球場加蓋比棒球場加蓋簡單多了吧 錢當然少很多31F 05/01 23:51
donkilu: 穿衣服改衣服一定更貴 也可能干擾賽事安排32F 05/02 00:04
mattc123456c: 看看西武那個加蓋球場多糟糕,可能還是延賽比較划算33F 05/02 00:10
c98406023: 美網部分球場有加裝屋頂34F 05/02 00:37
marco79811: 我想到之前卡達辦世足的那個迷因= =35F 05/02 00:42
KEDEN: 王電火:蛤? 就這樣?36F 05/02 00:45
sunnyyoung: 一定是把他當盤子亂報價37F 05/02 01:27
migulai: 直接加蛋的話你還是先去西武球場考察再說吧XD38F 05/02 02:02
Mrlegend: 球場估價師小智39F 05/02 02:37
sharok: 有些人新台幣跟美金的幣值換算要加油啦~40F 05/02 03:24
nando21: 直接蓋一個有屋頂的新球場41F 05/02 03:34
kw0258: 新竹給它12億比特幣也蓋不出來…42F 05/02 05:36
AAA891216: 記者故意用美金單位在釣魚嗎43F 05/02 07:00
tt7642: 西武不是已經不能開了嗎?而且變成熱蛋44F 05/02 07:11
AhCheng: 直接蓋新的還比較快45F 05/02 07:14
chrispipi: 改建本來就是比新建更麻煩更46F 05/02 08:02
ericinttu:   弄個蓋子 = 弄一個新球場但這新球場有蓋子嘛?47F 05/02 08:17
GABA: 鄉民:8e鎂 Co老闆:800W鎂48F 05/02 08:36
hidexjapan: 梅子真的花8億搬球場,搬來這裡就是豪華傷兵團的開始49F 05/02 08:47
herrycome: 貴死了 學學台灣 蓋球場只要12E50F 05/02 10:55
Maupassant: 電火價吧51F 05/02 11:46

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