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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-10 20:46:37
看板 MAC
作者 huang0922 (米且)
標題 [軟體] ColorStrokes 修圖軟體限免
時間 Mon Jun 10 20:33:48 2013

活動網址 http://macphun.com/colorstrokes

輸入 Email 就會收到序號和下載點摟

App Store 目前售價是 1.99 USD

軟體介紹 https://itunes.apple.com/app/colorstrokes/id459413843
Mac App Store - Colorstrokes
Big SALE for 1 day. ColorStrokes celebrates 500 000 users!
Get the most popular color splash app for Mac at rocking price!
ColorStrokes lets you play and mix the tones on photos in any possible way. It's a fun and powerful app to make your pictures more amazing with one click. Here's what you get. ▪ ...


from Tainan,TW

live in Chicago, IL USA

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