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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-18 15:49:06
看板 LoL
作者 johnnyjaiu (芭樂)
標題 Re: [情報] 本日PBE更新安妮的語音 (完整版)
時間 Fri Jan 18 14:59:42 2013

※ 引述《pljck (Ratohnhaké:ton)》之銘言:
: http://youtu.be/ibCzxFjdqUM
PBE - Very Quick Annie Updated VO Preview - YouTube
This video does not include all of her new sounds, but gives you a good idea! If you want to play like the Curse Pro's be sure to visit:  Fo...

: 順便補上科學怪熊的SKIN
: http://youtu.be/hbA-haBhaHI
PBE Skin Preview - Franken Tibbers Annie Visual Rework - YouTube If you want to play like the Curse Pro's be sure to visit:  For the latest League Articles, Strategies, and Patch notes visit:

: 在資料中挖到了Panda Annie
: http://ppt.cc/TCe3



Annie Voice (2013 Visual Upgrade Voice) - English - League of Legends - YouTube Voice Actor: Cristina Ulloa This is League of Legends Champion Annie's voice in English All sounds are taken from the ingame voice over sound banks, Champion...




Lilypichu - 我老婆 <3

TARA'S ROLY POLY                   http://youtu.be/FNSco-o9gJY
wondergurlz - nobody but u         http://youtu.be/b7nj2njaHvA
secret base                        http://youtu.be/MZg8TSjlkpw

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
ilohoo      :硬了                                   拜託別報警1F 01/18 15:01
wucrhow     :已抱緊2F 01/18 15:03
a6021314    :越聽越想要歌德安妮的skin...|||3F 01/18 15:04
kfc1231     :Lily訪問Annie/Amumu/Nunu配音員 Cristina4F 01/18 15:04
kfc1231     :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix6ORVhqORo
Cristina Ulloa - VA of Annie/Amumu/Nunu - YouTube
I had the amazing opportunity to talk to Cristina and give her a small, albeit awkward (because of me), interview. She's a really sweet, funny person. :D Sor...

QQER        :喂~警察局嗎6F 01/18 15:05
oscarss07   :滿想聽伊瑞跟阿璃配音員的訪問 怎麼可以叫得這麼銷魂7F 01/18 15:05
ching1210   :Annie/Amumu/Nunu配音員的聲音真的好銷魂喔...8F 01/18 15:08
lidiya0930  :樓下趕快抱緊處理9F 01/18 15:08
pljck       :好多紳士 趕快抱緊處理10F 01/18 15:09
Dlibra      :這樣真的沒問題嘛?11F 01/18 15:12
fff417      :@@12F 01/18 15:15
myfirstjump :爺爺泡的茶13F 01/18 15:16
Apoint      :阿...14F 01/18 15:18
imdai       :差點被室友誤會.....15F 01/18 15:20
Murloc      :安妮又有新歌可以出了...16F 01/18 15:20
gekisen     :抱緊處理17F 01/18 15:22
greenbelt   :建議喇叭不要開太大聲18F 01/18 15:24
liu2007     : come out~ come out~ 其實我很想把e去掉,把o換成u19F 01/18 15:28
Murloc      :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ0QhMOlWEk  本人20F 01/18 15:31
How to Book Online Voice Overs with Cristina Ulloa - Become a Pro Voice Talent! - YouTube Find out tips and tricks to booking online voice over work with Cristina Ulloa! Cristina Ulloa offers private coaching for serious voice over students all ov...

amgdaaaa    :樓上紳士自重21F 01/18 15:31
Ixtli       :聲音真X蕩。22F 01/18 15:32
Ixtli       :Murloc 你毀滅大家的幻想。
Williams1125:可惡 還是多留給我一點想像空間吧!24F 01/18 15:39
W22625231   :好險我沒點進去..不過我也不愛安妮就是了25F 01/18 15:39
johnnyjaiu  :樓上決鬥吧!26F 01/18 15:40
W22625231   :蝦?27F 01/18 15:41
liu2007     :有阿離的嗎?28F 01/18 15:41
DoraB       :http://youtu.be/QEPHLPmt914 可以用這首歌(聲音很像29F 01/18 15:42
I'd Like To Teach The World To Fap (In Perfect Harmony) - YouTube I've made a full version of "I'd Like To Teach The World To Fap (In Perfect Harmony)" as requested. Music composed using Reason ZONE-tan's vocals performed b...

W22625231   :你們到底想用什麼...o_O?30F 01/18 15:43

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