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看板 movie
作者 Rfed (R費)
標題 [新聞] 凱特溫絲蕾梅開三度,李奧納多陪走紅毯
時間 Thu Dec 27 12:31:01 2012

Kate Winslet Marries Ned Rocknroll in Secret Ceremony | E! Online
Kate Winslet's heart did go on. The 37-year-old Oscar winner tied the knot with boyfriend Ned Roc ...

Kate Winslet Marries Ned Rocknroll in Secret Ceremony

在 2010年底宣布和 Sam Mendes分居離婚之後,Kate很快的擁抱新戀情



陪 Kate走紅毯把她交給新郎的是李奧納多!!!!
這兩個人真的是有緣無份的超級好朋友阿~ XD

Kate Winslet's heart did go on.

The 37-year-old Oscar winner tied the knot with boyfriend Ned Rocknroll, 34,
earlier this month in what apparently was a very hush-hush ceremony in New
York, her rep confirmed Wednesday to E! News.
The private nuptials were "attended by her two children and a very few
friends and family," the rep said, adding that the couple got engaged over
the summer.

According to Britain's Sun, Leonardo DiCaprio gave the bride away in lieu of
her father, the wedding being that much of a secret.
Rocknroll, a nephew of billionaire Richard Branson, and Winslet dated for
about a year and a half before taking the plunge. The relationship with her
fellow Brit developed after both were houseguests of Branson's on exclusive
Necker Island in the Caribbean in August 2011 when a fire broke out, forcing
the villa's occupants to evacuate. Rocknroll was the one who accompanied her
and her kids back home, though she had been vacationing with model Louis

This is Winslet's third trip down the aisle, though it's the first time we
really would advise her to not take her husband's name. (Or, then again...)
Before she got her MRS, Winslet got a CBE from the queen!
She has a 12-year-old daughter, Mia, with first husband Jim Threapleton, and
a 9-year-old son, Joe, with director Sam Mendes.
She and Mendes announced they were divorcing in 2010, a year after she won a
Best Actress Oscar for The Reader and a Golden Globe for the Mendes-directed
Revolutionary Road.

Rocknroll (born Abel Smith) was married once before, to socialite Eliza
—Additional reporting by Marcus Mulick

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◆ From:
hopeblue:LEO牽KATE走紅毯,真cool lol1F 12/27 12:34
wentasu:螢幕愛人交給今生老公嗎?2F 12/27 12:35
wentasu:裡面有一句好酸 建議Kate別冠夫姓 以免...
c1089:傑克就這樣親手把蘿絲交給別人了(淚4F 12/27 12:43
wentasu:非常的Revolutionary Road, 踏上紅毯又是另一段真愛旅程5F 12/27 12:44
reaper317:這兩個真的超配的6F 12/27 12:54
tim2502:太感人了7F 12/27 12:55
breakingdown:她丈夫的姓好有趣~8F 12/27 13:08
saphir:情義相挺阿!!10F 12/27 13:10
spittz:啊?她跟讓她得金球獎那個導演離婚了!!??11F 12/27 13:13
alexroc:Kate Rock&Roll12F 12/27 13:20
e1q3z9c7:you jump I jump13F 12/27 13:48
ewane711:哈 Leo跟Kate真的是鐵麻吉14F 12/27 14:02
rockybalboa:純推皮卡丘XD15F 12/27 14:07
vcsue:好希望他們兩個在一起XD16F 12/27 14:12
wentasu:給樓上 世事難料 也許皮卡丘登上影帝那天就會有爆炸性發展17F 12/27 14:39
pigmouth:我也好希望她能跟李奧在一起~哎呀呀~~不過還是祝福她囉!18F 12/27 14:51
ssembla:李奧的菜是麻豆型的女生。19F 12/27 17:01
sleepyrat:兩人應該是手帕交....(喂)20F 12/27 17:45
gg7965977:李奧納多皮卡丘21F 12/27 18:13
loven51:他們真的感情超好~~姊妹淘了吧XD22F 12/27 18:20
su3f4n3:那個姓確定不是藝名嗎? 外國人也太妙了...23F 12/27 18:45
balagodie:好感人我要哭了 永遠的情侶T__T24F 12/27 19:38

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