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看板 FW
作者 ah907856jack (super小傑克)
標題 史詩般的劈腿~ 馬總統 feat. Volvo Trucks
時間 2013年11月24日 Sun. PM 09:35:22

[史詩般的劈腿] Epic split - YouTube
*This video is in no way associated with or sponsored by Volvo, Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Rob Ford, and rather, is for the purposes of commentary and comedy....



Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test 6) - YouTube Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks. Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits -- what do you...


※ 作者: ah907856jack 時間: 2013-11-24 21:35:22
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 666 
ah907856jack 轉錄至看板 Joke (使用複製) 時間:2013-11-24 21:35:47
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