※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-08-22 03:10:11
看板 Steam
作者 標題 [R.I.P.] 作者因癌症過世,送給大家最後的禮物
時間 Mon Aug 22 00:24:02 2022
【 遊 戲 名 稱 】:Waves
Waves on Steam
Waves is an Arcade Twin-Stick Shooter that's all about High Scores. Build your combo and drop bombs in pursuit of Leaderboard dominance over seven gam ...
Waves is an Arcade Twin-Stick Shooter that's all about High Scores. Build your combo and drop bombs in pursuit of Leaderboard dominance over seven gam ...
【 遊 戲 名 稱 】:Waves 2
Waves 2: Notorious on Steam
Waves 2: Notorious is an arcade twin-stick shooter set in Cyberspace. Build Combos, earn Adrenaline and unleash powerful Burst attacks as you Dive int ...
Waves 2: Notorious is an arcade twin-stick shooter set in Cyberspace. Build Combos, earn Adrenaline and unleash powerful Burst attacks as you Dive int ...
Where did Squid Go? Trigger Warning: Medical Issues :: Waves 2: Notorious General Discussions
2021 and 2022 have been really ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ years in the Squid In A Box house. At the start of 2021 I lost my full-time job and was unemployed. This spurred ...
2021 and 2022 have been really ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ years in the Squid In A Box house. At the start of 2021 I lost my full-time job and was unemployed. This spurred ...
Final Update :: Waves 2: Notorious General Discussions
Hello, I am CJ, I am Squid’s (Rob’s) partner. I have an announcement, and quite honestly it’s one of the hardest announcements I think I will ever hav ...
Hello, I am CJ, I am Squid’s (Rob’s) partner. I have an announcement, and quite honestly it’s one of the hardest announcements I think I will ever hav ...
R.I.P. Rob
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Z0bmcsG (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1661099046.A.D90.html
推 : RIP QQ1F 08/22 00:26
推 : R.I.P.2F 08/22 00:26
推 : RIP3F 08/22 00:27
推 : RIP4F 08/22 00:28
推 : RIP5F 08/22 00:28
→ : RIP,黑色素瘤基本上沒得治,即使切掉過幾個月又會在莫名其6F 08/22 00:30
→ : 妙的地方發現,基本上是前幾難處理的癌症
→ : 妙的地方發現,基本上是前幾難處理的癌症
推 : R.I.P.8F 08/22 00:35
→ eeccms …
推 : R.I.P10F 08/22 00:40
推 : RIP11F 08/22 00:42
推 : QQ12F 08/22 00:42
→ : RIP13F 08/22 00:42
推 : TIP14F 08/22 00:44
→ : Rip
→ : Rip
推 : R.I.P16F 08/22 00:51
推 : R.I.PQQ17F 08/22 00:56
推 : 感覺好哀傷 雖然不太玩這種類型的遊戲 但是覺得想要體會他18F 08/22 00:57
→ : 的付出
→ : 的付出
推 : rip20F 08/22 01:00
推 : 天妒英才21F 08/22 01:00
推 : RIP22F 08/22 01:09
推 : R.I.P.23F 08/22 01:13
推 : R.I.P24F 08/22 01:13
推 : RIP25F 08/22 01:14
推 : His name is Rob Hale.26F 08/22 01:16
推 : R.I.P.27F 08/22 01:18
推 : R. I.P28F 08/22 01:22
推 : R.I.P.29F 08/22 01:22
推 :30F 08/22 01:23
推 : 孤狗了一下病症 再看看我腳指上幾年前冒出的黑線 我是不31F 08/22 01:29
→ : 是最好去看醫生…
→ : 是最好去看醫生…
→ : 不是33F 08/22 01:29
推 : …..謝謝你34F 08/22 01:29
推 : R.I.P.35F 08/22 01:39
推 : 作者rip 台灣看病真的不貴 看看醫生保心安也好36F 08/22 01:41
推 : RIP37F 08/22 01:43
→ : QQ38F 08/22 02:03
推 : RIP39F 08/22 02:04
推 : RIP40F 08/22 02:10
推 : R.I.P41F 08/22 02:11
推 : 在台灣身上長了什麼奇怪的腫塊或是異樣直接去看醫生,沒42F 08/22 02:12
→ : 事當作買個安心,早發現早治療,台灣醫療都便宜成這樣了
→ : 真的不用省
→ : 事當作買個安心,早發現早治療,台灣醫療都便宜成這樣了
→ : 真的不用省
推 : RIP 感謝禮物45F 08/22 02:35
推 : RIP46F 08/22 02:39
推 : R.I.P.47F 08/22 02:42
推 : Thanks, RIP48F 08/22 02:43
推 : R.I.P.49F 08/22 02:49
→ : 不敢玩 怕我邊玩邊哭50F 08/22 02:49
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 98