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※ 本文為 npc 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-04 03:31:16
看板 Gossiping
作者 fish0530 (DannyMesser)
標題 [新聞] 也上印度的新聞了
時間 Sat Aug  3 23:13:11 2013


Taipei: Tens of thousands of Taiwanese took to the streets on Saturday in
protest over the death of a young conscript who died from alleged abuse.

Singing a Taiwanese take on the revolutionary song
"Do you hear the people sing?" from the hit musical "Les Miserables",
protesters rallied at a square near the presidential office in Taipei,
mostly dressed in white a colour symbolising truth in local culture.

台北: 成千上萬的台灣民眾在星期六走上街頭抗議一名義務役之死。


This was the second mass protest since corporal Hung Chung-chiu died of
heatstroke on July 04 apparently after being forced to exercise excessively
as punishment for taking a smartphone onto his base just three days
before the end of his compulsory year long military service.


About 30,000 people demonstrated outside the defence ministry
in the capital on July 20, according to Citizen 1985,
an activist group that organised the protests.


"We estimate a bigger turnout today on the eve of Hung's funeral
than the previous protest.
We hope the government will hear the people's anger at
its handling of the case,"
Liu Lin-wei, a spokesman for the group, told a news agency.

對於其處理此事的憤怒" 公民1985聯盟的發言人Lin Lin-wei向一個新聞社表示。

Police estimates of the crowd size were not immediately available.

"I am mourning for Hung Chung-chiu and I want the truth.
I hope there won't be any more abuse and death like this in the military,"
said protester Jenny Tan.

一名抗議民眾Jenny Tan表示。

President Ma Ying-jeou, whose approval ratings have plummeted in recent months,
has apologised for the incident and vowed to seek justice for the victim
and punish those responsible.


Amid mounting public anger, Defence Minister Kao Hua-chu stepped down
earlier this week while 18 military officials have been charged over
Hung's death, including the former commander of his brigade.


They were indicted on charges ranging from abuse leading to death
and involuntary manslaughter to imposing illegal punishment
on a subordinate and offences against personal liberty,
according to military prosecutors.


The 24-year-old had been subjected to exercises that were
"unbearable, cruel and abusive", resulting in his death from
multiple organ failure triggered by heatstroke, prosecutors said.


He was sent to solitary confinement and ordered to do the exercises
as a punishment for bringing a camera phone to camp and
for defying his superiors on some duty assignments,
according to the indictment.


Hung's family said he was repeatedly refused water during the punishment
despite being close to collapse and that he had previously filed complaints
about other abuse meted out by his superiors.


AFP 法新社

連結: http://bit.ly/1bWo678
Mass protest in Taiwan over young conscript`s death
Taiwan news - Tens of thousands of Taiwanese took to the streets in protest over the death of a young conscript who died from alleged abuse. ...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
DASHOCK:強爆了1F 08/03 23:13
※ 編輯: fish0530        來自:        (08/03 23:15)
ian90911:推2F 08/03 23:14
neo718:英國/德國/日本,現在連印度都來了.接下來換東南亞嗎...3F 08/03 23:14
wotupset:新聞要附網址喔4F 08/03 23:14
Comebuy:推5F 08/03 23:14
waymayday:台灣之光6F 08/03 23:14
ivan609:對岸有新聞嗎7F 08/03 23:14
Ec73Iwai:外媒很給政府面子了 有潤色8F 08/03 23:14
meinyu:中國河蟹了嗎9F 08/03 23:14
btogwx:網址?10F 08/03 23:14
rosayaptt:外交部有做功課嗎?11F 08/03 23:15
shinshong:中國怎麼可能會有新聞,他們怕有樣學樣啊12F 08/03 23:15
ncyc:這是轉載13F 08/03 23:15
yiersan:中國要是幾個大城市都這樣 是很快垮台的15F 08/03 23:16
nuendo:中國可以集會遊行嗎~?17F 08/03 23:16
shinshong:這是法新社的稿吧  AFP!18F 08/03 23:16
呃對 所以我不知道最上面那行要寫來源是Zeenews還是法新社所以法新社就跟著寫下面
s77485p:強暴了19F 08/03 23:16
18 indicted over Taiwan conscript's death | Fox News
Taiwanese prosecutors indicted 18 military officials on Wednesday over the death of a young conscript who had been subjected to cruel and abusive punishment, in an incident that has sparked widespread anger. ...
DORABMON:丟臉丟到國外的遊行 有啥好報的21F 08/03 23:17
※ 編輯: fish0530        來自:        (08/03 23:20)
catv:就是要讓外媒報導 打騜的臉22F 08/03 23:18
WINDHEAD:這那會丟臉,讓檢方繼續裝瞎才叫丟臉23F 08/03 23:19
amy1122:澳洲有新聞跑馬燈 但是我不知道怎麼找QQ24F 08/03 23:19
b6byc:事實就是事實,還怕別人報嗎?25F 08/03 23:19
HLPT:這是長臉 又不是像阿共不敢給外媒知道26F 08/03 23:19
meinyu:就是騜超級不沾鍋老是什麼事情都推得一乾二淨~要用外媒治他27F 08/03 23:20
DM1984:阿共不敢吧XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD28F 08/03 23:20
shinichi:阿共最怕這種集會 那敢報29F 08/03 23:21
meinyu:必竟揭發真相有什麼好丟臉。30F 08/03 23:21
chihow:人民不丟臉 丟臉的是政府 是國家= =31F 08/03 23:21
vincentsoon:印度阿三快來強姦 金生 吧32F 08/03 23:22
beahpcat:台灣之光!但不是智慧型手機!!33F 08/03 23:22
lzze:媽的把曹莖牲女兒送到印度去啦  賭賭看被強姦幾次34F 08/03 23:23
ebeta:就是要讓外媒報導, 這個國家的權貴才會知道人民真的很生氣!35F 08/03 23:23
zeumax:法新社供稿的,遊行夠大就會上新聞,有啥大驚小怪36F 08/03 23:24
Q4:是政府跟軍方丟臉 人民沒什麼好丟臉的37F 08/03 23:26
WeGoYuSheng:這種事人民有啥好丟臉的? 不站出來才是丟臉38F 08/03 23:27
rabbitrobert:39F 08/03 23:29
sid3:在印度認為女性被性侵一定是那個女生有問題40F 08/03 23:31
rosesonata:該覺得丟臉的是那個腐敗的政府42F 08/03 23:44
keepmind:推43F 08/04 00:13
mmzznnxxbbcc:警方不估人數他就不報主辦單位估的 真是很給面子...44F 08/04 00:35
kshtainan:45F 08/04 00:43
ilgsu:我幫警方估一下人數好了,大概兩萬人參加46F 08/04 01:30
OoJudyoO:推,但洪就不是帶智慧型手機47F 08/04 01:47

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