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看板 Gossiping
作者 bomberhack (炸彈客)
標題 [爆卦] 保護台灣的十萬美軍佈署在亞太地區以及美國第七艦隊。
時間 Wed May  7 21:33:39 2014

Pentagon Report on Implementation of Taiwan Relations Act (U.S. reaffirms commitment to Taiwan's defensive capability) (3390)


(1)台灣關係法(TAIWAN RELATIONSACT)第三條第二項:「美國總統和國會將依據他們對臺灣防衛需要的判斷,遵照法定程序,來決定提供上述防衛物資及服務的種類及數量。對臺灣防衛需要的判斷應包括「美國軍事當局」向總統及國會提供建議時的「檢討報告」

(ThePresident and the Congress shall determine the nature and quantity ofsuch defense articles and services based solely upon their judgment ofthe needs of Taiwan, in accordance with procedures established by law.Such determination of Taiwan's defense needs shall include review byUnited States military authorities in connection with recommendationsto the President and the Congress.)。」


In accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), the United States actively monitors the security situation in the Taiwan Strait in order to adequately provide Taiwan with a "sufficient self-defense capability" consistent with U.S. security policy toward the region.


(2)美國在臺協會(AIT)的官網可看到已解密的,美國國防部向國會提交報告的部分摘要資:「…The TRA obliges us to maintain the United States' capacity to resist any resort to force or coercion that would jeopardize the security of Taiwan. This obligation is consistent with America's overall strategy in the region, our commitment to peace and stability, and our regional military posture. The Administration's commitment to maintaining approximately 100,000 troops in the region for the foreseeable future is
well-known and widely appreciated throughout the region. The presence of 100,000 U.S. military personnel represents the capabilities of the U.S. Eighth Army and Seventh Air Force in Korea, III Marine Expeditionary Force and Fifth Air Force in Japan, and the U.S. Seventh Fleet.…」


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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1399469623.A.AE6.html
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