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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-27 14:23:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 a09651238 (可口美味好滋味)
標題 [新聞] 砸死恐龍的隕石非常地完美
時間 Wed May 27 13:32:40 2020


Jonathan Amos

Dinosaur asteroid's trajectory was 'perfect storm'

Dinosaur asteroid's trajectory was 'perfect storm' - BBC News
The angle at which a life-destroying space rock hit Earth 66 million years ago was particularly lethal. ...


Prof Collins is part of an international team that's been studying the
anatomy of the crater associated with the calamitous asteroid strike.

Today, this 200km-wide structure is positioned under Mexico's Yucatan
Peninsula, with its best preserved central portions sitting just offshore of
the port of Chicxulub.

It's hard to grasp the scale of the forces that produced it.

The impactor, thought to be about 12km in diameter, punched an instantaneous
hole in the crust that was probably some 30km deep. As fluidised rocks at the
base of this bowl rebounded, they created in just a few minutes a mountain
that was higher than Everest. This didn't last, however, and it fell back, to
leave a prominent inner ring of hills, or peaks.

What's interesting from Prof Collins' perspective is the asymmetry that was
frozen into the Chicxulub structure.

For example, if you look at the centres of the crater, of its peak ring and
of the uplifted rock that underlies the crust in Earth's mantle - these
points do not map directly on top of each other. They're actually aligned in
a northeast-southwest direction, with the crater centre in between the
centres of mantle uplift and peak-ring formation.

This is a vital clue in determining not only the direction from which the
asteroid arrived but the angle at which it hit the planet.

The Imperial researcher ran a number of simulations on the UK Science and
Technology Facilities Council (STFC) DiRAC High Performance Computing
Facility. The only way he can reproduce the geometry is by having the
asteroid come in from the northeast and strike the Earth at an angle of
roughly 60 degrees.

Prof Collins said: "If you run the model at different impact angles, at 30
degrees and at 45 degrees, say, you can't match the observations - you get
centres of mantle uplift and of the peak ring on the downrange side of the
crater centre. And for a straight overhead impact, at 90 degrees, the centres
are all on top of each other. So, that's doesn't match the observations,

Imperial colleague and co-author Prof Joanna Morgan added: "Knowing the
direction of impact means we now know which part of the target site was
subjected to the greatest shock pressures.

"The sulphur-bearing and carbon-bearing sedimentary rocks actually thicken as
you go from east to west, and to the south. So this result means we're
degassing more of those sediments than we would if you just took an average
value for their thickness."

And Prof Sean Gulick from the University of Texas at Austin, US, told BBC
News: "This new modelling provides a clear answer to the angle of the impact
and the direction of the impact that largely settles a long-standing debate
on what was downrange of the impact.

"Also critical is that a 60-degree angle is in the range of the worst options
for injecting large volumes of vaporised and ejected sulphur-rich rocks into
the atmosphere.

"Thus these results are critical for understanding potential 'kill
mechanisms'," the co-author explained.

Gulick and Morgan led the expedition that drilled into the Chicxulub Crater
in 2016 to recover some of its rocks for an analysis. A follow-up,
high-resolution seismic survey is due to take place late this summer that
will provide an enhanced 3D view of the structure.

Scientists now think a 12km-wide object struck Earth 66 million years ago

The crater it produced is about 200km wide and is buried mostly offshore

On land, it is covered by limestone, but its rim is traced by an arc of

Experts drilled into the crater to study its rocks and reconstruct the event

They say the impact was more than capable of driving a mass extinction




完美的大小 完美的軌道 完美的角度 完美的落地點



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aggressorX: 哪有這麼完美的 看來一定是外星人攻擊啦1F 05/27 13:33
calvin00300: 恐龍也懂ㄘ鍋貼4842F 05/27 13:33
zxc17893: 什麼時候砸死韭菜國3F 05/27 13:33
kawazakiz2: 那是鈴木一郎丟的才會如此完美4F 05/27 13:33
DustToDust: 那麼多顆總會有一顆完美5F 05/27 13:33
ilovezelda: 外星人丟的啦6F 05/27 13:33
egain: 一顆隕石砸死整個星球的恐龍阿?7F 05/27 13:33
SidMax: 結果論當然完美8F 05/27 13:34
sanadayasu: 對手太強 恐龍非戰之罪9F 05/27 13:34
venomsoul: 四海隕石鍋貼10F 05/27 13:34
SidMax: 如果研究說 相當普通 還會有人看嗎11F 05/27 13:34
banbee100: 人家恐龍也沒死光啊,還留了一線命脈鳥類12F 05/27 13:34
※ 編輯: a09651238 ( 臺灣), 05/27/2020 13:35:15
brella: 上帝的傑作13F 05/27 13:35
Strasburg: 遺址在哪?一顆就造成生態滅絕起碼留個天坑吧14F 05/27 13:36
akway: 外星人陰謀啦 因為恐龍準備要征服宇宙了15F 05/27 13:36
※ 編輯: a09651238 ( 臺灣), 05/27/2020 13:37:32
greg7575: 墨西哥灣16F 05/27 13:37
pdz: 外星人的飛彈啦 哪是什麼隕石17F 05/27 13:37
fish10241: 坑在墨西哥灣啊,這不是常識嗎18F 05/27 13:37
其實有說法是墨西哥灣 被認為 是"其他碎片"
keyman2: 鑽探工人表示興奮19F 05/27 13:37
Primk:                                       尼比魯 阿努納奇20F 05/27 13:38
※ 編輯: a09651238 ( 臺灣), 05/27/2020 13:39:16
reaturn: 有二組恐龍上過隕石想要挽救危機,但是失敗了21F 05/27 13:38
GhostFather: 不是在墨西哥灣嗎????22F 05/27 13:39
akway: 隕石坑遺址就是今天墨西哥灣23F 05/27 13:39
LukaDoncic: 外星人測試新武器啦24F 05/27 13:40
sellgd: 英文明明就說是 完美風暴 屋漏偏逢連夜雨25F 05/27 13:40
gn90178: 神的好朋友26F 05/27 13:40
owlonoak: 那個坑明明就是在墨西哥27F 05/27 13:40
owlonoak: 原Po到底有沒有認真看報導啊?第二段就講了
mortleo: 恐龍活了幾億年了。29F 05/27 13:43
sheepK: 那是元氣彈30F 05/27 13:43
yogurt0313: 那個坑很有名啊托福愛考31F 05/27 13:43
sellgd: 英文標題是說 恐龍隕石的彈道是完美風暴 天時地利人和32F 05/27 13:45
winnietslock: 恐龍早就躲進地心了,笑我們傻,還在完美不完美33F 05/27 13:48
LiangNight: 人類可以試爆,外星人也可以34F 05/27 13:51
MaroonSheran: 鈴木一朗丟的隕石35F 05/27 13:53
kurtsgm: 人類應該要感謝這顆隕石 XD36F 05/27 13:54
unrealstars: 武漢肺炎也異常完美37F 05/27 13:54
tsmcprince: 外星人的全壘打球 造成這麼大的災害38F 05/27 13:54
yin0416: 雖敗猶龍39F 05/27 13:56
hanklee66: 標準的倖存者偏差阿40F 05/27 13:57
Chia2323: BBC英國研究不可信41F 05/27 13:57
AirPenguin: 人為的?42F 05/27 13:58
simpson083: 不是隕石把月亮砸出來的嗎43F 05/27 14:01
fit8590: 隕石砲44F 05/27 14:05
x94fujo6: 肯定是外星人丟的 再次證明外星人的存在惹45F 05/27 14:05
moonlind: 可能宇宙有上萬顆被不完美隕石砸爛的地球啊46F 05/27 14:06
GenYDad: 講半天落點在哪都沒有根本腦補47F 05/27 14:13
flowersuger: 榮個p啦XD48F 05/27 14:18
Koibito: 應該是第七靈災49F 05/27 14:21

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