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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-21 00:13:49
看板 Gossiping
作者 LiberteHoffe (飛雨)
標題 [新聞]You can you up 你行你上啊 中式英語 網
時間 Sun Apr 20 20:58:39 2014





入美國線上俚語詞典,如「不作死就不會死」(no zuo no die)、「你行你上啊」(

you can you up)等。

mountain people sea)、「好久不見」(long time no see),但隨著大陸影響力崛起

不作不死」,踏出國門,就成了「no zuo no die」。

所謂踏出國門,是登入加州理工大學學生創設的俚語詞典Urban Dictionary,目前該網站
已有772萬多條詞彙。最新錄入的新詞是「you can you up」(你行你上啊),在辭典解
釋中,還附贈另一新詞「no can no BB」(不行就別亂噴)。


you can you up 你行你上啊 中式英語 網路流行 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
閱讀Yahoo奇摩新聞上的「you can you up 你行你上啊 中式英語 網路流行」。 中國時報【朱建陵╱綜合報導】大陸「大媽」的購買力驚人,《華爾街日報》此前新聞報導中,稱其為「影響全球黃金市場的一支生力軍」,「dama」一詞隨即廣為人知 ... ...



in  down

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1397998723.A.C78.html
sars7125889:gg in in der1F 04/20 20:59
SDNS:ininder2F 04/20 20:59
WeasoN:i sad3F 04/20 20:59
WeAntiTVBS:不爽出來講阿 英文怎麼拼 噓中時4F 04/20 20:59
s511296:UCCU5F 04/20 20:59
Honor1984:鬼臭支式英文6F 04/20 20:59
lc536894:吃飯皇帝大怎麼翻7F 04/20 21:00
tarjan33167:fag8F 04/20 21:00
jma306: you jump, i jump9F 04/20 21:00
a1122334424:you jump i jump10F 04/20 21:00
pikakami:My under stands11F 04/20 21:00
barber:cry farther cry mother12F 04/20 21:00
AustinDave:May show gan mo13F 04/20 21:00
L9m:NO SON GO OUT GON14F 04/20 21:00
yeaaah:mix egg表示15F 04/20 21:00
brella:Suck my dick? You bitch slut16F 04/20 21:00
v7q4:ma in joe su wa A lan pa17F 04/20 21:01
XieXie9527:zhi na jiang chu18F 04/20 21:01
x007:you jizz, i jizz19F 04/20 21:01
m567745m:lie~lie~lie~li lie20F 04/20 21:01
ic7535:law in shit21F 04/20 21:01
Shadow1989:your mother's gone         his grand mother22F 04/20 21:01
medama:no can no BB XDDDD23F 04/20 21:01
danny1031:SLOW SLOW COME24F 04/20 21:02
ps3sogood:Wtf XDDDDD25F 04/20 21:02
basketkdash:suck GG very song26F 04/20 21:02
LBJ23:Long time no see現在美國人也很常用好嗎27F 04/20 21:02
gygyg88:Bu son true lai jiang ya28F 04/20 21:02
lexch6605:try try see29F 04/20 21:02
BlueGlad:Ker Ker30F 04/20 21:02
xcvfrd:               G G inin der31F 04/20 21:02
guardian93:your mother's gone32F 04/20 21:02
bth060104:殺小33F 04/20 21:03
Taidalmc:china sky is shit34F 04/20 21:03
WarIII:may song my may35F 04/20 21:03
kuinochi:tone may book sin36F 04/20 21:03
liaon98:台灣也被入侵啊37F 04/20 21:03
Honor1984:Long time no see那也不是鬼臭支建國以後傳進去的38F 04/20 21:03
yostar:Drive your mother39F 04/20 21:03
ben3003neb:come come come you come40F 04/20 21:03
a125wind:Lie lie lie,you lie. You lie.41F 04/20 21:04
cs91358:GGinin42F 04/20 21:04
Oxhorn:No game, no life43F 04/20 21:04
chiu0938:UCCU44F 04/20 21:04
neo5277:TRY TALK   踹共45F 04/20 21:04
brian0124:Li Try Gong La!!46F 04/20 21:05
mc12355:email on my bed47F 04/20 21:05
pikakami:look three small48F 04/20 21:05
jackXDD:You no come? right! I come!49F 04/20 21:05
hisayoshi:這整件事根本腦殘50F 04/20 21:06
x007:no k51F 04/20 21:06
kosuke:Long time no see 當初玩聖女密碼看到wesker脫口而出 XD52F 04/20 21:06
f204137:為啥不行 語言本來就會跟著時代變化~53F 04/20 21:06
quadrad:XV7q4大 您胃口真好...54F 04/20 21:06
yeiloud:your mother's gone55F 04/20 21:06
maydayholic:Come come come you come56F 04/20 21:07
DarkKnight:Ma in nine is bumbler57F 04/20 21:08
sars7125889:your mother's gone!!!!58F 04/20 21:08
confri427:語言的敗壞59F 04/20 21:08
mine027204:不爽不要買60F 04/20 21:08
barber:your mother's better61F 04/20 21:08
euphoria01:Jizz in my pant62F 04/20 21:09
sixersai:為看先猜推文有龍家俊63F 04/20 21:09
aoiaoi:people die if they are killed64F 04/20 21:09
JCS15:You jump, I jump!                          You go, WeGo!65F 04/20 21:09
qize1428:GGINININ66F 04/20 21:09
AustinDave:Eat rice empire big67F 04/20 21:10
potionx:not mid  not eng68F 04/20 21:10
a71085:Urban Dictionary不就跟維基一樣,大家都能編輯阿...69F 04/20 21:11
k321045:i~ku,上面的別再說了,我菜英文。70F 04/20 21:11
io45for222:Over my dead body!71F 04/20 21:12
xx5244:GGININDER72F 04/20 21:13
Guerrieri:eat rice king big73F 04/20 21:13
alog:WO GAN TA MA DE74F 04/20 21:13
speedup:拿這種不入流 沒人用的中式英文當新聞 果然是中時水準75F 04/20 21:14
tonialau:gg in in der76F 04/20 21:14
a34567:NO China Times NO unrest77F 04/20 21:14
OR:..78F 04/20 21:14
cul287:Lawinshit79F 04/20 21:14
Niown:zhon shi lan xin wen80F 04/20 21:14
vicklin:最好先查證一下到底在哪用...旺旺家的...恩..81F 04/20 21:15
cloudin:gg inin der82F 04/20 21:15
bh962603:有夠低能83F 04/20 21:15
samsong318:Z>B84F 04/20 21:15
kps1247:try try see85F 04/20 21:16
satelliter:Z>B86F 04/20 21:16
petter07:tai shan la87F 04/20 21:16
a71085:不是說不入流,是這個網站根本誰都能創詞條,你愛創個馬邦伯88F 04/20 21:16
widec:no song come out say90F 04/20 21:17
speedup:開頭根後內文也連不起來 記者的程度Zz91F 04/20 21:19
Niown:pi ti ti ba gua ban dao ci yi you92F 04/20 21:19
HornyDragon:聽都沒聽過93F 04/20 21:21
AustinDave:Middle Time has enough low ability94F 04/20 21:22
wangwei091:Z >B95F 04/20 21:22
JOHNCHU:over my dead body96F 04/20 21:28
crazysinger:you come come come come you come you come come97F 04/20 21:30
nocloud1113:mey shall gun mo~~98F 04/20 21:35
naruto861214:廢新聞99F 04/20 21:38
ksxo:這個連我都記不起來 我就不信美國人會這樣用100F 04/20 21:40
losterchen:law in shit 不收錄一下嗎101F 04/20 21:45
icewindwu:No do no love102F 04/20 21:45
r90009:Son of ma her lin103F 04/20 21:46
r90009:Son of ma her lin
klarc:try gone105F 04/20 21:47
pdh2230:no money no honey106F 04/20 21:48
stradadelsol:ding gu z107F 04/20 21:52
corhe:small now now108F 04/20 21:57
Ksinmei:how do you turn this on109F 04/20 21:58
QQdragon:people moutain people sea110F 04/20 22:16
gary3427:Open play haha111F 04/20 22:24
nutrino:Seven morning eight morning112F 04/20 22:28
s19951231:ma yin jo 猴~ 你說髒話 我要告老師113F 04/20 22:31
jacob815123:mabumbler114F 04/20 22:38
godchildtw:blue who say and whos115F 04/20 23:02
gameforever:money money!no money no shoot116F 04/20 23:28
magi3Q:Sher re er (身寸惹ㄦ)117F 04/20 23:44

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