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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-06-11 08:29:05
看板 Gossiping
作者 Clementtang (劍客唐唐‧光明)
標題 [新聞] Google 5 億美金買下衛星公司 Skybox
時間 Wed Jun 11 02:25:05 2014

Google to buy satellite company Skybox Imaging for $500 million | Reuters SAN FRANCISCO, June 10 (Reuters) - Google Inc said on Tuesday that it is acquiring satellite companySkybox Imaging for $500 million in cash.Google, the world's No.1 Internet search company, said thatSkybox's ...


Google to buy satellite company Skybox Imaging for $500 million

(Reuters) - Google Inc said on Tuesday that it is acquiring satellite company
Skybox Imaging for $500 million in cash.

Google, the world's No.1 Internet search company, said that Skybox's
satellites will provide images for Google's online mapping service. Google
said that Skybox's technology could also eventually be used to provide
Internet access and help with disaster relief.

Google said the deal's closing is subject to regulatory approvals in the
United States. (Reporting by Alexei Oreskovic, editing by Peter Henderson)

看來 Google 不滿足於買圖資,現在打算延伸出去直接自己作圖資了。

噢還有,買下 Skybox 的 5 億美金是現金。

總結來看,目前 Google 已經有高空熱氣球計畫 Project Loon、

最近又買了做太陽能飛機的 Titan Aerospace,策略布局相當明顯。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1402424711.A.E7D.html
kondoyu:......末日到來 阿諾要拍第五集了1F 06/11 02:26
rookiebear:到底要不要投資時間停止器啦??2F 06/11 02:27

其實我認為 Google 老闆應該已經被 Skynet 控制成為魁儡了
※ 編輯: Clementtang (, 06/11/2014 02:28:43
flyhattmann:Google正往天網邁進3F 06/11 02:28
lance8537:快打下外星啦4F 06/11 02:30
kerogunpla:不投資StarBox嗎5F 06/11 02:30
w113353:會開始投資衛星砲嗎6F 06/11 02:31
nomorepipe:不投資 seabox嗎7F 06/11 02:32
spt21ccc:紅傘?8F 06/11 02:32
jma306:接下來買保護傘9F 06/11 02:32
lover790222:GOOGLE 已及將開始控制世界10F 06/11 02:35
aggressorX:google要統治地球惹...11F 06/11 02:36
shine32025:保護傘12F 06/11 02:38
jho52106:什麼時候買下seabox?13F 06/11 02:40
aresa:廢到有剩,換成台灣企業肯定買台北市幾條街14F 06/11 02:41
Bokolo:只能等約翰康納現身惹15F 06/11 02:42
Fanning:中國那三小百度什麼時候要跟進?16F 06/11 02:47
scu96:不學台商買地炒房嗎17F 06/11 02:50
bhshin:孤狗最近買了一堆企業...18F 06/11 02:57
DarkerDuck:Google還買了一大堆機器人公司,還沒人要阻止嗎?19F 06/11 03:06
alog:dICKINBox Inc.20F 06/11 03:28
magician8:有種用現金買下微軟阿 沒三小錄用的小公司 欠噓21F 06/11 03:34
magician8:按錯 補噓
dear747837:樓上還是沒噓啊=_=23F 06/11 04:22
DRIariel:[新聞] Google擬發展衛星網路 供開發中國家上網24F 06/11 04:52
c7683fh6:google以後要有私人軍隊了25F 06/11 08:23

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