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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-27 22:02:51
看板 MobileComm
作者 notmuchmoney (真的不錯....)
標題 [討論] 莫博士HTC ONE M8評測
時間 Thu Mar 27 18:35:42 2014

Walt Mossberg 有許多人稱之為「莫博士」
科技界最受人尊敬的評論家之一 從事科技評論超過20年
為華爾街日報旗下網站 AllthingsD 的主編
也是每年 AllthingsD 大會主持人

Walt Mossberg 在HTC ONE M8發表後也難得出了M8評測


Is the New HTC One the One for You?

引人們購買2014年新款HTC One旗艦機。

去年,第一代HTC One獲得廣泛的好評。我本人也建議人們考慮購買它而非三
星的Galaxy S4。不過,這家台灣手機廠商的行銷實力遠遠比不上蘋果和三星,

今年2014年,HTC希望捲土重來,推出了重新設計的HTC One(官方名稱為HTC
One M8)。該新產品擁有更大的5寸螢幕和背後弧形的全金屬機身,背面兩個




How can a fading smartphone maker regain consumers’ attention in a
market dominated by Samsung and Apple? Maybe by adding a third camera.
That’s one new feature that HTC hopes will make people want to buy
the 2014 edition of its flagship phone, the HTC One.

Last year, the first HTC One was much praised by reviewers. I myself
advised people to consider it instead of Samsung’s Galaxy S4. But the
Taiwan-based phone maker lacked the marketing muscle of the Big Two and,
in the U.S., wasn’t able to get all four major carriers to release the
One roughly simultaneously, as Samsung and Apple can.

So, for 2014, HTC is back with a redesigned One, officially called the
HTC One (M8) — and with higher hopes. It has a slightly bigger, five-inch
screen; a curved, all-metal body; that third camera, on the rear; a better
front camera, for better selfies; and new software features, like
“launch motions,” that let you swipe on the screen when it’s off to
launch certain things.

And this time, HTC says, the One will be available immediately online
at the three biggest U.S. carriers, and in April at T-Mobile. The phone
will also be in carrier stores in April. Subsidized prices will range
from $199 to $249 with a two-year contract, with an unsubsidized, no-contract
price of $649. HTC is also planning more and better marketing.

M8甚至還有一個很酷的、選購的50美元“Dot View”洞洞裝鏤空保護套配件,

我一直在對2014新版HTC One進行測試。儘管它顯然只是漸進升級,而非革命

更長。我更喜歡上代HTC One的手持感覺,換我的話,我不會為了將螢幕尺寸


It even has a cool, optional $50 “Dot View” case, whose perforated,
flip-open cover lets you see notifications in large type, and even
accept and conduct calls.

I’ve been testing the 2014 version of the HTC One, and while it’s
clearly evolutionary, not revolutionary, I can recommend it to Android
fans looking for a first-rate phone, or to iPhone owners looking for a
well-built, high-end phone with a bigger screen. It’s a handsome, solid
product with very good battery life, a beautiful display, fine photo
quality and great call quality.

But there are some downsides. It’s noticeably heavier than last year’s
model — about 12 percent heavier. And it’s longer. I preferred the
feel in the hand of the original HTC One, and wouldn’t have traded
that for the slightly bigger screen — up from 4.7 inches — or the
added metal in the case.

Also, while HTC avoided most of the duplicative, gimmicky software
Samsung has loaded onto its phones, the Verizon model I tested included
at least a dozen preloaded apps from that carrier, including a texting
app that was one of three preloaded texting programs.


新版HTC One提供深鐵灰、金色和銀色3種顏色選擇。美版內建存儲空間將為

的照片進行拍後對焦。HTC將它們稱之為“Duo camera”。

跟去年的HTC One一樣,M8的主後置鏡頭並沒有很高的像素,而是採用更大的


上代HTC One最大的特色是很棒正面雙揚聲器,而2014版在音效品質上甚至更



The new HTC One is a metal phone that comes in gray, gold or silver.
In the U.S., it will have 32 gigabytes of internal memory, plus a
memory card slot that can expand that amount by up to 128GB.

Its most unusual hardware feature is that added camera, which sits
above the main rear camera. This third camera doesn’t take pictures
by itself, but gathers depth information on the subject of a photo to
allow things like refocusing a shot after it has been taken by the
main rear camera. HTC calls the two rear cameras, together, the Duo

As in last year’s One phone, the main rear camera doesn’t boast a
megapixel rating, but uses larger pixels called “Ultrapixels” to let
in more light. In my tests, it took brilliant pictures and videos both
outdoors and indoors.

There’s also a new wide-angle front camera, with an unusually high
five-megapixel resolution for taking better selfies. It, too, worked

One of the strongest features of the original model was dual front-mounted
speakers, and the 2014 version has improved even further on the phone’s
excellent sound. Music sounded terrific in my tests.

While I didn’t run a formal battery test, the new HTC One lasted 29
hours for me, in light to moderate use, and about 18 hours in heavier
use. But those figures were achieved using a setting that turns off
all connectivity during long periods of inactivity, such as at night.



的自拍照插入大照片中),以及去年推出的用於拍短視頻的“Zoe camera”。


使用另一款叫做Gallery(不要跟Android的標準照片app Gallery搞混)的app





There’s also a new version of HTC’s Sense software, the company’s
take on Android, that features a new camera app and launch motions that
allow users to quickly perform certain actions by swiping the screen
when it’s dark.

The camera app allows you to select among six different cameras,including
a selfie camera, a dual-capture camera that inserts a small selfie
into a larger picture, and what HTC calls a “Zoe camera,” which
makes short videos, and debuted on last year’s model.

You can also create and save custom cameras that reflect whatever
manual settings you prefer.

Using another app called Gallery (not to be confused with the standard
Android photo Gallery), HTC puts the Duo camera’s depth data to use.
On photos taken with the standard camera, you can change the point
of focus or create a parallax effect. But I was frustrated that these
kinds of edits weren’t available for photos using filters, or those
taken with the high-speed burst mode.

HTC has also included a more readable, more customizable, version of
its BlinkFeed feature. This is a full-screen reader for news feeds and
social media. I was able to set up a feed for the Boston Red Sox.

The launch motions worked nicely. From a blank screen, if you swipe
from right to left, the standard Android home screen appears. Swipe
in the opposite direction, and BlinkFeed appears. Swiping from top
to bottom lets you make a phone call via voice command.

There’s also a TV remote control app, which worked perfectly with my
aging Pioneer plasma TV and my TiVo.

全新的2014年HTC One可謂HTC的又一力作,要是它沒有增重就更好了。

The new, 2014-model HTC One is another strong offering by HTC. I just
wish it hadn’t gained weight.
Is the New HTC One the One for You? | Re/code
The 2014 HTC One is a handsome, solid product with very good battery life, a beautiful display, fine photo quality and great call clarity. ...



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※ 編輯: notmuchmoney    來自:      (03/27 18:38)
woaine520   :只有重量可以說嘴了是嗎XD1F 03/27 18:41
iiverson649 :感覺上好像螢幕變大 其實扣掉虛擬鍵 也還是4.7吋2F 03/27 18:46
nba9999     :好歹也說個沒4K錄影遺憾之類 各家評論一致嫌重量3F 03/27 18:47
BCduckBC    :今天立馬敗下去4F 03/27 18:52
chiang15    :聽到電量只有2600原本死心.但聽說續行好像變得很強?5F 03/27 18:55
k268185     :M8是真的較長也較重 如果體積可以再縮小就好了6F 03/27 18:57
zorroptt    :看來真是沒啥缺點能提了w7F 03/27 18:58
retu77      :只嫌了重量…8F 03/27 18:58
zorroptt    :續航好像說比前代多40%  (?9F 03/27 18:58
chiang15    :M7好像是2300.以電量來看差約300 ?10F 03/27 18:59
JakeMcGee   :該作者是紅襪迷XDD11F 03/27 19:04
an138       :用虛擬鍵真的超虛 像M7那樣不就好了 外型也是M7好看12F 03/27 19:06
tutu760211  :外型每個人觀點不同 我倒是覺得M8好看13F 03/27 19:11
Masini1491  :所以遙控器功能還在?14F 03/27 19:14
AKSN74      :遙控器還在阿~ HTC官網的規格裡有寫紅外線發射器15F 03/27 19:17
trywish     :續行就差不多普通水準,各有勝負,就某些地方可以和16F 03/27 19:18
trywish     :3k機種打,但是遇到一些地方還是打不贏3k mah機種
trywish     :不過是贏過M7不少!(自家打自家?)
jasontmk    :M8和蝴蝶S一樣是160g 蝴蝶140g 新一143g19F 03/27 19:22
jasontmk    :應該是已習慣M7的問題~ 時間會減輕重量der~XD
jasontmk    :明天衝了!!!
rexagi1988  :提高尺寸跟金屬機殼比例  重量就是必要之惡了22F 03/27 19:28
feng760804  :我忍!!!!!藍色快出啊!!!!!!!!!!23F 03/27 19:47
mygoing     :虛擬鍵佔了部分螢幕真的很可惜 以不出現問題原則下24F 03/27 19:48
mygoing     :真的沒什麼好嫌的了
s213092921  :金屬多重量up up26F 03/27 19:52
jimei2      :看One Max就知道了 鋁合金體積多 重量升很多27F 03/27 19:58
Brightheat  :重量倒還好 我還嫌牛丸太輕28F 03/27 20:02
Ailycat0507 :看來頗受好評!良率好點應該不錯29F 03/27 20:14
jones2011   :就只剩下兩個問題: 金/紅/藍色機哪時出? 有進大省嗎?30F 03/27 20:16
ClioKaka    :我好想要喔QAQ紅色快出啊啊啊!31F 03/27 20:20
puput       :我要金色阿阿阿32F 03/27 20:27
APC         :推~33F 03/27 20:28
retu77      :等金色34F 03/27 20:35
henryyeh0731:那條logo 沒有功能真的很浪費欸!!不過還是坐等藍35F 03/27 20:43
ckuyar      :推!虛擬鍵是估狗逼迫的。電池可以更大。37F 03/27 20:46
QQ5566      :金 紅 藍38F 03/27 20:49
ninaAJ      :真心覺得這個重量我能接受!39F 03/27 20:49
netburst    :5"這麼重真的是可惜了40F 03/27 20:51
henryyeh0731:那只能希望虛擬鍵是利大於弊惹╮(╯_╰)╭。ㄈ有不41F 03/27 20:55
chunyulai   :很中肯  真的是能輕點就好了43F 03/27 21:00
formosa28   :評價很高耶 機皇對決就等蘋果新手機參戰了44F 03/27 21:09
WMX         :希望能叫好叫座45F 03/27 21:09
aaqqaaqq    :M8不錯看,昨跟今天以經在捷運上各看到一台46F 03/27 21:10
WMX         :推出都是評價最好的手機,偏偏市佔率越來越低不知怎47F 03/27 21:11
WMX         :麼辦到的
jumbotest   :評價好要剛好喜歡它的特色吧49F 03/27 21:13
WMX         :我不希望十年後跟小孩說說當年有個好厲害的台灣品牌50F 03/27 21:13
WMX         :推出一堆超棒的手機,可惜後來倒了!這是當年的經典H
WMX         :TC one
jumbotest   :例如喜歡金屬質感就評價好53F 03/27 21:14
jumbotest   :對帶套、會在意重量的人反而是缺點
chunyulai   :.........................戴套55F 03/27 21:15
hatchet     :光看重量160g,就覺得不會行銷,設計時減個兩克變158g,56F 03/27 21:20
hatchet     :看起來感覺就差很多耶
phi0918     :怒等藍色58F 03/27 21:23
henryyeh0731:以他結構的緊湊度來說,要再減2克可能要改用amoled59F 03/27 21:23
comit       :證明4K只是噱頭?!60F 03/27 21:28
jumbotest   :htc那條logo搞不好就是1公克 (?)61F 03/27 21:29
Kayusumi    :可惜沒用logo當指示燈62F 03/27 21:31
ChaosK      :LOGO到底有沒有隱藏功能啊...63F 03/27 21:40

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