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看板 LoL
作者 derekcheung (鍾培生)
標題 【情報】第一屆香港電子競技總決賽爭奪超過新台幣4,000,000獎金獎品
時間 2013年04月30日 Tue. PM 08:30:44

大家好,我們是香港電子競技有限公司,是香港首間法定認可的電子競技公司,致力為香港創造多元化及完善的電子競技環境。除此之外我們的電競管理團隊是由經 驗豐富的電競界人士所組成,包括前電競選手及從事資訊科技業界多年的專業人士。我們將於香港舉辦第一屆香港電子競技總決賽,而這次比賽亦是香港歷史上最大型,最多比賽項目的電子競技比賽,而獎金獎品更高達新台幣4,000,000。這次來到台灣的原因是希望促進各地電競交流,彼此互相了解電競文化,從而把電子競技推廣到世界每個角落。



是 次比賽將會有5種遊戲被列入為比賽項目,而比賽項目在先前已在香港各大討論區及Facebook讓網民進行公投。能脫穎而出的即時戰略遊戲有英雄聯盟(League of Legends)和星海爭霸2(Starcraft 2),而射擊類遊戲會有反恐精英 全球進攻(Counter-Strike:Global Offensive),另外格鬥型和運動型遊戲分別會是街頭霸王4(Street Fighter IV)和FIFA 2013。
比賽即將進行報名階段,亦歡迎台灣的朋友可以來一較高下,是次比賽已經得到香港首支職業隊伍HK Attitude應邀出席,相信當日必定會有一場龍爭虎鬥!


Hello everybody! We are Hong Kong e-SportsLtd. We are the first officially recognized e-sports company in Hong Kong. Wewish to promote and cultivate a better environment for e-sports in and aroundHong Kong. Our management team is comprised of an international team that havea wealth of experience including professional e-sports competitors andinformation technology specialists that have been involved in the sector for along time.

Weare going to host the first ever Hong Kong E-Sports Tournament this summer.This will be the largest tournament in terms of scale and prize pool in HongKong e-sports history. The tournament will feature a variety of games andevents and the tournament's cash and prize total will be over 4,000,000 TWD.
Here is some information about the event:


Thefirst Hong Kong eSports competition will be of great significance as it will bethe first major milestone for the eSports scene in Hong Kong and will helpfoster future growth. We will hostan international standard event comparable if not better to other majorinternational events. The competition will be hosted at the Kowloon BayInternational Trade & Exhibition Centre (KITEC).

Inaddition to the tournament, there will also be additional events/attractions toheighten and enhance the enjoyment and entertainment value for all of theviewers online and live.

Wehave selected the following games:
Leagueof Legends (Moba)
Starcraft2: Heart of the Swarm (RTS)
Counterstrike:Global Offensive (FPS)
Streetfighter4 (Fighting)
FIFA2013 (Sports)

Wewelcome all people from HK/TW and the surrounding regions to sign up and jointhe tournament. The HK first official team 'HK Attitude'will be competing! We believe it will be an event for the ages.

Formore information visit us at :https://www.facebook.com/HongKongEsports


※ 作者: derekcheung 時間: 2013-04-30 20:30:44
※ 看板: LoL 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 689 
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