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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-14 08:43:10
看板 movie
作者 uriel2231 (yuli)
標題 [新聞] 康士坦丁2要回來了!
時間 Sat Nov 14 01:44:02 2020

Constantine 2, a followup to the 2005 movie starring Keanu Reeves, is in the w
orks according to Peter Stormare, who played Lucifer in the film. Stormare, wh
o has also appeared in American Gods, John Wick: Chapter 2, and a number of vi
deo games including Destiny and Destiny 2, was a standout in the DC comics ada
ptation. Despite being panned by critics and comic book fans alike upon releas
e, Constantine has been re-evaluated in recent years, especially since Reeves
has experienced a major career resurgence due to the John Wick franchise.

Despite news of a J.J. Abrams-produced reboot, rumors of a sequel to the Reeve
s version have swirled for years. He and director Francis Lawrence, who went o
n to helm a number of the Hunger Games movies, spoke about their desire to mak
e the original movie R-rated earlier this year, and hinted that if a sequel we
re ever to be greenlit, they'd both be keen to return to make it.

Now, Stormare has seemingly confirmed Constantine 2 is in fact happening, post
ing an image of himself as Lucifer in Constantine on Instagram with the accomp
anying caption "Sequel In The Works." Stormare is the first person directly in
volved to confirm plans for a sequel, and hopefully his post is correct.

Keanu Reeves’ Constantine 2 Is Happening, Says Star
Constantine 2, a followup to the 2005 movie starring Keanu Reeves, is in the works according to Peter Stormare, who played Lucifer in the film. ...




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sicalover22 : !!1F 11/14 01:51
aromatics   : 這部算成功的魔改了吧2F 11/14 02:10
areett      : 卡3F 11/14 02:14
godofsex    : 期待4F 11/14 02:15
GrowUp      : 希望所有卡司都能回來5F 11/14 02:20
astrophy    : 連基哥都一起敲碗了,一定能成功6F 11/14 02:31
LengYu      : 帥,史上最帥的比中指7F 11/14 02:33
poopooShaw  : 太扯了,各種死灰復燃8F 11/14 02:50
perfects1988: ...基哥太香了~9F 11/14 02:53
kowei526    : 拍拍拍10F 11/14 03:08
armedlove   : 大讚啦11F 11/14 03:16
YOYOsister  : 哇 期待12F 11/14 03:20
imsphzzz    : 爽啊13F 11/14 03:24
j91121014   : 讚讚14F 11/14 03:29
a27588679   : 不是 你也稍微翻譯一下= =15F 11/14 03:30
Rainknight  : 期待第一部真的帥慘16F 11/14 04:08
nike00000000: 哇17F 11/14 04:31
paranoidlu  : !18F 11/14 04:39
GodMune0608 : 爽啊刺啊 如果上映我還不看爆19F 11/14 04:48
joshua830325: 超期待原班人馬再度回歸20F 11/14 05:05
Kathy92     : \基哥/\基哥/\基哥/\基哥/21F 11/14 05:22
jocker1412  : 菸商最大的Boss22F 11/14 05:30
zweihander99: you're breathtaking.23F 11/14 05:51
kenk0818    : 這部真的帥24F 11/14 05:51
akimotokenta: 最期待的續集啊啊啊啊啊25F 11/14 06:24
kelvintube  : 影史最強戒煙宣導片26F 11/14 06:27
pinkpatty   : 帥帥27F 11/14 06:28
Andyhaha    : 推28F 11/14 06:34
getgoods0623: 基哥太香29F 11/14 06:35
icexfox     : 喔喔喔,拜託劇本不要爛啊30F 11/14 06:36
rich3826    : 第一集已經是2005年的事,天啊31F 11/14 06:41
yoshilin    : 很難超越第一部32F 11/14 06:46
joe831211   : 讚讚讚基哥~~33F 11/14 06:54
pttdouble   : 若是五年內拍那ok 已經過15年完全不看好34F 11/14 07:09
odaaaaa     : 拍好該不會2025了吧!20週年紀念嗎?35F 11/14 07:36
pttdouble   : 202X年 撒旦用大瘟疫想要增加地獄人口36F 11/14 07:46
pttdouble   : 這時 戴著口罩的康屍坦丁出手了!
oak01       : 誰演38F 11/14 07:48
beachboy7   : 嘴巴很酸 要一直嚼口香糖39F 11/14 08:06
belucky     : 第一部太經典40F 11/14 08:09
royking     : 等預告片出來再期待41F 11/14 08:11
h56y        : 好棒42F 11/14 08:14
edc3        : 很期待!那個撒旦真的演得非常有魅力。43F 11/14 08:21
tim9527     : 拜託劇本不要爛44F 11/14 08:21
aquaticplant: 帥呆了45F 11/14 08:22
signm       : 假的吧,都傳幾次了46F 11/14 08:35

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